There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 175 H-070 The truth behind the riots in the Western Secret Realm!

Xuantian Baolu not only allows elves to gain a 10% increase in special attack racial value, but also allows people to obtain a super power that is not too special, but is definitely the dream of countless people.

Controlled deep sleep!

One or two hours of sleep every day can ensure the rest that the body needs, and can even greatly improve the body's recovery ability. Of course, this is a hidden benefit, not something written on the surface.

Fang Che didn't know how much this special ability could help Fang Qian. After all, Fang Qian had been among thousands of flowers and never left a leaf, and his good nephew Fang Che was still a theoretical person so far, so he had no experimental materials.

"I will give the Xuantian Baolu to Grandpa. You can discuss it with Grandpa on how to operate it."

Fang Che patted Fang Qian's shoulder again. I wonder if it was his imagination. Fang Qian, who seemed to have been in love with flowers for a long time and was frail, seemed to have some substance under his suit?

"It's the best choice to keep it with the old man. It's too easy for problems to happen if it's in our hands."

This secret treasure that allows elves to gain an unconditional 10% bonus to their special attack racial value with just a touch, without any requirements, has never been heard of on the entire planet.

Even those legendary mythical beasts and phantom beasts may not be able to create such a secret treasure.

Fang Qian's heart is full of enthusiasm. His talent in training is far inferior to Fang Xuan. Even though he is also trained by Fang Tianyang, he is only a gym-level trainer so far, and his actual combat ability is even worse than Fang Xuan's. Xuan.

However, he focused all his talents on business. Whether it was mining, or developing light industry and low- to medium-level businesses, he did quite well. In just a dozen years, he expanded the grass-roots team founded by the old man to the current level. The Fang Group is now proud of Xicheng.

It can be said that even if you don't look at the old man and Fang Xuan's face, when Fang Qian walks out, the governors of Xicheng will have to treat him as his equal.

Now, with this secret treasure that can start a business without capital, the Fang Group can rush out of the West City directly and move towards a more glorious future.

"Okay, I'm going to my parents' place first. If my second uncle wants to conquer any elves in the future, just go to my grandpa's place and use Xuantian Baolu."

Fang Che waved to Fang Qian and prepared to leave. Fang Qian subconsciously wanted to ask his elves to escort Fang Che away. After all, Fang Che now carries "the future of the Fang family" with him!

However, Fang Che didn't care about this at all. After all, after he came back from the secret realm of the Whirlpool Islands, he had not returned the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird to the old man. After all, he had to take a plane. Even if nothing happened to the Alliance plane for decades, but Still just in case.

With the Qixi Blue Bird, Fang Che can easily handle no matter what emergencies he encounters.

Fortunately, China's public security is the best in the world. At least Fang Che didn't encounter anything strange along the way and arrived at the Western Wasteland. This place was originally deserted, but because of the emergence of several secret realms, the alliance established a base here.

Now, this base has also become a line of defense for investigating the riots in the Western Secret Realm.

After passing nine levels in succession with Fang Tianyang's orders, Fang Che finally came to the base and saw his parents, whom he hadn't seen for a long time. I wonder if it was his misunderstanding, but his parents didn't seem to be affected by the yellow world in the western wasteland at all. They looked a little haggard due to the sandy weather, but they still looked so radiant, with just a little frown on their faces.

"Ache, why are you here?"

Su Ya was extremely shocked when she saw her son, because Fang Che had never mentioned this matter to the couple before coming.

Moreover, the western wilderness can be said to be the most dangerous place in the country now. How could Fang Che not worry when he came to this place without saying a word.

"Mom, I just came over to see you and dad. What's going on here?"

Fang Che looked curiously at the sad-looking trainers gathered in groups not far away. He saw many characters who often appeared on TV.

Su Ya glanced at the colleagues who were still busy around her, and then sighed helplessly, "We have found the cause of the riot in the Western Secret Realm. It was the people of the Shadow Group who accidentally disturbed the guardian of the secret realm while exploring a new secret realm. , it just so happens that the guardian of the secret realm is a family member left by a god, and after it became angry, it directly affected the stability of the surrounding secret realm, and the elves in the secret realm have the ability to leave the secret realm on their own."

