Fang Che didn't know what it felt like to be blasted by someone using the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon while playing Landlord, but he felt that the Di Wenxing opposite him must have felt it deeply.

The super enchanting eye after the evolution of MEGA is indeed quite powerful, but unfortunately, even though its "combat power" is comparable to that of the king, it still failed to break through that layer of boundaries, which means that it cannot "ignore" attribute restraint. Normal type elves use ghost type attacks.

Now, if the Super Soul-Educing Eye wants to cause damage to Fang Che's elves, it must give up the ghost-type skills. This is tantamount to breaking one of the Super Soul-Educating Eye's legs!

"Ecstatic eyes, black gaze! Throw mud!"

Although Di Wenxing doesn't quite understand what kind of ability Fang Che uses, since Fang Che's elves can dispel the power of the night demon, it means that they are either not weaker than the Super Soul-Educing Eye in strength, or they are The attributes are transformed into general attributes.

No matter which one it is, it is quite disadvantageous for her, so she must think of a way to break the situation.

Ever since, Di Wenxing directly chose to let Seductive Eye use black gaze and mud throwing.

On the one hand, Di Wenxing felt that since it was a combat mechanism type of increase, the amount of energy and physical strength required to increase three elves at once would be absolutely astronomical. After using his black gaze to control these three elves, Fang Che wanted to Before you take any other action, you must first consider whether your body bones are strong enough.

In addition, the black gaze can effectively prevent the opponent from playing baton tactics. Until now, Diwenxing has not been able to get accurate information about Bo Dang Shui. Don't look at Bo Dang Shui's five big and three thick, if this guy is a baton runner. , then if you don’t respond well, you may suffer big losses.

As for the use of throwing mud, on the one hand, it was to test whether Boss Kedora still had the steel attribute, and on the other hand, it was also to block the sight of Fang Che Elf so that she could complete the next battle plan.

Although he thought a lot, in fact, the moment Di Wenxing issued the command, Super Ecstasy raised the ruby ​​​​in his hand, and three black circles of light fell at the feet of Fang Che's elf.

Fang Che raised his eyebrows slightly. He could see what Di Wenxing was thinking, but he didn't express anything.

After all...he can increase three elves at once, which consumes nothing at all!

Ji Wenxing took it for granted that Tai Jinghua was substituted for MEGA evolution or Z moves, and the conclusion he drew was definitely incorrect.

Oh, it should be said that if his Tai Jinghua is substituted, the result will definitely be incorrect.

After the black gaze, the seductive eye struck the ground with its foot, and then kept waving its arms to throw mud.

The giant swamp monster opened its mouth and a thick stream of water washed away the mud. Bodang Shui also used water waves to block the incoming mud. As for Boss Cordora, he spun his body without hesitation while using " "Three moves in a row", while using the wind pressure caused by the rapid rotation of the body after floating to block Mud's attack.

The mud-throwing attack failed, and Di Wenxing was unable to get any more effective information. She took a deep look at Fang Che, and then patted Sulip beside her.

Sulip smiled sinisterly and shook the pendant in his hand. Seeing this scene, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi immediately cheered up. After all, super attacks were really weird.

However, what made Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi a little unbelievable was that Sulip did not attack after shaking the pendant. Instead, he disappeared directly in front of them with Di Wenxing.

Also disappearing with them was the Galarian Slowpoke who had been standing with the Soul Eye before. This guy also used teleportation to run away.

Now, in front of them, there is only one super enchanting eye that dives into the ground and moves quickly into the forest.

"Did she run away?"

Even the calm Zhao Wanxi was confused. A quasi-king-level trainer actually chose to escape after using MEGA evolution?

No, doesn’t Diwenxing have any self-esteem as a strong man?

Being beaten by a new trainer, instead of trying to crush him back, he just ran away?

"This makes my expectations for the intelligence of the cadres within the Shadow Group even higher!"

Fang Che whistled softly. Diwenxing's choice to escape was the wisest choice.

