There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 11 A-011 The mind is as clear as a mirror, and the mind is as calm as water!

"Dad, do you always make such a big show when you come out?"

After walking in the alliance branch for a while, Fang Che discovered a phenomenon, that is, the people who had nodded to Fang Xuan seemed to have slowed down and deliberately walked behind Fang Xuan.

Not long after, Fang Che turned his head and saw a crowd of people following behind him.

When those people saw Fang Che turning his head, they quickly smiled, which made Fang Che feel a little emotional.

"What do you think I think? There's nothing you can do about it. When your strength and fame reach a certain level, you will be like me when you go out."

Fang Xuan shook his head. He was not a person who liked ostentation, but his status as a gym leader and his strength as a quasi-king would attract a lot of people to him wherever he went.

Even a casual sentence he says will be interpreted by others to analyze whether there is a possibility of establishing a relationship.

"You have to take control, kid. There will be many people bringing their children to see the world today. After they know your identity, they will definitely let their children come to make friends with you. It's just a boy, but there are millions of people Don’t be fooled by the girl you meet for the first time!”

Fang Xuan told Fang Che meaningfully. He used to follow Fang Tianyang and saw a lot of flowers and plants. Unfortunately, before he could cultivate his own garden, a rose pierced his hands. .

Looking at his father's slightly aftertasteful expression, Fang Che blinked, and then he silently remembered what Fang Xuan just said in his heart.

"My dad and grandpa have already received their coming-of-age gifts, but it seems that they haven't been given to my mom yet. Well, I just want to tell my mom what dad said."

Fang Che happily prepared to sell Fang Xuan directly. Although he didn't know what happened in the past, he knew just by looking at his father's behavior that it was most likely that when his father wanted to miss the flowers in the past, he was surrendered by his mother. .

Fang Xuan was completely unaware of his son's "sinister thoughts" at this moment. He was still persuading Fang Che earnestly. After all, Fang Che had never been in love since he was a child. If a girl launched a fierce offensive, he would really I am worried that my stupid son, a landlord, will be cheated.

The father and son chatted all the way to the alliance branch. At this time, there were already special greeters standing on both sides of the corridor to welcome the guests.

Fang Xuan was naturally a heavyweight guest. He was directed to the first row of the auction site. There were not only separate booths and sofas, but also various fruit baskets, drinks and wine.

Even the seats in the second row don't have this kind of treatment. They are all hard benches.

Under the leadership of Fang Xuan, Fang Che quickly arrived at booth No. 1. This is the exclusive seat for gym leaders in each city. This represents the importance the alliance places on trainers.

After sitting down, Fang Che could feel a lot of eyes falling on him, but he didn't care. After all, he had experienced too many scenes like this from childhood to adulthood, but the status of the people who looked at him before was not high. That's all.

Soon after Fang Che and Fang Xuan took their seats, the auction hall was quickly filled with people, but no one else took the seats in the first row except Fang Xuan and Fang Che.

"The second deck belongs to your Uncle Xu, and the third deck belongs to Zhu Tao from the Liuli Branch of the Alliance Branch. They are busy today and will not come to the auction."

Seemingly sensing Fang Che's inner doubts, Fang Xuan poured himself a glass of juice, and then explained to Fang Che in a low voice.

Fang Che nodded clearly. The Uncle Xu mentioned by Fang Xuan was Xu Qiang, the mayor of Liuli City. He was also a powerful trainer and had a good personal relationship with Fang Xuan. He often visited Fang Xuan's house in the past.

As for Director Zhu Tao, Fang Che didn't understand it at all. The alliance's regional administrators were not allowed to get too close to the local gym leaders and mayors, in order to avoid regional high-level collusion and harming the interests of the local people. Possibilities arise.

Fang Che poured himself a glass of happy water, and then sat quietly on the sofa waiting for the auction to start.

Soon, the lights in the hall gradually dimmed, and along with the exciting music, four bright lights shone on the high platform in the center of the hall.

The floor of the high platform opened up, revealing a deep pit, and a figure slowly appeared in front of everyone following the lifting platform.

"We welcome you all to our alliance branch. During today's auction, I will introduce you to the treasure information."

The man wearing black-rimmed glasses looked at the packed hall and smiled. He adjusted his collar and completely ignored the exclamations of all the guests in the hall below.

"He's the auctioneer today? That's right. Everyone is here with their children. It's normal for him to show his face."

In booth No. 1, Fang Xuan also put down the wine glass in his hand in surprise, and then nodded thoughtfully.

Fang Che was a little curious, and then the man's self-introduction made Fang Che stunned.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhu Tao. I am the manager of the Liuli branch of the Elf Alliance, China Alliance. Anyone who knows me or doesn't know me can call me Zhu Tao. All the treasures auctioned today come from the Liuli Secret Realm. I hope you will have a satisfactory harvest."

Zhu Tao is not a qualified auctioneer, but he is the most popular auctioneer. At least it can be seen from the applause at the scene. Even Fang Xuan is cheering for Zhu Tao.

"Then, let's not waste any time and invite our first auction item, three elf eggs from the Yusan Family!"

As an appetizer, the alliance auction unambiguously took out three elf eggs. When Zhu Tao ordered people to bring the elf eggs up, a light curtain suddenly appeared above his head, which introduced the three elf eggs in detail. Elf egg information.

"The King-level Charizard, the King-level Water Arrow Turtle, and the King-level Bulbasaur's eggs? The alliance is really generous!"

Fang Che looked at the information on the big screen with a look of surprise. Although it only introduced the information about the mother of the three elf eggs, the father of the three elf eggs must not be a simple person to be able to give birth to a king-level elf. .

At the same time, the potential of these three elf eggs is definitely very high!

Fang Xuan crossed his legs, tapped his knees lightly with his fingers, and then explained to Fang Che in a low voice, "This is a unique rule of the alliance. If the elf eggs are to be auctioned, the information of one of the parents will be hidden." , in order to stir up the mystery of eggs.”

Without knowing what kind of elf the other party is, cultivating elf eggs is something worth looking forward to.

After all, guessing the genetic moves of elf eggs is also a kind of psychological game, isn't it?

Charmander inherited the primitive power and the dance of dragons, but there are still fundamental differences.



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