There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 224 H119 A group of people fell from the sky!

Chapter 224 H-119 A group of people fell from the sky!

"Is this a white sea lion?"

"Yes, it is indeed a white sea lion."

"However, isn't there no elves in this sea area? Hasn't it been cleared away?"

"You ask me, who am I asking!"


In the holiday villa, Fang Che and his team were treating a frightened white sea lion.

Swampert's water cannon brought a golf ball and hit it directly on the head of the white sea lion. The white sea lion, which was still in its growth stage, narrowly escaped being knocked unconscious by a ball.

In order to express his apology, Fang Che took out a lot of water energy cubes and apologized to the white sea lion. The giant swamp monster also apologized to the white sea lion very guiltily.

The white sea lion was fine, it was just frightened.

After all, anyone who had just come out of their home would be frightened if a ball hit their head directly.

"Speaking of which, does this white sea lion have an owner?"

Xu Jue looked at Gardevoir next to him with some doubts. Gardevoir shook his head firmly. He could feel the "wildness" of the white sea lion.

To be honest, it is difficult for wild elves to pretend to have a trainer. Because of the elf ball, when a wild elf is subdued, a certain smell on its body will be "erased" by the elf ball.

Only when the elf ball is broken and the elf returns to its wild state and lives in the wild for a period of time can the wild scent be restored.

"Ownerless white sea lion, do any of you have a fate with it?"

Xu Jue looked at his partners again. They all shook their heads. There was no place for the white sea lion in their team configuration.

Fang Che also shook his head. The potential of this white sea lion is only at the gym level, and it belongs to the kind of wild elf with a blank slate.

Maybe ordinary trainers would be so excited that they couldn't sleep when they got a white sea lion with gym-level potential, but the main ones they had on hand were almost all king-level potentials, and Fang Che even had N elves with championship-level potential.

This white sea lion, after it is fully trained, they will probably return it to the sea.

Soon, while everyone was teasing the white sea lions, Xu Jue also contacted the people at the holiday villa. The other party claimed that there would never be elves in the sea. They even arranged a net in the sea to isolate the elves. This white sea lion It is impossible to pass through the net and enter the resort waters.

This is a bit strange. The white sea lion can't just appear out of thin air, right?

After listening to the explanation from the person in charge of the holiday villa, Fang Che and the others felt a sense of curiosity, and at the same time, they also felt a sense of excitement.

When an elf suddenly appears in a place where no elf exists, as an alliance elite, your first reaction should not be that the person in charge of the holiday villa was careless in his work and missed an elf. Instead, you should suspect that this place is A secret realm has been reborn!

"Go and see!"

With Lei Huo's shout, everyone immediately came to the coast.

Zhao Wanxi and Xu Jue teased the white sea lion with elf food and wanted the white sea lion to lead the way. The white sea lion happily agreed.

In this way, the White Sea Lion led the way, while Fang Che and the others got on their own elves and followed behind the White Sea Lion.

Soon, the white sea lion came to the location where the golf ball hit it. This was an empty sea area, and there was no entrance to the secret realm that Fang Che and the others thought.

Zhao Wanxi made a hypothesis, what if the entrance to the secret realm was under the sea? After all, the white sea lion emerged from the sea.

This hypothesis was unanimously agreed upon by everyone, so Xu Jue asked Gardevoir to use teleportation to bring a lot of diving equipment. After personally distributing it, they all dressed up and went into the water.

Although it was past noon, the sun was still very high, and the water surface was very clear, so the situation under the water was clearly visible.

The white sandy beach is spotless. This is a man-made holiday beach. Naturally, there are no algae, water plants, or water snakes.

You can only see sea fish if you go a little further into the sea. People who like fishing usually go there.

After a careful inspection, Si Yu discovered a strange place. There was a piece of palm-sized, reflective glass on the white beach!

You know, this is under the water, how can there be reflection!

Everyone gathered next to the glass. Ye Mao carefully probed with his hand, and then his fingers penetrated the glass directly, as if penetrating a layer of water.

