There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 147 Shanye Temple at night

After Lu Hu chased Zhang Xianzu into the night, the waiter carried Pei Yuan on his back and walked towards Shanye Temple with Su Qingqing.

Pei Yuan kept thinking about what Lu Hu had said before, and the waiter and Su Qingqing, one of whom hanged himself because of the wife of the Li family, and the other who died because of his father, were both in deep grief.

The night was dark, and several people were walking in the biting cold wind.

The heavy snow that had been falling had stopped, but the wind was still frighteningly cold, and the waiter's feet made a crunching sound on the ground.

He was wearing a thick cotton coat, his neck was hunched, his body was slightly arched, and he was carrying Pei Yuan on his back.

No one said anything along the way, and the atmosphere was silent and quiet.

After a while, I saw a dark building complex in front of me.

Shanye Temple has arrived.

At this time, Shanye Temple seemed to be forgotten by the world. In the silence of the night, it looked like a black monster lying on the snow.

The temple door has long been broken, revealing a dark hole inside.

In Lu Hu's absence, the waiter and Su Qingqing couldn't help but feel some eerie feelings when facing the Shanye Temple. They involuntarily slowed down their breathing, as if they were afraid of disturbing something.

When entering the door, the waiter suddenly saw a dark black bloody handprint on the wall next to him. He was so frightened that he trembled and screamed.

Pei Xuan, who was on his back, said: "Don't panic, this Shanye Temple was massacred by a senior master who passed by here before. There is no living person inside now, it is an empty temple.

If there is no bloody handprint, it is just what was left at that time, so don’t be afraid! "

It was okay if Pei Yuan didn't say this, but when he said it, Su Qingqing and the waiter became even more timid.

Fortunately, the bloody traces on the ground inside were covered by heavy snow.

The three of them entered the temple all the way without daring to go deep, so they stopped to rest in the first hall.

The Buddha statue in the main hall was interrupted by someone. The lower half of the body was sitting on the lotus platform, and the upper half of the body fell to the ground. The Buddha's head was broken and surrounded by debris.

Su Qingqing pulled the altar table out, and the waiter placed Pei Yuan on the altar table.

"Pick me up!"

The two of them helped Pei Yuan sit cross-legged on the altar table.

"I want to regulate my breath and heal my injuries. You guys will wait here with me for Brother Lu to come back!"

"Okay, Mr. Pei!"

"This temple is so gloomy. How dare we run around? Mr. Pei, don't worry!"

After Pei Yuan warned the two of them, he closed his eyes and remained still, and his breathing gradually became softer and longer.

Su Qingqing pulled a futon on the ground and sat on it, hugging her knees with her hands. Her body began to shiver due to the cold wind in the night.

She woke up from home late at night, wearing only thin clothes. On the way from the city to here, she felt sad and angry. Coupled with the fast pace, she endured the severe cold for a while. Now she calmed down, her limbs were suddenly stiff and painful from the cold.

The waiter didn't fare much better. He thought of building a bonfire in the temple to keep warm, so he dragged the fallen Buddha statue over.

"Miss Qingqing, do you have a fire chain or fire fold with you?"

“I came out in a hurry and only brought the needle pack, but not these!”

"It doesn't matter if we don't make a fire, Mr. Pei, but we can't stand it. It seems we still have to find a way to find something to make a fire in this temple!"

"But this temple makes people feel uncomfortable as soon as they enter. There must be something unclean, right?"

Su Qingqing revealed what she was saying, and the expressions of both of them changed slightly, and they looked towards the darkness around them.

Compared with the darkness outside, there is indeed a feeling of thorns in the back of the temple, which makes people feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

This time, the waiter was frightened back.

"Then wait until Uncle Lu comes back. Maybe he is already on his way back!"

Time passed slowly, and Pei Yuan, who was meditating, seemed to be in trance. There had been no movement since he had just given instructions to the two of them.

The waiter and Su Qingqing were waiting for Lu Hu not to come back, and they were waiting for Lu Hu not to come back.

There is only some heat in the chest and abdomen all over the body, while other parts are cold and there is a tingling sensation like needles.

"We can't wait any longer. If we wait any longer, we will freeze to death here!"

"Xiaoer, what about you?"

"I'll go look for it in the temple. There should be one in the monk's room. After all, this is a Buddhist temple, so it should be fine!"

"Then I'll go with you."

"You take care of Mr. Pei here, I'll go alone and I'll be back soon!"

When the waiter was about to freeze to death, he felt that it was not so scary inside the temple.

It’s all just to scare yourself!

While you can still move around, quickly light the fire.

He stood up resolutely and went out, closing the wooden door of the hall at the same time.

There are spacious aisles on both sides of the hall. The waiter walked in from the left.

Soon I smelled an unknown faint aroma. This scent was very light, but it was very out of place in such an environment.

At this time, the dark clouds that had been covering the moon were finally blown away by the wind, and the bright moonlight suddenly shone down.

The white snow reflected the moonlight into the temple, and the eyes suddenly lit up.

The bright sight made the waiter feel a sense of security, and his pace quickened a lot.

When he passed by the second hall, he took a look inside.

The layout is the same as before, with an incense table and statues in the middle, and a huge merit box next to it. There seemed to be some words on the merit box, but he couldn't see clearly because the distance was too far.

Then he walked all the way to the left side of the third hall and saw a semicircular arch with a row of monks' dormitories inside.

He found the nearest room and entered, opening the door as wide as possible to let in the fluorescent light from outside.

Inside, next to a Tukang, there was a wooden cabinet flush with the Tukang, with bedding placed neatly on it.

"It's all about scaring yourself, doesn't it mean nothing happened?"

The waiter went in and opened the wooden cabinet, and sure enough he found the fire folding book. Then he picked up the bedding outside and went out immediately.

As he walked outside, he saw a well on the left.

The monk's residence is the living place for the monks in the temple. It uses a lot of water every day, so it is normal to have a well. He saw the well when he came in.

But when I was going out, I felt something flickering out of the corner of my eye.

This made the waiter's heart suddenly sink. He didn't even look at it a second time. He lowered his head and stared at the snow in front of him, then trotted back.

"It must be a wild cat, don't look around and go back quickly!"

The waiter at the back shop ran all the way back to the first hall without squinting, and pushed the door open with his shoulder. When he entered, he saw Su Qingqing still sitting on the futon, just like when she left.

"Miss Qingqing, something is really wrong with this place. I just..."

The waiter put the quilt in his arms on the ground and said to Su Qingqing.

But outside the door, he saw Su Qingqing smiling at herself under the dual light of the cold moonlight and the glistening snow.

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