There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 266 H161 Once upon a time there was a Tianjian Mountain!

Chapter 266 H-161 Once upon a time, there was a Tianjian Mountain!

Tianjian Mountain.

As one of the most famous attractions in the Eastern Alliance, Tianjian Mountain attracts thousands of trainers to "pilgrimage" here with its unique appearance and outstanding abilities.

Walking on the commercial street of the small town at the foot of Tianjian Mountain, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were keenly aware that the elves following the trainers who came and went could basically learn slashing skills.

There are many Flying Mantises, Commander Cleavers, and even the rare Aluredo.

They gathered together in twos and threes to play at the foot of Tianjian Mountain. When they occasionally raised their heads to look at Tianjian Mountain, their eyes were full of yearning and expectation.

For some "loose cultivator" trainers, Tianjian Mountain is a secret realm open to them for free, and a "perfect secret treasure" that they can aspire to!

"How's it going? How do you feel?"

Fang Che gently stroked the giant pincer mantis and the black king's elf ball. These two elves are proficient in slashing skills, and they may gain a lot from coming to Tianjian Mountain.

The Poke Balls of Giant Claw Mantis and Black King moved slightly, and they didn't seem to have any feelings.

"It's normal to think about it. Giant Pincer Mantis has always wanted to become a boxing champion. Black King only knows one mental blade move. Compared with other elves who specialize in slashing skills, it is still a bit difficult to achieve enlightenment."

Zhao Wanxi took Fang Che's arm, and she dragged Fang Che to a noodle shop. This noodle shop was doing a good job. Not only was the restaurant full, but there was even a long queue of about ten people outside!

"Oh? Is it Cong Youbing Noodle Shop?"

Fang Che raised his head and looked at the plaque above his head, and then a smile appeared in his eyes.

Onion Ranger, an elf evolved from the alienated Onion Duck, has very powerful attack capabilities and is very good at slashing skills.

Whether it is continuous cutting, leaf blade, or sun blade, he can use it very skillfully. This kind of fighting elf makes knife-cut noodles, which is worthy of being at the foot of Tianjian Mountain!

"Boss, two bowls of shaved noodles, no chopped green onion!"

After waiting for a while, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi also entered the shop. A two-tailed strange hand cleared a table for them with a smile, and then handed them the menu.

After looking at it, Zhao Wanxi ordered two bowls of shaved noodles, which is Cong Youbing's specialty.

As for not adding chopped green onions, this is Zhao Wanxi's taste. Fang Che is different from her in that he doesn't like coriander.

It's not that he hates the taste of coriander, he likes the taste of coriander, but he doesn't like the feeling of coriander in his mouth!

You can garnish it, but don't let him pick out the coriander.

Soon, two bowls of noodles were served by the two-tailed monster. Although Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi had eaten a lot of delicacies, they were not qualified gourmets.

They don't understand any of the preparation procedures required to taste noodles, and they don't even know what to eat first when eating noodles. They just start to enjoy the food with big mouthfuls, and then their mouths are full of saliva and their stomachs are filled with fragrance.



Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi both gave very high evaluations in their hearts. Before going to Tianjian Mountain, it is really a great pleasure in life to be able to savor such a bowl of noodles!

After finishing the food treasure hunt at noon, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi headed towards Tianjian Mountain. They did not release their elves like others. After all, they could learn and plan to master slashing skills. There are not many elves, and they are not suitable for release.

When the two came to the foot of Tianjian Mountain, they saw a crew filming. After standing in the distance and watching for a while, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi saw clearly that the protagonists who were filming were a horse and a An Eluredo.

Well, Mahuola is a standard villain, and Elureduo is naturally the protagonist of justice. As for the plot, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi could guess most of it even if they didn't ask about it.

It's nothing more than Ma Xunla persecuting Alureduo, and then Alureduo had an adventure on Tianjian Mountain and defeated Ma Xunla.

"I heard that this is a big-budget movie with an investment of 100 million Xia Yuan. It is to promote Tianjian Mountain."

After leaving the location of the crew, Zhao Wanxi smiled lightly, stretched out her hands, and gestured toward Tianjian Mountain to take a picture.

Fang Che was a little surprised. Tianjian Mountain's reputation was considered top in the entire Eastern League, but it still had to do marketing?

