There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 243 H138 You are frying fish next door!

Chapter 243 H-138 You’re frying fish over here!

In Liuli City, Fang Che suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when he returned to his gym after a week.

After all, although Fang Xuan would go on missions in the past, Fang Che's mother almost always stayed at home.

Similar to this time when the two of them went to the Western Wilderness together, it was really the first time that the eldest girl got into the sedan chair.

But Fang Che can also understand that in the past, Fang Che was not an adult and had no elf of his own, so they naturally had to leave one person at home to take care of Fang Che.

Now that Fang Che has grown up and has shown considerable talent and strength as a trainer, they can naturally feel free to let Fang Che stay at home alone.

However, they probably didn't expect that Fang Che would spend less than one-tenth of the time at home.

"Ache, you are back."

At the entrance of the gym, Lu Qiling didn't know what she was going out to do. She was walking towards the gym with a stack of information in her hand, and then she saw Fang Che who was just getting out of the taxi.

"Sister Xiaoling."

Fang Che greeted him, and then asked curiously, "Are you going out to do errands?"

Upon hearing Fang Che's inquiry, three veins suddenly appeared on Lu Qiling's beautiful forehead. She raised the information in her hand as if she wanted to hit Fang Che on the head.

But when she thought that Father Fang Che was the teacher who paid her salary, gave her resources, and taught her how to fight, Lu Qiling took a deep breath and put down the materials in her hands.

"My good brother, have you forgotten that the regional competition requires drawing lots? Tomorrow is the competition day, do you plan to go to the spot to draw lots and register!"

Fang Che blinked his eyes. He was a little "frightened" when he saw Lu Qiling's words. "Sister Xiaoling, if I remember correctly, the school can do the lottery registration for us. We don't need to be there in person." Bar?"

Yesterday, he and Zhao Wanxi went to the Imperial No. 1 High School to register for the lottery, so they naturally knew the rules and regulations.

Lu Qiling felt a little helpless. She stretched out her finger and tapped Fang Che's forehead, "Yes, it is true that the school can do it for you, but don't you know that the prerequisite for the school to do it for you is the signature of you or your guardian!"

"You ran away immediately after the preliminaries. Did you leave a signature for the school?"

Fang Che blinked, he really didn't pay attention to this matter.

"Also, why didn't you answer your teacher's call two days ago? Your school called the gym."

Lu Qiling said this and felt even more upset. Originally, all Fang Che had to do was give No. 1 High School the right to sign over the phone. However, the dean of discipline at No. 1 High School called Fang Che all day and night, but could not get through.

Finally, the teaching director had no choice but to call the gym.

If Lu Qiling hadn't had Mr. Fang's phone number and learned from Mr. Fang that Fang Che was fine and would come back on time to participate in the competition, Lu Qiling would have thought that Fang Che was going to give up on this U18 Poké Ball Cup competition.

"Haha, haha, I'm sorry, Sister Xiaoling!"

Fang Che apologized very well. He had turned off his communicator before because he participated in the shadow group's operation, so no one could find him.

Later, after returning to the Imperial Capital, because no one would look for him, he didn't turn on his phone immediately. He didn't expect the school to call him so many times.

"Don't worry, I have completed the registration and lottery procedures for you and Xiao Hui."

Lu Qiling sighed. From her words, Fang Che extracted an important piece of information, that is, Lu Hui didn't come back either, and he also forgot to sign for the school like him?

Looking at Fang Che's curious eyes, Lu Qiling just felt a little tired, "I went back to the Gu family when I was young, and said that I wanted to make Prince Bo... a super god? I've been there for a week, and there's no news at all. If not, I sent a message back this morning saying that if he can compete on time tomorrow, I won’t go through these procedures for him at all!”

Lu Qiling is really tired. She is a gym-level trainer. She is busy training her own elves every day. She also has to manage a gym. When appropriate, she has to share the task of patrolling the secret realm of Liuli City with her own teacher, and then she has to help Fang Fang. She really felt tired when Che and Lu Hui went through this kind of procedure.

Fang Che scratched his head. He quickly took the information from Lu Qiling's hand, and then opened the side door of the gym for Lu Qiling.

After returning to his backyard, Fang Che lay on the lawn, his elves resting quietly around him.

Looking at the lottery information in his hand, Fang Che couldn't help but think of Lu Hui who went to the Gu family.

