There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 85 The Charcoal Seller (4,000 words)

The autumn moon is bright, and the silvery moonlight flows down from the sky like mercury pouring down the ground.

There was a thin gleam of light on the top of the green trees, and thick black shadows were cast in the forest, where silence and solemnity pressed down.

The river water also reflects the broken silver, rippling softly there.

The grass beneath Lu Hu was covered with coagulated brown blood.

His deep, long breathing was occasionally interrupted by sudden violent coughs.

Every time you cough, you will inevitably spit out a mouthful of blood.

After adjusting his breath from evening to late night in one breath, the burning pain in Lu Hu's body was finally calmed down by him.

"The congestion in the body has generally been drained away, and the subsequent injuries will take time to recover slowly."

Lu Hu felt his left eye again.

When I jumped from the waterfall into the water, the black cloth tied around my left eye had been washed away.

The left eye no longer bleeds and stings, but when he opens his eyes to look, his eyes are still covered with blood, and his vision is greatly reduced. He always uses one eye to see things, which causes Lu Hu's perception of spatial distance to be greatly reduced. .

The field of view has also narrowed a lot.

"I still need to recover from the injury to my left eye as soon as possible, otherwise my one eye will still have a big impact on my strength!"

He tore off the strip of cloth from his body and tied his left eye again.

Then he began to think about an extremely important thing.

The progress of the breath-eating magical power!

Lu Hu looked at the light curtain in his mind.

[Supernatural Power Master]: Lu Hu

[Race]: human

[Supernatural power]:

Breathing (8%): ​​Breathing in and out, breathing and nourishing the body.


It has not been a short time to obtain the magical power of food-breathing. So far, the progress of this magical power has only increased by eight points!

"Why is this so slow!"

Lu Hu chewed the Tooth Flower Seed. With his original magical power, he could gain progress points by eating and drinking.

Nowadays, the convenience of breath breathing has been lost. Just relying on oneself to improve it time and time again is like crawling on a turtle.

You have to think of a way to speed it up.

Lu Hu thought in his mind, "It is said to be breathing, but in fact it is breathing. My tiger and leiyin also have a breathing rhythm. Why can't hubao and leiyin speed up the progress?

In other words, this is already the result of Hubao Leiyin accelerating too fast? "

Lu Hu touched his chest, where he found the Liuyang Qi Conquering Technique he took out from Scarface.

I just don’t know if I can speed up the progress of my magical powers if I practice this technique.

Thinking of this, Lu Hu's expression changed again. He still couldn't recognize all the characters, so he couldn't guess and practice by himself. This was too imprecise and too childish.

Later, we still need to quickly find a local teacher and take off the hat of being illiterate first!

“Although the mountains are nice, we can’t stay here anymore!”

After Lu Hu made a plan for himself to go out to the mountains to learn how to read, he decided to go out along the river early tomorrow morning.

Then he got up and went into the river to catch fish. The river section here was no better than the one before Lu Hu. The fish in the river were very rare and not big.

After wasting a long time, I caught three and landed them.

Open the belly, scrape off the fish scales, and start eating.

I didn't eat much fish meat, but I had a mouth full of fish bones.

After finishing the three fish, he felt his belly and found that he was 40% full.

After taking another Qi and Blood Pill, he took out the Crouching Tiger Stake and used the food and energy magical powers to continue to recover from his injuries with the power of the pill.

Qi and Blood Pills are pills that nourish a warrior's body. During practice, Qi and blood are increased, and injuries can also speed up the body's recovery speed.

It is a relatively practical elixir, which is why Li Shan carries the Qi and Blood elixir with him.

However, the effect of using Qi and Blood Pills to heal injuries is definitely not as good as that of specialized healing pills.

What Lu Hu did was actually a bit wasteful.

But you still have to look at your own situation. You must restore your strength as quickly as possible in the mountains to prepare for accidents and crises that may happen at any time. This is not the time to save.

After swallowing the Qi and Blood Pill, Lu Hu absorbed the power of the medicine, used his Qi-Eating Magical Power for a while, and then slowly fell asleep.

The morning light breaks.

A red sun rises from the east, and its light travels in all directions, illuminating the heaven and earth.

Lu Hu woke up amidst the chirping of birds and felt that after a good night's sleep, his body felt a little lighter and his body had begun to itch.

It feels like there are ants crawling around, but I can't scratch it, which is very uncomfortable.

He first caught two river fish and ate them randomly. Then he used a knife to shave off all his messy and thick beard, reflecting the water in the river.

It doesn't matter to him in the mountains, but when he goes out, he still has to tidy up his image a little. After all, the fierce look on his face is too eye-catching.

Shaving his beard will at least make him less aggressive and less troublesome, which is always a good thing.

