There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 16 A-016 Riolu’s first battle!

Looking at the data displayed on the instrument, Xu Yanyan looked at Fang Che with some surprise. She was not surprised that Fang Che did not subdue a quasi-god as the initial elf. What surprised her was that Fang Che could actually do it within the scope of the alliance rules. A growth-level Riolu was cultivated within it!

You know, an elf like Riolu will only recognize one master in his life. As long as he is recognized by him, there is no possibility of betrayal.

It is precisely because of this that Riolu, unlike other elves, cannot be tamed by parents and handed over to their children after they reach adulthood.

In addition, Riolu's evolution is related to intimacy, which is the so-called tacit understanding.

If the bond between the trainer and Riolu is deep and they get along day and night, there is no telling when Riolu will complete his evolution, which will definitely break through to the elite level.

In other words, an elf like Riolu is not suitable for a child of a family like Fang Che. There are too many changes that will happen!

In fact, if it weren't for Riolu's eye disease and the training and training he received over the past two years, he would definitely be able to break through to the elite level.

Although Riolu didn't say anything, before it truly became Fang Che's initial elf, the pressure it bore was too great.

"Teacher, can I go?"

After completing the registration, Fang Che said hello to Lu Hui and then wanted to go home.

Today he will act as a gym apprentice and see if he can meet any suitable opponent.

Xu Yanyan nodded quickly. After completing the registration, Fang Che's summer vacation life could be considered to have officially begun.

After leaving the class, Fang Che saw many students who had completed registration like him and were talking in twos and threes. Through the windows in the corridor, he could also see some students on the playground having an elf battle.

The high school seniors and seniors have already completed their enrollment and left. Now the most proud people in the school are the high school students who have just completed their trainer registration.

I don't know how many juniors and juniors didn't go home even during the holidays. They all gathered near the playground and looked at the trainers fighting on the playground with envy and longing.

Fang Che touched the high-end ball at his waist, and then raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The story between him and Riolu has officially begun!

After returning home, Fang Che first prepared an afternoon tea for Riolu, and then found Lu Qiling who was training.

Lu Hui is going home today, and he will go back to his grandparents' house with his parents in the next week. Lu Qiling has no way to leave because she has training tasks and gym tasks.

"Sister Xiaoling."

After saying hello to Lu Qiling who was training, Fang Che naturally checked the strength of Lu Qiling's elves.

Although the power of data can only view the information of elves when they come into contact with them, this does not mean that Fang Che cannot identify the strength of elves in other ways.

Although the children of the aristocratic family cannot cultivate elves too much in advance, they can learn more knowledge related to elves. Fang Che is not the kind of second-generation ancestor who just waits for death. The knowledge of elves in his mind is not to say that he can be an elf scholar, but at least he can. You can be a small lecturer.

"Two gym-level ones, three elite-level ones, and one growth-level one that you just conquered?"

Lu Qiling doesn't have many elves. Although she is the chief of Liuli Gym, cultivating elves requires too many resources, so Lu Qiling chooses to take the elite route.

First invest all the resources into your two main aces, and then earn little by little resources to cultivate other elves. This is the path chosen by many people, and it is also the safest path.

If too many elves were conquered at once, the food expenses alone would be enough to feed a small wealthy family.

Moreover, the value of elves lies in their finesse, not in their abundance. If you conquer too many elves, it will be difficult to establish a bond. You must know that elves are not data, and they will not change if you put them there without moving.

Elves are creatures with flesh and blood and emotions. The bond between trainers and elves is really important. The more knowledgeable a person is, the more they will value the bond between trainers and elves.

"Ache, you are back."

Seeing Fang Che, Lu Qiling raised a smile and nodded. She had not forgotten what Fang Che had asked her to do yesterday, "There are five challengers registered today, two in the morning and three in the afternoon. There is currently only one left. Challengers haven’t come to challenge us yet.”

Gym challenge does not mean that you just go to the gym and yell. You must fill in the challenge information on the official website of the alliance and wait for a response from the gym.

"I made a slight adjustment to the challenge time. This fifth challenger is a new trainer who has just conquered the elves for a year. He can also be regarded as your senior. In terms of strength, he should not have broken through the elite level. As Leo Lu’s first opponent was pretty good.”

Lu Qiling considered all the issues. As the first opponent of Fang Che and Riolu, it would not be good if the opponent was too strong or too weak. This kind of ordinary trainer who had just trained elves for a year was the best choice.

You know, Riolu has been training at Liuli Gym for two years. Due to alliance restrictions, neither Fang Xuan nor Su Ya used any secret treasures or resources to train Riolu. In addition, the relationship between him and Fang Che The bond has not been deepened yet, so the two sides can be said to be on the same starting line.

After hearing Lu Qiling's arrangements, Fang Che couldn't help but give Lu Qiling a thumbs up to express his praise.

As expected of her father's favorite disciple, although Lu Qiling's talent in training elves can only be considered excellent, in terms of other matters, Lu Qiling handles everything in an all-round way.

"What about challenge time?"

Hearing Fang Che's inquiry, Lu Qiling chuckled and patted Emperor Nabo beside her, "It's half an hour after you finish school. If you count the time, we should have arrived."

Just after Lu Qiling finished speaking, the communicator hanging on her waist suddenly rang. Lu Qiling picked up the communicator and checked it. It was the message of the challenger's arrival.

Fang Che immediately went to bring Riolu out, then he put on a mask and cap and followed behind Lu Qiling.

After all, he is also the young gym leader of the Liuli Gym. He pretends to be a gym apprentice to fight against challengers. Even if he wins, it is not a glorious thing. Once he loses, it will be really embarrassing.

Arriving at the front hall of the gym, a somewhat nervous girl was holding the Poke Ball tightly in her hand.

She looked towards the side door of the gym hall from time to time, waiting for her opponent to appear.

"Miss Liu Zixin, Liuli Gym welcomes your challenge."

Lu Qiling brought Fang Che to the gym hall. After she arranged Fang Che to one side of the fighting venue, she went to greet the challenger girl, "The person you are fighting now is the apprentice of our Liuli Gym. If you can defeat He can challenge me to get the gym badge, and now ask the gym apprentice to release the elves."

At Lu Qiling's signal, Fang Che summoned Riolu.

Although he didn't know who his opponent was, after knowing that he was going to fight his trainer for the first time, Riolu's fighting spirit was quite high.

Watching her opponent release a Riolu, Liu Zixin breathed a sigh of relief. Her elf was able to restrain Riolu. She originally thought she would encounter a difficult steel elf.

"Come out, Great Wang Yan!"




On the second day of taking water, my cold was cured, but my whole body was in a weak state. The doctor told me to drink more hot water.

I would also like to send this sentence to my readers, remember to drink more hot water!

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