There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 57 Deadly Rain of Arrows

Lu Hu and Hu Zihu, who had been hiding under the carriage, heard the shouts of the messengers behind them and knew that it was impossible to escape from the city easily. However, now that the city gate was close at hand, they were only one step away from leaving the city. Where? Dare to hesitate even a little bit.

Immediately, he jumped out from under the car, turned over, and rushed towards the city gate in a flash. His short sword immediately slashed at the soldiers blocking the front.

The strength and status of the soldiers who can be sent to watch the city gate can be imagined. In other words, a person who has just entered the martial arts training period and has a muscle training period as the leader, how can he block the mustache's blade?

Two people were hacked to death immediately.

Lu Hu, on the other hand, rushed out from the other side and shot the two people in front of him with his tiger palms.

At this time, both of them had used their full strength and were extremely fast. They flashed out of the gap in the city gate at the same time, almost in no particular order.

"Someone is rushing to the door! Hurry! Bed crossbow, bow and arrow ready!"

The urgent call from behind has already sounded.

Outside the car, there were two carriages that had come out earlier. The guards around them were confused. Before they could realize what happened, Lu Hu and Mustached Hu flew over and got into one of the carriages.


After the two got on the car, they first broke the rope, then slashed the horse's buttocks with his mustache, and Lu Hu swung his claw!

The horse was in pain and ran wildly with its hooves raised.

This was Lu Hu's first time riding a horse. When he first got on the horse, he felt a little uncomfortable. However, he relied on his own strength to hold on to the reins tightly, so that he would not be knocked off the horse's back by the shock.

Then, he felt the up and down bumps coming from the horse, adjusted his center of gravity, clamped his legs, lowered his body, and exerted force on his thighs to keep himself and the horse in the same ups and downs rhythm, and he quickly adapted to it.

Horse riding and pile work have the same origin.

Zhuang Gong is also called horse stance, and standing is the basic skill of riding a horse.

Some people say that if you stand well on horseback, you can stand a horse in its place.

What it actually means is that when standing in the horse stance, the body's center of gravity rises and falls, and the eyes look forward, as if galloping on flat ground.

And Lu Hu's Black Tiger Fist is perfect, he can even improve the Black Tiger Stand into the Crouching Tiger Stand, and his kung fu on the standing stand is also extremely sophisticated.

So even if it was his first time riding a horse, after an instant of adaptation, he quickly became an experienced rider!

Just as the two of them were running wildly, there was a fierce sound of breaking through the air behind them.

"Bed crossbow?!"

When the mustachioed man heard the sound, he immediately exclaimed. He was afraid that Lu Hu was unaware of his power, so he quickly said: "It can't be stopped!"

As soon as he finished speaking, "Bang!"

There was a loud noise ahead, and a large pothole exploded on the yellow mud road. A huge arrow made of fine iron and three fingers thick was inserted diagonally in the middle of the pothole, causing mud to splash.

"Here, why is this crossbow as powerful as an artillery piece? Is this an arrow? It's just a spear with feathers!"

Lu Hu pulled the reins in his hand and turned the horse's head to avoid the pothole.

Bed crossbows are made by skilled craftsmen using fine materials.

It has the reputation of "piercing armor in eight hundred steps".

Install the crossbow on the bed frame and twist the wheel axle at the rear to draw the bow and load the arrows.

Several soldiers worked together to turn the winch, open the crossbow string, and install the giant arrow. When firing, the soldier slammed the trigger with a sledgehammer, and the machine fired the string bomb, and shot the arrow into the distance.

This kind of powerful weapon was used to defend the city on the battlefield. Now it was used to kill Lu Hu and Mustache. The problem of insufficient accuracy was exposed.

Three more shots were fired from behind, but they all failed to hit.

It was this power that frightened Lu Hu quite a lot. This kind of powerful weapon would only hit if it didn't hit. Once it hit, it would be impossible for a god to save him. No matter how powerful you are in martial arts, the person would still be shot and the whole body would not be left behind. .

Compared with the crossbow, Lu Hu had to be more careful with the bow and arrow shot from behind.

A volley from the archers on the city wall was already extremely terrifying when Lu Hu looked back.

