There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 242 H137 You have a family!

Chapter 242 H-137 You have a family!

"If you want to pledge your allegiance to Giratina, I can send you there."

Hai Zhu's calm figure came from the other end of the phone. Di Thief Star hung up the phone with a smile, and then he didn't make any movement and disappeared from the place.

He had to complete the tasks left above.

There seem to be too many rats from the Alliance sneaking in!



On the plane heading to the imperial capital, Fang Che gently stroked Zoroa's mane in his arms. Zoroa seemed to be happily rubbing it in Fang Che's hand.

It is worth mentioning that Soraya doesn't seem to like other people seeing it, so it is completely invisible in front of others. Only Fang Che can see it, which also leads to the appearance of it in the eyes of others. , Fang Che seemed to be touching a ball of air.

"Speaking of which, Soraya, why did you help me in the first place?"

Fang Che was a little surprised. When he first entered the Skeleton Regiment's base, he didn't realize that he was "invisible".

Later, it was Hun Shi who completely ignored his existence, which finally made Fang Che realize and became invisible.

What was Soraya thinking at that time?

Soraya rolled around comfortably in Fang Che's arms, and then looked at Fang Che with his watery little eyes, "Because I smell a very good smell on your body." 】

Nice smell?

Fang Che frowned, there was nothing about him that attracted Soraya.

If Zoroa is an ordinary Zoroa, then he has the secret treasure of the Dark Crystal on his body, but Zoroa has the attributes of the general type and the ghost type, and he has the secret treasure of this attribute on his body.

Fang Che searched carefully and found that he really had a dark chain. This thing can increase the special attacks and special defense abilities of ghost and evil elves. Whether it is the original Zoroa or the purified Zoroa, A secret treasure that can be used by everyone.

"Is this what you sensed?"

Fang Che took out the dark chain. He wanted to hand it to Zoroa, but Zoroa shook his head without hesitation.

Although this dark chain also gave Zoroa a desire to "eat", what it sensed was not the aura of the dark chain.

At this moment, the Variety Monster that had been on Fang Che's wrist suddenly moved. It carefully formed a black claw, and Soraya's eyes immediately lit up.

【That’s it, that’s it! 】

Seeing Soraya's excited expression, Fang Che pressed the Variety Monster thoughtfully, and then a treasure he had purchased through the Little Penguin Mall came to mind!

The Stone of Phantom Overlord!

A champion-level Zoroark integrated all of his understanding of phantoms into that stone. Any elf can absorb it and master the skills "Illusion" and "Dark Explosion".

Is it possible that Zoroa has some connection with that Zoroark?

It's a pity that the Variety Monster only obtained Zoroark's illusion and dark blasting skills, but failed to inherit Zoroark's memory, so it doesn't know whether it has any connection with Zoroark.

Fang Che sighed, he still had to wait until Zhao Longhu investigated the relevant information about Hun Shi before he could know about Soraya's life experience.

Fortunately, although Zoroa was quite resistant to other humans, it did not resist Fang Che at all, which made Fang Che feel relieved.

The plane landed at the Imperial Capital Airport soon. Fang Che did not notify Zhao Wanxi to pick him up this time. After all, he did not know whether the people from the shadow group were following him.

If Zhao Wanxi is discovered by someone from the Shadow Group, his identity will be exposed.

After leaving the Imperial Capital Airport, Fang Che scanned the QR code to rent a BiDiao. Then when the BiDiao flew into the sky with no one around, Fang Che chose to "jump out of the plane".

"Metal monster, take me to Wanxi's side."

In the process of falling, Fang Che released the metal monster. The metal monster caught Fang Che very gently, and then the metal monster opened a super barrier to block the perception of the outside world. Zoroa also helped Fang Che and The metal monster has completed its "invisibility".

The next moment, in Bi Diao's horrified eyes, its "customer" just disappeared in front of it.

About ten minutes later, Bi Diao returned to his site with some worry. The few guys with ulterior motives sighed and disappeared into the crowd.

Fang Che's guess was correct. Someone from the shadow group had indeed been following him, but they did not want to find out whether Fang Che's true identity was an undercover agent of the alliance.

