There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 202 H-097 I play a 3, you give me the Blue Eyes White Dragon?

Regarding the sudden attack, neither Fang Che nor Zhao Wanxi expressed surprise or panic. In fact, they had already discovered the woman's existence before she launched the attack.

After all, Fang Che is now so powerful that he has no friends among his peers. Even the strong men of the older generation cannot hide themselves in front of Fang Che without careful enough means, let alone this place. Wenxing wanders around outside with a geoduck all day long.

The moment the geoduck approached, Lucario in the Poké Ball and the Variety Monster on Fang Che's wrist simultaneously issued an early warning. This is why Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi asked the two old men not to pick them up. .

If the two old men came, it would be impossible for the mouse hiding in the shadows to take action.

It can be said that Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi gave Di Wenxing a chance to take action, and Di Wenxing happily seized this "opportunity".

"Looking at the two of you, you seem to be somewhat confident. I know that you are very strong, Mr. Fang, and you seem to have gained something in the secret realm. Hypothesis, let me make a hypothesis. If I use these guys, how can you cope with it? "

The corners of Diwenxing's mouth raised slightly under her mask, and she threw three elf balls casually. As the white light exploded, Fang Che was surrounded by several strange-looking elves.

Ground attribute and fire attribute elf, fire-breathing camel!

Ghost and evil elves, seductive eyes!

The super-type and poison-type elf, the Galarian Slowpoke!

Among these three elves, except for the fire-breathing camel, which is at the gym level of less than level 69, the other two elves are all level 69 elves who have mastered breakthrough skills and are quasi-king-level elves!

"Hiss, with your strength, you're still only an Earth Evil star among the Shadow Group?"

Fang Che was surprised by Diwenxing's generosity. In addition to the Quasi-Uranus Sulip next to Diwenxing, she only had three Quasi-Uranus in her hand. Looking at the fire-breathing camel, she was only a few steps away from the Quasi-Uranus. It only took two or three years to settle down.

This strength is very strong even in the Chinese Alliance, but she is only a Disha-level cadre in the Shadow Group?

Fang Che, who is also one of the evil stars, feels that he was just making up the numbers before?

"It's just that I don't want to climb up. After all, if I join the Tiangang Group, I will have to bear more [responsibility]."

Di Wenxing seems to know a lot of secrets about the inside of the shadow group. Her voice sounds melodious and quite recognizable.

Zhao Wanxi glanced at the Earth Star on the tree suspiciously, "Can I ask, is this your true body? Or, whose body have you taken over to speak?"

Previously, Di Wenxing had taken over the body of a researcher from Sha Xiong and entered the stadium to cause trouble. Now that Di Wenxing appeared as a woman, Zhao Wanxi couldn't help but become suspicious.

Di Wenxing obviously didn't expect Zhao Wanxi to ask this question. She stayed in place for at least three seconds, then couldn't help but tilted her head and smiled, "Don't worry, the eldest lady of the Zhao family, this is My true nature. If I didn’t really have a suitable person before, I wouldn’t have hypnotized a man.”

Obviously, Diwenxing has sexist ideas!

However, this has nothing to do with Fang Che. What he has to do now is to kill the three elves in front of him, take the Earth Star, and then hand it over to the Chinese Alliance, so that he can marry Bai Fumei and reach the peak of his life...

Oh, it's a conspiracy.

Even if he doesn't win the Diwen Star, Fang Che can still marry Bai Fumei, and he is already at the pinnacle of life that many people imagine.

"The decision is yours!"

Shaking his head to put away the thoughts in his mind, Fang Che threw out three elf balls. Three large elves immediately stopped in front of the elves of Diwen Star, feeling the energy of the elf released by Fang Che. With such momentum, the corners of Diwenxing's mouth twitched slightly under his mask.

Good guy, something isn't right with this situation, right?

A few days ago, you were still a relatively powerful elite trainer. How come you went to the secret realm and already had a gym-level Boscodora in your hand?

Also, where did your quasi-king-level monster come from? Did Fang Tianyang give all his main force to his grandson to save his life?

"The wave of water, the speed to deal with the fire-breathing camel, the wave of water."

"Boscodora, metal blast intercepts the Soul Eye and the Sluggish Beast."

"The giant swamp monster, the water flow breaks, help Bo Dangshui get rid of the fire-breathing camel first!"

