There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 251 H146 Zoroa’s counterattack!

Chapter 251 H-146 Zoroa’s counterattack!

Naturally, it was impossible for Fang Che to violate the alliance's treaty and wear the Sleeping Fruit on the Blue Jay. The reason why the Blue Jay could recover from sleep so quickly was all thanks to a secret treasure that Fang Che had obtained in the Secret Realm of Dreams!

[Perfect level secret treasure·Dark Crystal: After using by the elves, it can increase the affinity of evil energy, increase the power of evil attribute attacks by 50%, and reduce the damage received by evil attribute attacks by 50%. At the same time, the elves can probabilistically comprehend the skill: Dark Hole ( 0.01%), loud roar (5%), hell thrust (10%)]

This secret treasure was given to Fang Che and others by Darkrai in the Secret Realm of Dreams. Fang Che originally planned to increase the evil resistance of the metal monster.

However, after subduing Zoroa, Fang Che gave the dark crystal to Zoroa after some thought.

Although Chrysanthemum Zoroa does not have evil attributes, it was once an evil elf, and the only weakness of Chrysanthemum Zoroa, both normal and ghost, is the evil type. Once the dark crystal is used, it can directly transform into He has become an elf with no weaknesses.

The most important thing is that with Zoroa's talent and the hatred it once held, it is very possible for it to understand the loud roar and hell thrust.

Of course, if it were a metal monster, it would probably be able to directly understand the dark hole with a 100% probability.

Just when Fang Che was hesitating, the metal monster happily pushed the dark crystal to Zoroa. It did not need such a thing, and Fang Che then let Zoroa absorb the dark crystal.

What surprised Fang Che was that after absorbing the dark crystal, Soraya's level not only soared to level 29, but he even mastered three skills!

Yes, three!

Fang Che always thought that the dark crystal could only give elves a chance to understand one of the skills. It turns out that I can have them all!

The metal monster gave up the dark crystal to Zoroa, probably because it had "anticipated" that Zoroa could master three skills.

After learning the Dark Hole, Loud Roar, and Hell Thrust, Soraya's combat effectiveness improved so much that Fang Che included him in daily training and actual combat.

Blue Jay's sleep resistance is so good, it was completely destroyed by Zoroa using the Dark Hole.

Normally, when Darkrai uses the Dark Hole, he releases a sphere like a shadow ball. After hitting the target, it turns into a black hole and swallows the opponent's mental power, thereby putting the opponent into a comatose state.

As a trainer, Fang Che naturally had to be very imaginative. He first asked Zoroa to learn the shadow ball, and then asked Zoroa to combine the shadow ball with the dark hole. In this way, the dark hole can not only cause damage to the enemy, but also let Zoroa learn the shadow ball. Damage, and can also put the opponent into sleep.

This move was named Shadow Black Hole by Fang Che.

In addition, when ghost-type skills attack the opponent, they will cause damage to the spirit. After the spirit is traumatized, the dark hole will take effect faster.

The most important point is that the speed of the dark hole is too slow, but the speed of the shadow ball is very fast. At the same time, the shadow ball can reduce its power, thereby achieving the effect of rapid condensation and release.

According to Fang Che's prediction, as long as Zoroa evolves and improves its control of ghost-type energy to a higher level, it may be able to master the advanced version of the shadow black hole, the shadow meteor shower!

Just imagine, the black hole shadow balls spread all over the sky. Who can stop it and who can avoid it?

Zoroa was immersed in the fantasy of a better future described by Fang Che. It studied and practiced the shadow black hole diligently every day. This was a pain for one of Fang Che's elves. They were pestered by Zoroa all day long to train the shadow. Black holes and sleep resistance are developed in this way.

Although the audience and opponents present were surprised by the speed of the blue jay's awakening, the game continued after the referee determined that Fang Che's blue jay did not carry any fruit.

The sleeping trick allowed Blue Jay to recover a lot of his physical strength. Because he woke up quickly from sleep, his physical strength was not restored to full value, but it was enough.

After Blue Jay used its wings to block Fang Ya's second dragon claw attack, it jumped up again and took off into the sky. It had been forced down by the meteor swarm before, but it would not suffer the consequences of this move again.

"Damn it, what should I do?"

Xiao Ran fell into deep thought. Although Yaya also knew how to sleep, he had no way of waking up quickly.

If the consumption continues like this, it will only be Yaya who will fall in the end.

