There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 168 H-063 The revenge of the snake and its tail!

In the territory of the flaming horses, a group of flaming horses are leading the little flaming horses to enjoy the delicious weeds. Although elves like food with elven energy, such as tree fruits, leaves of special fruit trees, and tree sap, this kind of food Not every meal can be enjoyed.

Even though the flame horse tribe is the dominant one on this grassland, the resources in their territory are still not enough for everyone to share. Therefore, generally small flame horses and ordinary flame horses can only eat wild grass, but they can fill up by eating any grass. Belly, it's just that the growth rate will be limited.

In mid-air, Fang Che sat on the back of the Qixi Blue Bird. He was holding a telescope and observing the group of flaming horses below. There were fifteen flaming horses below, and the number of small flaming horses was larger, more than thirty. It's quite a small group.

"Go ahead, Swamp Thing, give our new comrades a break, don't go too far."

Fang Che took out the Swampert's Poke Ball, opened it, and threw it down.

The elf ball exploded the moment it hit the ground, and Swampert appeared from it. He took his elf ball in his hand to prevent the elf ball from being damaged by falling from a high altitude.

The moment the giant swamp monster appeared, the flaming horses discovered this uninvited guest.

The leader of the Flame Horse immediately rushed to the front and prepared to block the giant swamp monster. This was his responsibility and obligation as the leader.

Also acting with it were several young and strong-looking flame horses. They quietly surrounded the giant swamp monster. In the war surrounding their own territory, there was no fair fight.

A while ago, didn't the Crocodile choose to sneak attack while the vitality of the previous leader was damaged after giving birth? If the leader is in a healthy state, it is impossible to be defeated by the Crocodile.

However, the giant swamp monster that appears in front of us now seems to be not as strong as the powerful crocodile. With the strength of their leader, there is absolutely no problem in dealing with it.


The leader of the flaming horse raised his front hooves and screamed softly. He didn't even think about negotiating with the uninvited giant swamp monster. He directly stepped on the ground and released rich spiritual energy.

In the mental field, for a short period of time, elves on the field cannot use preemptive skills. Non-super-type elves will be disturbed by spiritual power and their speed will be greatly reduced. At the same time, the power of super-type moves will be increased.

Even when facing a giant swamp monster that is weaker than himself, the leader of the Flame Horse will never take anything lightly.

In this grassland, once you are injured, other elves will stare at you.

It may be elves of other races who covet the resources of the Flame Horse's territory, or it may be those Flame Horses in the clan who covet the position of leader.

Scenes like the scenes in Suicune's secret realm where various ethnic groups live together in almost peace and harmony are actually rare exceptions.

When the spiritual field was spread out, the giant swamp monster suddenly felt that its body was a little heavy, and the air that had no resistance seemed to turn into a viscous liquid, constantly squeezing its body.

This is also a scary thing about super elves. Most super power attacks are invisible and colorless. You can't even imagine what kind of attack you will face.

An auxiliary field-building skill can control the enemy, improve oneself, and ban demons. Needless to say, if the super-type elves are not generally weak, the super-type should be the most powerful. An attribute rather than a dragon type.


After the spiritual field was laid out, the flaming horse began to charge towards the giant swamp monster, and the sharp corners on its head also began to flash with colorful lights, which was the light of superpowers converging into substance.

Spiritual blade!

Swampert is only restrained four times by grass-type moves, and the Galarian Flame Horse happens to be unable to master any grass-based skills. This results in it having to use its best attack when facing Swampert. But it is not the most effective attack against the giant swamp monster.


Looking at the attacking flaming horse, the giant swamp monster showed a disdainful smile. Although this flaming horse had gym-level strength, it was not at the same level as the Yanwu King it had faced.

It stared into the eyes of the flaming horse, and its unruffled aura directly weakened the momentum of the flaming horse's attack.

King's Momentum, a special ability attached to the King of Giant Swamp Monster Water, can directly reduce the opponent's attack power by 10%. For the Galarian Flame Horse, which relies on its ability to fight in close combat, this momentum can be regarded as breaking the flames. The belief that the horse will win.