The white sea lion also approached curiously, and then a suction force directly sucked the white sea lion in. After the white sea lion disappeared, the glass returned to its original state.

Fang Che pointed to the top of his head, and everyone floated to the surface. After taking a breath, they began to discuss what to do next.

Ye Mao took out the Elf Illustrated Book and contacted the alliance headquarters without hesitation.

When discovering a new secret realm, the first thing to do is to report it to the alliance, and then ask the alliance to send people to investigate the situation inside the secret realm and rate it.

After the rating is over, those who discover the secret realm will receive a big gift and be among the first to enter the secret realm.

After Ye Mao reported the information here, Lei Huo suddenly suggested, "Anyway, the alliance needs people to investigate, why don't we just go in and take a look?"

Lei Huo's proposal made everyone excited. The secret realm was already very attractive, let alone a new and completely unknown secret realm.

Moreover, with the strength of these people, as long as it is not a super-large secret realm, they can definitely guarantee that they will be safe and sound.

So Ye Mao sent their request to become "Explorers" to the alliance. Originally, the alliance was not prepared to agree, but when they saw the list of trainers from Ye Maofa, their legs felt a little weak. In the end, Agreed decisively.

What a joke, to refute the request of the god-granddaughter of the alliance president, the granddaughter of the vice-president, the grandson and daughter of the King of Heaven, his hat fell off before he even thought about it.

Fang Che's request was agreed to, and the person in charge at the other end directly informed Fang Che's parents of the news.

The older generation was happy to let their children have a go, but King Xu Youtian wanted to let his main force protect his daughter. After all, he was just a daughter, so of course he had to pamper her well.

At the holiday villa, Fang Che and the others got the permission order and dived underwater again. This time they tied everyone together with ropes, and then Lei Huo DaTou slowly groped for the position of the glass.

When Lei Huo covered the glass with his hand, the glass suddenly rippled, and then a gravitational force pulled Lei Huo and the people behind him directly into the glass.

When everyone was sucked into the glass, the glass returned to calm.



"Uh, hiss! Is there something wrong with the way you wake up?"

In a dense forest, Fang Che rubbed his head, took a breath and got up from the ground.

When he stood up, Lucario very thoughtfully stepped forward to help him.

"Thank you, Lucario...Did the Variety Monster let you out?"

Fang Che sat on the root of the tree with Lucario's support. The surrounding environment was quite quiet. There were still some leaves on him, which were obviously touched when they fell from the sky.

Probably the Variety Monster protected Fang Che and released Lucario.

Fang Che was not worried about whether Zhao Wanxi would be in danger, because when she came in, she was carrying almost a baby.

Swampert was still beside Fang Che, which meant that the elf and the trainer were not separated.

With the elves by your side, you most likely don't have to worry about the trainer's safety.

"Hiss, what on earth is this place?"

Fang Che scratched his head in confusion. He took back the giant swamp monster and then released the metal monster.

"Metal monster, take me up to the sky and see."

Because the jungle was too dense and not suitable for releasing the Black King, Fang Che sat on the metal monster.

The metal monster flew upwards with Fang Che. Wherever it went, any branches blocking it were cleared away by the metal monster with its claws.

When Fang Che stood out from the jungle, he saw the smoke rising in the distance, which was most likely where one of his companions fell.

"Forests, lakes, plains, mountains and snow-capped mountains? This is at least a large secret realm!"

Fang Che put his hand on his forehead and looked into the distance. As far as he could see, there were large forests, endless plains, lakes with no visible boundaries, and distant snow-capped mountains.

The size of this secret realm may be no less than that of the Liuli Secret Realm.

It's simply outrageous that such a huge secret realm could appear in a small vacation area.

"Go and look where the smoke is rising."

Fang Che pointed in the direction of the smoke. He wanted to see who was there first. It would be best if it was Zhao Wanxi.

The metal monster moved steadily towards the direction of the smoke. It's not that Fang Che didn't want to explore in the jungle. The most important thing now was to gather together and make sure everyone was safe before exploring together.

I don't know if the dense forest is not suitable for large birds to inhabit, but Fang Che has been flying for so long without seeing any bird-shaped elves attacking him, which is quite good.

