There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 69 Meeting an old friend in the woods

After Lu Hu killed the person in front of him, he rummaged through his body to find his body.

I found a money bag with a few taels of silver in it.

In addition, there is a piece of parchment with a simple and rough map marked on it, divided into three areas. Among them, the location along the east bank of the river, Lu Hu guessed, should be his approximate location.

Lu Hu moved all the corpses out, five in total.

He took a big bow, nocked an arrow and pulled the string. The strong bow was easily drawn into a full moon in Lu Hu's hands, and as soon as his hand relaxed.

The arrow flew into the forest with a bang and disappeared.

Lu Hu looked embarrassed. He was obviously aiming at a tree trunk not far away, but missed the target directly.

"Archery is not that simple. It can't be learned in three or two strokes!"

Lu Hu sighed, threw away the big bow, then picked up a long knife, cut up the clothes on the corpse, made a bundle, packed all the tiger bones, and tied it to himself.

Then he stepped on it and put out the bonfire.

"Want to kill me?" With murderous intent rising from his eyes, he rushed into the forest.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, making the grass and trees tremble.

Lu Hu's body rose and fell, like a big tiger walking through the bushes. He walked towards another area of ​​the map for a long time, and at a moment, he bent down.

Not far away, there were flickering lights.

"No wonder, as soon as I lit the fire, someone immediately came to find me. It turns out that the fire is so conspicuous in the forest!"

Lu Hu jumped up and climbed up the tree. Standing on the trunk and looking towards the fire, he vaguely saw a few black figures resting near the bonfire.

After confirming that it was correct, Lu Hu jumped down from the tree.

He has been barefoot for a long time, and a thick layer of calluses has developed on the soles of his feet.

While walking at this time, he controlled the strength of his feet extremely finely, and his steps were gentle, like a big cat, approaching that direction silently.

There are four people in total, one is on guard outside and three are resting behind.

Lu Hu approached the alert man from the side, five meters, four meters, three meters!

Just when Lu Hu was about to succeed, suddenly, there was a sudden roaring sound in the tree crown above. The bird in the forest was frightened by Lu Hu's murderous intent and flew out with a sudden flutter of wings.

This moment made the vigilant person's expression change, "Who?"

He looked towards the tree crown above, but at this time Lu Hu had already rushed out from the side.


The man thought the danger was coming from the tree, but suddenly a black shadow rushed out from the side.

The long knife in his hand immediately slashed towards the black shadow.

The long sword swept across, like a crescent moon.


Sparks flew in the darkness.

Lu Hu met him with a knife, and used the back of the knife to collide with the blade. The knife in the man's hand was knocked out of his hand by Lu Hu's huge force.

At this time, Lu Hu turned his wrist, and the back of the knife was replaced by the blade. The tendons in his arm jumped and he waved his arms vigorously.


The head flew high into the air, and a stream of blood rushed out of the cavity like a fountain.

"Canglang! Canglang!"

The movement here has already alarmed the three people resting behind, and the sound of a long sword being unsheathed instantly sounded.

"Someone attacked and killed!"

The three of them held long knives and stood up quickly in surprise, staring ahead in preparation.

Then he saw a dark shadow shaking in front of him, and Lu Hu walked out of the darkness with his face covered in blood.

He sniffed the smell of blood and grinned high.

"Didn't you just come to find me? Now I'm here by myself, saving you all the effort!"

"It's you!"

When the three heard this, they realized that this person was their target. Their eyebrows were furrowed. Looking at Lu Hu's power, he didn't look like a muscle-training person at all.

"The information is wrong, be careful!"

The three of them whispered something, then formed a "pin" shape and surrounded them.


A bearded man stepped forward with a sword, and slashed down with the sword.


The blade cut through the air and struck. Lu Hu blocked the powerful and heavy sword with a horizontal stroke. The long sword trembled violently and made a buzzing sound.

But Lu Hu's big hand held him firmly, and his body didn't move at all.


Suddenly there was a strong wind behind Lu Hu's head.

A feminine man among the three people had already arrived behind Lu Hu and slashed towards the back of his head with a knife.


Lu Hu snorted lightly, slipped on his feet, and dodged the knife. At the same time, he turned around to parry the knife thrust by the third person at an angle.

Since he fully entered the marrow training, his brain is clear and his eyesight is extremely sharp, and his ears are extremely sharp. However, as long as there is a fight, he can clearly capture any disturbance within a foot of his body.

