The continuous autumn rain finally stopped, and the sky gave off a soft glow, clear and misty.

A few rays of white light were projected from behind the clouds, making it a bit dazzling between the gray sky and earth.

Everything around him was silent. Under the illumination of white light, the moist air, like water that could be squeezed out, began to shine, giving people a dreamlike feeling.

Lu Hu, who was running on the roof, gradually slowed down.

The large amount of medicinal materials he had swallowed on the rainy night and the decapitated meal in the prison had brought him physical strength that was about to be exhausted in the execution ground and the long street.

If he hadn't realized the crouching tiger pile, and used the thunder sound of tiger and leopard to shock his body, he could nourish his body for a day and a night.

It's hard for him to hold on until now.

As Lu Hu's pace slowed down, the man with the mustache behind him finally caught up.

This man had been chasing Lu Hu for a long time, and he was already suspicious.

"Brother, what's going on with you? You don't want to go to the east gate, but you want to go to the north gate?"

Lu Hu had already made some assumptions in his mind when he saw this mustache following him.

The real target of this group of villains to rob the law field is probably himself, Yang Lei, who is just a cover.

I was on the execution ground at that time. If I had not left any backup plan, I am afraid that I would not have died by the executioner, but someone would have secretly rescued me.

And if this person wants to ensure that he can be rescued in time, he must keep himself close enough.

In other words, this person is also among the gangsters. According to the situation at that time, this person should have this mustache!

And the big brother they are talking about is probably Scarface!

If he went to the east gate with them, wouldn't he just fall into a trap and enter the tiger's den just after leaving the dragon pond?

Therefore, you must not go to the east gate. The north gate is where your true vitality lies.

But now that I'm not strong enough, I can't fall out with this mustache and rush out of the north gate, I still want to take advantage of him.

So come up with a convincing reason to deceive this mustard!

"I'm saving your life! Don't you know?"

"Oh? How do you start talking about this?"

"You brothers are killing people all the way. The target is too big. If you go with them, even if the east gate is really clear, whether you can rush to the east gate is a matter of two questions. Instead of doing this, it is better to use them to disperse the firepower of the officers and pass through the north gate. And go.

Look, are there any officials chasing us now? "

"We brothers treat each other with sincerity and live and die together, that's it."

"A man must be ruthless in doing things and not be kind like a woman. You came from the battlefield. Don't you still understand this?"

Lu Hu interrupted him directly and took the initiative to lead his train of thought: "Don't talk nonsense, the north gate is already in front. You and I will join hands and leave the city first. Then we will meet up with your brothers. It will be your village in the mountains. Is it safe?”

Hearing this, the mustachioed man narrowed his slender eyes and said, "Haha, Dazhai is where we live and work, so it is naturally safe. Brother, if you and I leave the city, why don't you and I return to the village to stay, heal, and cultivate ourselves, and then we can work together on big things in the future?"

"Okay, from now on we will drop grass in your village, and everyone will do something important!"

The mustache thought to himself that this person is a ruthless, brave and resourceful person. If his eldest brother had not found a way out, it would indeed be a good thing for the village to have this person join him. Alas, what a pity!

After Lu Hu stabilized his mustache with words, the two of them went straight to the north gate together.

The two of them were lying on an eaves not far from the north gate, looking forward.

I saw that the north gate was opened normally, and there were officers and soldiers guarding the area, taking stock of people entering the city.

It seems that the news from the execution ground has not been sent in time, otherwise the city gate will definitely be closed!

"Eight spearmen, seven more people sitting in the tea sheds on both sides, five bed crossbows on the city wall, and a total of eight archers on the left and right!"

After Wu Zihu and Lu Hu found out the layout of Beicheng, they felt chilled. With this configuration, it would be suicide for the two of them to rush through the door!

"We can't wait too long. Once the news comes and the city gate is closed, we won't be able to escape even if we have wings! But we can't force our way in and find a way to get out!"

It was not that Lu Hu had never thought of hiding somewhere in the city first, but with his mustache around him, he could hide from official officials and the forces behind Scarface, so he had to leave the city.

"Brother, I know a safe place in the city. Why don't we go there first to hide from the limelight, and wait until you recover from your injuries before leaving the city!"

Sure enough, Mustache made this proposal.

His purpose was to take Lu Hu back and hand him over to his eldest brother. There was no need to rush through the door with Lu Hu!

"No, to rob the court is to trample on the king's law. It's a way of beating the government's face in public. Once the city gate is closed, the whole city will be searched. They will dig up to three feet to find us. If we stay in the city, there will be no way out!"

Seeing that the mustache could not deceive Lu Hu, he felt agitated in his heart. Do you really want to gamble your life with this person?

At this time, Lu Hu saw a convoy of horse-drawn carriages approaching on the street below him. The carriages were loaded with wooden boxes and covered with thatch.

It should be a caravan leaving the city.

"Sneak into this caravan and get out of the city!"

After Lu Hu saw it, as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately set off in stealth.

The mustache in the back saw that Lu Hu had already taken action and had nothing to do. Even though his heart was filled with anger, he could only follow.


When the carriage team was moving slowly, a stone suddenly flew out from one side and hit the front horse directly on the head.

The hit horse was frightened and stood up. The groom beside him quickly grabbed the reins and kept rubbing the horse's neck without reaching out, and then calmed it down.

"Damn it, who's this kid!" The guards guarding the cavalry team yelled and cursed. They glanced in both directions. If they found the kid throwing stones, they would go up and slap him twice.

Just when everyone's attention was drawn away, the carriage at the back suddenly sank.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Everyone failed to find anyone, and there were people urging them from behind. They spat bitterly and could only continue to move forward.

"Lao Li, you're going with the convoy again. You've made three trips this month, so you've made a lot of money!"

"Hey, I'm just earning some hard-earned money. The shopkeeper has given me orders, so I can't help but run errands. Mr. Zhou, you lead your brothers to guard the city for the people. You can't rest in the wind or rain. It's too hard. At this time, our shopkeeper will honor your tea money! Give the brothers some tea and have a rest!"

An old man wearing a sheepskin hat grinned and thrust a money bag into the hands of the leading guard.

The man weighed it in his hand, and it was much heavier than before. With a satisfied smile on his face, he waved his hand and said, "Let it go!"

The motorcade passed slowly, and halfway through, suddenly there was a rapid sound of horse hooves from behind.

A messenger galloped over on horseback, holding a token and shouting loudly.

"Urgent order, close the city gate, close the city gate! Anyone who rushes to the door will be killed immediately!"

Before anyone arrived, the sound had already come.

"Stop, close the city gate!"

"Mr. Zhou, half of my convoy has left. Let us all get out. What does it mean if half of it is stuck?"

"Cut the nonsense!"

"Then let me out too!"

"Those who rush the door, behead them!"

The leader immediately turned his face and pulled out the long knife from his waist, while the soldiers on both sides began to push the city gate and slowly closed it.

At this moment, two blood shadows suddenly shot out from under the last carriage!


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