Fang Che understands very well that in this kind of melee, it is better to cut off one of his fingers than to hurt ten of them. Although Boscodora is lower in level than the Ecstasy Eye and the Slow-shell Beast, it is a pity that the Slow-shell Beast has poisonous properties. The attack was ineffective against Boss Cordora, and the pitiful attack of the Ecstasy Eye could not cause any harm to Boss Cordora.

Therefore, Boss Cordora will not be at a disadvantage for the time being when it is one against two. At this time, it is only necessary to deal with the fire-breathing camel first, and then let the waves and giant swamps turn around to outflank the Soul Eye and the Galar Slut. beast, you can easily defeat your opponent.

As for Diwenxing's possible back-up, Fang Che can only say that unless Diwenxing can produce a Heavenly King-level elf, or the remaining elves she has are also quasi-Heavenly King-level, she will definitely fall here today. .



Bo Dangshui and Swamp Monster looked at each other, and Swamp Monster rushed towards the fire-breathing camel without hesitation. Bo Dangshui also used water waves from behind to help Swamp Monster.

"What a beautiful thought."

Di Wenxing chuckled, "Ecstasy eyes, sunny day. Slow-shell beast, arm shell weapon, mud wave!"

The Ecstasy Eye ignored Boscodora's metal explosion. It transformed into a wisp of ghost and sneaked into the ground. Then it fired a fireball into the sky before Swampert attacked the fire-breathing camel.

Obviously, the characteristic of Glamorous Eye is the heart of mischief. This characteristic allows Glamorous Eye to shorten the "forward swing" of the skill when using non-offensive skills.

Under normal circumstances, elves with a mischievous heart are good at doubles or even multi-players, and are an indispensable auxiliary position.

As soon as the sun cleared, the giant swamp monster immediately felt that its strength seemed to have dissipated a lot, and the power of the water flowing around its arms was also much smaller.

The fire-breathing camel snorted, and a stream of lava spurted directly from its mouth, touching the arm of the giant swamp monster.

Burn out the trick!

If the opponent carries tree fruits, or consumable props, this move can directly destroy the props.

The fire-breathing camel obviously wanted to see if it could disable Swampert's props. After all, in its opinion, Swampert was not as powerful as it, but the attack power was so outrageous that it must have been equipped with props.

And a prop that can enhance an elf's strength to such a terrifying level cannot be a permanent prop, it must be a expendable one-time prop.

In fact, the fire-breathing camel has gone into a misunderstanding. The special ability of the Swamp Monster has raised its combat power to a level that does not belong to its level. This is why the fire-breathing camel was given a Swamp Monster with one-time powerful props. the illusion.

If the fire-breathing camel used the fire-breathing trick, the Swamp Monster might be a little more uncomfortable. Now the most it can do is attack to offset the attack, and the Swamp Monster will return in vain.

"It's a sunny day, do you want to take this opportunity to destroy all my giant swamp monsters and undulating water?"

The corners of Fang Che's mouth raised slightly. He was sure that Wenxing didn't recognize Bo Dang Shui, but judging from the wave of water Bo Dang Shui had just made, it definitely had water properties, so there would be absolutely no problem in releasing Da Qing Tian.

However, Diwenxing made the same dogmatic mistake as the fire-breathing camel.

Who said that water-type attacks can never do any damage on a sunny day?

"Rippled water, steam!"

Water vapor, panel power 80, exclusive move for undulating water. When the combat weather is sunny, the power of this move will not be reduced, but will be increased to 1.5 times.

Coupled with the water attribute and special ability blessing of Waves of Water, the power of this move directly reaches two hundred and thirty-four!

Well, another trick that goes beyond self-destruction!

So, what is the use of the self-destruction trick?

Bo Dang Shui opened his mouth, and a terrifying stream of water vapor washed over the fire-breathing camel at lightning speed. The fire-breathing camel, which was four times weaker than water, instantly lost its fighting ability.

Its own strength is as strong as a wave of water, and now it is hit by a special move that has four times the power of nearly 250. It can survive for even one second, which is considered to be thick!

"Fire-breathing camel!"

Di Wenxing obviously did not expect such a thing to happen. In her opinion, no matter how strong your strange elf with water attributes is, it is impossible to kill her elf in an instant on a sunny day.

