There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 176 H-071 The team battle begins!

In the Bronze Secret Realm, Fang Che felt a little confused when he looked at the ten elves that appeared in front of him, because he thought that the test created by the Bronze Bell must at least be a place with beautiful scenery, or something similar to an altar.

As a result, you will give me a large arena that is one hundred meters by one hundred meters?

It was still empty outside the boundaries of the arena. Fang Che stood on tiptoe and looked slightly into the distance. It was an abyss!

"It's a bit difficult!"

Fang Che immediately released his elves, because no one could detect the "breakthrough" inside, so he also released the giant swamp monster without any care. Even the Black King and the Giant Pincer Mantis Fang Che Released.

The average level of the Elf Guards on the first level is at the entry-level elite level, which is the kind that makes you find some confidence, so it's not a big problem to let the Black King gain experience.


The Giant Pincer Mantis looked at the ten elves with calm expressions across from them. It made a gesture and signaled that it would come forward and compete with ten.

The other elves naturally had no objections. After all, the Giant Pincer Mantis was not invincible to its new elite-level opponents.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the opponent is playing a KOF format, not a brawl!

Just as the giant pincer mantis accelerated and attacked a small fist stone with a bullet punch, the fire dinosaur behind the small fist stone did not hesitate to spit out a ball of hot flames. It was the unique skill of spraying flames.

With the Giant Pincer Mantis being four times weaker than fire, once it is hit by this move, it will definitely lose a lot of physical strength.

However, in the face of this kind of trick, the giant pincer mantis has already had a way to deal with it.

I saw the Giant Pincer Mantis crossing its arms in front of its chest, and then a burst of blue energy suddenly surged all over its body. Along with its handsome spinning dance, the blue energy easily blocked the flame-spraying trick.

The awakening power of water attribute combined with sword dance is the best choice to deal with fire attribute moves!

Just when the giant pincer mantis was satisfied with its choice, a figure suddenly appeared in front of it, and with a single move, the giant pincer mantis flew high into the sky.

Before the giant pincer mantis could react, a huge black shadow descended from the sky, and the shining white light converged on its beak. Once it hits the giant pincer mantis, it will definitely be very uncomfortable.

"Swamp Monster, wide area defense!"

"Black King, release the morning light!"

"Lucario, kill that big-billed bird on the other side for me."

"Kedora, earthquake, sweep across the screen!"

At this time, Fang Che couldn't help the Giant Pincer Mantis fighting alone. Even if it could defeat all the elves on the opposite side one-on-one, if the opponent came together, the Giant Pincer Mantis would be unable to withstand it.

This is a big brawl in the ring, not a time for personal heroism.

The Giant Pincer Mantis was in a state of being suspended in the air. The person who gave it a punch from the sky just now was a fiery monkey, and the person who dropped from the sky to attack was a big-billed bird.

Just when the Toucan's pecking attack was about to land on the Giant Pincer Mantis, a blue wave missile blasted it away, and then Lucario appeared in front of the Toucan in a blink of an eye. behind.


Thunder spread, Lucario held the bone club, and struck the big beak to the ground with a thunder fist.

At the same time, the Black King's morning light also fell on the giant pincer mantis, replenishing the giant pincer mantis's just lost physical strength.

The giant swamp monster yawned, and it jumped up and stood in front of all the elves. Then, a slightly cyan energy barrier connected the bodies of many elves. This move allowed it to block part of the elves for the brothers. s attack.

The last one to take action was naturally Cordora. It completed the floating trio when it was released, and then rushed directly behind the giant swamp monster after Fang Che gave the order. Under the "protection" of the giant swamp monster, But Dora landed directly, and the terrifying shock wave swept away all the elves on the opposite side.

Under Cordora's attack, all nine elves on the opposite side lost their ability to fight. As for the only flying bird that Lucario dealt with, he had already been knocked unconscious by Lucario's stick.

"Black King, I will follow you next, Lucario, you rely on the waveguide to fight independently, Dora is looking for opportunities to kill with one hit in the air, and the giant swamp monster is responsible for protecting the other brothers. The assessment inside the Bronze Bell They all play team battles!”

Through the first round of the ring battle, Fang Che understood the reason why so many geniuses were unable to break through the Bronze Bell test. They were all team battles, and weak people could not survive more than a few rounds.

