There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 167 H-062 You are amazing! You are noble! You bring a trainer to beat me!

The four elite-level coconut palms put together can only be regarded as a "vulnerable group" on this grassland.

On weekdays, they can only make a living by "picking up garbage", so they are so excited when they see the lonely little fire horse, because the only little fire horse they can beat is the little fire horse that has not grown up.

However, these four coconut egg trees never expected that they were just bullying the weak and afraid of the strong and prepared to teach the lone little fire horse a lesson, but in the end they were taught a lesson by a human who fell from the sky.

The coconut tree, which has lived on this grassland for so many years, knows very well that humans are not easy to mess with, especially humans with powerful elves.

The two little fire horses in front of them obviously can't be taught a lesson. What they want to think about now is how to escape unscathed!

All four Coconut Trees were knocked down by the giant swamp monster. The Long-tailed Firefox also gained a wave of experience and performed very handsomely. The courage shown by these two elves really made Coconut Trees a little unable to resist.

The four of them lay on the ground and used their telekinesis to discuss it, and then they crawled out into the distance without even getting up. They didn't use teleportation until they were almost two hundred meters away from Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.


Watching the four coconut palms run away, the white little fire horse gently rubbed against the black little fire horse, and then looked at Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi who looked back at them with slightly uneasy eyes.

Although the coconut egg tree has been driven away, the two humans in front of him now seem to be even more difficult to mess with!

The little black fire horse obviously felt that something was wrong. Just as it was about to say something, Fang Che released Lucario directly.

At this time, nothing can show their friendship better than releasing Lucario.

As he had "high hopes" from his trainer, Lucario reluctantly squatted down to communicate with the two little fire ponies. The power of the waveguide made the two little fire ponies calm down a little, and they also moved themselves told Lucario about the situation.

After Lucario's "simultaneous translation", Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi also understood why the two little fire horses acted alone.

They were originally members of the Flame Horse Clan on the grassland across the river, and the little black Flame Horse was even the son of the previous Flame Horse leader.

However, because the previous leader of the Flame Horse was seriously injured in a battle with the river overlord Crocodile after giving birth to the little Fire Horse, the position was eventually passed to the second strongest leader in the group, the Flame Horse. Later, the Black Little Flame Horse and its childhood sweetheart White The little fire horse was kicked out of the group by the new leader for "excluding dissidents".

This is a very common thing among the wild elves.

After contact, most elves will be friendly to humans, but only to humans.

For elves who are not of the same race or even of the same race, there are many more fights between them.

Fang Che even heard of an urban legend, that is, when the elves first came to this world and supplies were not yet abundant, the female flying mantis would "eat" the male's food during childbirth after marrying him. to replenish energy in the body.

This was somewhat similar to the legend of the mantis that he had heard in his previous life. However, as humans began to study elves more and more deeply, this horrifying legend became self-defeating.

However, fights between elves and even internal strife are real.

"Is your mother dead?"

If the previous leader of the Flame Horse had not died, even if the new leader took office, it would be impossible to squeeze out the children of the old leader. It was obvious that there was no member of the Flame Horse clan willing to protect these two children.

Zhao Wanxi looked at the little black fire horse with some sympathy in her eyes. After all, losing her mother at such a young age is really a heartbreaking thing.

The little black fire horse lowered its head. Its mother was buried deep in the grassland by the tribe more than a week ago. After that, it and its partners were driven out. During this week, they could not find a new habitat at all. , even the food is provided by the more friendly mosquito-repellent tadpoles.

This is the second reason why the fast swimming frog provided Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi with the positions of two little fire horses. It was a kind-hearted man and hoped that the two little fire horses would have a bright future.

Having been to the human world, it knows that outside, the shining elves will not be squeezed out, but have a very high status, which is completely different from the inside of the elves.

It will be very difficult for the little fire ponies to live in the secret realm. Even if they have high potential and unlimited future, if there are not enough resources for their growth, their potential will only be wasted.

"Do you want to go back to the tribe?"

