Lu Hu took a long breath, letting the foul smell penetrate deep into his body.

Then he tasted a hint of sweetness from the smell.

"Since it is inevitable to go on stage and kill people, only by accepting it can you get off the stage alive!" he thought to himself.

After some psychological suggestion.

The stinky air no longer corroded him, but turned into a force that merged into his body.

The death fighting stage was stained with blood, and two men in black were moving the losers of the previous match down. The burly man who had previously announced that Lu Hu had won was presiding over the stage.

"Everyone, no matter whether we won or lost the bet before, it is an unchangeable outcome. Let us calm down for a moment and face the next fight to the death. This time, who will be the winner?

This time, it was Lu Hu, a T-level death fighter who had just been promoted from a refugee!

And Wang Er with the same identity!

These two beasts beat their opponents to a pulp in the first game. I don’t know who will survive this time. I believe everyone who has already placed a bet has your own choice. Without further ado, let the two The beast is out of the cage! "

The burly man had been presiding over the death duel here for a long time, and his words had been polished to be extremely inflammatory. After saying this, he successfully made the whole place roar again.

In the front row of the stands, Mr. Ning, who had previously rewarded Lu Hu with ten taels of silver, was also present. As a son of a wealthy family in Anyang Mansion, he obviously had the financial resources to watch higher-level death matches, but as a regular guest of death matches, he The fun lies in discovering new people.

Find a talented death fighter, watch him climb up from the bottom, one game at a time, and completely witness his rise.

Only in this way can he bring the greatest joy, and this can also give him more talk and a greater voice in the circle.

And this is what he believes to be the ultimate charm of death fighting.

The name Lu Hu was on his gambling ticket, and his expression became even more excited, and he screamed together with the people around him.

Facing the two corridors of the death fighting platform, Lu Hu and Wang Er walked towards the death fighting platform under the instructions of their respective men in black.

Wang Er used to be a gangster in the village. He idled around all year round and found troubles and fights. With his height of 1.7 meters, he was considered tall and strong in the village. After becoming a refugee due to the disaster, he was successfully elected to the Senluo Society.

Relying on his ruthless nature and rich fighting experience, he successfully beat another refugee to death and is still alive today.

Wang Er's face was pale and his expression was gloomy. He lowered his head and silently walked towards the death fighting platform.

Having lived in a village for a long time, he had never seen such a lively and noisy scene before. Even though this was the second time, it still made him extremely nervous.

Anyone who has been on stage knows that people's attention is stressful. Even if many people are extremely successful, after walking on stage, they will still be nervous and unable to speak because of the attention of everyone.

The first time Lu Hu came on stage, he was actually no different from Wang Er, but this time he was different.

Having practiced yoga in advance, he was already in high spirits. Before walking out of the corridor, he took a few deep breaths and then appeared with a smile on his face.

On the way, he kept looking at the surrounding spectators, showing a confident look.

As the saying goes, comparing one person to another will lead to death, while comparing goods will lead to throwing away!

The huge difference between Lu Hu and Wang Er's performances immediately made the audience dissatisfied with Wang Er.

Especially those who bet on Wang Er to win.

"Damn it, this bastard is like a dead dog, with a dead look on his face. I was really blind when I bought him!"

"You bitch, lift your head up for me, you look so bad, you are so unlucky!"

The large amount of abuse immediately made Wang Er feel more psychological pressure, and his hands even began to tremble slightly.

On the other hand, Lu Hu's side was filled with applause.

This effect was exactly what Lu Hu wanted. He knew that although a fight to the death was a fight of life and death, it was still a fight after all.

Your mental state will directly affect your performance on stage.

In previous lives, some athletes used to use tactical swear words at each other to interfere with each other's psychology and irritate each other.

Because whether it is a life-and-death fight or a competition, calmness is the most perfect state!

There are rows of closed private rooms above the stands of the deathmatch arena, which are prepared for distinguished guests. However, because the level of deathmatch is too low, the private rooms here have been vacant for a long time.

But today, there were three people standing inside.

One is fat, the other is old, a big man!

"This Lu Hu is not good at martial arts, but he has a talent for acting. He didn't waste my time!"