Unless his speed and strength completely crush him, he will never be attacked by someone.

Even if he is besieged, unless he runs out of breath, he can advance and retreat freely.

If the three of them were practicing Jinjin, they would attack him with knives together, and they could kill him cleanly in half a cup of tea.

"What a great strength, what a fast movement!"

The bearded man felt tremendous pressure.

I felt that no matter how I used the sword, it was easily resolved, but with this man's sword, I was shocked and retreated!

As for the siege of the other two people, this person was able to dodge or block without any delay, leaving absolutely no chance to take advantage of him!

The three of them were not so much besieging Lu Hu as they were being suppressed and beaten by Lu Hu alone!

Lu Hu had never practiced sword skills, but at this time, he completely used the sword as a palm technique. Although there were few changes, it was just the same few moves back and forth, but the victory was due to his great strength and speed, which made the three of them breathless. !

"Look at the knife!"

The bearded man roared loudly, and when he rushed towards Lu Hu again, he did not wave his sword, but waved his left hand towards him.

Suddenly a ball of powder flew towards him.

"Quicklime powder?"

Lu Hu didn't expect that he would encounter such dirty tricks in his previous life here.

If quicklime powder gets into your eyes, it will heat up when it comes in contact with water, and you will burn your eyes out!

Although the method was crude, it was indeed effective. Lu Hu was shocked and closed his eyes urgently. He heard the sound of piercing the air coming from the front, rear and left sides. He lowered his body to block the frontal knife, and then rolled from the ground. Go out and dodge the other two swords in a panic.

The three of them forced Lu Hu to the ground, and seized the opportunity to press forward together without giving him time to get up.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

There was a continuous sound of hammering, "Cang!"

After all, Lu Hu was not good at swordsmanship. When he fell to the ground and continued to block, he failed to hold the center of the sword and the sword flew away from his hand.

"good chance!"

When the three of them saw that Lu Hu had lost his long knife, they were immediately overjoyed and rushed forward with all their strength, intending to chop Lu Hu into pieces with random knives!

But at this moment, a tiger roar suddenly exploded in front of him.

Lu Hu, who lost his long sword, not only did not lose his strength, but actually took off a layer of restraint.

The body then shook with a roar, and with one effort, he bounced up from the ground. He swung his big palm forward and slapped the long knife away. Then he jumped up high and dodged the follower. After striking two swords, he hit a palm in the air!


A scream came.

The feminine man was shocked, and saw the bearded man with beards. His head was hit by the palm of the hand, and his head was almost driven into the cavity. The man was already dead and could not die anymore!


Almost instantly, the faces of the remaining two people turned pale. The three of them could not defeat Lu Hu before. Now that one of them is dead, how can they fight against Lu Hu?

The feminine man yelled, "Fight!"

The other person heard the sound, gritted his teeth, blood was already on his face, his body was on fire and he rushed over, roaring and launching a killing blow.


After the punch, the man looked at the arm that penetrated his chest, then looked back and saw the feminine man running away towards the mountain forest.

"Son of a bitch!"

"Don't worry, he can't escape!"

Lu Hu looked at the man who had been tricked into committing suicide by his companions, and smiled and gave him a promise.

The man heard Lu Hu's promise and spit it out in one breath, but he couldn't breathe!

With a shake of Lu Hu's arm, the body flew away, he rubbed his body and rushed towards the feminine man.

"Run? Can you run away?"

The feminine man heard the words behind him, from far to near at a very fast speed, and by the time he finished speaking, it was as if they were already in his ears.

Shocked in his heart, he wanted to turn around and slash out.

But it was too late. Lu Hu slapped him on the back of the heart. Immediately, the man felt his heart "bang!" and was exploded by the force of the palm!

Blood immediately surged up to his throat, and he fell to the ground as soon as he stepped forward. He twitched twice and then stopped moving.

"Alas, I want to figure out the sword skills myself, but I still can't do it!"

Lu Hu originally wanted to practice swordsmanship with these people, but in the end he was beaten to death with his fists and palms!

Just when he was about to bend down to touch the corpse, his ears suddenly twitched and he turned around suddenly to look at the forest to the side.


"Swallowing the ghost elixir has allowed you, a crazy tiger, to enter the realm of training. Now the tiger is roaring in the mountains and forests, and the momentum is terrifying!"

A familiar voice sounded from the front, and then a man walked out.

When Lu Hu looked at this person, his eyes shrank first, and then he laughed.

"Li Shan, big brother!"

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