Although the Super Soul Eye is stronger than the three elves released by Fang Che, without knowing Fang Che's trump cards and not being sure to capture Fang Che as soon as possible, Di Wenxing did not dare to take the risk to bet on whether someone from the alliance would come over. support.

Anyway, she already knew that Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi had gained something in the secret realm. If she still wanted to make some small moves, she could just do it secretly in the future. There was no need to put herself in the open.

In fact, even if Di Wenxing admitted that what appeared in front of Fang Che and the others was his true form, Fang Che still had some doubts.

After all, judging from the voice, Diwenxing's age is only in his thirties.

A quasi-king trainer in his thirties who owns three or more quasi-king-level elves, let alone other alliances, even the Chinese Alliance, is a genius-level existence.

Would such a person reveal his tail at will?

"When you get back, you can ask your second uncle to check on this Di Wenxing. With such strength, it's impossible for her not to be famous in the shadow group."

Zhao Wanxi also nodded. She was relieved by Di Wenxing's decisive retreat. In any case, Di Wenxing was also a quasi-king-level trainer. If she really wanted to fight Fang Che to the death without hesitation, If so, even if Fang Che wins in the end, he may have to pay a certain price.

Being able to go home safely now is the most important thing.

After taking a few elves back into the elf ball, Fang Che took out the alliance illustrated book and started searching for nearby maps. It was not too far from the town, and as long as they entered Anxiong County, they could take a taxi or a flying ride back. The imperial capital.

call out!

Less than thirty seconds after Fang Che took the elf back into the elf ball, waves of purple venom were shot from all directions in the jungle. The demon fire red fox once again released its defensive skills and added the flame vortex to block all the venom. impact.

The Galar Slowpoke that had teleported away before suddenly appeared again not far from Fang Che. Next to it was a Sulip with a sinister smile.

"Isn't Huhunyan here?"

Fang Che raised his eyebrows. He was not surprised by this sudden attack. After all, Di Wenxing just left on his own and did not say he would give up the attack.

Moreover, even if she said it, could anyone believe what the people from the dark organization said?

Sulip and the Galar Slowshell didn't answer Fang Che's words. They just kept trying to use their moves to break through the Demon Fire Red Fox's defense.

"Excuse me again."

Fang Che sighed. He released Waves of Water and the Giant Swamp Monster again. Then the light of the gems shone again. Waves of Water and Giant Swamp Monster entered the crystallization state again. This time, Fang Che chose the attribute of the crystal to be evil. .

"Tai Jing bursts out."

After completing the crystallization, Fang Che waved his hand to Galar Slug and Sulip. The two elves, wearing jeweled armor and floating in the air, immediately opened their mouths, and a bright white light shot out instantly. To Galar Slowmon and Sulip.

Because the crystal burst will automatically adapt to the user's strongest attack direction, the giant swamp monster's crystal burst is more inclined to "wash" energy, while the wave monster's crystal burst is more energy "pouring".

"The idea is thorny, retreat!"

There was a muttering sound from inside Sulip's body, and then the eyes of the Galarian Slowpoke glowed blue, and a terrifying thought swept through the surrounding trees and blocked them directly, and the Taijing exploded. The energy light waves did not pose any threat to the two elves.

After the energy light waves tore all the tree trunks into pieces, the Galarian Slugmon and Sulip disappeared again.

Zhao Wanxi quietly leaned behind Fang Che. She stared at the silent forest in front of her, "Isn't she still there?"

Fang Che shook his head, "She left just now to test whether I can enter the Supreme Crystal Transformation again. If I take the elf back and can no longer use this power, she will come back without hesitation."

However, Fang Che once again performed the Crystal Transformation in front of Sulip and the Galarian Slowpoke. Naturally, the Earth Star hidden behind the scenes would not let his two elves take risks. It was just her It’s just a small plan in the “plan” to leave.

Again, don't treat others as fools, especially enemies with multiple super-powered elves and the ability to teleport. The tactic of retreating with one blow will definitely be very smooth!