With that decisive look, do you think Fang Che is an undercover agent of the alliance?

What they wanted to know was whether Fang Che had any weaknesses, to see if they could seize Fang Che's weaknesses, and then seize the harvest of the Skeleton Regiment's base and the location of the Earth Dog Star from him.

Unfortunately, Fang Che was too vigilant.

In the Zhao family compound, the metal monster landed in the courtyard with Fang Che. The moment Zoroa dispersed the illusion and the metal monster dispersed the super barrier, several elves immediately appeared in front of them.

Seeing Fang Che's familiar face, the several elves guarding the Zhao family also breathed a sigh of relief. They thought there was an invader.

"Hey, Ah Che, you're back!"

By chance, Zhao Wanxi, Jiuwei and the others were preparing to go out to bask in the sun. As soon as they went out, they saw Fang Che surrounded by her guardian elves. A trace of relaxation and surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Well, I'm back."

Fang Che looked calm, with a slight smile on his lips. He did not talk to Zhao Wanxi about the process of this mission in detail. He just said a plain "I'm back" which was enough for Zhao Wanxi.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Che introduced Soraya to Zhao Wanxi, but Soraya was slightly hostile to Zhao Wanxi. In his words, Zhao Wanxi came to compete with him for his master!

Zhao Wanxi was a little helpless about Soraya's hostility. Who would be such an elf to be jealous?

However, Zhao Wanxi still likes Soraya very much. After all, Soraya has a kind of aggrieved beauty and is quite cute.

Under Fang Che's guidance, Soraya gradually accepted Zhao Wanxi and her elves, and then she played under the leadership of Nine Tails and the Demon Fire Red Fox.

After all, he is still a child, and he is quite playful.

When Soraya left the courtyard, Zhao Wanxi's expression became solemn.

"This kid..."

She opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

Almost all breeders will understand the birth conditions of the undead Zoroa, so the moment she saw Zoroa, Zhao Wanxi's first reaction was not "Wow, this undead Zoroa is so cute", but It's "What on earth did this child go through to become like this?"

Fang Che sighed. On the way back, he thought about asking Soraya about its past, but Soraya said that except for the murderous intention of Soul Ten, it could hardly remember anything.

Seeing the little guy's sad and hesitant expression, Fang Che knew that Soraya didn't want to recall the pain of the past, so he didn't ask any further.

"Care more about the little guy."

Zhao Wanxi looked at the direction Soraya left. No matter what it had experienced before, it would be fine in the future. It was now their family.

In the evening, Lan Ying specially prepared a sumptuous dinner to celebrate Fang Che's successful return from his first shadow mission. The main course of the dinner was steamed king crab and a lot of seafood sashimi.

This king crab is an ordinary crab creature, not a family of giant claw crabs. However, there are many large claw crab groups in the sea area where they grow. Maybe they have also been infected with the "gene" of giant claw crabs.

Anyway, Fang Che felt that the steamed king crab tasted quite good. Of course, this did not rule out Lan Ying's superb cooking skills.

After returning home, Zhao Qiansun wanted to discuss the Skeleton Regiment's base with Fang Che. After knowing that this operation turned out to be a planned ambush by the Skeleton Regiment against the Shadow Regiment, Zhao Qiansun only felt that the Skeleton Regiment's cadres had no brains. All flooded.

Although the Shadow Group is nothing in front of the Alliance, compared to the Skeleton Group, it is definitely a towering tree.

The earthworm shakes the big tree, which is the plan of the Skeleton Group.

After the meal, Zhao Qiansun carefully checked Soraya's body. Although Soraya was very resistant, as if Zhao Qiansun's actions reminded him of the bad past, but after seeing Fang Che and Zhao After the worry on Wanxi's face, it still persisted.

"Zoroa is very healthy, or too healthy."

After a simple inspection, Zhao Qiansun felt a little emotional. This Zoroa was too healthy. All the data were at a perfect level. The last time he saw such data was Fang Che's Coco Dora!

This Zoroa must have been blessed by the gods.

Seeing Zhao Qiansun's expression full of emotion, Fang Che held Soraya in his arms very gently. The little guy rolled around in Fang Che's arms, and then put his head on the Variety Monster's body. Dozed off.