After more than half an hour, Fang Che came to the place where the smoke was rising. It was a shallow beach. The two girls were constantly adding firewood to the fire. It was obvious that they wanted to make the smoke rise higher.

"Wanxi! Sister Ting!"

Fang Che's eyes lit up. The people on the shoal were none other than Zhao Wanxi and Chen Ting. However, they looked a little injured?

Zhao Wanxi raised her head with a pale face. When she saw Fang Che, she also smiled, but there was a hint of reluctance in the smile.

Chen Ting was even worse. She kept gasping for air when she raised her head.

Fang Che immediately let the metal monster fall down, and Zhao Wanxi also let the almost-doll come up to him.

"Wanxi, how are you? Are you not injured?"

Fang Che frowned when he looked at Zhao Wanxi's pale face. It was obvious that his vitality had been damaged. What had they experienced?

Zhao Wanxi smiled bitterly and recounted their previous encounters.

After being dragged into this space, Zhao Wanxi injured her arm due to the scattering of people and falling from a high altitude. Fortunately, there were almost a doll and auspicious eggs, and she recovered quickly from her injuries.

However, even with the treatment of elves, it doesn't take a hundred days to heal the injured bones, but it won't be healed instantly.

Especially when Zhao Wanxi fell, she disturbed a dream demon. The dream demon had a fight with Zhao Wanxi. The aftermath of the battle affected Zhao Wanxi, which was the main reason why she looked pale.

Fang Che frowned. He immediately took out the potion that Zhao Wanxi had prepared and added the elf culture fluid. After passing the potion to Zhao Wanxi and Chen Ting, they drank it and looked much better.

Compared to Zhao Wanxi, Chen Ting was a little worse. She broke her legs directly. Fortunately, she relied on the elf to reach the shallows and met Zhao Wanxi.

Otherwise, Chen Ting's spirit alone may not be able to cure Chen Ting quickly.

"We were too careless. We didn't expect that the secret realm in the sea would actually make us fall from a high altitude!"

Fang Che took a deep breath and shook his head. The elf Chen Ting took out was a water elf. It really didn't have much ability to catch Chen Ting who fell from high altitude. Fortunately, the water elf knew how to use water rings and life drops, so it was a bit of a letdown. Chen Ting's injury did not become more serious.

Almost everyone who came in this time was equipped with logistics support elves. Even Fang Che had a Black King on hand who could cast Dawn Light. Judging from Chen Ting's experience, there was a high probability that everyone was from nearly fifty years old. They fell from a height of 100 meters, so I don’t know where they fell.

Just as Fang Che thought, Zhao Wanxi and Chen Ting lit a bonfire, hoping to attract the attention of their partners. Fang Che was the first to arrive, but not the last.

Xu Jue, Lei Huo, Ye Mao, and Zhuge rushed to the assembly point one by one. Now Liu Yingying, Xia Li, Si Yu and Dongfang Xue were missing.

"We are leaving a mark of progress here. If they arrive here, they will follow us along with the mark."

After gathering half of the people, everyone decided to explore along the edge of the lake first. As long as they left a mark, others would catch up.

A group of people walked forward around the lake. About three hours later, Liu Yingying and Dongfang Xue followed. In the evening, Xia Li and Si Yu also returned to the team, and the exploration team finally got together.

Except for Fang Che, who was guarded by the Variety Monster, everyone else was more or less injured, but it was not serious.

After everyone gathered together, everyone felt relaxed and became more energetic and ready to explore this secret realm.

"According to our investigation, this secret realm is definitely a large secret realm. It is currently known that there are elves with horned goldfish, dream monsters, magic mushrooms, iron-clawed lobsters... and some insect elves in this secret realm. , the ecological system of this secret realm is quite complete.”

Zhao Wanxi introduced to everyone what they had explored, but because they were focused on gathering their companions during the day, they did not spread out and explore too many places.

When it's daytime tomorrow, everyone can form groups and spread out to explore.

By then, the information in the secret realm will definitely be able to be explored more clearly.



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