As time goes by, the colorful sunset dims little by little, and eventually disappears.

Amidst the sounds of suos and cries, the sky also turned gray-blue, and all the brightness was blended into the vastness.

A chill spread from the earth, making Lu Hu's body gradually become cold.

He stood up, "Only strength is the most important. Only by becoming stronger and becoming a strong man can you truly control your own destiny, life and death!"

He had already absorbed all the dinner.

He looked at the large stone locks stacked in the corner of the yard.

He broke through to the muscle training period and his strength increased again. In a short period of time, his strength increased so fast that he felt that his body was a little uncoordinated.

This kind of incongruity is fine in daily life, but on the deathmatch stage, it may become a flaw that the opponent can seize!

"The body hasn't adapted yet and needs to be polished!" Lu Hu muttered to himself.

"First use this stone lock to test how far your strength has reached!"

He came to the stone lock. The stone lock was a rectangle. It had the same function as the dumbbells in the previous life. It was used by warriors in this life to exercise their strength. It was very big and had no weight marked on it.

Lu Hu first grabbed the handle of the stone lock and raised his luck.

The huge stone lock was immediately picked up by him.

He felt it for a while and found that the weight was still relatively heavy.


Lu Hu exhaled a breath of white air, and the stone lock was immediately lifted above his head.

Although Lu Hu's body is gradually becoming stronger, the time is still too short after all, and he still looks a little thin.

At this time, the thin body is lifting the heavy and huge stone lock. If others see it, they will be surprised that such a body can contain such amazing strength!

He held it up eight times in a row and it became difficult to sustain.

"Eight times?"

After having a piece of raw data, Lu Hu immediately began to try to make breakthroughs in the data.

He moved both stone locks to the center of the yard and began to lift the stone locks.

Push yourself to failure each time, then switch arms.

Do one set of two times, with each set resting for 60 heartbeats, for a total of five sets.

Lu Hu had always done bodyweight training before.

Bodyweight training requires almost no venue or equipment, has the lowest threshold, and is the best way to improve physical fitness.

However, it is not as efficient as weight-bearing training in increasing strength.

The biggest advantage of weight bearing is that it can individually train specific muscle groups.

If Lu Hu's current strength is ten points, but these ten points are the reflection of his overall strength, using his arms alone will be greatly reduced.

And strengthening specific muscle groups can bring the proportion of arm force closer to ten.

The overall strength does not change, but the punching power can be truly improved.

The last move of the Black Tiger Fist, the Black Tiger's heart-piercing move, is said to be able to double the power of the punch, but how could this extra power be generated out of thin air?

If you can create something out of nothing, it's not martial arts training, but cultivation of immortality.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the Black Tiger Fist accumulates power through the first three moves, coupled with the Black Tiger Fist's special way of exerting force, which helps the user to explode the whole body's power in one punch.

This is why Lu Hu's physical strength was extremely exhausted after finishing this punch.

Lu Hu was thinking about these issues in his mind while training.

He has no teacher, and his master teaches him martial arts, so he needs to constantly think and summarize his own martial arts.

As the saying goes, you can know autumn with a leaf, as long as you keep walking on the path of knowing what it is and why it is.

If you encounter problems in the future, they will be solved naturally.

After all, he didn't have enough time and resources to try and make mistakes.

After lifting the stone lock, it was completely dark.

Lu Hu started to fight the Black Tiger Boxing.

From the words of Li Shan and others, we can know that his Black Tiger Fist is only at the level of a small success. Since there is a small success, it must be a big success, even perfection.

There is still plenty of room for improvement.

The level of boxing determines how much physical fitness you can turn into strength.

Even if he has the strength to carry a cauldron, he has never practiced martial arts, and he is holding a broadsword with a child. As long as the opponent is an adult, it is not difficult to kill him with bare hands.

In the dark night, Lu Hu's fist wind mixed with the autumn wind, whistling in the courtyard.

Because he had just lifted the stone lock, his arms were still a little sore.

Therefore, when the last move was called Black Tiger, he stopped attacking it and kept thinking about the previous moves.

The more I practice my fists, the hotter I get, and the nights get deeper and deeper.

Lu Hu's physical strength also dropped to the bottom.

It has become difficult for him to maintain the wide open and close moves of the Black Tiger Fist, which is powerful and heavy.

The boxing style has long been unable to be produced.

However, this situation gave Lu Hu a different experience than before.

At first, when he was practicing boxing, he was thinking that the harder the punch, the better, and the stronger the punch, the better.

But now, he subconsciously thought about how to save energy as much as possible.

Can this punch be sent out with the strength of the waist and hips? Can that punch be used to borrow the force of the counter-shock?

This kind of thinking suddenly opened a new world for him.

The Black Tiger Fist, which was originally inferior and crude in his eyes, began to become unfamiliar, and the difficulty of practicing it suddenly soared.

And the more he fought, the more excited he became, and his intuition told him that his idea was right.

But for some reason, in his constant attempts, Black Tiger Fist became clumsy, extremely stiff, and completely lost its fluency, just like a layman who had just practiced boxing.


Lu Hu stopped, panting, and took a handful of ice water from the water tank with both hands, and put it on his face.

The cold water quickly took away the heat on Lu Hu's face, and even the cold wind caused some stinging.

But it also cleared up his somewhat groggy mind.

"The general direction should be fine. The problem lies in the specific implementation. How should we adjust it?"

Suddenly, he thought of a very famous and widely circulated boxing technique in his previous life.

Tai Chi!

“Tai Chi, as the most famous boxing method in the previous life, has been improved many times, but there must still be some boxing principles in it.

No matter how Tai Chi is improved, its most distinctive features will always remain.

It’s just slow!

Play slowly, the slower the better!

Maybe, I should imitate Tai Chi now and slow down the Black Tiger Boxing! "

After thinking about it, Lu Hu immediately started trying.

As he opened the boxing frame, he exerted force on his shoulders bit by bit, from the shoulders to the elbows, using the elbows to drive the fists.

The momentum is strong and the Black Tiger Fist, which pursues ferocity, changes drastically.

It is no different from a set of radio gymnastics. If someone who has practiced Black Tiger Boxing looks at the boxing technique at this time, they will definitely not recognize it!

But Lu Hu, under this gentleness, carefully experienced the operation of force.

Run fast on the road to understanding boxing!

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