There's a Madman Sharpening His Knife at Night

Chapter 86 Baishui City? Shit city!

Lu Hu was walking in Baishui City carrying a basket of charcoal.

As soon as he entered the city, a smell similar to mold rushed into his nose.

The street in front of them is more than seven meters wide, with two-story wooden lofts on both sides. The first floor serves as a store and the second floor is for living.

The streets are entirely covered with land, with extremely uneven potholes and black, smelly water in many places.

There were many pedestrians on the street, and although they all looked shabby, judging from their complexions, they did look much better than the villagers outside the city.

The vendors who came into the city together also recovered from their humiliation, and started shouting at the top of their lungs as soon as they entered the street.

Lu Hu walked on the street, looking around curiously, like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world before entering the city for the first time.

This kind of leisurely strolling on the streets was indeed the first time for Lu Hu. Many places he saw were novel.

But soon, Lu Hu began to feel uncomfortable.

The reason is the carriage pulling goods in front.

The big black horse suddenly started to defecate while walking. When the carriage passed by, a group of ragged children rushed up from both sides, carrying a small woven basket and a wooden stick. Grabbing the still hot horse dung.

This was the first time that Lu Hu had seen people snatching various commodities and excrement.

The scene was so unsightly that Lu Hu turned his attention to a small alley on the right.

He looked at the end of the alley and saw a cone-shaped, hill-like giant piled up. The bottom was dry and hard, gray and black, and the top was soft and yellow.

"This can't be possible!" Lu Hu had a guess in his mind, but he didn't want to believe it until he saw a woman carrying a bucket of dung, walked up to her, and emptied the bucket.

Suddenly there was a large amount of red and yellow soup, dripping down.

This scene was really disgusting, especially when a gust of wind happened to blow up, causing Lu Hu to retching!

"This is the level of hygiene in ancient times? It's too outrageous!"

Lu Hu's good mood was instantly destroyed.

He regretted looking into the alley, and turned his head to the other side with an eyeful of eyes. He saw a man at the corner of the street, with his back to him, his legs spread, and his head lowered, looking completely attentive.

A pool of dirty yellow water continued to flow down the wall. After a while, the man's body trembled, he packed up his things, turned around and left with a normal expression.

"I'm going to urinate on the street!" Lu Hu was dumbfounded. No one on the street paid attention to him except him, as it should be.

"Don't look up when you pee, there are huts everywhere!"

Seeing this, Lu Hu recalled a wisecrack from his previous life, but it was actually played out here.

"This" he felt like he needed a breath of fresh air.

I raised my head and took a breath, and saw that the second floor of the corner where the man was peeing was a restaurant. The wooden windows along the street of the restaurant opened outwards, and I could see many diners sitting inside, feasting on their meals, and the waiter was also there. Serve!

This scene immediately made Lu Hu feel a magical feeling.

How could they eat so deliciously in such an environment full of shit and urine?

It's no wonder that Lu Hu was shocked. The living conditions in his previous life were so generous that it was hard to imagine that an ancient city would look like this.

"I have come to a fake city. This is simply a large public toilet!"

He was complaining wildly in his heart!

What Lu Hu complained was not wrong. In ancient times, there were no sewers or flush toilets, and there were not even public toilets on the streets.

But the problem of Lazarus among people in a city still needs to be dealt with.

Since there are no public toilets, then the whole city is a public toilet!

Therefore, open defecation is a common occurrence.

Wealthy people have huts in their homes. If the piles are full, they need to pay special dung collectors to haul them away.

When a poor family comes from a poor family, the men will go out and find a place to squat down to deal with it. The women will use the excrement bucket at home and wait until the next day to dump it in a fixed place.

Because there were no industrial fertilizers in ancient times, excrement was an important and profitable way to fertilize fields. Therefore, fixed excrement dumping points were controlled by gangs in the city, and people would be arranged to clean them regularly.

Don't underestimate this just because it's a job of cleaning up excrement. The profits here are as huge as the fertilizer and water.

Many gangs also fight over the feces in the city.

And the city’s shit talker also has a resounding name: shit master!

The fixed mountains of dung cannot be moved, but in the city the cows and horses can move around and the dung is not fixed, so it becomes a sweet potato in the eyes of the poor.

There are especially children from poor families who rob these feces and when they accumulate a certain amount, they can sell them for money.

From this point of view, it is no wonder that the art of Feng Shui was so popular in ancient times. When living in such an environment, isn't it crucial to have a location with good ventilation and lighting, and good access to wind and water?

As for the so-called bad Feng Shui and the death of people in haunted houses, aside from other factors, it is also very likely that they are caused by the growth of bacteria, unclean food, and eating to death!

The saying that disease comes from the mouth was magnified many times in ancient times.

For people in ancient times, this situation has always been like this from ancient times to the present, so they don't think much of it.

But for Lu Hu, a person who had traveled through time, he had goosebumps all over his body.

Suddenly, he thought of a crucial place.

"If it rains, the heavy rain will wash out some human and animal excrement from the dark corners."

That scene was simply terrifying!

Although Lu Hu has no mysophobia, who can resist this?

"It is late autumn now, the temperature is low, and there are no mosquitoes. If it is a hot summer day, let the heat evaporate."

Lu Hu could kill people with ease and without blinking an eye, but now that he thought of this place in his mind, his face turned pale!

He looked at his bare feet and the black and yellow soil on the street, and immediately knew what his top priority was!

The basket of charcoal in his hand was too much in the way, but there was a long knife hidden inside, so he couldn't get rid of it. Lu Hu could only carry the charcoal to find the group of children at the gate of the city, waiting for the convoy to enter, waiting to grab the dung, and asked the tailor shop for details location and head straight for it.

After walking two streets, Lu Hu finally found a place. As soon as he placed the basket at the door of the shop, the shopkeeper immediately came out to chase people away.

"Don't buy it, take it, take it, hurry up!"

“Are there any boots for sale?”

"Of course we have boots. Why are you here to buy boots?" The shopkeeper glanced at Lu Hu's bare feet with a look of disdain in his eyes, but since he was buying and selling, he couldn't make a fuss.

Lu Hu entered the shop and saw four rows of wooden shelves with everything from clothes, boots, headscarves, and hats.

When Lu Hu came out again, he was already wearing a bamboo hat on his head and a pair of the best foundation soap boots in the store. The soles were extremely thick.

In his hand, he grabbed a bag with three sets of clothes suitable for his body size stacked inside, as well as a headband!

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