And a trainer with a sound team and strong strength is very difficult to deal with the phantom on the tenth level, which is a bottleneck.

At this time, Fang Che really wanted to meet his future senior. How did he pass the tenth level of phantom that seemed outrageous when he thought about it?

After the first level, the ten elves were teleported out of the arena space, and then the edges of the arena were each extended by one meter. This was obviously to expand the fighting space, and the arena also changed from an ordinary masonry arena to Fang Che was a little excited to see the desert venue.

After the second layer, environmental factors are added. This is really exciting!

Soon, the elf guards on the second level appeared. This time, twelve ground and rock elfs appeared. Among them, the strongest one among the information transmitted back by Fang Che's data power was a level 36 dragon head. Gophers.

Faced with one of the core members of the Sandstorm Team, known as the [Rat-Headed Earth Dragon], Fang Che would naturally not have any contempt. When meeting the Sandstorm Team in this desert venue, he must not let his opponent take advantage of the weather!

"The giant swamp monster, use the freezing light to freeze the surrounding desert!"

Sure enough, after Fang Che gave the order to the giant swamp monster, the twelve guardian elves used sandstorm at the same time. The terrifying sand and dust raised in that moment directly caused Fang Che to completely lose sight of his own elves.

Fortunately, the Variety Monster has always been by Fang Che's side, and it released its mysterious protection to protect Fang Che and the Black King. Otherwise, the Black King alone would not be able to withstand the attacks unleashed by the twelve elite rock-based and ground-based elves. sandstorm.


In the sandstorm, a roar came, and pale light continued to spray, quickly turning the field into a piece of solid ice. In the process, even if the giant swamp monster did not attack intentionally, it took away the fighting power of the two elves. .

Seeing this scene, the dragon-headed gopher immediately ordered his companions to start digging into the ice to escape underground.

The broken ice that remained after the ice surface broke was swept up into the sky by the sandstorm, which directly added to the power of the sandstorm.

Fang Che's face turned green when he saw this scene. Good guy, he is increasing the opponent's fighting power.

However, due to the addition of ice, even the rock-type and ground-type elves would be harmed, so the remaining ten elven guards all got under and prepared to launch an assault.

The giant swamp monster didn't need Fang Che's orders at all. He directly raised his forearms high and then dropped them heavily. The terrifying earthquake directly shook the ice surface and the desert arena, shaking the ground.

For the elves in the burrowing state, earthquakes can cause double the damage. Coupled with the powerful strength of the giant swamp monster, the ten elves underground did not even have time to defend and were directly eliminated.

In fact, the dragon-headed gophers had already communicated with their companions after giving the order to dig holes. As long as the opponent used earthquake, they would have to hold on to carry it down. However, they didn't expect that the earthquake on the opposite side was so strong. They didn't have time to open even if they defended. Everyone was immediately eliminated.

As the ten elves fell, the sandstorm gradually dissipated, and the Giant Pincer Mantis also gathered around Fang Che.

To be honest, Fang Che really didn't expect that ten elite elves releasing sandstorms could create such a terrifying scene. What if there were a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand? !

No wonder, in any country, the Elf Alliance controls the overall situation, not some aristocratic families or plutocrats. No matter how strong your individual strength is, it is impossible to reach the level of an enemy of ten thousand people.

In the sandstorm just now, even if the king-level elves come, they may not be able to easily take over the weather. Of course, this also has a venue bonus. The sandstorm would not be so outrageous in another place.

However, the battle cannot always be fought on a venue that is favorable to one's own side. Tsunamis rise at sea, hail falls from icebergs, dust rises from deserts, and volcanic sun shines. This is what the weather team likes best.

The second level passed like this. Fang Che dusted off the non-existent dust on his body, and then asked the Black King to arrange the morning light in advance. In this way, after the elves in the next round come out, even if Fang Che's elves cause damage, there will be Morning light can be restored.

The venue on the third floor turned into a grassland venue, and the area was expanded again. However, Fang Che did not feel that the expanded venue was of any use.

Fifteen grass and poison elves appeared on the opposite side, led by a level 40 Bulbasaur. Although its level was higher than Fang Che's elves, unfortunately, it was not Fang Che's opponent.

And Fang Che's elves are really not afraid of encountering grass and poison types. After all, they are basically steel-type elves!


