There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 265 H160 God said, let there be light!

Chapter 265 H-160 God said, let there be light!

In the Zhao family courtyard, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were lying on the lawn. They looked at the stars in the sky and had a lot of thoughts in their hearts.

"How many sentences did you understand what Grandpa Fang relayed?"

Zhao Wanxi looked at the starry sky above her head and asked Fang Che softly.

Fang Che shook his head, "I basically understand it, but I don't understand it at all."

Knowing the existence of Chihong, Xiaozhi and others shows that Little Red Riding Hood is related to the elf world or the present world before he traveled through time.

But looking at it, he felt that Little Red Riding Hood was related to the elf world, because there were many things in his words that only people in the elf world would use.

In addition, what Little Red Riding Hood said before disappearing was very concerning to Fang Che.

"I bear a responsibility, a responsibility to pass on to you."

"In addition, tell him that he should never enter the world of a first-level god before solving..., otherwise, he will die."

The silenced words or sentences were the message that Little Red Riding Hood wanted to convey to Fang Che.

He was responsible for conveying certain information to Fang Che, but due to time or interference from certain problems, he was unable to reveal that information.

Then there is the second sentence. Before certain problems are solved, Fang Che cannot enter the world of a first-level god, otherwise he will die.

This point made Fang Che very concerned. Is it possible that the young man in Little Red Riding Hood could predict that he would enter the world of a first-level god in the future?

So far, he has entered many worlds of gods, including the dream world where Darkrai and Cresselia live, the rock world where Regilock lives, and Suicune's secret realm blessed by Suicune... ···

Although he has come into contact with many gods, Fang Che has never come into contact with the existence of a first-level god.

The only thing it comes into contact with is the ultimate space where the glorious god Necrozma may exist.

"Wait a minute!"

Fang Che suddenly sat up and looked at his gloves. The infinite gloves contained an infinite titanium crystal that emitted infinite energy. This was a treasure given to him by the shattered paradoxical space.

It was left to Fang Che by an existence named Taile Bagos, who needed Fang Che to help restore the paradoxical world to its original state.

"Is it possible that because of this, I will attract the attention of other first-level gods?"

Fang Che silently looked at the infinite titanium crystal in his glove, Taile Bagos. He had predicted before that it should also be a first-level god.

What's more, would a god who could give elves the ability to become crystallized, comparable to the ability to dynamize or MEGA, be weak?

Tailebagos is at least at the level of Wujitai, so he is definitely a first-level god!

Fang Che is now marked by a first-level god. If he enters the world of another first-level god, he will most likely attract the attention of other first-level gods, and may even attract the wrath of a first-level god.

After all, anyone who comes uninvited is a thief. Even if Fang Che is recognized as having entered the legendary realm where a first-level god resides, he may still be marked as an enemy. By then, will he be dead if he is targeted by a first-level god?

"No, no, it shouldn't be like this."

Fang Che shook his head and lay down again. This time, Zhao Wanxi sat up. She turned sideways and guided Fang Che to lie on her lap.

Zhao Wanxi knew that Fang Che was worried about something, but she couldn't help Fang Che, so she could only help Fang Che rub his head.

Enjoying Zhao Wanxi's massage, Fang Che's mind started racing again.

It's true that Talebagos's strength should be that of a first-level god. It's true that he has been marked, but it is too outrageous to say that just because of this, he will be slaughtered in the world where a first-level god exists.

You know, except for the ice dragon Kyurem, Rayquaza whose territory was invaded, Groudon and Kyogre who are almost unable to communicate, basically all other first-level gods can communicate.

Even Palkia and Dialga, two rule-level gods who seem to be very difficult to mess with, have had precedents of friendly contact with humans.

Of course, no one among humans can receive the blessings of these two gods.

"Necrozma's situation isn't quite right. He might attack me, but the mythical beasts like Ho-oh and Lugia can't attack me just because I have a mark on me. Unless I come into contact with them, they can't. Taboos to be tolerated!”

A picture suddenly appeared in Fang Che's mind. It was a picture of balls collapsing. He seemed to see a vast starry sky, with endless balls of light wandering in the starry sky like stars.