Fang Che turned his head and looked out the window in surprise. He saw no elves in the yellow sand, but he thought that there was definitely a serious crisis area hidden behind the yellow sand.

You know, as long as the secret realm is not artificially destroyed, the elves in it cannot leave the secret realm on their own. Now because of the family of a god, the stability of multiple secret realms has been destroyed. Once this data was destroyed by some dark organizations, If they get it, they are likely to develop special weapons for the secret realm.

By then, all secret places around the world will no longer be safe.

"Whose family member is that guardian of the secret realm?"

Fang Che asked Su Ya in a low voice. This issue was most likely a core secret within the alliance. Logically speaking, Su Ya should not reveal it to Fang Che. But seeing Fang Che's curious look, she thought about it and took out the secret. He wrote a few words on paper and pen, showed it to Fang Che, and then destroyed the note directly.

Looking at the information given by his mother, Fang Che was stunned.


[Champion Level·Bronze Bell]

Good guy!

This western wasteland is actually related to Palkiya, the god of space?

But saying this makes people feel quite normal. Only the ability of the God of Space can affect the stability of the secret realm.

Fang Che felt that the championship-level Bronze Bell was definitely a huge boulder weighing on the alliance's head. The super-type and steel-type Bronze Bell was definitely a very difficult opponent, not to mention that it had mastered the gift of Palkiya. A champion-level overlord with great abilities, even two active kings may not be able to suppress it!

"Grandpa, why don't you come over?"

Fang Che was a little strange again. Since there was a championship-level overlord here, wouldn't it be good to dispatch the King? Fang Tianyang happened to be the King of Steel, wouldn't it be enough to let him conquer the Bronze Bell?

Fang Xuan on the side shook his head, "The Bronze Bell has collected all the resources and elves in the four secret realms into its own internal space. Now it is equivalent to a combination of multiple secret realms. No one can conquer it."

It is impossible for the Alliance to allow anyone to master multiple secret realms. If you conquer the Bronze Bell, doesn't it mean that you have the resources of four secret realms? And seeing how skilled the Bronze Bell is in creating space within its body, there is a high probability that the resources of those secret realms are even elves. It can be regenerated, which is terrible.


Fang Che took a breath. He really didn't expect that the Bronze Bell would be so cruel and directly absorb four elven secret realms into his body. But I guess this is also Palkiya's ability. For this great god It is said that carving out a small space enough for people to survive is just a matter of hands.

"So what's the situation now? Is the Alliance negotiating with Bronze Bell?"

Fang Che looked around. Although everyone had sad faces, they did not show any anxious expressions. Obviously, the situation was not as pessimistic as Fang Che thought.

Fang Xuan and Su Ya scratched their heads with a headache, "The negotiation between Bronze Bell and the alliance was not smooth. It believes that human trainers are not qualified to manage the secret realm, nor are they qualified to conquer the elves in the secret realm. If they want to let the four secret realms If it is to be restored, it must complete its assessment.”

"Furthermore, just like the legendary realm, people with king-level elves or above cannot participate in the trial, so the alliance can only transfer some talents internally."

"Basically all the trainers from the first echelon of talent within the alliance are here. By the way, the seniors from the Imperial City Elf Academy you want to go to are also here."

Su Ya gestured to Fang Che, and Fang Che turned around and saw a somewhat "unremarkable" young man standing in the corner of the hall. Just looking at his appearance, he seemed to be inconspicuous among the crowd. But when you turn your head, you will find that you can't remember what the other person looks like at all. This specialness made Fang Che couldn't help but pay more attention to the young man.

"What kind of trial, how long will it take, can I try it?"

As soon as he heard that those below the Heavenly King level could not participate, Fang Che became interested. If it was just a feast for the Gym level and Quasi-King level, maybe he could also get a share of the feast?

"To put it simply, it is to break into the tower. Bronze Bell used the power of space to create a Tower of Babel, with a total of ninety-nine floors. The number of gatekeeper elves inside each floor is quite large, and their strength is also stronger than the previous floor. Moreover, the bronze bell can also simulate an elf phantom that is exactly the same as the challenger elf, appearing every ten floors. Only by defeating the elf phantom can you enter the next level."

