There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 898 Chapter 898, promoted to commander

The capital, the palace.

In the main hall of Qianqing Palace, the emperor was discussing with Yang Chenghua, Wu Jingyi and others about the battle between the Yuezhou navy and the Japanese pirates not long ago. At this moment, Xiao Yeyang's book was delivered.

The emperor looked at Zhezi in front of the courtiers, and when he learned that Xiao Yeyang had taken back Dan He, he stood up happily and said three words of 'good' in a row.

When Yang Chenghua, Wu Jingyi and others saw it, they wondered in their hearts, what happened to make the emperor so happy.

Seeing that Yang Chenghua and the others were curious, the emperor sat back on the dragon chair and said with a smile, "Yeyang has taken Danhe back from the people of Xiliao."

Hearing this, several loyal ministers in the court were shocked.

Wu Jingyi was the first to react and complimented quickly: "Your Majesty, Shengming, sent Xiao Shizi, a general who led the army to fight, to Xiliang. It was not even a year before the Danhe River, which was dominated by the people of Xiliao, was taken away. What a joy to be back."

Yang Chenghua and others agreed one after another, some said that the emperor was holy, and some said that the emperor had discerning eyes and pearls.

Although the emperor knew that these old foxes were flattering, he was really happy.

Ye Yang took the blame for him and was demoted to Xiliang. He has always felt a little guilty in his heart. Now that it's all right, he has done a great job in taking back Dan He, and he can justifiably compensate him.

"Ye Yang said in the excerpts that next year he will build the largest military horse farm in Daxia in Ganzhou Wei for the horses used by the imperial court."

Yang Chenghua immediately said: "Your Majesty, the Xiao Shizi is doing a great deed. Every year the imperial court spends huge sums of money to buy good horses from the northern Hu people. If Xiao Shizi can really build our own horse farm in Daxia, then the money will be used for us. It can be saved, which is a good thing for the benefit of the country and the people.”

The emperor nodded: "I think so too. You all said that this time Ye Yang is taking back Dan River and building an army horse farm. How should I reward him?"

Wu Jingyi glanced at Yang Chenghua, stepped forward with a smile, and said, "Your Majesty, Xiao Shizi used to command Tongzhi from the third-rank Jinling Guard. Now that he has made a contribution, he deserves to be promoted and rewarded. It just so happens that the post of Ganzhou Guard Commander has been vacant. , it is better to promote Xiao Shizi as a commander."

The emperor gave an "en" and said again: "Yeyang Zhezi also mentioned that the Xiliang frontier army was passively defending, and even the people of Xiliao dared to cross the border and slaughter the city. What do you think of this?"

Hearing this, Yang Chenghua and the others looked solemn.

They knew that life on the Xiliang side was difficult, but they didn't expect it to be so serious that the city was massacred.

The emperor asked Eunuch An to bring the map, pointed at Ganzhouwei and said, "After Yeyang went to Ganzhouwei, he built three important military towns on the defense line between Ganzhouwei and Xiliang."

Wu Jingyi looked at the map and nodded: "This method is good. With three important military towns, the patrol pressure of the border troops is reduced, and it can effectively snipe the Xiliao people who cross the border. If there is a war, they can also support each other in time. "

"Your Majesty, according to my minister's opinion, other guards bordering Xiliang can do the same."

Yang Chenghua showed his approval, but said: "It is good to build a military town, but the cost of building a town should be very high. Also, when a military town is established, the number of soldiers stationed there may increase, and the military pay will definitely increase the court's burden. burden."

The emperor pondered for a while: "Yeyang's daughter-in-law brought a kind of grain called corn from the south. I heard that it is suitable for cultivation in Xiliang. "

Hearing this, Yang Chenghua and the others moved their expressions.

Concubine Xiao Shizi is really prosperous enough!

Really want to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people of Xiliang, Xiao Yeyang can definitely stand on the side of Xiliang even if he is ostracized by local officials and aristocratic families.

I thought that when Xiao Yeyang went to Xiliang, he was struggling to move forward, not to mention that he was unable to move an inch.