I thought I could force out Fang Che's main force, but I didn't expect that even a blue jay couldn't get past it. How could the gap between trainers be so big!

"Tailwind, divine bird slams."

Fang Che smiled slightly and gave a thumbs up to Bluetooth, indicating that the Blue Jay could end the battle.

The blue jay chirped, and then it flapped its wings and created another strong wind.

The previous tailwind had dissipated due to the Blue Jay's whereabouts and sleep, and no one was able to control and sustain it, but it didn't matter. Creating a tailwind was a piece of cake for the Blue Jay.

As the strong wind roared, the blue jay's whole body was enveloped in white light. It spotted the teeth on the ground and plunged directly into them.

"Tooth, tooth for tooth!"

A trace of determination flashed in Xiao Ran's eyes. He believed that it was impossible for his Yaya to lose his fighting power after being struck by the divine bird, so he should take this opportunity to give Blue Crow a hard blow!

The eyes of Yaya in the battle field also became firm. It took a deep breath and assumed a fighting posture.

It wants to take this divine bird attack.

As we all know, moves such as the Divine Bird Slam are very powerful, and the counter-shock force is not weak at the same time. Flying elves who are not powerful and physically strong will not be able to use them at all.

After all, if you are not strong enough and your body is not good enough, even if you fall from the sky and attack the enemy with the impact of falling, you will not be able to kill the opponent with one blow, but will expose your flaws.

Fang Che also knew this. Blue Jay's physique was average, and his strength might be good compared to Yaya, but it was only at the same level. It was still too difficult to kill Yaya with the powerful attack of the divine bird.

So, he chose to let the blue jay fly with the tailwind!

As we all know, when a bird spirit descends from the sky to attack, the higher it sprints, the stronger the falling force it carries, the stronger the impact, and the higher its aggressiveness.

The location where the Blue Jay was before was just over ten meters in the sky. Generally, if you want to cause the highest damage with the powerful attack of the divine bird, you have to go up to at least twenty meters. Therefore, many elves will rise to an altitude of twenty or thirty meters, and then It will attack below.

Fang Che didn't want the blue crow to fly so high, which would only cause Yaya to react and use the burrowing skills to dodge. Although Xiao Ran didn't choose this, Fang Che did judge it this way.

Just in case, Fang Che asked Blue Jay to activate the tailwind, using the increased speed of the tailwind to make up for the lack of sprint distance!

As the white light of the divine bird fell on Yaya's body, Yaya closed his eyes in pain. It stretched out its hand and tremblingly wanted to blast a ball of black energy on the blue jay's body, but the pain in the body plus After all, Yaya was still unable to slap his hand on Blue Jay's body because of his mental shock.

Yaya, lost the ability to fight.

Blue Jays, one against two, showing off their splendor!

"Come back Yaya, you did a great job."

Xiao Ran sighed, he took back Yaya, and then injected a recovery potion into Yaya.

Fang Che and the referee did not rush Xiao Ran. This was a trainer's love for the elf. Gyarados did not use potions before because it was overwhelmed in terms of momentum, not because it suffered too serious physical trauma.

After Xiao Ran finished his work, the referee urged Xiao Ran to release the third elf.

Xiao Ran sighed, he knew he would lose, but being penetrated three times by the blue jay made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Go, Doronmecia!"

An elf with an appearance somewhat similar to a lizard appeared in front of Xiao Ran. This elf had a big flat head, and its whole body was as twisted and flexible as a snake. There were two small hands under the big head.

Quasi-god with dual attributes of ghost and dragon, Doron Mecia!

With the appearance of Duolong Mexia, there were also shouts similar to gambling kings in the auditorium of the venue. It was obvious that these audiences were very envious of Xiao Ran, so much so that they wanted to take on Xiao Ran's identity.

"Doron Mecia? Blue Jay, please come back first."

To Xiao Ran's expectation, Fang Che actually took back the blue jay and did not use the blue jay to penetrate him three times.

"It's the finals. Next is the stage of the national competition. Let's let this kid show his face."

Fang Che chuckled. The Blue Jays had won the previous games. They all joined the team together. The metal monster couldn't lag too far behind in terms of record.

Moreover, the championship and runner-up finals of the regional competition are ultimately a showdown between quasi-gods. This is a gimmick to say the least, and it will greatly help expand the reputation of Liuli City.

