There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 223 H118 Oh, God, this is a stupid groundhog!

Chapter 223 H-118 Oh, God, this is a stupid groundhog!

"Wow, Ah Che, your Boscodora is well-bred, isn't it?"

When they saw Fang Che's 6.66-meter Boss Cordora, both Si Yu and Lei Huo were stunned. For a boy, no matter how old he is, he can't refuse such a steel giant. The temptation of the beast!

Even Ye Mao, who seemed to be so polite, walked towards Boscodora uncontrollably at the first time. Seeing how he naturally took out the Elf Illustrated Book, it was obvious that he was planning to have one. Selfie!

After Boscodora heard so many compliments, it posed in a few silly poses to match Si Yu and the others' photo taking. Lucario and Swampert could only sigh helplessly.

The evolution of elves will bring their minds along with them, so ultra-rapid evolution will cause the elves' minds to be unable to keep up with their physical growth, which is harmful.

However, Fang Che's power of data perfectly solved this problem. No matter how fast it grows, there is no need to worry about an unstable foundation. After all, data is dead, and there is no such thing as stability.

Therefore, even after evolving into Boss Cordora, Coco Dorado's somewhat Erha-like personality has not changed. It's just that Boss Cordora is a little more calm and a little more domineering when fighting.

In normal times, Boss Cordora is just an oversized husky who does everything except tearing down the house.

After taking photos with Boss Kedora, Ye Mao and others were satisfied with their cameras and kept looking through them. Although Fang Che’s other elves are also quite good, especially the shining alienated flame horse, which is a combination of elegance. It is integrated with the King's Dao, but compared to the steel behemoth, its ability to stimulate male hormones is slightly weaker.

Fang Che was having a great time here, and Zhao Wanxi and the others also changed into their swimsuits and came out.

But although it is said to be a swimsuit, it is actually just an ordinary summer dress.

Although they are all friends and this sea area is reserved, the girls are all quite conservative types.

On the other hand, for Fang Che and the others, of course, a pair of big pants is enough for a boy.

"Gardevoir, please help us build some pavilions."

When they came to the beach, Xu Jue released her elves. The only ones she brought out this time were the Sun Elf and Gardevoir. The other elves were put in a special place for training.

There are many people in a similar situation to her. Basically, everyone only brings two or three main players. It is really rare for someone like Fang Che to carry all the main players with him. After all, not all training resources can be carried with him. of.

Just like Lei Huo, he built a very large gym in his home, which is especially suitable for fighting type elves to train in. Lei Huo usually puts the elf wheel in for special training. After all, he cannot carry large fitness equipment with him.

After receiving Xu Jue's request, Gardevoir immediately found chairs and umbrellas, and then made several perfect "pavilions" with a wave of his hand.

Except for Xu Jue, Xia Li and Chen Ting, all the people present were lovers, so naturally the two teamed up and started applying sunscreen.

Xia Li, Xu Jue and Chen Ting helped each other. During this period, everyone was having fun playing around. At the same time, all the girls, including Zhao Wanxi, began to tease Xu Jue to find a boyfriend in a teasing tone.

Xu Jue seemed to be immune to this and did not answer the question at all.

In fact, Xu Jue also wanted to have a vigorous love affair, but she couldn't find a good man.

But all the boys who are close to Xu Jue basically have a certain degree of utilitarianism. Let alone Xu Youtian King, they can't even get past Xu Jue's Gardevoir.

In fact, most of the Imperial Capital group is digested internally. After all, everyone knows the basics, and the family status is almost the same, so there will be no mismatches.

The only one who has this tendency now is probably Xia Li, but according to the observations of Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che, Xia Li's boyfriend loves Xia Li very much, and it seems that his potential is quite good, and his future achievements will definitely not be low. , at least worthy of Charlie.

In addition, Xia Li's status in the Xia family is still good, and she still has considerable autonomy in choosing a mate. As long as Xia Li's boyfriend passes Mr. Xia's "political review", then it will be fine.

"If you ask me, my third brother is a very good choice. He is a cute and cute little Prince Shota, and he is a perfect match for you, a princess who looks like a lolita but is actually a scheming royal sister at heart!"

Chen Ting smiled and applied sunscreen to Xia Li, and then while applying it, she teased Xu Jue, who had already started drinking juice.