Without Fang Che's command, Lucario directly fired a wave missile at the Bulbasaur. Among the elves present, it was the least afraid of Bulbasaur's attack. As long as it got close to the Bulbasaur, it would be fatal to the Bulbasaur. one strike.

Swampert needs to be careful this round. After all, it is restrained four times by grass. Once it is hit by Bulbasaur head-on, it is likely to lose its best condition. The same is true for Dora, but It's much better than Swampert.

"Ba Na!"

Facing the incoming wave missile, Bulbasaur didn't even look at it and directly hit it with an energy ball. It was impossible for it to let this weird wave missile hit its body.

It is common in the assessment space. Bronze Bell has already told Bulbasaur that Lucario can use wave missiles to complete teleportation operations. Although he does not know what kind of damage Lucario can cause to him, Bulbasaur does not want to Go gamble.

After defeating Lucario's wave missile, Bulbasaur commanded his grass-type army to release the Great Sunny Sky. In an instant, fifteen blazing suns rose in the sky, and the temperature skyrocketed, directly causing the Giant Pincer Mantis and Kodora to feel a little nervous. I can't stand it anymore.

Even without the use of fire attacks, the irradiation of the fifteen little suns was enough to make some elves who were weak in fire and heat feel uncomfortable.

The water on the surface of the giant swamp monster's body was constantly evaporating, and its body became a little weak. Fortunately, the morning light of the Black King also arrived at this time, which relieved some of its discomfort.

Under sunny weather, the effect of morning light has also been improved. Even though the Black King is very weak, it can still have a very good auxiliary effect.

"In this situation, the only option is to use the Crazy Battle Axe."

Fang Che casually wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then gently raised his arm, "Diaries, please, spray flames!"

Except for the Variety Monster, none of Fang Che's elves have mastered large-scale fire attack skills. Facing a group of grass-type and poison-type elves, it is wise to use fire and ice-type skills to attack, but under many sunny weather Using ice attacks is equivalent to sprinkling water, so the only option is to let the Variety Monster take action.

I saw the watch on Fang Che's wrist squirming, and then the Variety Monster jumped up and transformed into a strong fire-breathing dragon. With the blessing of the sunny day, the power of the flames was raised to a level that it should not exist. .

Seeing the flames coming towards their faces, the gatekeeper elves suddenly panicked. Although Bulbasaur was also very scared, it still blocked the way of many elves.


A series of tree roots protruded from the ground, carrying broken pieces of mud directly in front of the jet of flames.

Crazy Plant, this is a top-notch ultimate move that few grass elves can learn. It is a skill that can change the terrain and is extremely powerful.

However, even the crazy plants could only block one of the fireballs from the Variety Monster. When the Variety Monster flew over the camp of the guarding elves, Bulbasaur was unable to withstand it.


Taking advantage of Bulbasaur's distraction, Lucario directly hit Bulbasaur's body with a wave of missiles, followed by two close-fitting fire fists and freezing fists. The ever-changing monsters in the sky didn't care about Bulbasaur at all. Directly facing the gatekeeper elf behind him, he kept spitting flames.

Seeing the loose camp of the gatekeeper elves, the Giant Pincer Mantis rushed in and defeated a Stinky Flower directly.

The giant swamp monster stood there without moving. It knew that although it was very strong, it was also "fragile". If it was hit by the grass elf's attack before leaving, it would be very uncomfortable, so it had no intention of moving at all.

More importantly, the Variety Monster took action, but Dora was also eager to try, so there was no guard elf around Fang Che.

Although the Black King is under Fang Che's crotch, it needs protection itself, let alone protecting Fang Che.

There is no taboo against directly attacking human trainers in the Elf Chaos. As long as the human trainers are wiped out, no matter how strong the Swamp Monsters are, they can only be considered a failure in the challenge. For this reason, Swamp Monsters can just watch movies and TV series. comprehend.

Therefore, when Lucario and the others were showing off their might, it was faithfully acting as Fang Che's guard.

Soon, Lucario defeated Bulbasaur. This Bulbasaur has chlorophyll properties and can move very fast on sunny days. This is why it can release crazy plants to block the way before it can spray flames.

However, no matter how fast it is, can it be compared to the "teleportation" Lucario?

Under the cross attack of the flame fist and the freezing fist, Bulbasaur quickly lay down, and lying down with it was the little brother it wanted to protect.

The third level is passed.



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