Fang Che came to the black little fire horse. The little fire horse was only a little over one meter tall, which was only a little taller than the average height of ordinary little fire horses.

Judging from the talent of the flash elf, this is completely substandard, which means that this little fire horse is somewhat malnourished!

If Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi subdue these two little fire horses, they need to deal with two problems.

The first problem is the little fire pony's heartache for being kicked out of the clan.

The second problem is the malnutrition of the little fire horse.

Malnutrition is easy to solve. No matter Fang Che or Zhao Wanxi, it is impossible to be stingy with the training of the little fire horse. Malnutrition can be replenished even if all kinds of resources are poured into it.

But the first question is for Xiao Huoma to think about.

If it wants to go back and take revenge on the leader who drove them out of the group, then Fang Che can help it, whether it is to help the little fire horse improve its strength so that it can take revenge on its own, or to directly let the giant swamp monster and Kodora take action. You can teach the leader of the Flame Horse a lesson.

And if the little fire horse didn't want to go back, Fang Che wouldn't force it to go back to the tribe that made it sad.

The little black fire horse was silent. It had not yet decided whether to go back or not.

If we use the power of the two humans in front of us, we may really be able to teach the leader of the flame horse a lesson, but the rules in the group are all based on the leader. In order to prevent the little flame horses from growing up and taking over the throne, the new leader of the flame horse will drive them out. It’s understandable, but it really can’t swallow this breath!


After seeing that his partner could not make up his mind, the little white fire horse suddenly approached Zhao Wanxi. It gently rubbed Zhao Wanxi's neck with its soft mane, and then began to ride in Zhao Wanxi's arms. Start crying.

It knows that whether they are elves or humans, boys should appear more generous and calm outside, so if they want to "make trouble", it is absolutely okay for girls to act a little more miserable.

Even without Lucario's analysis, Zhao Wanxi could tell that the little white fire pony was complaining about how miserable they had been after being kicked out of the tribe.


Zhao Wanxi hugged the little white fire horse's neck. She glanced at Fang Che, and Fang Che spread his hands casually. The little white fire horse chose the right person to confide in!

"Will you leave with us?"

However, even though he had "promised" the little white fire horse to take them back for "revenge", Fang Che still had to ask if they were willing to leave with him.

Don't be embarrassed if you work for a long time and people don't want to leave.

The little black fire pony was silent for a while. He had heard about the goodness of human trainers from his mother, and he had also heard from his grandfather, the fast-swimming frog, about the prosperity of the outside world.

When he was almost unable to hold on any longer, he thought about taking his friends to the human world, but he couldn't find a way.

Now think about it, it might not be a bad idea to follow the human being in front of you who is recognized by all the waveguide messengers.


The little black fire horse finally made up his mind and stood beside the white little fire horse with a very determined attitude.

As long as it is not separated from its companions, it is willing to go with Fang Che.

In this regard, Fang Che could only say that it was too perfect.

Zhao Wanxi can subdue the little white female fire horse that can act coquettishly and cutely. It is perfect for him to subdue the black little fire horse that looks so arrogant.

Based on his relationship with Zhao Wanxi, there is a 99% chance that they will not be separated in the future. After all, they are not childhood sweethearts, so there will be no sudden break in the situation.

In this way, the two little fire horses don't need to be separated.

After obtaining the consent of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, the little black fire horse lowered its head towards Fang Che, which represented its surrender.

Zhao Wanxi took out some elf food and some energy cubes that were the favorite of the fairies. These two little fire horses hadn't eaten for at least a day, so it was hard to rush when they were hungry.

Eating delicious food, the two little fire horses got together happily. Since the black little fire horse's mother passed away, they felt that the future was extremely dark.

But now, tasting the delicious food, they feel that they finally have hope for the future!

"Ah Che, let's give the little fire horse a name, otherwise it will sound weird."

Zhao Wanxi gently stroked the back of the white little fire horse. She suddenly thought of something. When the two little fire horses were together in the future, would there be confusion if the two of them shouted about the little fire horse?