Where were the eight archers, there were clearly twenty archers standing on the city wall at this time, more than double the number!

Twenty black arrows, carrying the force of thunder and thunder, came from behind to claim their lives.

Lu Hu had never imagined that twenty archers could already achieve such a terrifying level.

With only twenty arrows, when he faced them, he already felt like he had nowhere to hide and nowhere to escape.

He was born in the military formation and had rich experience in dealing with the arrows behind him. He turned the horse's head, then turned over and leaned back, bending his body fist on the side of the saddle, making a standard stirrup hiding!

Lu Hu saw clearly from behind, and he followed suit, hiding behind the horse.

As soon as he turned over, the arrows from behind hit the horse, blood flew everywhere, and the horse neighed wildly!

The horse immediately fell sideways.

The mustached knife stabbed upward from the horse's neck.

The mustache followed the rules of the battlefield and quickly ended the pain for the horse.

Lu Hu slapped the top of the horse's head with his palm and shocked it to death!

"Quickly, this distance is not enough. Before the second wave of arrows comes, run as far as you can!"

After the mustache killed the horse, he rolled on the spot, stood up and ran forward. At this time, his own life was in danger and he couldn't care about Lu Hu!

Lu Hu made a tiger leap, kicked off the ground and ran away.

Within a radius of seven miles outside the city, no trees or objects blocking the view are allowed to exist, just to facilitate the shooting of the archers from the city tower.

The two of them had just galloped over a distance of more than 200 meters on horseback, and the shooting range of the strong bow was 300 meters.

Now, the two of them have to rush out of the last 100 meters before the archer fires the second wave of arrows!

Soon, Lu Hu heard another heart-wrenching sound of bow strings coming from behind him, and his heart was filled with death.

He thought to himself that he had only run more than fifty meters at most.

The mustache in front, who had far more physical strength than Lu Hu, ran in front of him, and was leaning in front of him.

"Damn, this bastard wants me to block his arrows!"

It has to be said that those who can survive the battlefield have many ways to save their lives.

The first wave of arrows was blocked by horses. The second wave, if you want to survive, you can only block it by people!

Sure enough, with the loud sound of the bow string behind him, the mustache stopped suddenly, turned around, and was about to collide with Lu Hu.

Once they collide, they grab and hold Lu Hu with both hands, turning them into a human shield!

After the mustache came out of the city, he found that the number of archers was even greater than before, so he realized that there was nothing he could do. Now he no longer had to think about the tasks assigned by his elder brother, save his own life first!

If this person is lucky and the arrow is not fatal, I can just take him back to the village!

After Lu Hu saw through his thoughts in advance, he was already on guard.

"You want me to block the arrow? I happen to have this plan too!"

When Lu Hu saw this, he stretched out his claws without hesitation.

When the mustache turned around, he held the short sword in his hand, and with a wave of his arm, the blade met him.

Seeing that Lu Hu's tiger claw was about to be cut open by the blade, his lower abdomen bulged suddenly, and then his chest shook and let out a tiger roar. The muscles in his body were roaring, and a cool feeling came from the back of his head.

The muscles in his whole body twitched violently, and a new force was generated out of thin air. He twisted his heels and turned sideways in the direction of the blade.


After Lu Hu was forced to use the technique of twitching and exerting force by the flying knife of the man in gray on the rooftop on a rainy night, he was able to use sound to vibrate the body while practicing the sound of thunder in the prison, and mastered this two-dimensional technique. Secondary means of exerting force.

Use it at this time to make the mustache show an incredible expression, just like the man in gray at that time.

If the mustache tried to make any move again, it was already too late. Lu Hu just turned sideways and hid behind him, and arrows flew towards him one after another.

"Puff puff!"

The mustache was hit by three arrows in the chest!

But Lu Hu was unharmed because he hid behind him!

"You are so cruel!" The mustache fell on his back and looked at Lu Hu in front of him. As soon as he opened his mouth, blood kept coming out of his mouth.

Lu Hu saw the mustache at his feet and sneered: "Each other, each other!"

As he said that, he stepped on his neck!

There are two kinds of pain, one makes you stronger, and the other is worthless and just adds to the torture.

Lu Hu used the former and generously gave the latter to the mustache!

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