"Only after passing the ninety-nine-story Babel Tower will Bronze Bell be willing to acknowledge the possibility of human beings and return the four secret realms."

Fang Che went numb when he heard what Fang Xuan said about the conditions for passing the customs.

Good guy, each layer of multiple gatekeeper elves is just more difficult than the next, and there are ninety-nine layers!

As a relative of Palkia, this bronze bell is truly worthy of being a godly relative. The level of troublemaking even surpasses Regirock and Suicune that Fang Che has come into contact with so far. No one else would be able to pass it.

Looking at Fang Che's confused look, Su Ya chuckled, "Of course, you can quit at any time, and as long as you can pass a level, you can get certain rewards."

"Quasi-King-level trainers will definitely be able to pass the first ten levels, and those who pass will get a perfect-level secret treasure. Of course, it won't be the kind of secret treasure that is too cherished."

Fang Che's eyes lit up instantly, he was in need of a secret treasure right now!

Wouldn’t it be great to have such a good place to farm for secret treasures?

"Since there is such a good thing, why is everyone still looking sad?"

Fang Che was a little confused. Although the four secret realms had not been released yet, a quasi-king-level trainer on the 99th floor could definitely pass the 20th or 30th floor. Wouldn't it be very comfortable to get two or three perfect quality secret treasures? Why bother? frown?

There was a hint of helplessness in the smiles on the corners of Fang Xuan and Su Ya's mouths, "Because, until now, no quasi-king-level trainer has passed the tenth level."

"That is the bronze bell that has seen through the essence of the elves and perfectly reproduced the phantom of the elves. Even with the trainer's command, after cleaning up the guarding elves, there is almost no hope of defeating them one on one."

After hearing Fang Xuan's explanation, Fang Che realized that there was a phantom of trainer elves mixed in on the tenth floor. If the trainer's elves could clean up the gatekeeper elves on the tenth floor, it meant that his elves would definitely very powerful.

After further consumption, facing a phantom that was almost at its peak and had exactly the same strength as his own, it was almost impossible to defeat him.

However, since no quasi-king trainer has broken through to the tenth level, why would anyone know that there is a perfect quality secret treasure that breaks through to the tenth level?

Su Ya saw Fang Che's doubts. She looked at the young man standing in the corner of the hall again, "Because the boy from the Long family broke through to the tenth floor. He reached the thirteenth floor and felt tired before retreating. He passed the level. On the tenth floor, Bronze Bell told him the reward rules and gave him a perfect quality [Dragon's Tooth]."

When Fang Che heard about the perfect quality Dragon Fang, Fang Che immediately smacked his lips. The dragon-type secret treasure itself was expensive, let alone the perfect-quality dragon-type secret treasure. The strength and treasure of the dragon's teeth were definitely not weaker than Lu's. Kallio's Bone Rod.

"I want to try it."

Fang Che thought for a while and then applied to his father. He still had more than a day. Anyway, there was nothing important and he could come out at any time. So it wouldn't be a bad thing to go in and take a look.

Moreover, all of his elves are at the unreasonable level. Although they are only at the elite level, their combat power is not weak at the gym level, and they may even be able to get through the tenth level.

Fang Xuan and Su Ya looked at each other. They thought for a while and then nodded. So far, no challengers have been in danger, so it is not a bad thing to let Fang Che go in and give it a try.

After Fang Xuan and the person in charge of the base submitted an application, Fang Che walked into the transmission channel arranged by the bronze bell with the person in charge's ghostly eyes.

"A new trainer who has just received the elves for only a few months has actually passed the elite assessment of the alliance? Is this the genius of the Heavenly King family... This kid is so terrifying!"

The base director named Xiao Hun sat in the office and took a breath of cold air. Then he blew on the tea in front of him and said, "I hope Fang Xuan's son can break through the tenth floor. At least he will have to dig a few times on the bronze bell." A piece of wool, let it know that humans are not something it can look down upon!"

Because of the rules set by the Bronze Bell, beings above the Heavenly King level cannot move now, so he felt aggrieved sitting with two Heavenly King-level elves, and could only pin his hopes on the geniuses who came from all directions.



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