Fang Che also thought of this, "What are you going to name her?"

"Snow White."

The corners of Zhao Wanxi's mouth curved slightly, "It sounds very ordinary, right, but I can't think of any other words to describe her."

Just as Zhao Wanxi said, apart from being as white as snow and holy as light, Fang Che could not think of any adjectives to describe the little white fire horse. It is like an elf in the snow, making people feel a pity in their hearts. Heart.

Of course, this feeling is probably only experienced by humans. To the elves, Bai Xue's appearance is a bit strange, so strange that they cannot understand this beauty.

Only the little black fire horse, who is also a different-colored elf like Bai Xue, can appreciate Bai Xue's charm.

"Then I'll call him the Black King."

The child of the former leader of the Flame Horse, a shining elf and a born prince, he also showed dragon-like pride in the face of invincible opponents.

There is nothing wrong with the name Black King.

Black King and Bai Xue raised their heads and looked at each other. They had no objection to their new names, or in other words, they didn't care about it at all. As long as they could still be together in the future, it didn't matter to them.

After the two little fire horses stopped eating with satisfaction, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi both took out a high-level ball. They turned on the switch and handed the ball to the little fire horse. Black King and Bai Xue looked at each other. Then he gently touched the elf ball with the tentacles on his head.


Two soft sounds represent that Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi's goal this time has been successfully achieved!

"The next step is to help Xiao Huoma get some justice."

Fang Che gently rotated the elf ball in his hand. The two little fire horses needed to rest, and he would release them when they returned to the flame horse group.

Zhao Wanxi touched the tip of her nose gently. She felt that it was not good to break into the Flame Horse clan and beat the leader of the Flame Horse. Would it make the alienated Flame Horse clan feel disgusted and resistant to humans?

Fang Che just waved his hand at this. Mature elves are not so fragile in their hearts, and as long as they release the little fire horse, the flame horse group will understand why they are here.

At most... the new flame horse leader will be extremely unhappy inside.

After all, although it drove the little fire ponies out of the group, the little fire horses came back to take revenge not on their own, but with a human trainer. This was a bit unethical.

If the flaming horse could talk, it would definitely raise its hoof and give a thumbs up to the little flaming horse.

[You are amazing, you are noble, why don’t you come back to challenge me yourself and bring a human trainer to beat me? ! 】

Probably, Lieyanma would sigh like this.

Fang Che glanced at the elf ball in his hand and saw that the power of data had penetrated deeply into the little fire horse's body.

"Little Fire Horse (Gallar) (Flash) (Male)

Level -12 (growth level)


Qualification-King of Heaven

Features-pastel curtain, danger prediction

Special ability - King's majesty: Reduce the enemy's offensive ability by 10%. "

Special ability - King's Will: Reduces the attacks received by 10%.


Moves - Crash, tail wagging, telekinesis, fairy wind, high-speed movement, double combo, horn drill, make a scene, morning light

Special moves - wide area combat, hypnosis, overwhelming, sleeping, foreseeing the future, bouncing

Intimacy - 133”

"The majesty of the king, the will of the king, two special abilities? He is truly worthy of being the son of the leader of the tribe..."

Fang Che felt a little emotional. Even if this little fire horse had not met him, he would still be destined to become an arrogant king in the future. After all, the talent, potential and ability are all there. As long as it can survive the most difficult growth period, even if it is When it first entered the elite level, it could instantly kill those four coconut egg trees!

The majesty of the king directly weakens the opponent's offensive ability by ten percent. What does this mean?

As long as the little fire horse appears, the opponent's physical attack ability and special attack ability will be weakened by 10%. This is simply the PLUS version of intimidation.

There is also the King's Will, which reduces the attacks he receives by 10%. This combination, even the most effective attacks, cannot cause the little fire horse too much of a headache.

It is a born king on the battlefield. Even without the blessing of legend, its future achievements will not be much weaker than Cordora and Swampert.



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