Fang Che is from Liuli City, and his father is the gym leader of Liuli City. It can be said that Liuli City is Fang Che's base camp. The better Liuli City is, the more comfortable Fang Che will be.

Therefore, he doesn't mind giving the citizens of Liuli City another gimmick to brag about.

"Go, metal monster!"

Fang Che released the metal monster, and this time, the cheers from the audience at the venue were even stronger.

Compared to the slightly weird Doron Mecia, the silver-white metal monster is obviously more popular with everyone.

Flashing quasi-god!

The referee also swallowed, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Hosting a battle between quasi-gods, and a shining quasi-god metal monster, he could boast in front of his peers for at least a year without stopping.

The game started again. This was Xiao Ran's last elf. Apart from taking back the blue jay, Fang Che only used the metal monster. In the entire regional competition, Fang Che never played a third elf.

There was no way, his elves were too powerful. Even in the Baby Cup, he only planned to go to the national competition to torture the geniuses from all over the world.

It’s better not to bother the fellows from Liuli City.

"Metal Monster, Cosmic Power."

Fang Che snapped his fingers, and Duolong Mexia restrained the metal monster in a sense. Although there was a level difference between them, it did not mean that the metal monster could eat Duolong Mexia's attack at will.

The metal monster's attack is indeed very strong, but its current defense is still a little weak.

The pink power was bred from the metal monster's body, and then enveloped the metal monster's body.

Cosmic power uses superpower to imitate the light of the universe, improving the user's physical defense and special defense. Once this move is performed, Doron Mecia will scratch his head directly.

Xiao Ran sighed, and he glanced at Duolong Mexia, with a little helplessness in his eyes.

Quasi-gods are all late-blooming kings, especially the Dragon Baluto and the Three Evil Dragons. They were really weak before they finally evolved.

Compared with Yukila's strange strength to lift rocks, the body of iron dumbbells that can crush rocks, the strange speed and bite force of the round land shark, the way of flying and controlling the weather of the Mysterious Dragon, and the almost steel head of the Baby Dragon Defense, multi-dragon Mecia and single-headed dragon, are really nothing to brag about.

Oh, no, Doron Mecia still has something to boast about.

At least, it can fly. Although the flying height and speed are not satisfactory, at least it can fly, which is at least one version better than a certain first-level god who is unwilling to reveal his name.

It's a pity that this only advantage is nothing in front of the metal monster.

Human-metal monsters can also fly, and their flying ability is no worse than that of ordinary flying elves.

"Doron Mecia, use Meteor Swarm!"

Xiao Ran glanced at the potholes on the field, took a deep breath, and directly asked Duolong Mexia to use the meteor swarm trick.

To deal with the metal monster, the close-quarter dragon tail trick that Doron Mecia is good at may not be effective, and even if the dragon tail bounces the opponent back into the Poké Ball, there is no telling what kind of opponent will be released.

It's better to use the meteor swarm to feint attack first, so that the metal monster is tired of dealing with it, and then think of countermeasures.

Just when Xiao Ran was thinking this, Duolong Mexia had already fired a red cannonball into the sky, and then the cannonball exploded and turned into dozens of flaming meteors that hit the metal monster.

Fang Che just watched the flaming meteor silently, but did not choose to let the metal monster choose to dodge.


There was a trace of blue light in the metal monster's eyes, and then the meteors all over the sky were directly controlled by it and stopped in mid-air.

The whole audience was astonished, and Xiao Ran was even more so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

No, this is a meteor swarm!

The ultimate move that dragon elves are proud of!

Can the telekinesis of your metal monster directly control all the meteor swarms?

What the hell is this metal monster’s telepathy!

Fang Che smiled slightly. He had already anticipated the reaction of the audience.

In fact, even Fang Che has not been able to test the limit of the metal monster's telepathy.

At least, there was no problem with the metal monster "moving" Fang Che's Boscodora.

You know, Fang Che's Boss Cordora is a monster with a height of 6.66 meters. The metal monster's telepathy is so powerful, which is why Fang Che dares to let the metal monster face the meteor swarm.

Since this battle was planned to be a gimmick for Liuli City to brag to the outside world, how could it end so casually?

Xiao Ran used the meteor swarm at the beginning, which really made Fang Che feel a lot more comfortable.

After all, the shock of controlling a Doron Mecia is completely different from controlling a batch of fire rain and meteors.

The first performance of Metal Monster's finals can only be described in two words, perfect!



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