"Is that guy with Big Mouth really looking for the ancient senior? I don't know if he can develop Prince Bo's special ability this time."

Fang Che has not forgotten that Lu Hui's Prince Bo really has great potential. If it can be fully developed, its strength will definitely not be weaker than Long Xingyuan's Charizard, his Swampert and Boscodora.

Of course, he was talking about the normally developed Swampert and Boss Cordora, not the Swampert and Boss Cordora that had the power of data and grew normally.

"Let me see, am I assigned to venue B?"

Fang Che shook the information in his hand. It clearly stated that Fang Che was assigned to Site B and that there would be a battle at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

This time the regional competition is divided into four venues, A, B, C and D.

In each venue, there are four battle arenas, named Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu.

The blue dragon represents the water field, the white tiger represents the plain field, the red bird represents the flame field, and the basalt represents the desert rock field.

Fang Che's battle tomorrow morning will be on the Y. White Tiger Field.

His first opponent was an unknown trainer. After checking the alliance's data, he found that he was a trainer who was good at using insect elves.

His main ace is a giant needle bee and a bad butterfly that has learned hypnotic powder, poison powder and phantom light. In addition, during the qualifying stage, he also released a Heracross, just because of Heracross. Rose quickly defeated her opponent, so she didn't know Heracross's true strength and skills.


Fang Che rubbed his chin. As a trainer specializing in bugs, he almost wanted Genesect to appear. After all, Genesect was called the World-Destroying Bug in ancient times, and was later given the title of Steel Bug. As a god, using Genesect against insect trainers is really wonderful.

"No, no, no, although we are indeed going to fry the fish, we can't let the fish completely lose their energy."

Fang Che shook his head. The top leaders of the alliance had repeatedly warned that Genesect could not be used in the U18 Poké Ball Cup this time.

"So, in the end, we still have to use the blue jay and the metal monster?" Fang Che murmured and stroked the feathers of the blue jay lying next to him. The feathers of the blue jay were very hard. After all, they were going to use steel feathers all over the body. The steel armor crow evolved.

However, when Fang Che stroked him, he could feel the soft touch hidden under the hard feathers of the Blue Jay. This was the Blue Jay's "trust" and "relaxation" in his trainer.

It seems a bit impolite to use flying elves to deal with insect types.

Otherwise, let the metal monster come on stage.

Although the steel type resists the insect type, the insect type also restrains the super type. After all, the metal monster doesn't take much advantage.

With this idea in mind, Fang Che spent a very quiet night.

Fang Che got up early the next day, and after feeding all his elves, he got ready to go to Battlefield B.

As soon as he went out, Fang Che saw Lu Hui being taught a lesson by Lu Qiling. Next to Lu Hui was a little girl who was smiling happily and innocently.

The girl looked very petite and cute. With her long golden hair and delicate face, she looked like a doll.

She stood next to Lu Qiling, seeming to be persuading Lu Qiling. Her soft voice really made people let go of their anger.

Fang Che didn't step forward rashly. He listened carefully and understood the whole story.

Lu Hui originally said he would come back last night, but Lu Qiling waited for Lu Hui all night. Lu Hui didn't bring the little princess of the Gu family to the gym until the morning, and Lu Hui didn't reply to Lu Qiling's news all night last night. Is this possible? Does Lu Qiling worry?

"Da... Huizi, you are so brave. You dare not reply to Sister Xiaoling's message!"

Fang Che walked up to Lu Hui and gave Lu Hui a thumbs up. What he said made Lu Qiling even more energetic.

Lu Hui looked at Fang Che with a sad face, he was really a best friend!

"Hello, Mr. Fang, I am Lu Hui's girlfriend, Gu Ya."

Standing next to Lu Hui, Gu Ya Luo Luo generously stretched out his hand and introduced himself. Fang Che also stretched out his hand and shook Gu Ya's fingertips. Then he turned his head and looked at Lu Hui, who had been let go by Lu Qiling, and winked. .

"Good boy, you didn't come back last night. Where did you go?"

With such a beautiful girl like Gu Ya, wouldn't Lu Hui do something shameful?

You know, there is still a game today!

Lu Hui rolled his eyes. Although Fang Che just winked, his best friend's intuition immediately made Lu Hui understand what Fang Che was thinking.