After releasing its kingly aura to block the opponent's offensive momentum, the giant swamp monster also stepped forward. The swift and violent water flow enveloped the giant swamp monster's body. It came first and hit the body of the leader of the flaming horse directly. superior.


The seven-colored light blade on the head of the leader of the flame horse disappeared, and he groaned in pain. His body was completely uncontrollably knocked away by the giant swamp monster for dozens of meters, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

Comparing strength with the Swampert was something neither Lucario nor Cordora wanted to do.

Even though the Swamp Monster is only at the elite level, if you don't use grass-based skills and attack him from a distance, even a quasi-king-level elf would have a hard time defeating a Swamp Monster that uses water rupture. difficulty.

If you want to know more specifically, you can ask Mr. Zhao how he felt about King Yanwu. It felt like being hit by the Harmony. It was really outrageous.

Seeing the leader being knocked away by the enemy's move, the flaming horses preparing to besiege the giant swamp monster couldn't sit still.

They have already changed their leader. If they change their leader again, the group may disperse. By then, they will have no place to stand on this grassland!

These flame horses looked at each other, and in unison they released super-power offensive moves towards the giant swamp monster, using strong mental energy.

After all, the leader of the Flame Horse was knocked away by the giant swamp monster with one move, let alone them. If they approach rashly, there will definitely be no good end.

Feeling more than eight powerful mental thoughts coming toward him, the Swampert also showed a dignified expression.

Although its power is extremely powerful and can even force gym-level elves back, this does not mean that it can ignore the attacks of gym-level elves.

There are so many mental strong thoughts, if you eat them all, it will shed its skin even if it doesn't die.


Swamp Monster beat the ground with one hand, and a burst of sand was immediately kicked up by it. The flame horses immediately lost the figure of Swamp Monster. Regardless of this, they did not resent it and let their mental strength penetrate the sand and dust to attack where Swamp Monster was. position.

When the dust dispersed, the giant swamp monster stood there, its eyes dull and its body stiff, as if its spirit had been severely hit.

Just when the Flame Horses thought their attack was effective, the Swamp Monster's body suddenly exploded, like a silkworm chrysalis breaking out of its shell, directly revealing the real Swamp Monster unscathed!


Spend more than half of your physical strength to create a puppet substitute that can resist almost all damage in a short period of time. Unless the substitute is broken, it will not be able to cause any harm to the giant swamp monster at all.

When being trained with skills by Zhao Wanxi, the giant swamp monster learned to wear a substitute on its body to avoid being hit from all directions. The eight strong mental thoughts can indeed tear apart the substitute's armor in an instant, but only It can only tear the substitute armor into pieces.

"Lucario, use metal claws after wave missiles. Kodora, floating trio, iron head. Giant pincer mantis, move at high speed and then harass with bullet punches."

In mid-air, Fang Che saw the eight flaming horses preparing to continue attacking. He dropped three elf balls, and then the three elves that emerged from the elf balls directly surrounded the flaming horses surrounding the giant swamp monster.

Lucario clasped his hands together and directly released three wave missiles. The wave missiles hit three flame horses. Then Lucario held the bone rod like an unparalleled assassin and directly used the energy of the metal claws. It condensed on the bone rod and completed the three metal rods.

Three flame horses, whose level had just exceeded level 40 and were not even considered to be elite elites, were instantly killed. They fell to the ground, feeling extremely panicked. Was this enemy a little too strong?

Compared to Lucario's precise and swift attacks, Dora showed a "rich" bombardment.

It did not use the iron head attack ordered by Fang Che. Instead, after completing the trio of electromagnetic levitation, body lightening, and rock polishing, it directly chose to release a rock critical strike.

Relying on the powerful Heart of Rock ability, each rock Dora condenses is one-third the size of the Flame Horse. Even if the effect is unparalleled, the Flame Horse can only fall down with hatred after being hit by three or four rocks in a row. .