The emperor went on to say: "The border defense must not be neglected. The idea of ​​establishing a military center is feasible."

Yang Chenghua and others knew that the emperor had an idea in mind, so they didn't say anything against it: "Your Majesty Shengming."

In the early morning of the next day, the emperor told Xiao Yeyang to take back Danhe and pre-build the Daxia army horse farm, and then the emperor announced that Xiao Yeyang was promoted to the commander of Ganzhou Guard.

The eunuch who passed the decree rode out of the capital on the same day. At the same time, in addition to appointing the imperial decree, there was also a military order for Xiao Yeyang to prepare for the establishment of a major military town.

After the court, all the officials congratulated Prince Ping, and even Yan Zhigao was surrounded by many officials and congratulated him.


In Guanglu Temple, after finding a yaman from Fang Shuo, who was an idler of the seventh rank, to return to the mansion, for the first time, he did not go to see Jie Yuhua's concubine, but went directly to Yan Yile's yard.

Seeing Fang Shuo coming over, Yan Yile was stunned for a moment, and then got up to say hello, "Why did Xianggong come to me?"

There was a trace of unnaturalness on Fang Shuo's face, but he quickly walked over to take Yan Yile's hand and sat down together, and said with a smile, "I was really busy a few days ago, so I didn't come here. You, why are you angry?"

Yan Yile snorted: "Yes, you are too busy, busy with your Xie Yu Hua Qingqing me and me every day."

Hearing this, Fang Shuo was a little annoyed.

If the wife of another family sees her husband taking the initiative to ease the relationship, she will definitely go down the ladder immediately. Yan Yile is better, but which pot should not be mentioned.

Fang Shuo took a deep breath, thinking that Xiao Yeyang, who was demoted to Xiliang, but was promoted to the third-rank commander within a year, considering that he might still rely on the Yan family in the future, he could only laugh at Yan Yile.

Fang Shuo could also be low and low, but coaxed Yan Yile into a wide-eyed smile.

For the next few days, Fang Shuo stayed with Yan Yile to rest.

The day before Xiu Mu, Fang Shuo mentioned about Xiao Yeyang: "eldest brother-in-law appreciates, we should go to Yan's house to congratulate uncle and aunt."

"Also, we haven't got together with the second brother and the second sister-in-law for a long time. I'll take a bath tomorrow. I just have time. I'll accompany you back to Yan's house."

The smile on Yan Yile's face suddenly stopped, and she looked up at Fang Shuo, who was looking at her with a smile.

She had not seen such a gentle smile for a long time.

Just looking at such a smile, she suddenly felt a little cold.

To retake Danhe, Xiao Yeyang waited until the initial construction of the city wall before returning to Ganzhou City.

At this point, it's already December.

It was also a coincidence that the day after Xiao Yeyang returned to the city, the eunuch who passed the decree arrived.

Guard commander.

Under the gaze of all the officials of the guardhouse, Xiao Yeyang received the imperial decree to be promoted to the commander.

On the day of receiving the decree, Xiao Yeyang sent someone to send a message to all the officials of the Qianhu and Hundred Houses under the jurisdiction of the Weisuo, and asked them to report to Ganzhou City three days later.

Xia Jianren pouted: "These are the three fires of the new official's appointment!"

Fan Tong retorted: "Why is it a new officer, didn't Master Xiao take over Ganzhou Wei as soon as he arrived?"

Xia Jianren snorted: "Before, everyone was concerned about his identity as the prince's son and didn't care about him. Now that the emperor has issued an imperial decree, he is justifiably taking over Ganzhou Guard."

Fan Tong shook his head: "Okay, I think Mr. Xiao is good, he brought us high-yield grains, and he took back Danhe, he is the commander, I am convinced, don't be so rude. ."

Watching Fan Tong leave, Xia Jianren frowned, wondering if Master Wei knew about this? Forget it, it's better to send a letter to Master Wei to explain.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the largest meeting room of the guard house, Xiao Yeyang sat on the main seat, looking at the officials sitting below, without saying anything to start, and directly let Xia Jianren be tied up.

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