After Sulip and the Galarian Sluggards left, until Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi entered Anxiong County, they did not encounter any attacks. It was obvious that Wenxing had temporarily given up on them. This "prey" just doesn't know when it will appear in front of Fang Che again.

However, when she reappears, she may be shocked to find that the newcomer trainer who she could handle before has become someone she cannot mess with.

"Ding~ Scan the code successfully, the four circles share Bidiao No. 4396 to serve you!"

After entering Anxiong County, Zhao Wanxi scanned the QR code to rent two shared eagles. With the shared eagles, they could get back to the Elf Alliance in the shortest possible time.

Fang Tianyang and Zhao Weimin were ready to hear their adventure stories.

In fact, in addition to the two old men, several senior leaders of the Elf Alliance also gathered at the alliance headquarters. They wanted to discuss how to suppress the Shadow Group.

A mere evil star cadre dares to cause trouble in the imperial capital. It's really boring.

Taking the shared car, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi arrived at the alliance headquarters before evening.

When Zhao Weimin and Fang Tianyang saw their unharmed grandchildren, their hearts finally relaxed.

"Go and wash up first. Judging from your tired appearance, you must have endured a lot of hardship, right?"

Fang Tianyang patted Fang Che on the shoulder. Although Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi had not been in the paradoxical space for a long time, not even a week, because they kept traveling through the jungle, they did give people the feeling of being on an adventure in the wild. Feelings of exhaustion.

In addition, although Fang Tianyang told Fang Xuan and Su Ya about Fang Che's disappearance, he did not ask them to come to the imperial capital. He only asked Bronze Bell to take action.

After the Bronze Bell explained that Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi had entered the legendary realm set by God, their inner worries were a little less. However, until they saw Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi coming back with their own eyes, these two old masters Bones are the real peace of mind.

While Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were resting and washing up, Fang Tianyang and Zhao Weimin could also send news of their safe return to their parents so that they could feel at ease.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi did not refuse. Although there was no need to worry about survival in the secret realm with the supplies brought by Fang Che, living in the wild was still somewhat inconvenient.

After a simple wash, Fang Che was taken to a secret room by Fang Tianyang. This secret room was isolated from all mental exploration and could be regarded as the league's top discussion or interrogation venue.

Zhao Wanxi was also taken to the same room by Zhao Weimin, and the two of them were to be "questioned" about something separately.

On the way back, Zhao Wanxi asked Fang Che if he would keep any information about the Paradox Space from the alliance. Fang Che's answer to her was that it was not necessary at all.

First, no one knows where the other entrances to the paradoxical space are and what the passes are.

Even Di Wenxing, no one knows whether she found the pass in her hand or whether it got into her hands by accident.

Second, there are basically king-level overlord guards inside the Paradox Space, not to mention that the elves inside seem to be unable to be subdued by ordinary Poké Balls. Even if someone enters, it is difficult to get any benefits, so the alliance will have no impact.

Third, informing the alliance of the information in the paradoxical space will make the alliance more interested in them.

After all, as long as you train Fang Che, it is equivalent to making friends with a first-level god!

Fang Che believed that the league's top decision-makers would figure out how to deal with them.

In the secret room, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi talked clearly about the paradoxical space, especially Zhao Wanxi. Her illustrated book also recorded more than twenty kinds of elves exclusive to the paradoxical space.

Fang Che showed off his undulating water that resembled Suijun.

The situation of the two people in the paradoxical space made the alliance leaders extremely stunned. They could not imagine that there were so many broken spaces outside the real world.

Those broken spaces are still waiting for one person to save the world, and that person is the youngest elite trainer of their Chinese Alliance. It is simply outrageous!

"Ache, can you show me to grandpa what is so crystallized?"

After leaving the secret room, Fang Tianyang rubbed his hands and looked at Fang Che's wrist. He really wanted to see what Tai Jinghua looked like.

However, even if Fang Che was willing to lend the Infinity Gauntlet to his grandfather, the Infinity Glove would not accept it, not even Zhao Wanxi!

Therefore, we can only let Fang Che perform.



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