He saw Lu Hu walking towards him from the blood mist like an evil ghost.

Zhang Xianzu's heart almost jumped out of his chest.

"Slow, slow, who is behind you? Why do you have to put me to death? You should have seen the things in the carriage. These are just the least valuable things that I transported away in the end.

As long as you let me go, the belongings I have hidden in Anyang City are much more valuable than those on the carriage. Give them all to you and buy my life! "

"There is no one behind me. Does it mean that there must be someone behind me to kill you? Can't I just see you unhappy?"

"No one, just because I'm unhappy?"

Zhang Xianzu looked incredulous, how could this be possible? !

"Since you don't want to tell me, I still have a lot of secrets here. Forgive me, I am willing to work for the people behind you!"

Lu Hu couldn't help but laugh and said nothing. The one who responded to Zhang Xianzu was Shasha~

The sound of bare feet in the snow.


The muddy soles of his feet stepped on Zhang Xianzu's face, trampling his head directly into the snow and mud, making him unable to speak anymore.

"It seems that you don't understand people's words. I'm going to kill you just because you made me unhappy. This kind of unhappiness can only be offset by your head!"

A blood-stained hand grasped his ankle. Zhang Xianzu, who was about to die, was still making his last struggle.

"You really cherish your life!" Lu Hu smiled and moved his hand.

The blood-stained broken knife had cut through the air with a 'wuwu' sound, causing a large blade light.


The hand holding Lu Hu's ankle suddenly softened and fell.

Although this Xianzu was difficult to kill, he was killed in the end.

Lu Hu took a deep breath. Instead of feeling happy after finally killing the person he wanted to kill, he felt a little disappointed for some reason.

A kind of loss that has no one to kill anymore and has to end!

The soul that originally flew out suddenly fell into the body, the body became heavy again, and the complicated thoughts in the mind emerged again.

My body also started to feel sore and tired.

He gritted his back teeth anxiously, bent down and groped around Zhang Xianzu's body. There was nothing on him except a sachet.

This truly distinguished person has nothing on him.

As for the sachet, Lu Hu opened it and found that it contained spices. He smelled it and threw it away.

Immediately, Lu Hu threw away the broken knife and held the head in his hand.

Walking back quickly.

On the way, he adjusted his breathing and slowly calmed down his feelings of loss and anxiety.

"What's wrong with me?"

Lu Hu frowned tightly. No matter how slow he was, he still noticed something was wrong with his previous state.

He couldn't help but think of what Monk Kongwu said to him.

"Is this because I've killed too many people and become excited about seeing blood? Is this because I'm addicted to killing?"

At the same time, Lu Hu also remembered the gangster who was with him when he was on the execution ground. At that time, the jailer next to him said that the evil spirit entered his brain and he went crazy!

Is it the condensation of my evil spirit, or will it have an impact on my spirit?

Lu Hu lowered his head and reviewed the situation with furrowed brows, looking for various possibilities.

But as he continued to analyze himself in depth, he suddenly stopped.

When he raised his head and opened his eyes again, the scene of him fighting with those death fighters in the death arena seemed to appear in front of him.

When I saw him beating the opponent to death in a bloody battle, he had that heartfelt and bright smile on his face.

He couldn't help but stare.

"The excuses I just made are all. The fundamental reason is that I was already obsessed with the feeling of killing when I was in the death arena!

This was the fundamental reason why Master Kong Liao looked at him differently at that time.

It’s not because Master Kong Liao has practiced any magical skills that allow him to understand the mind, it’s just because Kong Liao is the same person as me, so he can see through me at a glance!

Master Kongko, he talks about transcendence, but the method of killing is extremely violent and bloody. He doesn't care about the blood splashed on his body, or even does it on purpose. Aren't he just enjoying the process?

Later, he buried the body and chanted sutras in front of the grave. What he buried was not the body, but the murderous intention and evil thoughts in his heart.

From the beginning to the end, Master Kong Liao's chanting was all for himself, using Buddhist scriptures to suppress the great demon in his heart!

Master Kongluo discovered that he and I were the same kind of people, and was afraid that I wouldn't be able to control my murderous thoughts like him. After giving the Buddhist scriptures, he also said that the next time we meet, don't let him kill me! "

In this world, there are always some people who are not interested in anything. Only killing people can please them, and the more they kill, the more excited and happy they become.

A beautiful woman with a beautiful body lay half-covered in front of such a person.

What they want to do is not to have a fight with him, but to enjoy the pleasure of breaking his neck with their own hands and feeling the flow of life in their own hands.

For them, the intensity of pleasure gained from the latter is much greater than that of the former.

Such people can be said to be mentally ill murderers, or they can be said to be born with genetic defects.

But it's always there.

In the society of Lu Hu's previous life, this deepest desire was not activated, so he was not aware of it at all.

In this life, especially after entering the Senluo Society Death Arena, his desire was aroused.

And it’s getting stronger and stronger.

The city was in chaos and killings were rampant. Lu Hu was already feeling hungry amidst the blood and chaos.

But at that time, he didn't clearly understand his emotions.

I thought it was the anger caused by the failed assassination of Zhang Xianzu and the unnecessary deaths of innocent people in the city.

It can't be said that there is none, but the most fundamental thing is that he can't join in and can only feel crazy when he sees other people feasting.

With this feeling of madness, he finally found a reason for himself when he met Zhang Xianzu's motorcade. Using this reason, he finally burst out his thirst for blood.

In this bloodthirsty excitement, Lu Hu was once again enhanced by the huge strength brought by his ribs and ribs.

As a result, after he recovered from the excitement, his body immediately became tired.

"Fuck!" Lu Hu spat out blood foam, which was the blood he had just bit his lip with his teeth.

"Is this method of psychoanalysis reliable? After analysis and analysis, I am born to be a murderer?"

Lu Hu still found it difficult to accept this conclusion. What chivalry was there before the co-authorship was just an excuse for me to rationalize my behavior?

He knocked on his temples, feeling that he was indeed addicted now, thinking of murder and blood-spraying scenes.

I feel itchy and uncomfortable in my heart, which is indeed a state of addiction.

"Damn it, it was definitely the ghost pill that was given to me!"

But whether he accepts it or not, this is the situation now.

"It seems that I have to read the Buddhist scriptures quickly!"

Lu Hu sighed, picked up speed, and disappeared into the wind and snow.

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