The fat man touched the two mustaches on his lips and smiled.

"Indeed, this kid is extremely smart and knows what the audience wants. He was able to figure it out in the second game without anyone telling him anything. This understanding is indeed worthy of praise!"

The old man stood behind the big fat man and said.

"The foundation of martial arts is too poor, and it will never become a great talent. It is just wandering in the quagmire, and it is not worth cultivating!"

A tall man in black clothes with a height of two meters said in a loud voice.

Even though the first two people expressed their appreciation for Lu Hu, he still made negative remarks.

"Haha, what Coach Li said makes sense, let's take a look!"

The two walked to the stage and stood, and a gong sounded outside the venue.

The fight to the death has officially begun.

Lu Hu stared hard at his opponent. He did not take it lightly because of the advantage he had gained outside the court before. He still kept his spirits up. After all, this was a fight to the death. In matters of life and death, there was no chance of being careless.

He made fists with both hands, put his right hand in front of his chin, and his left hand in front of his lower abdomen. He stood with his feet apart and forward, making a fighting posture in his previous life.

Lu Hu trained himself in boxing during the last two days of the five days.

He didn't know the advanced theory of boxing, but the simplest straight punch, swing punch, and uppercut, even ordinary people who had never practiced boxing knew roughly.

In the past two days, he spent all his time training on these three types of boxing.

The method is also very simple. Do three types of punches, hit each one a hundred times, rest for fifteen minutes, and then continue.

Until now, Lu Hu dared not say what achievements he had made in boxing, but he was already familiar with the power and combination of the three types of boxing.

Wang Er lowered his body and spread his hands on both sides, making a posture similar to sumo wrestling.

Anyone who can win a fight, no matter what, has killed one person, and nothing is impossible.

Seeing that the other party did not dare to attack rashly, Lu Hu knew that the other party's spirit had weakened him to the lowest point.

Strike first and strike later to control others!

Seeing this, Lu Hu couldn't be polite. He stepped forward and struck Wang Er's head with a jab that was fast and hard, bringing with it an evil wind.

Wang Er wanted to dodge, but his hand-eye coordination was not good enough. He was a beat too slow and let the punch hit his left cheek directly.

Although it was not a hit, Wang Er's head was still deflected by the force of the punch.

The fist peak was like a sharp knife, cutting a gash on the face with one stroke, and blood splattered out!

Blood was visible as soon as the shot was taken, which made the audience extremely excited and shouted again.

Lu Hu's attack did not stop due to the sudden burst of sound. Taking advantage of Wang Er's injury, he fired jabs one after another.

The physical fitness gained from crazy training exploded with amazing power at this time, and the fists were struck like raindrops.

Wang Er received a punch and felt a burning sting on his face. He immediately reacted and quickly put his hands in front of him to defend himself.

The subsequent jabs all hit Wang Er's arms. Although the blows made him retreat repeatedly, his body was not knocked down.

After Lu Hu attacked for a long time, he felt that his physical energy was consumed much faster during the battle than during training.

After he finally opened Wang Er's arm with one punch, he wanted to follow up with an uppercut and hit his jaw, as long as this punch hit.

You will definitely be able to knock down the opponent, and then victory will be in sight.

Who knows, it's not just because his physical strength is declining too fast, but also because Wang Er has been prepared for it.

At the moment when his jab and uppercut connected, Wang Er suddenly jumped forward, hugged his waist directly, and knocked him down hard.

"Well done!"

"seize this chance!"

Wang Er's supporters, who were already feeling as if they were mourning for their heirs, saw the situation on the stage suddenly reversed and immediately started shouting excitedly.

After Wang Er knocked down Lu Hu, he pressed his whole body on Lu Hu's body and quickly grabbed Lu Hu's neck with both hands.

When Lu Hu was knocked down, he knew something was wrong and punched Wang Er in the temple. However, when the punch was sent, his feet were already off the ground. His center of gravity was unstable and he could not exert any force. Wang Er was only hit in the eyes. Add another bloody mouth.

At this time, Wang Er's big hand had already pinched Lu Hu's neck, and a powerful force suddenly erupted from his hand.

The suffocation and blood blockage made Lu Hu's face turn red instantly.

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