There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 250 H145 The pinnacle of skills, proud of the world, with me, Blue Jay, there will be heaven

Chapter 250 H-145 The pinnacle of skills, proud of the world, with me, Blue Jay, there will be heaven!

"What skill is this?"

Xiao Ran couldn't accept it. He knew that his strength was not as good as Fang Che's, and he might even have to go all out to defeat Fang Che's elf, but he couldn't accept that he was defeated by a completely unknown skill.

It is true that Xiao Ran's grades were not as ideal as Fang Che's, and he did not hire a mature teacher to make up lessons, but his basic theoretical knowledge was still very solid.

The strongest move that an elf like Blue Crow can learn at the elite level is the Divine Bird Slam. What kind of move is this black cloud-overpowering move?

Even a quasi-god's ultimate move may not be able to create such a momentum!

Compared to Xiao Ran who was at a loss, Fang Che was also a little surprised, because the panel description of the catastrophe was to forcibly deprive the opponent of 50% of his physical and mental strength...


Fang Che woke up, the focus was on the mental power behind it!

Mental power is not a superpower, but something more similar to willpower that cannot be accurately described using numerical values ​​or language.

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be an emotional state analogous to courage and fighting spirit.

Gyarados has a very ferocious character, so its fighting spirit is often very high. However, if Gyarados's fighting spirit is cut in half instantly, coupled with the weakness coming from its body, it may enter a state similar to that of a physical body. The armor warrior is in a state of danger avoidance characteristics at half health, and directly loses his will to fight.

After all, the predecessor of Gyarados was Magikarp. Even if the fish leaps through the dragon gate, not all Gyarados can put aside the inferiority and cowardice of the Magikarp period.

Scientific research shows that Gyarados will fall into a violent state after evolving. A large part of the reason is that it suffered too much bullying and ridicule during the Magikarp period. Therefore, after gaining power, Gyarados will be dominated by power and become violent. The magic dragon.

The same goes for the armored warrior who evolved from the coward, and Menas who evolved from the ugly fish.

The danger-avoiding characteristic of an armored warrior is actually that after suffering more damage than it imagined, it will automatically recall the timidity it had when it was a coward, and thus instinctively choose to escape.

Menas holds the title of the most beautiful elf. It exudes charming charm all the time. However, this is also an emotional outburst accumulated from its inferiority complex during the Ugly Fish period.

If you want the Ugly Fish to evolve into Meenas, you must let the Ugly Fish accept their ugly self, thereby stimulating their inner beauty. However, not all Ugly Fish can calmly accept being reborn after stimulating their inner beauty. my own.

Therefore, some Menas will become quite panicked and cowardly when encountering someone who is not affected by their own charm. This is also a problem that Menas trainers must face and solve.

If Fang Che were asked to use one word to describe Gyarados and Menus, there should be only one idiom that is very appropriate.

Fan Jin passed the exam!

Therefore, if you want to conquer an elf like Gyarados, you must either carefully cultivate it since the days of Magikarp, or you must crush it with absolute strength and conquer it.

The same goes for fighting. If you want to defeat Gyarados in a protracted battle, you have to be prepared to be bitten by Gyarados, but if you can make Gyarados lose its will to fight in an instant, then the battle will be easy. .

"Please contestant Xiao Ran release the next elf."

The referee reminded Xiao Ran in time. Although he was also surprised as to why Xiao Ran's Gyarados was defeated by the same level Blue Crow with one move, and what move Blue Crow used, his professionalism kept him from saying more. Not a single word of nonsense, not even a single look.

"Phew! Please, Yaya!"

Xiao Ran's second elf is Yaya, and it is also the only elf in his hand that has broken through to the elite level.

After Yaya appeared on the field, he immediately raised his head and looked at the blue jay in the sky. After unleashing a catastrophe, the blue jay did not feel at all the fatigue after using the ultimate move, which made Xiao Ran feel his scalp numb.

This means that the Blue Jay can release that terrifying black cloud thunder attack again at any time if he wants to.

"Ya Ya, be careful and use Dragon Wave!"

Xiao Ran didn't engage in any syllable command this time. In the face of absolute strength, any strategy would be in vain.

The blue jay still occupies the favorable terrain in the sky. If Yaya wants to attack the blue jay, he must raise his head and spray the dragon wave.