Sure enough, after Lu Hu shaved off his beard, he looked at his reflection in the water and touched his face and sighed: "I finally look a little like a twenty-three-year-old!"

With his previous appearance, if people were told that he was thirty years old, no one would doubt him.

After everything was taken care of, he walked along the river.

On the abandoned field ridge outside Lijia Village.

"Cough, cough~"

A rickety old man wearing only a thin rag was turning over charcoal. Winter was approaching, and villagers in the village began to go to the mountains to burn charcoal. When winter came, they could also pick it up and sell it in the city, earning some copper coins to make ends meet.

The rickety old man turned over the charcoal and put the good ones into the basket beside him. Suddenly he felt a chill on his back and coughed and raised his head.

He saw a tall, one-eyed man with a strong body, tattered clothes, bare feet, and a ferocious face. He was holding a shining long knife in his left hand and was walking towards him.

"you you…"

The old charcoal seller trembled, bitterness flashed across his wrinkled face, and he handed over the gray-black copper plate.

"Uncle, that's all this little old man has..."

"Old man, I don't want it from you."

When the man saw the few copper plates, he narrowed his eyes and said.

The old man selling charcoal looked at this big man with a ferocious look, he must be a fallen man from the surrounding mountains. When he heard that the other party didn't want his money, he trembled again. If he doesn't want money, is he trying to kill me?

The old man selling charcoal was so weak that he was so shocked that he gasped for air for a while.

In his sad eyes, the big man suddenly stretched out his hand and handed over the broken silver.

"Buy charcoal! I want all these baskets of charcoal!"

"Buy charcoal?" The old man looked in disbelief when he heard this. When did the heroes on the mountain still spend money to buy things? Aren’t they all just grabbing it because they saw something?

"Why, you won't sell it?"

The old man's lips trembled when he saw the white money in front of him.

"Too many, too many. A few copper coins are enough!"

"As long as you are willing to sell it, give me this straw hat too!"

The big man directly stuffed the pieces of silver into the old man's hands, and ignored the old man who stayed there and did not dare to move. He put the broken straw hat on the ground on his head. The brim of the hat was so low that it almost covered half of his face. Then he put the pole on the two baskets of charcoal, hid the long knife diagonally in the charcoal, grabbed a handful of charcoal and covered the handle of the knife.

The almost full basket seemed as light as nothing in the hands of the big man, and he immediately lifted it up and carried it on his shoulders.

"By the way, is there a city ahead?"

The man took two steps with the charcoal, then suddenly stopped and asked.

The old man pinched the silver in his hand and finally realized that he was not dreaming. How could there be such a thing in the world?

When he heard the big man asking for directions, he quickly responded, "Some uncles follow the official road and walk forty miles and pass through two villages to reach Baishui City!"

The big man continued to walk after hearing this, striding forward like a meteor.

The old man looked at the back of the big man and saw that the pole remained horizontal and motionless on the man's shoulder.

"It's weird!"

The old man has been carrying a pole all his life. From the look of this big man, he seems to be someone who doesn't know how to carry a pole.

There is also something special about carrying a shoulder pole. Carrying a shoulder pole can be divided into "burden" and "rest".

When people walk, the burden on their shoulders will rise and fall, so people can rest their shoulders when the pole is bumped up.

Therefore, when walking with a carrying pole, the pole is jumping up and down on the person's shoulders, walking in small steps, which saves the most effort.

The old man had never seen a man with such long strides who could keep the pole on his shoulders motionless in his life.

At this moment, a look of hesitation appeared on the old man's face, and he subconsciously clenched his fist hard. He suddenly lowered his head and opened his palm, seeing the broken silver inside.

There are about two taels. To the old man, these two taels of silver are a fortune, enough for him to take his grandson through this winter!

"Uncle, stay!"

The big man stopped when he heard the words, frowned and looked back. When the old man saw the one eye hidden under the brim of his hat, his legs felt a little weak, but he still gritted his teeth and trotted up.

"Uncle, I don't know what you are doing in the city, but I just want to say that your burden is different from others."

Then the old man quickly explained the key points of carrying a pole.

"Thank you!"

After hearing this, the big man continued walking, but after only two or three steps, the carrying pole was no weaker than the old man himself, just like an old porter, extremely skillful.

Who else could this big man be if he weren't Lu Hu?

He walked along the river for a day and a half, and finally walked out of the mountains early the next morning and found the official road.

After walking along the official road, we found many abandoned and charred villages, and there were even corpses and bones lying on the roadside.

It is a desolate scene with white bones exposed in the wild, no roosters crowing for thousands of miles, hundreds of people leaving behind, and heartbreaking thoughts.

I thought that the ruins of these villages were probably caused by bandits in this mountain!

After walking for a long time, I finally saw a living person, that is, the old man.