During Cordora's attack, Giant Pincer Mantis was like a mature boxer, mastering the retreat tactic at the touch of a finger. Wearing the King's Gloves, it fully demonstrated the lightning-fast characteristics of bullet punches, because The mental field released by the leader of the Flame Horse only covers the body of the giant swamp monster, so it does not affect the performance of the giant pincer mantis.

Although it is difficult to make the flame horses lose their combat ability with the strength of the Giant Pincer Mantis, there is still no problem with "adding some experience".

Under the attack of Kodo Laqiong's precise shooting and Daze's barrage bombardment, several flame horses could no longer hold on. They staggered out of the battlefield, and then watched the giant swamp monster step by step towards the flame horse with some worry. leader.

Fang Che released the Black King, and Zhao Wanxi also summoned her own Bai Xue. When they saw the Black King Bai Xue, all the flame horses understood. They snorted unnaturally, and then looked at Lie Yan. Leader Ma's eyes became even more worried.

Damn it, this is the child of the former leader who found a backer and came back to take revenge!

If the current leader is successfully avenged, who will their tribe respect as their leader?

The storm in the brains of this group of flaming horses was very fierce, but it did not affect Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi at all.

The two of them had communicated with the Black King and Bai Xue before. They didn't care about the position of the leader. They only cared about two things.

One is the leader of the Flame Horse who drove them out of the tribe. The Black King will definitely come back to fight with him in the future.

The second one is the powerful crocodile that caused the death of Black King’s mother. That guy is a bully in the grassland streams. Whether they are the kind-hearted tadpoles or the elves on the grasslands on both sides of the river, most of them have been bullied by it. Black King I want to kill it and avenge my mother.

Regarding the Black King's first wish, Fang Che felt that there should be no problem. With the power of data, it would only take half a year to a year for the Black King to surpass the leader of the Flame Horse.

In one year, the situation in Kaiyang Island Grassland is unlikely to change much.

Even a trainer who enters Kaiyang Island is unlikely to conquer an elf leader who has a clan to worry about.

But Power Crocodile is different. As a member of the three water-type masters, its value is very high. Even if ordinary trainers know that they cannot form a deep bond with Power Crocodile after encountering it, they will not let go of this powerful combat power.

In one year, there is no guarantee that the powerful crocodile will be conquered by someone.

Therefore, Fang Che's goal for the Black King is to reach the elite level within half a year, by which time it will be qualified to compete with the powerful crocodile!

The Black King walked up to the giant swamp monster under Fang Che's gaze. It raised its head and looked at the nervous leader of the flame horse in front of it, and then opened its mouth and spat out a mouthful of "psychic saliva", which meant that it followed its mother's side. , but the disdain of the leader of the Flame Horse, who chose to seize power whenever he had the chance, also meant that he no longer had his heart in this ethnic group.

From now on, no matter what happens to this ethnic group, it will have nothing to do with it.

The Swampert looked at the strong look of the Black King and scratched its head. Although it had never seen its mother, it knew that its mother was definitely still alive and well, so it felt uncomfortable losing it at such a young age. Mother's Black King was quite sympathetic.


When the Black King turned around and wanted to leave, the giant swamp monster directly gave the leader of the flaming horse a freezing punch. This move would not seriously injure the leader of the flaming horse, but it would give it a heart-breaking shock. Feel.

The "revenge" operation ended like this. The Black King wanted to return to the clan, not just to take revenge on the leader of the Flame Horse, but more to worship his mother.

That is to say, the Black King's mother has already been laid to rest, otherwise it would really want to take its mother out for a good burial.

Under the leadership of the Black King, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi came to the burial place of its mother. It was a small bulge located in a flower bed. If the Black King hadn't brought them here, they would have never known that it was buried inside. A leader of the tribe.

Fang Che thought for a while and erected a monument next to the bulge, explaining that the bulge was the tomb of the leader of the Flame Horse. It would be a bad idea if a trainer who came in later dug up some treasure hidden there. .

With this monument, the leader of the Flame Horse can sleep peacefully in the underworld.

After paying homage to the new leader of the Flame Horse, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi took the Black King Bai Xue on the road again. Next, they were going to Yuheng Island, the fifth island, to explore whether there were any elves worth noting in the mountains.



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