However, raising his head to spit out light means that once his body is slightly deviated, the light will immediately change its trajectory. It is really difficult to hit the nimble blue jay.

I saw Blue Jay turning around lightly and dodged the dragon wave that passed Yaya.

"Use provocation after fear."

Fang Che also gave instructions. Although the Blue Jay could defeat his opponent by letting him attack on his own, the Blue Jay did not have much combat experience after all and could only use brute force to crush them.

It's okay to deal with weak enemies, but once you come into contact with the same level or higher level combat, you need a strong sense of independent combat. After all, Fang Che can't command every elf, and his brain hasn't evolved to that level yet. .

Therefore, Fang Che now wants to cultivate the habit of using changing skills in Blue Jay.


The blue jay let out a soft chirp, and then its expression suddenly turned ferocious. That expression startled the fangs below, and even the dragon wave that was still being released was interrupted.

I have to admit that Xiao Ran's Yaya has been trained very well. It is good if other elite elves can release dragon waves for five seconds.

Xiao Ran's Yaya has been maintaining the dragon's wave spray for ten seconds, which means that Yaya has plenty of energy in his body, which is quite good compared to elves of the same level.

Even Xiao Ran's Gyarados couldn't sustain output for more than ten seconds using the destructive death ray.

After the fear mask took effect, the blue jay flapped its wings and made a sound taunt at Yaya. At the same time, it also raised its feathers and made a provocative gesture, which made Yaya very annoyed.

"Calm down, Fang, rock blockade!"

Xiao Ran naturally couldn't let Yaya be successfully provoked like this. He calmly asked Yaya to use the rock blockade that can be released remotely. As long as one rock shell hits, the speed of the blue jay can be limited.

It's a pity that Xiao Ran had a good idea, but he forgot one thing, that is, the tailwind that Blue Jay used at the beginning was still left in the sky!

The blue jay didn't even make any moves. He simply flew along and easily avoided Yaya's rock blockade attack.


Fang Che smiled slightly. Before the elf's strength improves, the energy concentration and reserves in the body will not be too outrageous. In this case, an elf with the advantage of flying is almost equivalent to being invincible.

In previous years, the champions of the U18 Poké Ball Cup must have one or two Pokémon that have control of the air, and they also need to use Pokémon with attributes such as electricity and ice to perform blind strikes to avoid being unable to target the opponent's flying Pokémon.

Xiao Ran's Dragon Baluto can float and fly, but the current Dragon Baluto is too weak and cannot be Blue Jay's opponent, and Yaya and Gyarados have no effective anti-air methods.

To deal with ordinary elves, if Gyarados bounces up, a distance of more than ten meters is nothing to him.

But the Blue Jay was hovering directly fifteen meters in the air, and even Gyarados couldn't make a quick surprise attack before the Blue Jay.

After a flash of black eyes in Blue Jay's eyes, Fang Che gave the order of the air blade again, which was to let Blue Jay kite his teeth away remotely.

Blue Jay raised his arms, and shot four sharp vacuum slashes towards Yaya. However, flying at high altitude has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it is difficult to be hit, and the disadvantage is that it is also difficult to attack the opponent.

There was a distance of almost twenty meters, and no matter how fast the air blade flew, it still gave Yaya more than a second of reaction time.

A human may blink his eyes and breathe once in one second, but for an elf, he can already do a lot of things in one second.

For example, determine the flight path of the air blade, and then use the electric light to dodge towards the rock pillar beside you.

As the air blade cut into the rocky field and rock pillars, the Blue Jay's attack failed to have any effect.

"Continue, air blade bursts."

Fang Che gave the order to Blue Jay after thinking for a while. The best move for Blue Jay to deal with Yaya now is the air blade. After all, after the trick amplified the special attack, the damage of the air blade has exceeded that of Tai Jing Burst.

In addition, the extremely fast speed and the simple release of air blades are more practical than Taijing Explosion.

The blue jay kept dancing in the sky. Every time it flapped its wings, it would release four air blades on the field below. In order to increase the attack range of the air blades, it did not aim at the fangs at all, but closed its eyes. Release skills.

As a result, it would be difficult for Yaya to judge the flight path of the air blade and avoid the attack.

"Tooth rushes under the blue jay!"

Xiao Ran calmly directed Yaya to avoid the air blade attack, and then let Yaya come directly under the blue jay.