Pa da~

A ball beside him shattered, and then some light poured into the galaxy and disappeared.


Fang Che took a breath. He glanced at the infinity gauntlet on his wrist that was emitting light, and then immediately took off the infinite titanium crystal.

Was the scene just now transmitted to him by the infinite titanium crystal?

That broken ball couldn’t be the paradoxical world!

Which world does Talebagos hope he can save?

After placing the infinite titanium crystal into the moonlit night of Twenty-Four Bridges, Fang Che suddenly noticed the little red riding hood that he had put away.

By some mistake, Fang Che took out the little red hat and put it on his head.

[God’s eyes are watching the future! 】

Suddenly, a majestic word appeared in Fang Che's mind, but the young man who said those words showed an independent posture of a roc spreading its wings and a golden rooster, which looked particularly strange.

"I said, can we not do this pose?"

Fang Che's mouth twitched. He didn't know why, but when he saw this posture, he always wanted to complain.

After he finished speaking, Zhao Wanxi looked at herself in confusion. Is her posture strange?

At the same time, the young man in Fang Che's mind paused slightly, and then he took a deep breath, as if he was trying to suppress his anger.

【He’s his mother too! This posture was taught to me by you...ah! 】

The young man in his mind seemed to have been electrocuted. He didn't finish a sentence, and then his whole body started to twitch.

Fang Che's thoughts paused for a moment, "Can you communicate with me?"

He thought that he had touched the sealed memory in Little Red Riding Hood or something. Anyway, the style of painting was moving in the direction of fantasy, so there was nothing to make a fuss about if there was another kind of inherited image.

But now it seems that this little red riding hood is a special communication tool?

【hiss! 】

The young man in his mind kept gasping for air, and his whole body was twitching, but he still maintained the appearance of the golden rooster being independent and the roc spreading its wings.

[My state is not quite right, so stop gossiping and carefully appreciate what I said before. Never go to the world of a first-level god! 】

The young man's whole body twitched as he finished this instruction again, and then he turned into a ray of light and seemed to dissipate.

Fang Che immediately stopped him, "What exactly is this thing I'm carrying?"

The young man paused, and the light that was about to dissipate actually stabilized, [I don't know either, I just know that I want to tell you these words, and as long as you listen, then... it will be good. 】

Another passage was inexplicably silenced, but Fang Che could understand and understand the meaning of the young man's silenced words.

He was saying that as long as Fang Che listened, the future would be great!

Before joining forces with the young man, he accidentally revealed that Fang Che taught him his current posture, and the conclusion was obvious.

"The future me wants you to come back to the present to warn me, just this sentence?"

Although he couldn't accept it in his heart, Fang Che had to admit that the true identity of the young man in front of him might really be a "messenger" from the future.

Hearing Fang Che's question, the young man's body in his mind twitched again. He assumed the posture of a roc spreading its wings and a golden rooster standing alone again, [I'm sorry, I don't know either. 】

[In fact, I don’t understand the meaning of what I passed on to you. I only know that even if it costs a huge price, I will pass this sentence on to you. 】

The young man's words were silenced again, but Fang Che could still guess that the silenced part should be his name.

"······So what happened?"

Suddenly, Fang Che found that he could not say the word "future"!

At that moment, the young man in his mind disappeared instantly, and Fang Che jumped up as if he had been electrocuted.

Zhao Wanxi stood beside him in astonishment, completely unaware of what was happening.

Just now Fang Che casually said that her posture was weird, and then he started to be in a daze, and then he jumped up as if he was electrocuted.


Fang Che calmly uttered one word. He was just a new trainer who had only had elves for half a year. Why did he suddenly get involved in strange things?

The future Fang Che spent a huge amount of money to organize the current Fang Che to enter the world of the first-level god at a future time point. This sounds convoluted, but it seems to be "cheating" the current Fang Che.

A half-open vision, or the ability to predict the future!

"However, how is it possible without entering the world of a first-level god!"