She was talking about Long Yingxiang, who was the same age as Fang Che, the third young master of the Long family, and the third brother of Chen Ting's boyfriend Long Xingyuan.

They were quite familiar with Long Yingxiang. Although it was rumored that the third young master of the Long family was very cold and had few friends, everyone who knew Long Yingxiang knew that he was just a little introverted and shy.

Rather than hanging out with some boring friends, he prefers hanging out with dragon elves.

Xu Jue rolled her eyes. After all, she was also a senior at the Imperial City Elf Academy. Is it reasonable for her to date her juniors?

Moreover, although she is a lolita, she does have the heart of a royal sister. At the same time, perhaps King Xu Youtian takes good care of Xu Jue, which leads to the fact that Xu Jue's favorite type is the uncle type, and Long Yingxiang is still Can't get into Xu Jue's eyes.

After the banter was over, everyone played volleyball on the beach, the kind where elves and their trainers play together.

The elves that Zhuge released one by one were a Slowpoke, but her Slowbeast looked extremely agile, and even felt like a Slowpoke King.

Dongfang Xue and Ye Mao's elves are exactly the same, both are blazing roaring tigers, but Dongfang Xue's is female and Ye Mao's is male.

Charlie didn't release Charizard. After all, releasing Charizard in such a hot day would be a bit of a joke. What she released was a fire beast that could freely control the flames of its body.

Fang Che left Lucario behind, and then let the other elves disperse to play by themselves.

Zhao Wanxi's virtual doll and auspicious egg came next to Xu Jue's Gardevoir. They are today's "waiters".

After everyone played on the beach for a while, the seafood dinner arranged by Xu Jue was ready.

It's noon and the weather is relatively hot. Even the seafood feast is mainly sashimi and steamed. Those who want to eat barbecue and spicy food may have to wait until the evening.

"This is Slowpoke's tail. Slowpoke, do you want to eat it?"

At the dinner table, Zhuge Yiyi actually took the tail of Slowpoke and handed it to Slowpoke. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were stunned by this scene.

No, although Slowpoke's tail will break off naturally, so the Alliance does not prohibit the consumption of Slowpoke's tail, but if you feed Slowpoke's tail to Slowpoke, are you really not afraid of prions?

Slugmon took the sashimi handed over by his trainer with a solemn expression, then put it into his mouth and tasted it carefully. Then he shook his head and glanced at his tail with some pity.

The huge shell on its tail blinked, as if asking the Slowshell what it was doing.

"Haha, don't worry, my Slowpoke has been eating his own tail since he was a child. He is a master of Slowpoke tail tasting."

Zhuge Yiyi looked at the stunned eyes of everyone and smiled and waved his hands. When Xu Jue arranged today's seafood feast, he did not expect that Zhuge Yiyi would bring the Slowshell Beast. After all, Zhuge Yiyi had never been in front of others before. Revealed Slowpoke.

When he saw Slowpoke, Xu Jue wanted to have someone remove Slowpoke's tail, but was stopped by Zhuge Yiyi. Unexpectedly, Zhuge Yiyi's seemingly agile Slowpoke turned out to be The kind of "ruthless person" who can eat himself!

"Then the expression it looked on just now was very dissatisfied?"

Xu Jue glanced at the Slowpoke sashimi on the table with some confusion. She thought it was great.

Zhuge nodded. She might not have much to say about the other dishes, but she almost vomited after eating the Slowpoke's tail.

God knows how a Slowpoke could master the self-regeneration technique of limb regeneration.

In one day, it can break three tails, even a gecko can't!

Moreover, the severed tail of Zhuge Yiyi's Slowpoke tasted extremely delicious, and even improved people's physical fitness to a certain extent. It was a pity that Slowpoke later caught a big-tongued clam while fishing, and then evolved .

After that, Slowpoke never ate his own tail again.

"The owner of this Slowpoke tail is at least over 20 years old, and his strength is definitely no higher than that of an elite, so it tastes a bit [firewood]."

Seeing Zhuge Yiyi's boastful appearance, although the others felt a little confused, they still nodded and praised him seriously.

After a sumptuous all-seafood dinner, it’s time to hit the water in the afternoon.

Boscodora doesn't like soaking in water, but it does like auspicious eggs and dolls to rub it with salt.