Directly under the blue jay, Yaya had to raise his head forcibly if he wanted to see Yaya, which made his body a little stiff.

Fang Che didn't understand why Xiao Ran wanted Yaya to fall into a stiff state. Wouldn't it be more difficult to avoid the blue jay's attack?

"Electric shock wave!"


When Xiao Ran called out the name of the electric shock wave move, Fang Che did not hesitate to let Blue Jay use Jianjian.

There is no way around it, the electric moves can double restrain Blue Jay, and the speed of the electric shock wave is known to be the fastest among the electric ones, making it almost impossible to dodge.

The distance of about fifteen meters was approaching in an instant, and the golden electric wave hit the blue jay. The blue jay only felt his body stiffen, unable to control the rhythm of flight, and fell for almost ten meters before maintaining his body.

"It's now, Yaya, reckless! Meteor swarm!"

A hint of surprise flashed in Xiao Ran's eyes. With such a small distance, Yaya could directly attack the Blue Crow!

In an instant, Yaya jumped up, opened its mouth, and bit the blue jay's leg without hesitation. Then a crimson light burst out, and all its reckless power was applied to the blue jay's body.


The blue jay let out a low cry of pain. It had never suffered such a serious injury since it was born.

In the sky, the meteor swarm summoned by Yaya's gathered energy has also taken shape. Xiao Ran did not let Yaya use the popular group before because with Yaya's current strength, the light of the meteor swarm can only be released to an altitude of ten meters, and it cannot attack the blue jay at all. pose any threat.

Now, Blue Jay was hit by the electric shock wave and Fanggan, and his speed was greatly reduced. Even the flying height was reduced to within the range of the meteor swarm.

Xiao Ran really saw the possibility of defeating the Blue Jay!

But it's a pity that the Blue Jay's trainer is Fang Che!

"The mountain is overwhelming."

Fang Che looked at the meteors falling in the sky and gave the instruction directly to the blue jay to press the mountain to the top. This made Xiao Ran and the audience a little confused, don't you care about the meteors above your head?

A hint of ferocity flashed in the blue jay's eyes, and it flew upward again for about two meters with its fangs, and then dived rapidly toward the ground.

When it was close to the ground, Blue Jay stretched out his legs and threw Yaya directly to the ground. He also used his own body to give Yaya a blow from the sky and a rampage impact.


Yaya screamed in pain and let go of Blue Jay's leg.

After regaining his freedom, Blue Jay looked at the meteor group in the sky and directly released the light wall and reflective wall. When the meteor group condensed from energy passed through the light wall and reflective wall, its power was reduced a lot, but it was still It can pose a considerable threat to the blue jays.

"Hold on, substitute, sleep."

The corners of Fang Che's mouth raised slightly, and the blue jay immediately released a blue barrier to block the attack of the meteor group. Then, an illusory blue jay figure condensed on the surface of his body and fell into a deep sleep.

Xiao Ran's face became a little ugly. Blue Jay actually used sleep?

No, who would use sleep when facing the enemy in battle? Could it be that the blue jay brought the sleep-awakening fruit?

In the U18 Poké Ball Cup, it is not against the rules to carry props, but tree fruits are not allowed, because many tree fruits can grant elves with outstanding abilities.

Xiao Ran's thought only passed by for a moment, "Ya Ya, take this opportunity, Dragon Dance approaches the Blue Crow, and use the Dragon Claws to strike twice!"

When Xiao Ran's order came to Yaya's ears, Yaya immediately started a strange dance, and then swayed his body and approached the blue jay. It was obvious that Yaya had also put a lot of effort into the Dance of the Dragon, otherwise it wouldn't be possible. Maybe he mastered it so skillfully.

After approaching the blue jay, Yaya raised its small paws, and the blue light continued on its paws, and then formed the shape of blue sharp claws.


With the first strike of Dragon Claw, Fang broke through Blue Jay's substitute protection.


With the second strike of the dragon's claw, Yaya's claws collided with the blue jay's wings. The blue light collided with the white light, and a pale shock wave erupted.



Blue Jay looked at Fang with a smile, and everyone was shocked by its rapid awakening.

No, you just fell asleep and woke up immediately?

You won’t really wake up the sleeping fruit, will you?



Happy Children’s Day to everyone in advance~

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