Lu Hu's eyes suddenly flashed, "As for the evil spirit, it was the evil spirit generated by my murder. The first time, I was probably inspired by the anger in the house. The evil spirit made me resist the first attack and held the kitchen knife. , the evil spirit on the body cannot be passed through the kitchen knife, so it is useless!"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, "And now that I have swallowed the black bead, Black Tiger's heart has been able to steadily stimulate the evil spirit out. Those three evil spirits should be the three people I killed!"

Lu Hu has now fought a total of four death battles, but there are only three evil spirits. This should be the reason why the refugee opponent was too weak in the first battle.

Thinking about it, if you kill anything at will, you can generate evil spirits, so the person with the strongest evil spirits in the city must be the butcher who kills pigs and sheep.

Finding a way to deal with evil spirits is what Lu Hu considers to be the most important method.

Lu Hu never wanted to experience that feeling of powerlessness in the face of evil spirits again.

Isn't it that I work so hard, even train and practice desperately, just to take my life in my own hands?

He was already getting better at this point, but the sudden appearance of the evil spirit plunged him into a bottomless abyss.

It's like fate is mocking him. No matter if you have supernatural powers, no matter how hard you practice martial arts, nothing can compare to the torrent of fate. Even an inconspicuous wave that rises in it can kill you. You knock it over.

But it's different now. I have mastered the evil spirit. As long as I kill people, the evil spirit will grow. And I am in the Senluo Society. Am I still afraid that there will be no one to kill?

In this case, when one's evil spirit becomes stronger and stronger, and there are more and more evil spirits coming to find oneself in the future, the roles of hunter and prey will be reversed.

After all, a black bead dropped by an evil ghost can increase the progress of one's devouring magical power by fifty percent.

At that time, in Lu Hu's eyes, weren't evil spirits just accelerators for the progress of supernatural powers?

Lu Hu looked at the rising sun outside, and suddenly felt that the darkness of his future had been swept away, and everything was bright from now on!

And at this time, it was time to deliver food again.

When Lu Hu heard the movement outside, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

I have been living in a haze these past two days, always waking up and eating.

If there were no evil spirits to invade, thinking about this kind of life, it would actually be pretty good.

While Li Mute was eating, he discovered that except for Lu Hu, there was no movement in other rooms in the D-shaped cell.

Last night, everyone here except Lu Hu died!

Several men in black clothes from Li Shan came in a hurry and began to collect the corpses. All the corpses were the same as before, cold and stiff, as if they had been moved from an ice cellar.

Li Shan did not go to other rooms, but went straight to Lu Hu.

The first thing I said after opening the door was, "You are still alive!"

After Lu Hu heard these words, his eyes immediately narrowed, and anger burned in his heart.

This statement shows that the Senluo Society is indeed aware of the existence of evil spirits, and they have abandoned the dead fighters in the T-shaped room and even Li Muba who delivered the food, leaving them to fend for themselves.

The quilt sent over might be the only mercy Sen Luo would have for these deadly fighters.

It still depends on the situation where they have earned a lot of money for the Senluo Society.

There has never been any tenderness in the Senluo Society. They have always been cruel, bloodthirsty, and ruthless.

Slaves who can make money are still slaves. Once they measure that the price of exterminating evil spirits is greater than the value of the Death Fighter itself, they will be ruthlessly abandoned.

Never treated them as human beings.

Even among Lu Hu, those who they felt had potential and were worth cultivating would not hesitate to abandon them when weighing their value.

After all, the potential that has not yet been realized is nothing compared to the price paid to slay the evil ghost.

Through Li Shan's first words, Lu Hu understood everything in an instant, but at this time he was not strong enough to wipe out this place with blood.

He forced down his anger and forced a smile on his face.

"Why, Brother Li Shan, I'm not dead, shouldn't I?"

Although Lu Hu suppressed the anger in his heart, Li Shan still sensed it.

But he will not pay attention to the anger of a slave, it means nothing to him.

"Of course it shouldn't be. You should have died, but you didn't. Give me a reason!"

Li Shan's eyes became sharp, staring into Lu Hu's eyes to judge whether he was lying in every sentence.

Lu Hu's expression remained unchanged, "Isn't it just haunted? My life is strong, even evil spirits can't take my life!"

This sentence was exactly what Lu Hu was thinking and was the truth, but it obviously did not convince Li Shan.

But he no longer asked, but gave Lu Hu a meaningful look and left immediately.

"Senluo Club!" After Li Shan left, Lu Hu's anger doubled and he punched the wall.


There was a loud noise, and a small crack was created in the wall by Lu Hu's punch.

The price was that his hands were covered in black bruises, and the flesh on his fists burst open, bleeding continuously outwards!

The pain made Lu Hu calm down.

"Strength, I need more strength!"

Lu Hu roared, and then swept away the food he had just beaten like the wind.

The food turned into essence and quickly dispersed in his stomach, and Lu Hu stood up directly from the black tiger pile.

The energy in the lower abdomen began to circulate throughout the body.

With Lu Hu's rebirth, the energy traveled much faster than before.

But it also consumes more nutrients on the body.

However, he is full of energy now and is not afraid of depleting it at all.

The hot flow of energy continued to flow through his body, taking away a large amount of energy while slowly growing in size.

When Lu Hu first gained strength, he was only as thick as a hair.

At this time, his strength had grown to the point where five hair strands were tangled together.

The strength became thicker, making his body become more scorching, and it became even hotter when he walked away.

Lu Hu noticed that the power that had already risen sharply was still rising slightly at this time.

Two hours passed.

There were footsteps outside the door.

At this time, Lu Hu was the only living person in the courtyard, so he naturally came to find him.

The iron door opened, and Coach Li and several men in black from Li Shan walked in.

But then several people stood up in a row, and a fat man wearing silk slowly walked in from behind.

As soon as the fat man entered the door, he looked at Lu Hu who was standing there with a smile.


When Coach Li saw Lu Hu still standing there minding his own business, he roared and punched Lu Hu in the abdomen.

Lu Hu's eyes flashed, and he immediately closed his hands, trying to hold down Coach Li's fist.

But as soon as he touched it, he was immediately shaken away by the huge force carried by Coach Li's fist.


A punch hit the lower abdomen.

Lu Hu screamed and was immediately knocked to the ground, feeling a sharp pain in his lower stomach.

"Oh, Coach Li is just fine. If he's broken, why don't we spend money to treat him?"

The manager persuaded Coach Li to leave, and Lu Hu saw a pair of exquisite boots in front of him.

"It's normal for a Death Fighter to be arrogant. It's this kind of energy that I fancy in you, so you have the Qi and Blood Pills, you are qualified to share profits and rewards, and you have higher treatment than others, but!"

The butler hooked the toe of Lu Hu's shoe and lifted his chin, forcing his head upwards.

"Crazy Tiger, you can be crazy, but you can't be stupid, don't you think so?"

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