There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 10 A-010 Take you to see the world!

In the garden, Fang Che's eyes never left the metal film. He knew that even with his family, he would have to pay a relatively high price to obtain a suitable perfect-level secret treasure.

Maybe, Fang Xuan's small treasury has been emptied by this piece of metal film.

"Grandpa's side?"

He covered the box again. The secret treasure of metal film requires a specific absorption method. Riolu will definitely not be able to absorb it today. He can only wait until he completes the new registration of the school tomorrow and returns.

After putting the metal film away, Fang Che looked at Fang Xuan hesitantly. Fang Tianyang had very strict requirements for his offspring. If Fang Xuan spent so much effort to obtain a perfect secret treasure, would Fang Tianyang scold him for doting on Fang Che? ah.

Fang Xuan looked at his son's somewhat worried expression, he laughed and patted Fang Che on the shoulder, "This piece of metal film was exchanged by you and me for the alliance with the merit points from exploring the secret realm, do you understand? "

Hearing Fang Xuan's explanation, Fang Che immediately realized that at Fang Xuan's level, he could not freely exchange for perfect secret treasures in the alliance, so there must be Fang Tianyang's help!

In other words, this secret treasure was actually a coming-of-age gift given to Fang Che by Fang Tianyang and Fang Xuan!

Although Fang Tianyang hopes that Fang Che can grow up on his own strength, this does not mean that he will let his grandson lose to the same starting line as children of the same class.

Fang Che must have whatever other children have, and Fang Che must work hard for the rest.

"Okay, don't think about what you have, put away the metal film, and I will take you to see the world today!"

Fang Xuan patted Fang Che's shoulder again, and then he threw a high-level ball. Accompanied by a flash of white light, one landed on the ground with four paws, with a gray-blue appearance and a huge X shape on its face. The metal-crossed elf appeared in front of Fang Che.


One of the trump cards of Fang Xuan, the gym leader of Liuli City, is a quasi-god elf whose strength is comparable to the legendary elf!

Fang Che glanced at the gray sky. It was already past seven o'clock in the evening. If he went out to see the world at this time, he would only be able to see the world of adults, right?

He looked at his father with suspicious eyes, "If you don't make it clear, based on the ambiguity in your words just now, aren't you afraid that my mother will beat you to death?"

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Fang Xuan's forehead. He loved his wife so much that every time Su Ya just frowned, he was being honest. After all, any man who made his wife angry was a scumbag.

So after Fang Che finished speaking, Fang Xuan immediately took out a six-pointed star badge from his pocket. When he saw this badge, Fang Che's eyes immediately lit up.

"Alliance auction? Can I go in too?"

The badge in Fang Xuan's hand is the six-pointed star medal representing the alliance. Only those who have made certain contributions to the alliance can obtain this badge.

With this badge, trainers can open the alliance mall and use merit points to buy what they want. There are even quasi-gods and perfect-level secret treasures in the mall!

Of course, precious treasures such as quasi-god or perfect secret treasures can only be exchanged when the level reaches a certain level, and most of the time they are priceless.

In addition, this badge also has a special right, which is that it allows trainers to participate in the auction officially organized by the alliance. This is no different from the auction in the black market. The products inside can be said to be dazzling and of high quality.

No matter what expectations you entered into the auction, 99% of people will leave satisfied.

When Fang Che was young, he often pestered Fang Xuan to enter the alliance's auctions, but as he was not a trainer at the time, he had no authority to enter. Even if Fang Xuan wanted to take him there, he could not due to the rules of the alliance. violation.

Now that Fang Che is an official alliance trainer, there is no problem in experiencing the grandeur of the alliance auction under Fang Xuan's leadership.

"Metrogross, teleport."

After showing off the alliance medal to his son, Fang Xuan put his hand on Metagross. Fang Che immediately took Riolu back and then leaned against Metagross.


Metagross nodded, and then azure blue superpower enveloped Fang Che and Fang Xuan. For a moment, Fang Che felt a twisting sensation in his body. Although it was not painful, it had a strange feeling.

When Fang Che woke up, he and Fang Xuan were already standing in front of a magnificently decorated building.

"This is an overseas island?"

Fang Che glanced behind him. Beyond the horizon not far away was the endless blue ocean. The shadow of the bright moon reflected on the sea gave the island a touch of illusion.

Fang Xuan nodded, "This is the Liuli City Alliance branch, and the auction is also held here."

When Fang Xuan and Fang Che teleported to the island, someone had already noticed them. The cameras on both sides of the road immediately transmitted the image data to the inside of the building. Through data analysis, they found out that they were the Liuli City Museum owner and the museum owner. After the child was born, the people inside stopped caring.

"The auction starts at eight o'clock, let's go in first."

Fang Xuan put the Metagross away. In the alliance regional branch, large elves are not allowed to be released at will. At the same time, anyone who dares to cause trouble here will be blacklisted by the alliance.

Once you are included in the alliance's blacklist, you will not be able to enter any city again. At the same time, you can also get high merit points by hunting down the wanted criminals on the blacklist. For this merit, even the King of Heaven may take action. , so entering the league's blacklist is equivalent to being on the death list.

After explaining the important points of this place to Fang Che, Fang Xuan led Fang Che into the magnificent alliance branch.

Along the way, many people recognized Fang Xuan's identity. They all smiled and nodded to Fang Xuan. The status of the regional gym leader was still very high.

In Liuli City, apart from the mayor and the management officer of the alliance branch, Fang Xuan has the most say.

If there are some special circumstances, even the mayor must listen to Fang Xuan's arrangements.

Fang Che looked at his father thoughtfully. Fang Xuan had no temper at all at home. He played the role of a good husband and a kind father. He didn't expect that he was so powerful outside!

It should be said that he is worthy of being Fang Che's father. He really has a good manner with a straight face!



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