There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 17 A-017 Is there a possibility that Riolu is very strong?

At the Liuli Gym Challenge Seat, an elf that looked like a swift appeared in mid-air. It was the general and flying elf King Yan!

"Huh? Are you serious?"

Fang Che looked at the elves released by the other party. He was a little confused, because Liuli Gym is a gym that specializes in steel. Although the elves of the apprentices are not necessarily all steel-type, most of the apprentices All the main forces have steel properties.

If you use the general type and flying type King Yan to attack the steel type gym, isn't this a gift?

Don't tell him that this King Swallow is not the opponent's main elf. This King Swallow seems to have been cultivated quite well. Although it has not yet broken through the elite level, it has a sense of courage in its momentum.

For ordinary people, it is enough to consume resources to cultivate a growth-level elf. The Liu Zixin in front of her is unlikely to come from a wealthy family, so the possibility of having other trump cards is very small.

However, King Yan is not the kind of elf who can learn a variety of attribute skills. Most of the moves he can master are flying or general types. It happens that the attacks of these two attributes fall on the steel elf. Can only cause weak damage.

If she hadn't happened to meet Riolu, who only had fighting skills, Liu Zixin might have had no hope of passing the first level as a gym apprentice.

"I just hope that the level of this big king swallow is a little higher."

Fang Che sighed. Even across a large battlefield, he could feel the opponent's happiness and fighting spirit. It seemed that Riolu was underestimated.

At the edge of the field, Lu Qiling was not surprised by Liu Zixin's elves. After all, she had adjusted the battle order. She already knew Liu Zixin's elves configuration when registering the information.

In addition to a Big King Swallow, Liu Zixin also trained a Lotus Hat Kid, but it is a bit difficult to use the Lotus Hat Kid to fight against Riolu, so Liu Zixin will definitely send the Big King Swallow if he has attribute advantages.

"Faced with your opponent's attribute advantage, Ah Che, what should you do?"

Lu Qiling was thinking in her mind as she told Liu Zixin that the battle had begun.

Liu Zixin took a deep breath, then waved her hand suddenly, and her momentum gradually began to rise, "Wang Yan, use the shadow clone after moving at high speed!"

King Yan is an elf that is good at fast attacks. Its high-speed movement increases its speed and its shadow clone increases its dodge rate. This set of combos can allow it to quickly get close to Riolu and pose a fatal threat.

But it's a pity that Riolu is a waveguide elf, and since it is blind, the shadow clone is completely useless to it.

"Don't worry, Riolu, lock the opponent's position through the waveguide."

Seeing the King Yan hovering in the air faster and faster, Fang Che had no anxious thoughts at all. He asked Riolu to use the wave guide to lock the opponent's position, "Wave missile!"

call out!

A blue light ball was suddenly released from Riolu's hand. Liu Zixin was slowed down when she heard Fang Che's order. Then when she wanted to give the dodge order to Da Wang Yan, Da Wang Yan had already been hit by a wave missile. Hit from the front!


In a burst of smoke, King Yan's body dropped several meters, but it vibrated its wings and quickly returned to the sky.

The damage caused by fighting-type wave missiles to King Yan is still a bit low. Even if he resists the wave missiles head-on, King Yan will not show too much difficulty.

Liu Zixin breathed a sigh of relief, then her expression became solemn, "How is it possible? Wave missile is a move that only Lucario can use, a Riolu..."

As a top student in an elf school, Liu Zixin naturally had a relatively solid grasp of elf skills. She didn't expect that she would meet a genius Riolu who could use wave missiles before he evolved.

"Da Wang Yan, use Qi gathering, and then the lightning flashes!"


After hearing the order, Wang Yan immediately gained momentum, and then rushed straight towards Riolu with a flash of lightning.

Riolu, who was locked tightly by the King Yan, didn't care at all. He just stretched out his hand indifferently, and then a wave of missiles hit the King Yan again.

This wave missile caused a deviation in King Yan's sprint trajectory, but King Yan still relied on his own perseverance to rush to Riolu.

"Now, Yan Hui!"

Liu Zixin was very excited. As long as the flying Yan Hui hits Riolu, she will definitely win this battle.

Fang Che looked at Wang Yan, whose whole body was shining with white light. He was not anxious. On the contrary, he snapped his fingers very calmly.

"It's already marked, then... let's work hard."


The moment Da Wang Yan's Yan Hui hit Riolu, Riolu instantly disappeared in front of Da Wang Yan, which surprised both Liu Zixin and Lu Qiling.

You know, Yan Hui is a move with a very fast attack speed. Relatively speaking, this move is almost guaranteed to hit at close range. How did Riolu dodge it!

Riolu, who disappeared in front of Da Wang Yan, appeared on Da Wang Yan's wings, and then he pressed his hands on Da Wang Yan's back, and with a burst of strength, he directly pressed Da Wang Yan onto the playing field.

With the inertial sprint, the King Yan slid out of a ravine on the battlefield. At the moment it hit the ground, Riolu chose to jump off the King Yan's body. Then its waist and horse merged into one, and a white light came directly from it. The palm of its hand shot directly into Da Wang Yan's back.


A roar of pain rang out, and King Yan rushed to the edge of the ring. After the smoke and dust cleared, it had lost its ability to fight.

"The face-to-face Fa Jin, two wave missiles, plus the awakening power of the ice attribute, even Wang Yan, who is known as the spirit of perseverance, can't bear it at all."

Lu Qiling sighed. Ah Che's Riolu was very good in terms of basics, especially since it also had the awakening power of the ice attribute, which allowed it to complete a must-have move against the flying King Yan. kill.

The only thing that Lu Qiling couldn't figure out was how exactly Riolu appeared on the back of King Yan. This was completely unscientific.

"I lost."

Liu Zixin took back the King Yan with some loneliness. She had the advantage of attributes. Why was the King Yan defeated so miserably?

The battle lasted less than three minutes. Except for the high-speed movement of King Yan at the beginning, it was constantly being suppressed and beaten by Riolu.

Are the elves you cultivated so weak?

There was obviously nothing wrong with the order she gave!

"Miss Liu, you are welcome to challenge Liuli Gym again. Please don't be discouraged. Failure in this battle cannot erase the experience of you and Da Wang Yan's hard work."

Lu Qiling walked to Liu Zixin's side and comforted her. To be honest, she had thought that Fang Che would win, but winning so completely could only mean that Riolu was too strong.

Strong, a bit like a supermodel!



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