There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 55 Certificate of Voting

After Lu Hu entered, he ran to the yard without stopping, climbed up the wall of the house, glanced around the roof, and after identifying the direction, he immediately headed north.

Before, he was in the bandit team and heard that the group's target was the east gate, and there was someone there to respond.

But now they were blocked by officials, and they were following the gangsters to the east. The target was too big, and whether they could successfully rush to the east gate was questionable. It was better to get out in time and let the gangsters attract firepower.

Anyway, they met by chance, and they didn't rely on each other to escape. There was nothing to say when they parted ways at this time.

After Lu Hu pulled away.

On the long street, the group of villains also took advantage of Wang Captou's opportunity to deal with Lu Hu, killed the policemen, and rushed over.

The collision between the two sides was very fast, only four to five seconds.

But the result was extremely tragic. Only four of the bandits, including Yang Lei, were able to break through.

On the police side, eight people fell.

In the drizzle, bloody footprints stretched all the way.


Wang Captou looked coldly at the backs of Lu Hu and the others, shouted low, and took the lead in chasing after them.

The other police officers looked pale and gritted their teeth as they chased after him.

At this time, the long street was full of pools of blood, and there were broken limbs and arms everywhere. The fishy smell assaulted the nostrils, and even the rain could not wash it away.

There was bleakness and dead silence everywhere.

Yang Lei and the four villains rushed to a crossroads, and everyone quickly looked around.

"This way, the east gate, big brother is there to take care of you!"

"Where's the second brother?"

At this time, the villain discovered that the second brother with a mustache who was responsible for leading the team this time was not among the four people.

"Didn't the second brother rush out? It's impossible. With the second brother's martial arts, it's impossible!"

Several people will be killed immediately.

Suddenly a big hand grabbed his wrist.

"Huh?" The man's eyes flashed fiercely, and he turned around to see that it was Yang Lei who caught him.

"I saw that the man with the mustache had sex with my brother on the execution ground and was not detained. Should we go to the east gate to meet them first?"

"Is this true?"

"Damn it, I saw it clearly. My brother crashed into the wooden door on the street, and your second brother followed him. Do you think I am greedy for life and afraid of death, so I lied to you?"

Several people looked at Yang Lei with blood on his face and believed him after thinking that he had taken the lead in digging the formation before.

"Okay, go to the east gate and meet up with eldest brother, second brother and the others!"

Lu Hu was like a big cat, jumping and running on the roof. After a while, he heard the sound of wind coming from behind.

"Why did this official go after me alone instead of catching those gangsters?"

Lu Hu cursed in his heart and moved faster.

"Brother, wait for me, the direction is wrong, it's not the north gate, it's the east gate!"

There were shouts from behind, and when Lu Hu turned around, he saw that the man following him was the man with the mustache who was in charge of the command among the gangsters.

Lu Hu saw the man approaching him very quickly.

His eyes suddenly shrank, and he had some kind of guess in his mind. Without responding, he turned around and continued running towards the north.

"Brother, wait for me!"

The man kept shouting, but Lu Hu just kept his head on his way and said nothing.

The four of them, Yang Lei, were bitten by Wang Captou and other policemen behind them. As they fled, they were constantly intercepted by policemen in front of them.

But those who could still survive at this time were all the best among the evil bandits. The four of them formed a fighting formation and kept fighting their way out of the siege.

The policemen behind joined Wang Baotou and others, resulting in more and more pursuers behind them.

Anyang Fucheng, east gate, on the teahouse on the west side.

A middle-aged man wearing a black brocade robe with gold trim was sitting on the tea table by the window, drinking tea slowly.

"People are almost here!"

"If you want to get back to me, sir, it's almost time!"

Behind the man in brocade clothes, a scarred face appeared.

"This time, don't blame me for being cruel. Who made you miss last time? This is the price!"

"My subordinates dare not!"

"You are in the marrow training stage, you have been stuck here for a long time! You are trapped in the viscera training method, look what this is!"

The man in brocade stretched out his hand and lifted the yellow cloth covering the table.

A book was revealed.

There are several big words written on the outer cover of the book: Six Yang Conquering Qi Method!

When Scarface saw these words, his eyes suddenly became hot.

"I know it's not easy for you, so I'll give you this technique to help you break through the visceral training stage!"

"Thank you for the reward, sir!"

With an excited look on his face, Scarface knelt down on one knee and raised his hands, waiting for the man in robes to give him the secret book of martial arts.

Only he himself knows how much he has paid for today and this moment.

Unexpectedly, what I picked up was cold and heavy.

Scarface looked up and found that what he was holding was not the Six Yang Conquering Qi Technique, but a fine big bow!

"Master Feng wants to give you an explanation, which can also be regarded as your certificate of surrender. You personally send your brother on his last journey, and let your brother help you in the end!"

The words of the man in robes were so cold that Scarface was moved by them. He raised his head and saw the man in robes sitting on the stool, looking down at his eyes.

"Why, are you soft-hearted?"

"Not soft!"

A pair of big hands immediately grasped the big bow tightly.

"The east gate is right in front!"

Yang Lei and the others were running down the street covered in blood, with officials chasing after them behind them!

However, as Yang Lei and others got closer and closer to the east gate, incredible looks appeared in their eyes.

The city gate is closed!

"The city gate is closed, where are you, boss?"

"Impossible? Why is the door closed? But there are no guards. He must have been lured away by big brother. Go over and open the door!"

Several people rushed to the city, and then they joined forces to lift the heavy wooden door latch!


A black shadow flew past.


A villain who was raising the door bolt was immediately pierced by a flying arrow and nailed to the city gate.

"Third brother!"

The other two villains were shocked and howled.

Immediately, two arrows were fired, and two blood mist burst out, dyeing the city gate red.

The two villains held the giant tree with both hands, unable to dodge, and were also pinned.

The two stared in the direction of the arrow, and saw a man with red eyes and a ferocious face standing on the second floor of the teahouse.

"Big brother~?"

The two of them never expected that their elder brother, who they thought was luring the gate guards away for them, would actually appear there with a big bow in his hand!

These two people finally understood everything at this time. Where is the annexation and where is the retreat from the east gate?

Their eldest brother has long become the lackey of the big shots in the city, using their brother's head as his own ladder to success.


The two looked at each other, roared, and tried their best to push down the door latch.

Yang Lei pushed open the heavy city gate, and the gate opened a corner, just when he was about to escape.

The last arrow flew.

Yang Lei's head exploded!

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