There is Room For the Poor Daughter

Chapter 900 Chapter 900, the banquet

Xiao House.

The officials sat cautiously in the living room, thinking that Xiao Yeyang asked them to come to dinner was just polite, but unexpectedly, he actually called them over.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little low, there was that active official, who smiled and said nothing: "Mr. Xiao, I don't know what is installed on the windows and roof of your house? In this winter, the house is not lit, so it's the same. Bright."

Xiliang is cold in winter. In order to prevent the cold wind from infiltrating, heavy curtains are hung on the doors and windows. As a result, the light in the room is very dim.

Xiao Yeyang smiled and said, "That's glass."

Fan Tong's eyes lit up: "Xiangyang Glass Factory, which was just built outside the city, produces this?"

Xiao Yeyang nodded: "When you leave later, bring a few pieces back with you. The glass factory has just been built, and not much has been produced. After the spring of next year, there should be some in the city for sale. ."

Hearing this, everyone looked happy and thanked them one after another.

Fan Tong was more daring. He stood by the window and knocked on the glass. He said with a smile, "We Ganzhou Wei has a lot of wind and sand. With this glass, we won't need to change the window paper frequently in the future."

An official immediately followed: "Since Mr. Xiao came, our life in Ganzhou Wei has improved a lot. If you don't talk about other things, let's talk about honeycomb, which has benefited the people a lot."

"Now that there is glass again, it is conceivable that our days in the future will get better and better."

Others quickly agreed: "That's it."

Xiao Yeyang smiled and chatted with everyone. After a while, Defu walked in: "Master, the food is ready, and the lady said it's time to cook."

Xiao Yeyang stood up: "Everyone, come with me to the dining room." After speaking, he walked out of the room first.

The officials sat down in the dining room one after another, and soon, they saw the maids come in with plates of various vegetables.

Ganzhou Wei is too cold in winter, and the food will be cold soon after it is out of the pot. Daohua simply does not cook, and directly uses hot pot to entertain the officials of the guard. This is simple and convenient, and there is no need to worry about the problem of cold dishes.

Looking at the green vegetables on the table, many officials showed moving expressions on their faces.

In Ganzhouwei, it is really difficult to eat fresh vegetables in winter.

I didn't expect Lord Xiao to value them so much. These vegetables must have been delivered by Xiao's house from outside, right?

Fan Tong is a food lover. Looking at the vegetables that are still being placed on the table, he quickly said: "Mr. Xiao, you are too expensive, we can just eat whatever you want."

Xiao Yeyang also knew the preciousness of fresh vegetables in Xiliang, and said with a smile: "I have been in Ganzhou Wei for a year, and I have been busy with business and have never invited everyone to dinner. This is the first time I have invited everyone to my house. , how can it be casual?"

"This is a hot pot recipe specially prepared by my wife. Considering your taste, there are two flavors, spicy and non-spicy. Let's try it with your chopsticks."

After everyone thanked them, they picked up the chopsticks one after another, and then got out of control.

Dong Yuanxuan, Su Hongxin and Xiao Yeyang were sitting at a table, looking at the instantly lively dining room, Su Hongxin said with a smile: "Everyone is sitting around eating hot pot in winter, it's a really good idea for younger brothers and sisters."

Dong Yuanxuan: "There are prerequisites, there must be enough side dishes." If they invite them to eat hot pot, it is estimated that they can only eat meat.

Su Hongxin immediately looked at Xiao Yeyang: "Where did my brother and sister get so many fresh vegetables?"

Xiao Yeyang said with a smile: "She built a warm room with glass on the village that was reclaimed from the wasteland."

Su Hongxin hurriedly said, "Then I'll take some back to eat when I leave."

Xiao Yeyang squinted and said, "The temperature here is too low, and the yield of vegetables is not high."

Su Hongxin didn't want it anymore: "Then I'll eat more now."

Xiao Yeyang shook his head, and when Su Hongxin and Dong Yuanxuan left, he still packed a basket of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, etc. for them.