The other elves had already swarmed into the sea to swim. Even the Black King took Bai Xue to step on the water and go surfing with a surfboard. The fun was exciting.

Lei Huo took Si Yu and wanted to have a "triathlon" with Fang Che in the sea, which consisted of a 100-meter round trip, diving, and water golf!

"No, I understand the 100-meter freestyle round trip, and I can accept diving, but playing golf in the water?"

Fang Che was a little confused. Although he was not from the Imperial Capital, he was at least a young man from the Eastern League. Why had he never heard of water golf?

Lei Huo smiled and explained to Fang Che that water golf was just their common name, and the real name should be [Water Elf and Trainer Coordination Battle].

The specific rules are also very simple. Place a target ring at fifty meters, one hundred meters, two hundred meters, and five hundred meters above the water. Then the trainer stands on the elf, holding something similar to a golf ball in his hand. special ball.

When the trainer throws the ball out, the elves participating in the game have to use water guns to simultaneously send the ball into the target ring.

This game tests the coordination between the trainer and the elves. It also depends on whether the trainer understands the elves and whether the elves can understand the trainer's heart and habits.

It is almost impossible for people who have not specially trained to succeed at one time.

After listening to Lei Huo's introduction, Fang Che suddenly became interested.

The only elves he had that could participate in the game were Bo Dang Shui and the Giant Swamp Monster. However, considering that Bo Dang Shui was too strong and had a relatively average tacit understanding with Fang Che, Fang Che finally chose the Giant Swamp Monster.

After calling the giant swamp monster over, the four of them were ready.

The one-hundred-meter freestyle back and forth is very simple. Although the physical fitness of people in this world is not as good as the super rookies in the elf world that Fang Che remembers, they are still excellent.

Soon they came to the second event, diving.

Under the leadership of the elves, they dived into the seabed near the sea, touched a handful of sea sand and surfaced again.

Finally came the water golf session that Fang Che was looking forward to. He stood on the back of the Swamp Monster, and the Swamp Monster floated steadily on the sea.

Xu Jue asked Gardevoir to set up several target rings, and then brought in special balls.

Fang Che held the ball in his hands and threw it out confidently. Then Swamp Monster shot out a water gun without even looking.

Although Swampert uses water guns very rarely, it does not mean that it has low control over this move. After all, water guns are a prerequisite for almost all water-based skills.

The turbulent water hit the golf ball, and then Fang Che saw the golf ball flying towards the shore at a rather strange angle.

The three people from Leihuo laughed at the side, and then explained loudly to Fang Che, "Ah Che, this ball is specially made. If it encounters the impact of water flow, it will explode with a powerful impact. So if the cooperation is not good, It’s impossible to follow the route you want and fall into the ring.”

The water elf that Leihuo placed outside was a fast-swimming frog. He demonstrated it for Fang Che. The moment he took out a special ball and threw it forward, the fast-swimming frog opened his mouth and spat out a small stream of water. .

After the water flow hit the special ball, it flew forward dozens of meters with the special ball, accurately passing through the fifty-meter target.

Next, Ye Mao and Si Yu also completed shooting at the fifty-meter target, leaving Fang Che alone.

After learning about the "trick" of the ball, Fang Che immediately discussed the angle of projection and the strength of the water gun with the giant swamp monster, and then after more than a dozen attempts, he managed to get the ball into the ring.

However, this shot had a lot of luck involved, as it hit the edge of the ring after all.

The next 100 meters were a bit difficult. Even Lei Huo and the others, who had played many times, had to try more than fifty times before they could throw the ball in, let alone Fang Che.

The Swampert felt a little uncomfortable. After all, no matter how it controlled its force, the ball's trajectory and speed were beyond its control.

In desperation, Swampert had no choice but to choose another path.

Since there is no way to go softly, use your fists to open the way!

If water cannon doesn’t work, use water cannon!

After Fang Che threw the golf ball for the seventy-seventh time, the giant swamp monster opened its mouth, and a terrifying stream of water directly hit the special ball. Before the special characteristics of the special ball could be revealed, it was rushed towards by the water cannon. distance.

At this time, on the sea in the distance, a creature that looked like a seal slowly raised its head, and then saw a ball hitting its head.

With an "ah" sound that echoed through the sky, everyone noticed the uninvited guest who suddenly broke into the resort waters.



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