Baishui City is more than a hundred miles away from Anyang Prefecture, and it is connected to the counties of Anyang Prefecture. It should be an important transportation place. However, it is located in a land with deep mountains and dense forests. Many of them are intertwined, with refugees and bandits mixed in, making it chaotic.

Many years ago, there was a large-scale suppression of bandits in Qingzhou, and there was a period of peace. However, after that, war broke out in the north, military disasters broke out, and a large number of refugees and deserters gathered to become bandits.

The weeds are not burned out, but they grow again when the spring breeze blows.

Over time, no one will care about it.

Just when Lu Hu killed everyone who surrounded him and cleared the battlefield, the time was set back one day.

Early morning in Baishui City.

A group of detectives were sitting on the second floor of a restaurant in the city. Captain Wang held a map in his hand and said nothing, while several detectives who went to investigate nearby reported to him in low voices.

"When these unscrupulous people heard that we were here to suppress bandits, they all avoided us out of fear. They really gained nothing."

"These unscrupulous people seem to want to protect the bandits. In the past two days, bandits came to us and injured several brothers."

"Sir, if you want to suppress the bandits, you must first arrest the clan leaders in these villages under the Black Mountain!"

The expressions of the several detectives were not very good, and their words were quite annoyed and resentful.

"I asked you to go up the mountain to find a way, but you were afraid and instead put the responsibility on the villagers?"

Putting down the map, Wang Captou sneered:

"We rely on mountains and rivers to eat and drink. These villagers live under the Black Mountains and don't respect the bandits. Is it possible that they look at your faces?"

Mr. Wang's words were as sharp as a knife, which made several policemen look extremely ugly. They wanted to refute, but they were speechless.

To cause such a thing as the Tribulation Field in the city is tantamount to slapping the government in the face and then spitting on it.

Although most of the villains had surrendered and failed to break out of the city, there were still some who survived.

One more day this person lives will be one more day of humiliation according to the law of the government.

Moreover, this matter finally led to the decision to suppress the bandits again and clean up the Anlan Mountain outside the city.

If you move your mouth at the top, your legs will be broken by running away.

This kind of bad job falls on Wang Captou.

In fact, Wang Captou had done many times in suppressing bandits when he was in office. When Shangguan was about to be transferred, he would clear out the bandits he had raised for many days as a matter of political discipline and seek promotion.

But this time, the appearance of eating from above was too ugly, which made the people working below feel resentful.

After reprimanding several agents, Wang Captou coughed lightly, attracting the attention of the silent village heroes sitting next to him.

Whether these people are willing or not, they are at least good at practicing their skills. It is not a problem to deal with the homeless bandits. If they are used properly, there is no chance of wiping out the mountain bandits.

"I know that you all came here with the intention of doing your job but not doing your best. There may not be many who really want to suppress the bandits."

Wang Captou said in a deep voice:

"But if you all have this thought, leaving the city this time will be more dangerous than ever!"

Everyone looked at him coldly, as silently as when they arrived, with no interest.


A hoarse voice sounded, and a thin middle-aged man threw away the barbecue and sneered:

"With fifty silver coins, you want us to risk our lives? Our lives are not that cheap!"

Wang Captou looked at him coldly, and the man looked at each other with his head held high.

He recognized that this man's name was Cao Hong, and he was the chief disciple of the Huwei Martial Arts Hall in the city. His strength had reached the peak of muscle training, and he was heading towards marrow training, and his reputation was very high.

Along the way, he paid most attention to this person.

"well said!"

"Exactly this!"

When someone steps forward, a crowd of people will naturally respond, and the atmosphere becomes intense.

Thirty taels of silver can probably buy a budding girl, fifty taels of silver is enough to buy a dozen of them.

But their lives are far less cheap!

"Wang Captou, I've heard of you, but I don't think you'll let us fight for it just because of your words!"

Cao Hong said loudly:

"As the saying goes, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. It's no problem for us to come out to support Wang Captou, but if we really want to go into the mountains and suppress the bandits, only fifty taels of silver?"

With the support of everyone, Cao Hong put aside his slight fear of Wang Captou and bravely looked at him.

However, contrary to his expectation, Wang Captou did not become angry. Instead, he looked away and glanced around the crowd:

"Everyone, is this what you mean?"


"That's exactly what it means!"

"Wang Captou, there are so many of you, why do you have to push me so hard? Just turn a blind eye or close a blind eye. It's rare for you to be confused!"

Seeing that Capt. Wang seemed to have regressed, the others also let go of their scruples. Except for the police officers in the room, most of the people agreed.


Wang Baotou nodded. Everyone thought he would be angry and disappointed, but they didn't expect him to suddenly sneer:

"Wang wanted to let you all go, but it's a pity..."


"Instructor Li, you have been sitting here for so long, please get up and talk!"

"Coach Li? Is he the coach of the Senluo Society in the city?"

"No way, Senluo Society actually sent people out?"

The word "teacher" is the only one in the city that has such a position. It represents a status, so even though everyone doesn't know the person, they have already guessed it as soon as they hear the title.

Coach Li, who was silent for a while, had no choice but to stand up when Wang Captou directly revealed his identity.

"Everyone! Yes, I am indeed the leader of the Senluo Society. The superiors are actually attaching great importance to this bandit suppression, but it is not convenient to transfer money from the official treasury, so we, the Senluo Society, will make up for it secretly for everyone, and this matter cannot be made public in the future. , plus two hundred taels for each person, plus the official amount, a total of two hundred and fifty taels of silver, everyone should be satisfied with this sincerity!"

Everyone's expressions froze. They said they had little money before, but now they have enough money. They were blocked and couldn't say anything else for a while.

Wang Captou was secretly shocked. This Senluo Society was indeed very wealthy. They had agreed to make up for it with a hundred taels of silver.

Until now, it has doubled temporarily.

"Of course, everyone also knows what I, Sen Luohui, do for a living. Our people have already entered the mountain to explore the road, and there will be news later to facilitate everyone. But while suppressing the bandits, I still hope that everyone Let’s give Sen Luohui some face and make it convenient at the critical point!”

When everyone heard this, they already understood in their hearts.

"I am willing to listen to your orders!"

Cao Hong was silent for a moment, folded his hands into fists, and bowed.

The rest of the people also responded: "I am willing to listen to your orders."

The person who gave the money was the Senluo Society, but they all saluted to Wang Baotou, which was extremely polite!

The so-called money moves people's hearts. Driven by enough interests, the former stragglers are now on the verge of being integrated into a new one.


Wang Baotou slapped the table, waved his hand, and pointed the long knife at the dark mountains.

"Into the mountains!"

When everyone was going downstairs, Coach Li walked beside Wang Captou and said in a small voice: "Don't worry, Capt. Your side has also gone up to five hundred taels!"


Wang Captou didn't say much, he quickly went downstairs and led everyone towards the mountains!

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