Lu Hu looked at the black bead in his hand and salivation began to form in his mouth.

There was an urge in my heart to swallow the beads in my hands immediately.

"Did this thing fall after I killed the evil ghost?"

He thought, "There is also this sudden feeling of hunger. Is it my magical power that is longing for this bead?"

Lu Hu was confused for a while. If he ate the things that fell from the ghosts, wouldn't there be any problems?

Because of dealing with ghosts, my body has been invaded by the ghost energy to the point where I have a high fever and am covered in cold sweat. If I eat this thing, will I eat myself to death?

But then I thought again, my magical powers shouldn't actively desire things that are harmful to me.

Just like people, when they see something harmful to themselves in nature, whether it is animals or food, they will instinctively feel disgust.

This is a biological instinct that has evolved over time.

But now that my body is so thirsty for beads, it shouldn’t be a big problem!

Lu Hu decided to follow his instinctive reaction and stuffed the beads into his mouth.

But as soon as he took it in, he immediately regretted it. As soon as the bead entered his mouth, it immediately turned into an icy cold current and poured into his stomach, making him shiver all over.

Immediately, there was a sharp cramping feeling in his stomach, and cold currents radiated from his stomach outward, making his internal organs tingle.


Lu Hu clutched his stomach in pain and fell to the ground. He kept shaking and twitching. It felt like he had swallowed a piece of ice. A steady stream of cold air radiated from his stomach, and his internal organs were about to freeze.

Especially the heart, which was beating slower and slower under the erosion of the cold, and then a dizzy feeling of insufficient blood supply came.

Lu Hu saw that his vision went dark and he fainted.

Lu Hu had a very long dream. He was trekking naked in the ice and snow, and the cold wind was cutting his skin like a knife.

Every step was extremely difficult, and he didn't know where he was going.

There is no goal, no direction, just moving forward confusedly in the wilderness where the cold wind is howling.

Finally, he fell into the thick snow. He felt that a layer of ice crystals had formed on his body and was about to be frozen into an ice cube.

At this time, he heard the whining cold wind slowly stop, and a warmth radiated from his shoulders. The warmth continued to rise, and soon turned into a burning sting.

Lu Hu hoped that this heat could irradiate other parts of his body instead of just focusing on one place.

He even felt that his skin was being burned by the heat.

When his pain became unbearable, he finally opened his eyes and woke up from his dream.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw himself curled up on the ground, with sunlight shining through the iron windows on his shoulders.

It's early morning again.

He got up from the ground tiredly, "Fortunately, I wasn't eaten to death by the black beads!"

Lu Hu was frightened for a while. Because of his awakening, his body began to slowly generate heat, gradually dissipating the coldness all over his body.

He rubbed his face to refresh himself. At this moment, he suddenly realized that his high fever had actually subsided.

"I am cured?"

Lu Hu twisted his neck in joy, making a snapping sound.

I didn't feel any discomfort at all. On the contrary, I was extremely energetic and felt refreshed.

When he looked at the surrounding scenery, he felt it was several times clearer than before. He had a feeling of being highly myopic and wearing glasses. The dust under the sun was vividly visible, and even the scratches on the surrounding walls were clearly visible. Even when he saw Looking out the window at the fallen leaves in the distance, you can directly see the lines and veins on the dead leaves, as well as the black bugs crawling on them.

There was no longer any weakness in his body, but he felt like he had endless, inexhaustible strength.

He clenched his fist, his knuckles crackled like firecrackers, and punched forward.


Under the powerful force, the fist can easily create a burst of wind!

And this was just a random punch from Lu Hu.

"Is this vision and strength brought by the black beads?"

Lu Hu felt that when he woke up, his body was as if he had been reborn, and his strength was twice as strong as before.

Lu Hu's strength was already considerable, and he was known for his strength among those fighting to the death at the same level.

At this time, it has doubled, which means that his current normal punching power is the same as the original black tiger punch.

Level A's damage is increased to the original skill damage level!

Once on the death-match stage, he would be crushed by his strength. No one in the D-level death-match arena was qualified to compete with him. A few punches would end the game.

He quickly went to check the light curtain in his mind.

This sight immediately shocked him.

[Supernatural Power Master]: Lu Hu

[Race]: human

[Supernatural power]:

Swallow (50%): Swallow the essence to strengthen your body.


Not long after he was promoted to Devouring Magical Power, his progress has soared to 50%!

And luck also jumped from the original 0.2 to 1.0.

Just by looking at the changes on the light screen, you can roughly understand how far Lu Hu's strength has skyrocketed in one night!

He now only feels that his energy is unlimited, in order to better perceive how much his strength has improved.

Immediately, they started fighting Black Tiger Boxing in the house.

After the Black Tiger punch was fired, the room immediately started to hear the sound of hunting punches.

And Lu Hu felt that he had turned into a tiger, walking and jumping in the mountains and forests.

But when Black Tiger took out his heart and punched it out, he felt extremely relaxed.


A tiger's roar suddenly erupted in the cell, startling the surrounding birds, fluttering their wings and flying high, and flocks of them were frightened away from the place.

In that punch just now, in addition to the sound of Lu Hu's fist hitting the wind, there was also a low roar that his body could not help but let out.

It seems that this last move is the right way to pronounce the sound and use force together.

As soon as the tiger roar came out, Lu Hu found that three black energy faintly appeared on the fist he punched.

The temperature in the cell also dropped.

And his body was constantly shaking amidst the roar of the tiger, which made him extremely comfortable, as if he was experiencing a massage from the inside out.

It's just that this trembling feeling went away very quickly, and it all disappeared in just two or three seconds.

"What was the black energy that appeared in my fist just now?"

Lu Hu discovered the strangeness of his black tiger's heart-breaking behavior, and thought deeply about it.

"When I was fighting with an evil ghost with a kitchen knife, my killing intent didn't work. Instead, the kitchen knife was gone. I used both fists to damage the evil ghost. The black tiger took out his heart and scattered it with one blow. It can be seen from this , the root that can cause harm to evil spirits is not the murderous intention, but another thing in me.

An energy that only my fists can inspire.

Evil spirit! "

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