There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 899 Chapter 899, kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Xiao Yeyang had Xia Jianren tied up without saying a word, which surprised everyone present.

Xia Jianren was shocked and roared: "Master Xiao, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yeyang glanced at Xia Jianren lightly, and at Defu behind him, Defu immediately handed a few letters in his hand to the officials present and asked them to get along with them.

When Xia Jianren saw the letter, his complexion suddenly changed. How could the letter he wrote to Lord Wei be in Xiao Yeyang's hands?

After Fan Tong and the others read the letter, they all looked at Xia Jianren in a strange way.

After seeing that everyone had circulated the letter, Xiao Yeyang said: "For me, maybe you are more concerned about the identity of the prince of my palace, and you may have overlooked a bit. Before coming to Xiliang, I was the commander of Jin Lingwei. ."

"I'm the best at gathering intelligence, arresting spies, and meticulous work." After speaking, he took the letter and threw it in front of Xia Jianren.

"Master Xia, do you know what your behavior is?"

Xia Jianren felt nervous, and said bravely, "I just reported the situation of Ganzhou Guards to Master Wei, and they all commanded the envoys to lead the guards. I did nothing wrong."

Xiao Yeyang sneered: "In the case of Ganzhou Guard, even if you want to report it to the commander, it should be me. What qualifications do you have to overstep?"

"Write a letter to outsiders in every detail about what happened to Ganzhou Guard, I think you are a meticulous work lurking here."

How dare Xia Jianren admit that he is a meticulous work, and quickly said: "I am not a meticulous work, Xiao Yeyang, please don't spit."

Xiao Yeyang looked indifferent: "Don't worry, I always pay attention to evidence in my work. I have written to Lord Wei, asking him if he asked you to report the Ganzhou Wei affairs to him?"

"If he says yes, then I will send someone to send you to Liangdu. If not, then you have committed the crime of leaking secrets."

Hearing this, Xia Jianren's face turned pale, and it is impossible for Lord Wei to admit that he asked him to report the Ganzhou Wei affairs.

How to do?

At this moment, Xia Jianren also understood that Xiao Yeyang was planning to use him!

Xiao Yeyang glanced at the officials present: "Wei Suo implements military management, everything here can be regarded as military situation, but Master Xia leaked the general situation, if this was during the war, it would be a serious crime of beheading. ."

"Come here, take Xia Jianren down, and beat the fifty army sticks again. From today, Xia Jianren will be removed from his post as commander of Tongzhi."

After finishing speaking, before Xia Jianren could resist, the two guards quickly carried the person out.

Fan Tong saw it and moved his lips, as if he wanted to open his mouth to plead.

Xiao Yeyang looked at Fan Tong: "Master Fan, do you have any objection to my handling?"

Looking at Xiao Yeyang's calm eyes, Fan Tong suddenly felt oppressed, and subconsciously shook his head: "No humble job."

Xiao Yeyang retracted his gaze and looked at the others: "What about you, do you have any objections?"

The others shook their heads.

The corner of Xiao Yeyang's mouth tickled, and his expression softened a bit: "I know that everyone here has some personal connections behind them, and you may not be very convinced of me."

"In this way, everyone is here today, let's make it clear that we are willing to follow me and continue to stay in Ganzhou Wei. I will not pursue the past, and if I want to find another job, I will not stop."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the officials present fluctuated.

Xiao Ye Yanghuan glanced at everyone's reaction, took a sip of the tea on the table, waited for a while, and saw that no one stood up, and directly ordered a few officials who had contacts with the commander and envoy.

"Aren't you going to leave? If you don't leave, you will have to act according to my rules in the future, but anyone who leaks the affairs of the guard office like Xia Jianren at will, will be dealt with carefully."

The officials who were named were all nervous, and the officials who were not named were also solemn.

Master Xiao dared to name them directly, which showed that he knew all about their situation.

This makes the officials no longer have any luck.

After a while, some of the officials named could not sit still and stood up: "Master Xiao, my old father is seriously ill, please allow me to resign and go home to serve my father."

Xiao Yeyang: "That's right."

There were people to start, and soon, several named officials resigned from their positions under various excuses.

Xiao Yeyang agreed very readily.

After the people left, Xiao Yeyang asked Defu to call in the substitute officials who had been selected a long time ago: "Okay, now let's talk about the financial problems of Ganzhou Wei."

"The finance of the guards mainly depends on taxation. I looked at the accounts of Ganzhou guards in recent years, and found that there is almost any other income except for the food handed in by the military fields."

Hearing this, the commander Yu Shi said: "Master Xiao, Ganzhou Wei is barren, and we really don't have any other income here."

Xiao Yeyang was noncommittal, and just said: "I came to Ganzhou Wei for less than a year, and I discovered a coal mine. You have been working in Ganzhou Wei for so many years, and you haven't found anything?"

Hearing this, some of the officials present changed their faces.

Xiao Yeyang: "Coal mines and other minerals can be mined, but taxes must be paid in accordance with the regulations of the imperial court. I don't care if I haven't reported it before, but I will send people to each Hundred and Thousand Households to register and record, and I hope you will cooperate well. "

Saying that, he paused.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. After I became Jin Lingwei, my favorite thing was to copy other people's homes. I copied many palaces and mansions in the capital. When I saw the gold and silver I copied, I felt very happy. ."

"A lot of money is a good thing, but the premise is that it can be protected."

"Everyone who is stationed in Ganzhou guards has no credit or hard work. I don't want to take someone to copy your home."

"Okay, I won't say much more. My wife has prepared some food. If you don't dislike it, you can come to my house for lunch later."

After speaking, Xiao Yeyang got up and left the hall.

As soon as he left, the others breathed a sigh of relief, and then started talking.

Fan Tong was a little uneasy, hesitated for a while, and went to find Xiao Yeyang.

"Master Fan, is something wrong?"

Xiao Yeyang was not surprised that Fan Tong came to him and looked at him with a smile.

Fan Tong was straight-minded, looked at Xiao Yeyang and asked directly, "I was also promoted by Mr. Wei, why didn't you drive me away?"

Xiao Yeyang: "Will you leak the Ganzhou Wei affairs to Lord Wei?"

Fan Tong shook his head: "No!"

Xiao Yeyang smiled: "You still know the rules, you still know how to stick to your own position, and you will also be involved with the people. If you do these things, you can continue to play the role of commander and knowledge."

The Wei family has been operating in Xiliang for several generations. Most of the officials in Xiliang have some relationship with the Wei family. If all these are eliminated, Xiliang will not operate.

"Okay, continue to be good at your command and know, your training is still good, and the training of military households in the garrison cannot be stopped."

Fan Tong looked at Xiao Yeyang and said seriously, "I will train the military households of the guard well."

Xiao Yeyang nodded. At this moment, Dong Yuanxuan walked in with the accounts of the coal mine, Fan Tong nodded at Dong Yuanxuan, and then left.

Because of the lack of manpower, Xiao Yeyang reported the situation of Dong Jiancheng and Dong Yuanxuan's father and son to the emperor, and with the emperor's permission, the father and son are now the eighth-rank governors of the Wei Institute.

Looking at Xia Jianren who was beaten with fifty military sticks in the square of the guardhouse, the officials couldn't help but feel fear towards Xiao Yeyang, and all kinds of careful thoughts were restrained.

At the same time, with the arrival of the emperor's decree, Xiliang officials learned that Xiao Yeyang not only recaptured the Dan River, but also built three important military towns on the Ganzhou defense line.

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