As for the others, only a few pieces of glass were obtained.

That's it, everyone was quite satisfied.

After seeing the officials away, Xiao Yeyang went back to his room.

When Daohua came back from her work, she saw Xiao Yeyang lying on the kang with all sides upright, and asked with a smile, "Are your people eating well?"

Xiao Yeyang sat up and leaned on the head of the bed: "You brought out so many delicious foods to entertain them, and each of them was full of oil."

Daohua smiled and sat on the edge of the kang: "This time you are entertaining your colleagues and also congratulating you on your promotion to the commander. Naturally, I have to prepare more abundantly. Otherwise, wouldn't I be discrediting the palace?"

Xiao Yeyang smiled and hugged Daohua into his arms, sniffing the fragrance in her hair.

Daohua leaned against Xiao Yeyang's arms and said with a smile, "This time you are killing chickens to warn the monkeys, and you are treating guests to dinner. The officials in the guardhouse should all listen to you, right?"

Xiao Yeyang laughed: "If you want to continue working in Weisuo, it should all stop."

"That's good."

Seeing Xiao Yeyang's frown with fatigue, Daohua took off her shoes and got on the kang: "You lie down and I'll give you a massage."

Xiao Yeyang looked at Daohua: "You've been busy for a long time, aren't you tired?"

Daohua: "Compared to you running around every day, what am I?"

Xiao Yeyang smiled and lay down on the kang.

After waiting for Xiao Yeyang to lie down, Daohua sat on him and started massaging him.

There was an expression of enjoyment on Xiao Yeyang's face: "I really want to stay at home and not go out."

Daohua: "Danhe has taken it back, you should be able to rest for a while, right?"

Xiao Yeyang shook his head: "Do you remember that Ma Teng?"

Daohua nodded: "Remember, what happened to him?"

Xiao Yeyang: "That guy has some skills. I asked him to pay attention to the movements of the Xiliao people. Not long ago, he passed the news that the Xiliao people have also been training for the past two years."

"The frontier troops on the side of Xiliang are scattered, and their combat capabilities will not be mentioned. Because of the incompetence of the guards, they can't even eat food. Can such an army expect them to fight?"

Saying that, he paused.

"This time, in addition to promoting me as the commander of the Ganzhou Guard, Uncle Huang also gave me the tiger talisman that can mobilize the Xiliang frontier army."

"There are four guards on the border between Xiliang and Xiliao. According to the emperor's uncle, the other three guards should be like Ganzhou guards and establish military important towns."

Daohua's face collapsed: "Aren't you going to be busy again?"

Xiao Yeyang nodded helplessly: "It is convenient to build a military town. On the other hand, I have to inspect the defense areas of the other three guards, and those frontier troops have to be trained."

Daohua was silent for a while, and said worriedly: "Didn't you say before that most of the commanders of the nine guards in Xiliang are all commanders, will they cooperate with you?"

Xiao Yeyang snorted: "I have a tiger talisman, and the frontier army dare not refuse to obey orders." He frowned, "If the guards don't cooperate, it will indeed be troublesome."

The frontier army's rations are provided by the Weisuo, and if the Weisuo really wants to take this opportunity to be embarrassed, it will also give him a headache.

Xiao Yeyang sighed: "I have too few people I can use. They are all people who raise their fists when they disagree, and there is a lack of advisers who can coordinate the relationship between all parties."

Daohua: "Then what should I do? Write a letter back to Beijing and ask my grandfather and uncle to help introduce a few?"

Xiao Yeyang thought for a while: "That's the only way. The education here in Xiliang is too backward, nine and a half out of ten people don't know one big character, and it's too difficult to find someone with knowledge who understands the local situation. already."

These Daohua couldn't help Xiao Yeyang, so they could only say: "It may be that we haven't been here for a long time. You can ask Jin Lingwei to inquire more."

Xiao Yeyang didn't hold out much hope: "Even if there is, it has been taken away. I'll write to the capital later."

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