On the second day, after Lu Hu woke up from his deep sleep, he felt refreshed and energetic.

The powerful magical power of taking food, with enough food, could repair his body damaged by the crazy training overnight.

Not only that, he also felt like he had endless strength all over his body.

This feeling made Lu Hu feel intoxicated.

He was still hungry as usual when he woke up. Lu Hu got up and moved around.

There was a crackling sound all over the body.

Then he propped himself up on one foot and flattened his arms to practice his balance.

The knowledge he gained from the short videos of his past life told him that fighting is not just about strength and skills.

Body balance and flexibility are also crucial.

While breakfast had not yet been served, he began to exercise his body in this area.

Each yoga movement was crudely imitated by him.

His body was shaking badly, but fortunately, after yesterday's strength training, he now had core strength to support him, which prevented him from falling directly.

"I remember it was said in the video that when doing movements, you must coordinate your breathing to be complete!"

While Lu Hu was exercising, this point suddenly came to his mind.

He matched his movements to the breathing pattern in the video.

Inhale long and exhale slowly. When inhaling, retract your movements. When exhaling, stretch your movements. When you exhale all in one breath, make sure your stretch reaches the limit position.

After this attempt, he felt that the movements he had gradually become familiar with began to become unstable again.

Just adding breathing coordination made him feel strenuous.

Soon my body began to heat up, my palms felt swollen, and a thin layer of sweat formed on my back.

But he didn't feel tired. Instead, he became more energetic and seemed to be slowly getting excited.

"The effect is so obvious?" Lu Hu was also startled by the sudden change in his body.

"As long as it works!"

He will do his best to save lives. Anything that can increase his chance of survival, he will do his best!

"Gulu! Guru!"

Obviously he didn't sweat much, but after doing a few moves, his stomach became hungrier.

It feels like it consumes more nutrients for the body than he does push-ups and squats.

Finally it was time for Li Yaba to serve rice.

Lu Hu was already hungry, and like a starving ghost reincarnated, he destroyed these large bowls of rice at an astonishing speed.

This time, Li Mute didn't need Lu Hu to ask him, and he filled the empty bowl he placed at the door with the water on his own initiative.



After drinking a large bowl of cold water, Lu Hu wiped his mouth casually, leaned against the wall, sat on the ground, squinted his eyes, and felt the heat flowing throughout his body, nourishing his body.

"Even if it's just for this moment, all the previous training is worth it!"

Lu Hu sighed with emotion and suddenly let out a light sigh.

When he looked at the light curtain in his mind, he suddenly discovered that there was a change in it.

[Supernatural Power Master]: Lu Hu

[Race]: human

[Supernatural power]:

Taking (6%): Absorb the essence and strengthen your body.

[Luck]: 0.3

The percentage after taking magical powers has changed from 5% to 6%.

"Is this because the two days I've had enough food have increased my magical power percentage?"

Lu Hu's face showed joy.

He originally thought that with the magical power being so powerful, it would be extremely difficult to achieve 100% effectiveness.

"It turns out that it's so easy to improve your magical power. All you need to do is eat. I just don't know what will happen when it reaches 100%!"

But soon, Lu Hu's expression became lonely.

"Even though it is easy to cultivate magical powers, for me now, the most lacking thing is time. At present, I cannot expect that upgrading my magical powers will bring me any powerful benefits!"

After he thought clearly, he stood up and the food had been completely digested.

He just feels that his condition is stronger than ever before.

If we don’t train now, when will we wait?

Because he had made new discoveries in yoga, he first practiced yoga and let himself sweat a thin layer first. When his palms were swollen and his spirit was high, he started doing push-ups and squats.

These two movements can be said to be the most essential and classic fitness movements, with a large number of variations.

Any bodyweight fitness program cannot avoid these two movements.

And Lu Hu also thought clearly that as long as he grasped these two movements, his body's strength would definitely reach a higher level before the deadly fight in three days.

Time passed, three days later.

The heavy rain that lasted for five days finally stopped and turned into misty raindrops.

In the courtyard, the rain and fog were hazy.

"Click! Click! Click!"

The heavy iron door was opened by a chain, and two men in black walked out and walked straight to Lu Hu's door.


The iron door made a harsh sound. After it was opened, the two of them saw that the person inside was lying on the ground in a strange posture.


The sound of breathing came out, long and continuous.

"Lu Hu, there is a fight to the death today, get up and follow us!"

Lu Hu, who had closed his eyes and concentrated on breathing, opened his eyes suddenly when he heard this. After this period of training, his eyes became bright and clear. When he opened his eyes suddenly, it seemed as if there was light coming out of his eyes.

"finally reached!"

He stood up from the ground, and his thin body was now much fuller. Although he had not gained weight yet, his skin was no longer dull as before, and became bright and shiny.

Especially when he stood up, his body became energetic and big tendons stretched out from under his skin.

When Lu Hu stood up, the two of them felt that Lu Hu had given them a completely different feeling in just five days.

Thin and lean!

"Let's go!" Lu Hu said nothing and took the initiative to go out.

But he was stopped by the man in black, who turned his head in confusion and looked inquiringly.

"Put your clothes on!"

Lu Hu then remembered that he had been training naked in order not to stain his rarely clean clothes.

After a while, I even forgot that I was not wearing any clothes.

After being reminded, he quickly put on the linen gray clothes that had been given to him before.

As for shoes, there were none.

He stepped barefoot in the cold muddy water and walked into the passage leading to the underground death arena with the two men in black.

As soon as Lu Hu came in, he smelled the familiar stench.

It was a crazy mixture of sweat, blood, and madness.

As he continued to take steps, the smell gradually became stronger, and there was a murmur in front of him. The sound continued to get louder, and the surrounding temperature began to rise.

And Lu Hu's spirit, which had been excited with yoga, was also rising in this atmosphere.

The dark, long, damp walkway comes to an end.

The moment Lu Hu walked out, he heard violent shouts like roaring waves, overwhelming towards him.

The light suddenly became brighter, and the surrounding stands were filled with spectators who had been excited by the previous games.

Fanatic emotions poured out along with all kinds of swear words, and everyone was like a wild beast that chose others to devour!

But at the same time, they are also maggots of desire, squirming and roiling throughout the city!

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