Unexpectedly, a burst of water vapor from Dang Shui directly took away her fire-breathing camel. If the dying world mechanism had not protected the fire-breathing camel, the subsequent damage from the previous burst of water vapor could have directly taken away the fire-breathing camel. The hot camel was "steamed".

"I didn't expect that this elf also has a water-based trick that can increase its power in sunny weather. It seems that I underestimated you, Young Master Fang."

Di Wenxing took a deep breath. She took out the elf ball and took back the fire-breathing camel. Fang Che did not stop her and could not stop her.

The elf ball retracts the light very quickly, and unless it is predicted in advance, it will be difficult to block it.

"Next, let's do something interesting! MEGA evolution, ecstasy eyes!"

Di Wenxing raised her hand. On her white wrist was a bracelet that looked like silver. In the center of the bracelet was a crystal engraved with a spiral tiger pattern.

Following Di Wenxing's soft drink, the seductive eyes climbed up from the surface, and then arrived in front of Di Wenxing in an instant.

Light escaped from the crystal, and the seductive eyes evolved into super seductive eyes amid a sinister smile!

Even though the level is still 69, the current Super Soul Eye is even as powerful as the King of Heaven!

"Hiss~ MEGA evolution is here? Which alliance are you from?"

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi took a breath. So far, all MEGA evolution bracelets are under the control of the alliance. Even if there are many people from the alliance in the shadow group, this does not mean that the MEGA evolution bracelets will Acquired by non-Alliance people.

In other words, the Diwenxing in front of him turned out to be a member of the Alliance, and he seemed to be a "fallen" Alliance member, but he just didn't know where Diwenxing was from.

Although Di Wenxing speaks Chinese well, this does not mean that Di Wenxing is Chinese.

"As for this question, let's wait until Young Master Fang goes to the reverse world, and then ask God Giratina about it."

Di Wenxing acted very confident. After all, in her opinion, she had already taken out her MEGA and evolved, and it was impossible for Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi in front of her to have any ability to resist.

Compared with several other combat mechanisms, MEGA evolution is perfect. After all, this power is a continuous and comprehensive increase. It is not like the Z move that can only be played in one wave, nor like the Gigantamax that requires a specific venue and Energy and MEGA evolution are the bottom-of-the-range combat mechanisms that many people think can definitely make a comeback at a certain time.

Fang Che is very strong, but after all, Fang Che is just an "ordinary" new trainer. He does not yet have the MEGA bracelet issued by the alliance, which means that Fang Che cannot carry out MEGA evolution!

"Ecstasy eyes, dark night shadow!"

Di Wenxing clasped her hands together and patted them gently. The seductive eye in front of her immediately raised the huge red crystal gem in her hand, and a strange red light fell directly on the three elves in front of Fang Che.

The three elves immediately showed a look of pain, because the attack of the Night Demon directly acted on the soul, and it was almost difficult to resist.

"Are you playing with the mechanics? If it was a few days ago, I would have found it more difficult, but who told you not to listen to what I said before?"

Fang Che sighed, he also raised his hand, and the right hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet gently snapped his fingers.

Three consecutive rays of bright gem light poured into the bodies of the three elves. In the next moment, the three elves who were still in some pain due to the dark night demon were all floating in the air. The glowing gem armor condensed on the surface of their bodies directly He resisted the power of the Night Demon.

The Super Soul-Educing Eye has evil and ghost attributes. This attribute is quite good. It has almost no weaknesses except for the weak fairy type.

In particular, it is immune to general, fighting and super-type skills.

However, the combination of evil and ghost attributes also makes it somewhat helpless when encountering normal-type elves. After all, even if it is evil-type, hitting normal-type elves will only cause double the damage at most.

Fang Che used the infinite crystal stone to directly transform the three elves' crystal attributes into normal attributes. The damage of the night demon was repelled in an instant.

Di Wenxing was stunned. She looked at the three elves in front of Fang Che. Had her nearly twenty years of elf training been in vain? What kind of power is this?

In other words, this is also a MEGA evolution, a combat mechanism?

Fang Che hugged Zhao Wanxi with a smile. He felt that he should be able to think of Di Wenxing's inner complaints.

This feeling is like you are fighting Landlords. After the king explodes, there is only one three left. You think you are a sure winner, but the opponent throws away and gives you three Blue-Eyes White Dragons plus the fusion, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon One with 4500 attack power. Fire a blast of destructive blast bombs to blow you out of the field.

This feeling is amazing, really amazing!



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