The corners of Fang Che's mouth raised slightly, "If it's really me, then that's not the meaning of this sentence!"

Zhao Wanxi's eyes lit up, "Ache, do you understand what Grandpa Fang said?"

Fang Che shook his head, and then nodded, "I don't know what the young man in Little Red Riding Hood meant, but if it were me, I would understand."

God’s eyes are watching the future!

The focus is not on the future, but on the divine word at the beginning!

If it is Fang Che, then the word "divine" in this sentence does not refer to the gods in Miao Miao legend, but to himself.

With the Little Penguin Mall in his hands and the most unique power of data, the realm of gods is only a realm that Fang Che can reach sooner or later.

The god who existed in the legend of Elf Star would only be the loser in front of Fang Che in the future.

God's gaze should refer to Fang Che's gaze.

Eyes on the future······

"Do I need to plan for the future now? But how do I need to plan for the future?"

Fang Che fell into deep thought. He kept stroking the little red hat in his hand. Now this little red hat had completely lost its magical ability and could no longer let him talk to the young man in his mind.

If his understanding was correct, he hoped that his current self would be able to plan for the future, but Fang Che could not understand what he would need in the future.

Moreover, since his future self affects his past self, is it possible that he does not need to consider the paradox of time and space?

Now that he has made the layout, he will not need to remind his past self to make the layout in the future. Then there will be no layout in the future...

Who killed grandma? Whose grandma did I kill again?

Fang Che rubbed his eyebrows, and suddenly, he thought of a possibility.

What if, he meant, what his future self needs is not what he intentionally does, but certain decisions he makes unintentionally?

"Red, Little Jin, Yushu... and finally Xiaozhi, the Golden Rooster is independent and the Dapeng spreads its wings. This is the password!"

The corners of Fang Che's mouth rose again. He still didn't understand what he wanted to do in the future, but he knew that now he just needed to live a quiet life and only activate these passwords when needed in the future!

"God's eyes are looking at the future, but is the back of God's head pointed at the past?"

Fang Che complained in his heart, "Wanxi, where do you plan to go tomorrow?"


Zhao Wanxi still looked shocked. She really couldn't keep up with the speed of Fang Che's thinking. "Don't you need to analyze the meaning of those words?"

She thought Fang Che would have to study it for ten days and a half, or even longer.

Fang Che shook his head, "It's meaningless to study this nonsense."

"Let's think about it when we meet."

Zhao Wanxi nodded. She didn't say anything more, but quietly thought about where they were going to play next.

I definitely can't go to the secret realm anymore these days. The ultimate space and the strange young man are really giving me a headache. Anyway, Fang Che has got the paper sword.

"By the way, Ah Che, should we go to Tianjian Mountain to take a look?"

Zhao Wanxi made a suggestion, and Fang Che's eyes lit up.

Tianjian Mountain, the first mountain in the Eastern Alliance, is a high mountain in the southern region. Its overall shape is like a sword blade, and the surrounding mountains and jungles form a shape similar to the hilt of a sword.

Rumor has it that if elves who have learned slashing moves go to Tianjian Mountain, they may have an epiphany and take a step forward in slashing moves.

Some elves who are stuck at the bottleneck of the quasi-king level can even use this kind of epiphany to complete breakthroughs in skills and successfully enter the realm of the king.

The Alliance has launched many investigations into Tianjian Mountain, but the final conclusion is that it is just a miraculous work of nature. There is no elves living on Tianjian Mountain, let alone a secret realm.

"Would you like to climb Tianjian Mountain? That's a good suggestion."

Fang Che nodded. Now he really needed to climb a mountain to soothe his heart. He raised his head and looked at the starry sky, "The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, so why bother yourself."



In the ultimate space, in a dark sky, the young man with Little Red Riding Hood appeared here again, but this time there was no Little Red Riding Hood above his head.

"God said, Let there be light."

He stretched out his hand, and a flash of light appeared in the dim ultimate space, but the next moment the light was swallowed up.

The young man looked at his hand in astonishment, and then he disappeared again, leaving only a vague word in the place.

"This plot development is wrong!"



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