Lu Hu tried to apply the concepts of Tai Chi in his previous life to the practice of Black Tiger Boxing.

As his movements became slower and slower, a different feeling arose in his heart. He felt that many details in the Black Tiger Fist moves had been overlooked by him before.

One or two details may not play any role in the overall boxing technique, but when they are gathered together, when the number of neglected details reaches a certain level, they become a behemoth that cannot be ignored.

Now when Lu Hu is polishing the details of each move and style, he feels that Black Tiger Fist still has extremely delicate aspects.

Moreover, he also discovered that the slowed down Black Tiger Fist actually consumed more energy than the swift and fierce one.

A book, in daily life, no one will feel that it has any weight.

But if your arms are straight, perform lifts for four or five minutes.

You will immediately feel that the originally light book becomes extremely heavy, making it difficult to maintain.

There is naturally a factor of leverage principle involved, but the weight of the book is too small, even if it is magnified by leverage, it will not be like this.

Most of them are due to weak arm muscles.

Lu Hu encountered this situation now, and his arms soon began to tremble.

“When I’m boxing, I always hit faster and faster without realizing it, because my body has an instinctive tendency to save effort. If I want to polish the details of Black Tiger Boxing, I have to restrain my instinct! "

He found that with a set of punches, it is not easy to hit extremely fast, nor is it easy to hit extremely slow. The easiest and easiest thing is not to be fast or slow.

This is the state where most people are.

It was already late at night. He looked up and saw the moon rising in the sky, then put away his fists and went into the house to sleep.

Today's harvest has been great. Only after a good sleep can we make full use of tomorrow's time.

Sleeping on a bed in a hut and sleeping on a bed in a cell gave Lu Hu completely different feelings.

Although the bed and bedding were all the same, he felt a sense of calmness in the hut.

My sleep was also much more peaceful and sweet.

A sound sleep all night, no trace of dreams.

On the second day, Lu Hu was awakened by the chirping of birds in the early morning.

The night in the courtyard has not yet faded away completely. The sky is bright and mist is still floating in the air. The sky is a clear and thin blue.

A dim crescent moon and a few sparse stars hung above it.


A wheezing sound came from the courtyard next door.

"The people who live next door have also started to get up and exercise?"

Previously, Lu Hu was in the cell, and the room next door was vacant. He had never heard any movement from other Death Fighters.

Now that he heard that his neighbor got up early to practice Qigong, he became interested and went out to the courtyard.

I heard a piercing sound coming from next door.

"Everyone who can be promoted to a Death Fighter relies on strength. Everyone knows that strength is the basis for survival. No one will waste time to rest. I don't know that I am the only one who is working hard! "

A sense of urgency arose in Lu Hu's heart, and he suddenly felt that his training volume was not enough and he needed to increase his training volume.

"I didn't expect that in the past life, I would have to roll with others in this world!"

Lu Hu couldn't help but laugh and began to practice yoga to warm up.

As Lu Hu entered the realm of muscle training, he discovered that yoga also had a good effect on exercising the large muscles of his body.

"Perhaps the reason why I was able to break through so quickly is also related to the fact that I have been practicing yoga!"

He thought to himself, breathing and moving in harmony with each other.

The body that had been sleeping all night was waking up inch by inch, slowly getting warmer.

I practiced until my whole body felt warm, and then I started to practice Black Tiger Fist again.

He found that the slowed down Black Tiger Fist also had a certain effect on strengthening the big muscles, and it was a good supplementary method in addition to the stance training.

"The three-pronged approach of Zhanzhuang, Black Tiger Fist, and Yoga can increase the progress of my muscle training state to an extremely terrifying speed!"

Lu Hu's eyes lit up, and he decided to put aside his physical strength and strength in the following training and train his muscles with all his strength. This is the most cost-effective way!

After that, he stood upright after eating twice, and practiced boxing at other times. When he was exhausted, he used yoga to rest and recover.

It can be said that time is used to the extreme.

I don't know if it's because of the evil ghost attacks or because the intervals between matches of the Dead Fighters are longer than usual.

For four consecutive days, Lu Hu had no fight to the death.

During these four days, Lu Hu studied the boxing techniques while eating, pondered the boxing techniques while standing, and also pondered the boxing techniques while practicing yoga.

Even in his sleep, he dreamed that he was boxing.

It has simply reached a state of madness.

And as his body muscles gradually became stronger, his ability to control the subtle aspects of his body also increased, and the time it took to complete a complete set of Black Tiger Fist was several times longer than before.

When the boxing started, it was no longer stiff as before, and gradually became smooth and smooth. After he completed one detail after another, he found that Black Tiger's heart no longer required all his strength to strike.

Instead, it follows his will. If you give three points of power, you can get six points of effect. If you give five points, it will be ten points of effect.

Such arbitrary urging made him realize that now, he had truly mastered Black Tiger.

Lu Hu was sitting under the eaves eating, his eyes dazed, and he mechanically moved the rice into his mouth with chopsticks.

Can't taste the food at all.

The brain is still thinking about boxing.

"Now, I have made up for all the details that I ignored before, but I feel like there is still something missing in my boxing skills, but I don't know what it is."

When I was lost in thought, suddenly there was a black shadow shaking in front of my eyes.

Lu Hu frowned, broke away from his meditation, and took a closer look. It turned out to be a small flying insect.

He raised his hand and waved it away to drive away the flying insects.

Unexpectedly, the flying insect circled around and flew back again, always hovering in front of him.

"It's already autumn, why are there still flying insects?"

Lu Hu had a headache because he encountered new problems in his boxing skills, and when he was disturbed by this flying insect, he suddenly became irritable.

The tendons on the back of the hand were so tight that it would take just a flick of the flying insect.

The hand tendons are like a bow string that is fully drawn. As soon as the thumb is loosened, the index finger is like an arrow leaving the string.


There was a crisp sound in the air.

The flying insect turned into a black line and was suddenly hit by Lu Hu against the wall.

And this crisp sound seemed to open a valve in Lu Hu's mind, making his eyes widen as he looked at his fingers.

"According to the previous life, the Black Tiger Boxing is an elephant boxing, which is created to imitate the tiger's attack method. How can the tiger's paw not have sharp claws? Without the sharp claws of the tiger, the lethality will be reduced by half!

I'm so stupid, I'm stuck in a boxing character. The palms open and close, the fists and claws change. The changes of Black Tiger Fist are at least 30% more! "

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