Variety Monster comforted Soraya very thoughtfully, which made Soraya sleep even more soundly.

At twelve o'clock in the night, Fang Che received a text message from Zhao Longhu, which contained two strings of numbers.

The first string of numbers is the data code, and the second string of numbers is the decoding.

After opening the information sent to him by Zhao Longhu through the Shadow Group's communicator, Fang Che couldn't help clenching his fists and taking a deep breath.

He finally knew why Zoroa hated Soul Ten so much, and why he turned into the undead Zoroa!

About a month ago, Hun Shi entered a secret realm full of evil elves. Although his main force was flying type, in order to enhance his own strength, Hun Shi did not mind subduing some powerful elves with bad habits.

What he was looking for was the overlord in that secret realm, a king-level Zoroark!

In normal times, Hunshi would not dare to provoke Zoroark. After all, he only thought he was a quasi-king-level trainer and was not Zoroark's opponent at all.

However, everything is not absolute.

According to the information obtained by Soul Ten, this Zoroark is in the pregnancy period, and has experienced a mental shock a while ago, and its strength is not the same as ten.

If he can capture this Zoroark, even if Zoroark can't completely obey his command, he can at least get one of Zoroark's elf eggs!

Thinking of this, Hun Shi took his elves to Zoroark's territory, and then launched a brutal siege and raid on the unsuspecting Zoroark.

Zoroark originally wanted to protect the child in his belly and leave temporarily, but he was tightly entangled by Soul Ten and could not escape.

In the end, under Soul Ten's unscrupulous attack, Zoroark was seriously injured and was subdued by Soul Ten using the elf ball.

Soul Ten knew that conquering Zoroark did not mean that he could command Zoroark, so he brought Zoroark back to the Skeleton Regiment base and then tortured him inhumanely. He wanted to kill Zoroark. Ke's spirit was tortured away.

After a series of operations including electric shock, fire roasting, and the most critical gene extraction and cultivation, Zoroark finally failed to hold on and gave birth to his child ahead of schedule.

Soul Ten who obtained the Zoroa egg is equivalent to having the key to control Zoroark. He knows that as long as Zoroa is in his hands, Zoroark will definitely obey his orders.

In fact, Zoroark actually surrendered to Soul Ten in order to prevent his children from being harmed.

It's a pity that because Soul Ten's torture to Zoroark was too cruel and inhumane, and Zoroark had been seriously injured before, Zoroa's egg quickly lost the breath of life after it was born.

Unable to accept the loss of his child, Zoroark went berserk and wreaked havoc in the Skeleton Regiment's base, eventually dying under the siege of Soul Ten and a group of Skeleton Regiment elites.

Soul Ten was extremely annoyed after losing Zoroark and Zoroa. He felt that working for a long time was in vain, and even caused a lot of casualties in the base due to Zoroark's rampage. If he was traced down by the above , he cannot afford this responsibility.

Therefore, he came up with the idea of ​​luring the Shadow Group to attack the base, and then ambush the Shadow Group, while passing the responsibility for the damage to the base onto the Shadow Group.

As for Zoroark's body and Zoroa's egg, Hun Shi directly handed them over to the research team.

Even if he died, the corpse of King Zoroark was enough for the researchers to study. At the same time, they could also study Zoroa's eggs to see if they could extract immature Zoroa's genes.

However, what they didn't expect was that although Zoroa's egg had lost its breath of life, Zoroa in the egg had acquired sanity very early. It knew everything that humans had done to its mother, and it also knew that it had An enemy that must be killed, Soul Ten!

After seeing his mother die and then being insulted by Soul Ju's men, Soraya was reborn with endless resentment!

What follows is the story of Zoroa lurking in the Skeleton Regiment base waiting for an opportunity for revenge, and then meets Fang Che.

"A very simple, yet very sad and helpless story."

Fang Che glanced at Soraya, who was curled up in a ball sleeping on the window sill, and he sighed deeply.

Tragedies similar to Zoroa's are actually often performed on the Elf Planet.

Because of the agreement with the mythical beasts, the alliance cannot do any research that would harm the elves, but those hyenas and scum lurking in the dark will not care about this.



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