He immediately took a step forward and wanted to bump Fang Che with his shoulder, but Fang Che deftly dodged it.

"I took Xiaoya to meet my parents."



Fang Che and Lu Qiling were stunned. The two of them looked at each other as if they were the rare elf Yun who was stabbed by the famous trainer Runtu in the melon field!

This Lu Hui is really fierce!

Did you just take Gu Ya home?

"That's not right. You took Xiaoya home, why didn't you reply to my message?"

Lu Qiling only felt a little dizzy, and she couldn't figure out the relationship.

Lu Hui took his girlfriend home to meet his parents. Then he didn't reply to his messages all night, and there was no news from his parents. Is her sister, who works so hard and so hard, an outsider?

Lu Hui chuckled and scratched his head, "Originally this morning, I wanted to bring Xiaoya to see you as a surprise. Who would have thought that you have been waiting all night."

"Last night, I was dragged by my dad to chat all night long, and Xiaoya was also dragged over by my mother to chat. I didn't have time to look at the communicator at all."

Lu Hui's parents were also shocked by the surprise that Lu Hui brought back, so they forgot to notify Lu Qiling for a while. When they remembered it in the middle of the night, they felt it was not good to disturb Lu Qiling's rest, so they asked Lu Hui to come with Gu Ya early in the morning. Just ask Lu Qiling in the museum.

Lu Qiling was relieved when she heard that her parents had completely forgotten about her. Her good daughter was still very happy with her parents.

Fang Che clapped his hands, "Okay, big... Huizi, do you know which venue you are playing on?"

Lu Hui rolled his eyes and said, "If you want to call me a nickname, just call me a nickname. Why do you think I'm such a big guy? People think I'm just getting ashes."

"I'm at Bing Xuanwu Stadium, the game is at 12 o'clock in the morning."

Fang Che nodded, then he glanced at Gu Ya who was beside Lu Hui, "Then you can accompany your girlfriend to walk around the competition venue in the morning. The scenery in Liuli City is quite good."

Lu Hui shook his head, "Sister, I just said that your game is at ten o'clock. If you have nothing to do, I think we can go to your venue to watch your game first, and then go to my game, and finally we can go together Have lunch.”

Fang Che scratched his head. He glanced at Gu Ya, who was smiling sweetly next to Lu Hui, and immediately understood what Lu Hui was thinking.

Is it just that Zhao Wanxi came to cheer him up and made him eat a lot of dog food? Today he is ready to pay it all back!

"Okay, if you don't think it's boring to take your girlfriend to watch your best friend's game, I have no problem with it."

To be honest, Fang Che hoped that Lu Hui would take Gu Ya to visit the beautiful scenery. After all, judging from Gu Ya's appearance, she should be more interested in the beautiful scenery.

Fang Che, Lu Hui and Gu Ya went to the B venue in parallel. Lu Qiling did not leave as she was still busy with the challenge at the gym.

However, since the U18 Poké Ball Cup regional competition has started, many challengers have gone to watch the game. The daily work in the gym is not tiring. Lu Qiling can go to the C venue to watch her brother's game after finishing her work.

On the way to the competition venue, Fang Che proposed to take a look at Lu Hui's Prince Bo. After all, Lu Hui's visit to the old lady of the Gu family this time was to stimulate the power hidden in Prince Bo's body.

Lu Hui, who finally heard that Fang Che wanted to take a look at Prince Bo, raised a proud smile, and then he released his own Prince Bo. Oh, it should be called Emperor Nabo now!

"Emperor Nabob (male)

Level-38 (elite stage))



Trait - Riptide

Special ability - Competitiveness: When the ability is reduced, the special attack attribute is increased by 100%

Special ability - Blessing of the Prince of the Sea: The power of water skills is increased by 100%

Special Ability - The Attention of the Sea God: Can master all storm skills, while increasing the power by 50%

Props-Mysterious Water Drops

Moves - Metal Claw, Foam Beam, Water Play, Peck, Ultrasonic Wave, Frozen Wind, Feather Dance, Water Ring

Special moves - Water oath, water cannon, high-speed movement, surfing, freezing light, blizzard, poison, waterfall climbing, sleeping, guarding, repaying favor, awakening power (electricity), rock blockade, splitting tiles, swallow return, cyclone attack

Intimacy -75”



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