Seeing the old man's gaze, Lu Hu knew that even though he had shaved his beard, he still looked fierce, not to mention holding a long knife in his hand.

So he thought of using these two baskets of charcoal to cover up his image.

But he had never picked up a carrying pole before. This pick not only made him more eye-catching, but also revealed his ability in martial arts.

Fortunately, I gave him enough money to let the old man catch up and break this layer for me.

There are more people in the back, closer to the city. I am afraid that I will be surrounded by the police before I reach the city!

"You're still not careful enough. You think you've concealed your identity, but who knows that in the eyes of people in this world, it's full of flaws and exposes you even more!"

Lu Hu got the reminder and walked on the road, sighing in his heart.

The previous life was different from the common sense of life in this world. When he traveled through time, he directly entered the Senluo Society Death Arena. There was no adjustment process. It was easy to make mistakes in some commonplace details and attract others' attention.

"However, this kindness is rewarded!" A smile appeared on Lu Hu's face under the straw hat.

Heading all the way towards Baishui City.

Lu Hu wanted to find a teacher. He was unfamiliar with the place in the village, so where could he go to find him?

It is better to go to the city and find a school to save trouble.

During the rest of the journey, there were indeed more pedestrians on the road. Lu Hu observed the other people carrying burdens on the road and controlled his pace to be about the same speed as them.

Forty miles, for Lu Hu, there was no need to rest. He kept busy all the way, and finally at dusk, he saw a dark city in front of him.

This city is located between two mountains, surrounded by dense forests, and it is considered to be an important transportation thoroughfare.

As they got closer to the city, people on the way to the city also formed a queue, forming a long snake in the distance.

Except for some oxen and horse teams, most of them were similar to what Lu Hu was doing now, carrying various fruits, vegetables and poultry, and going to the city to earn a living.

The team was also in a state of chaos, with roosters crowing and dogs barking.

As the team advanced, Lu Hu could see Baishui City more clearly.

Baishui City is a small city in the mountains. It is naturally not as tall and majestic as Anyang City. The city wall is six meters high. There is a military room in the middle where equipment and materials are stored. It is used as a shelter from the wind and rain for the patrols of the city guards. For rest purposes.

There are turrets erected at the corners of the city wall, and the city wall is made of bricks. It has been mottled by the wind and rain over the years, revealing the atmosphere of vicissitudes of life.

There are officers and soldiers guarding both sides of the city gate, and entry fees are collected from people entering the city.

When he was approaching Lu Hu's side, he suddenly said to himself, "Oh no."

The entrance fee to the city is five copper coins per person. I have a lot of money all over my body, but I have no copper coins!

And silver is definitely not usable. A charcoal seller pays a city entrance fee and then sells silver coins. If you think about it with your heels, there is something wrong with it, and the problem is huge!

Now that he's here, he's caught the eye of an official, and he can't exchange it with anyone in front or behind him. What should he do now?

Just when Lu Hu was getting a little anxious, he saw that after these officials collected the entry fee, they also took things from the baskets of these small merchants and hawkers entering the city.

Eggs, vegetables, straw sandals and straw hats, there's nothing I won't take.

These people who had things taken away all looked like they were used to it, lowering their heads and saying nothing.

Lu Hu's mind changed and he immediately had an idea.

Finally, we got to Lu Hu.

An official handed over a wooden box with tax written on it. Seeing that Lu Hu didn't move, he shook it up and down, which meant that he should pay the money quickly.

But when he saw that Lu Hu still paid the money and put the basket on the ground, he was about to curse.

But who would have expected that Lu Hu directly moved baskets of charcoal to the city gate and said to Shangguan Chai, who was sitting on a stool behind him: "My lord, it's getting cold today. I've prepared this charcoal for you, little one. When we arrive, Time to ward off the cold!”

"Oh?" The seated official looked at Lu Hu's bare feet without shoes.

"Can't afford the entrance fee?"

"This little guy really doesn't have a single copper on his body, so he goes up the mountain to burn charcoal and goes to the city to seek a living. Sir, look at this."

Lu Hu said this, but he was thinking in his heart, "It's true that it's not a copper coin, but it's really a lot of silver!"

This kind of situation happens from time to time here at the city gate, and it's not uncommon.

Whether or not to let go actually depends on the mood of these officials.

Anyway, the entry fee will not fall into their hands, so how can these fragmentary things be real?

Moreover, Lu Hu's charcoal did come in time, and it was a basket full of charcoal, which satisfied the official.

He almost nodded to the officer in front of him.

"Let go!"

"Thank you, sir!"

Lu Hu nodded and bowed, trying his best to act like a rural man.

Then he put the pole in the basket, carried the other basket of charcoal with some "struggle", and followed the people in front through the Wengcheng and walked towards the streets of Baishui City!

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