Whose genius came up with this idea? Are you really not afraid that the movie will ruin Tianjian Mountain's reputation if it hits the streets?

"Once upon a time, there was a Tianjian Mountain, Tianjian Mountain, Tianjian Peak..."

In the jungle at the foot of Tianjian Mountain, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi got on the Black King Baixue, and they walked side by side towards Tianjian Mountain.

On the way, Zhao Wanxi hummed softly the theme song of "Once upon a time there was a Heavenly Sword Mountain", which she had just found online. Maybe it was because she had a talent for singing. Although she could only sing a cappella, it made Fang Che feel... The sharp aura exuded by Tianjian Mountain is getting more and more terrifying...


Fang Che suddenly woke up. Zhao Wanxi's singing voice could not have this ability. The momentum he felt was real. Tianjian Mountain was really exuding calm sword energy!

"It's developing in a fantasy direction again? As soon as the protagonist arrives, the treasure land will automatically open, right?"

Fang Che complained in his heart. Ever since he pondered those mysterious words two days ago, he always felt that something was wrong with the world he was in.

It's obviously an interesting elven world, but don't develop it in a fantasy direction, that's not elven!

"Hey, Ah Che, didn't you check the information before coming here?"

Looking at Fang Che's surprised look, Zhao Wanxi was confused. She stretched out her green jade finger and pointed at Tianjian Mountain, "The unique thing about Tianjian Mountain is that as long as you concentrate and calm down, you can feel this It can be called the sharpest momentum impact in the world."

"Those who bring elves to Tianjian Mountain not only want the elves to understand the secret of slashing, but many of them also come to purify their hearts."

The fierce momentum of Tianjian Mountain is enough to cut through the confusion in people's hearts, allowing people to "see through the mortal world" for a short time and reach the realm of "true knowledge".

If not, how could Tianjian Mountain be able to surpass all other heroes and become an indispensable landscape for the Eastern Alliance.

After knowing this, Fang Che also began to stare at Tianjian Mountain seriously. Under the constant "slashes" of the fierce momentum, some of the annoyance hidden in his heart was really chopped away.

That was the shadow left in his heart when he had been reciting those two words that God had been nagging for the past two days. Fang Che himself didn't feel it, but his body recorded it.

Now, under the "purifying heart" effect of Tianjian Mountain, this shadow has been cut away and will no longer have any impact on Fang Che.

Tianjian Mountain is very high. So far, many people have climbed to the top of Tianjian Mountain. However, there are only a few people who have climbed up on their own strength without relying on elves.

Following the road opened by the alliance, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi arrived at the foot of Sword Blade Peak. They raised their heads and looked at Tianjian Mountain, which towered into the clouds and seemed to pierce the sky. A trace of desire arose in their hearts. The desire to conquer.

Not only Fang Che, but also Zhao Wanxi also had the idea of ​​conquering Tianjian Mountain by her own strength.

Although she was as gentle as water when she was around Fang Che, in fact Zhao Wanxi was also a proud and arrogant girl in the imperial capital, but she basically didn't show it when she was around Fang Che.

At Imperial No. 1 High School, even though Zhao Wanxi had not gone to school for a long time, she went to school once in a while, and there were only a few people who dared to look at her.



The two looked at each other, and then took the elves back one after another. Many people around them had already taken out their mobile phones or cameras to take pictures of the flash alienated flame horse. For them, this kind of elves existed in dreams, and they encountered them in reality. You can burn incense and worship Buddha there.

In addition, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi are also handsome men and beautiful women. With the outstanding appearance of the black king Baixue, the two of them are like immortals walking out of the scroll, giving people a feeling that they can be seen from a distance but not played with.

Well, in fact, the reason why these people have these feelings is that their minds have to resist the "cutting" of Tianjian Mountain and they cannot concentrate. Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi both have elf force fields on their bodies. There is no need to consider the oppression given to them by Tianjian Mountain.

When it rises and falls, it naturally gives rise to this wonderful feeling.

At the foot of Sword Blade Peak, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi were fully prepared, and they started climbing the mountain hand in hand.

In the first section of the road, the Alliance has carved out 9999 steps. After walking through these steps, you need to climb up by your own strength.

Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi completed the 9,999 steps step by step. They looked down and saw a cloud of mist. The hustle and bustle at the foot of the mountain had been completely abandoned. There were not many tourists around them anymore. .

"What's next?"

Zhao Wanxi raised her head and looked at the dead road ahead. Her physical strength was almost reaching its limit. Even if she had the dress of Queen Carlos, she was just an ordinary person and did not have the terrifying physique of a super true newcomer.

Fang Che's forehead was also covered with sweat. He helped Zhao Wanxi to a rock and sat down.

Just these 9,999 steps cannot be easily climbed by anyone who does not exercise regularly, let alone the subsequent Sword Blade Peak.

No wonder, after Tianjian Mountain has existed for so many years, there are only a few people who have reached the top by their own strength. Those are the talents who have polished their bodies and wills to the limit!

"If a championship-level trainer comes here, he should be able to climb up easily, right?"

Zhao Wanxi wiped the sweat from her forehead, and then she also looked at the mountain above her head.

Champion-level trainers can accept feedback from the Elf Force Field. In essence, their bodies have transcended the limits of humans. It is still very simple for them to climb to the top of Tianjian Peak.

However, perhaps out of respect for nature, no champion-level trainer has relied on the elf force field on his body to challenge Tianjian Peak so far. They have only reached the location where Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi are at most. left.

"After today, there will be two more names for conquering Tianjian Mountain."

Fang Che stood up and stretched out his hand to Zhao Wanxi. The two of them would walk together for the rest of the journey.

Zhao Wanxi chuckled and put her hand in Fang Che's. The next moment, the two of them slipped for some unknown reason and fell directly into a pothole.

Looking at the darkness around them and feeling the impact of their rapid fall, only one thought flashed through Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi's minds.

When did Tianjian Mountain have such a deep pit?

The alliance didn't put up a warning sign next to the pit?

Imperial Capital, Alliance Headquarters.

In the security office, Master Zhao is drinking tea leisurely. Today is another peaceful day.

Even though the security office is busy with everything, as long as the various departments coordinate well, it can still be quite relaxing.

After all, the alliance has existed for hundreds of years and has gone through a lot of things, big and small. It has already had a set of strategic policies for dealing with things. It has been many years since there has been an issue that required the coordination of various departments to deal with it.


While Master Zhao was enjoying tea leisurely, the phone on his desk suddenly rang. It was a red phone!

Master Zhao immediately put down the tea cup in his hand and answered the phone at lightning speed, "It's me, Master Zhao."

"Yes, yes, I understand, I understand. A new secret realm has appeared. It is suspected to be a super large secret realm. Where is the specific location?"

After Master Zhao answered the phone, he immediately started taking notes. The emergence of a super-large secret realm was a blessing for the Eastern Alliance. As long as it was explored clearly and the threat was eliminated, the Eastern Alliance could continuously benefit from it.

"Well, it's in Tianjian Mountain...what, Tianjian Mountain!"



Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi didn't know how long they had fallen. Anyway, they had been thinking silently in their hearts for at least three minutes. Did they fall from the sky to the ground?

When they fell for more than a minute, the two of them realized that there was a high probability that they had entered some kind of secret realm.

However, there is no secret realm in Tianjian Mountain. There is not even a wild elf on Tianjian Mountain.

Even the elves released or fostered by trainers refused to run up Tianjian Mountain.

Why did something go wrong in Tianjian Mountain as soon as they arrived?

"Sure enough, something happened."

Fang Che felt very calm in his heart, he already had a vague premonition.

The nagging young man in Little Red Riding Hood looks like a supporting character playing tricks on the protagonist, so he is naturally the protagonist. Wherever the protagonist goes, events will follow. Isn't this natural?

Well, the above thoughts are purely nonsense from Fang Che. The reason why he was calm was because soon after entering the pit, he found that something in his body began to resonate with this space.

This feeling also appeared the last time I entered the paradoxical space.

However, what led him into the paradoxical space last time was an ancient gold watch, which seemed to travel through time and space. But this time, what led Fang Che and the others into this bottomless abyss was what Fang Che had placed in the twenty-first century a long time ago. It's a treasure that I can't even think of in the moonlit night of Four Bridges.

The sword of ancient royal power!



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