There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 320 H215 Return with a full load!

Chapter 320 H-215 returns with a full load!

Looking at the leftover rice in the product column, Fang Che took it down decisively.

To be honest, if this leftover food were put outside, it would be worth at least a quasi-god!

After all, quasi-gods can be found again, but such perfect props are rare.

Speaking of the quasi-god, Fang Che couldn't help but think of the shining single-headed dragon that was sold for a sky-high price at the auction.

What price was the flash single-headed dragon auctioned for at that time?

Oh, by the way, it’s more than 300 million!

A single shining dragon can be sold for more than 300 million Xia Yuan. Of course, this has a lot to do with it being a shining elf, but an ordinary quasi-god only sells for tens of millions to 100 million yuan.

Converted into ball coins, that's almost 10,000.

Now, the leftovers only cost 800 ball coins. This can no longer be regarded as picking up leftovers. This is a special welfare giveaway!


Fang Che took a deep breath, this was only the second treasure, there should be better ones later!

With expectant eyes, Fang Che looked at the third product column.

Unlike the items in the first two inventory slots, the items in the third inventory column look a bit bland.

In the grid of the third product column, there is something like a headband lying quietly. It has a simple appearance and a dark copper color. It also has a totem-like pattern on its surface, which looks quite strange. .

"What's this?"

Fang Che looked at the introduction very curiously. After studying for more than ten years, he failed to recognize the props in the product column at first sight. It was simply outrageous.

[Leader Halo: After using it on the elves, it can add the special ability "Leader Halo", which can increase all the elves' attributes by 10%. Note: Can only be used on unborn elves. Selling price: 500 ball coins]

After reading the introduction given by Little Penguin Mall, Fang Che took a breath of cold air for the third time. The temperature in the room changed due to Fang Che's inhalation.

At this time, Metal Monster, Variety Monster, and even Lucario were not surprised by Fang Che's behavior.

They also know that Fang Che must be doing something. Although this kind of emotional fluctuation is very unusual, they will not explore too much. This is Fang Che's secret.

"The leader's halo! Is it the leader elf?"

Leader Elf, this is a special attribute that suddenly appeared in a certain era. Super powerful individuals are occasionally born among the Elf groups in the wild, just like the giant needle bee leader that Fang Che met before.

These boss elves all have a leader aura, and as long as the conditions are met, they can explode with power far beyond the limits of their race.

Let's take the Giant Sting Bee as an example. It's amazing that a normal Sting Bee can grow to the elite level. There are very few Gym level Giant Sting Bees.

Even the giant sting wasps carefully cultivated by their trainers rarely break through to the king level.

However, the leader of the giant needle bee in the wild is basically a gym level or above. Among the leader giant needle bees certified by the alliance, the number of quasi-kings exceeds double digits.

As for the giant needle bee that Fang Che encountered, it was simply a monster. As a weak insect, it rose to the champion level and had a powerful combat power that far exceeded that of ordinary champion-level elves. This was also a change brought about by the leader's aura.

"What a pity, why can it only be used by unborn elves?"

Fang Che was a little dissatisfied. If this leader's halo could be used at will, he would rather give it to Giant Pincer Mantis or Lucario.

Lucario has been following Fang Che for the longest time, but his potential and strength are not the highest in the team.

Fang Che has always wanted to use various methods to strengthen Lucario, but Lucario prefers to exercise and improve his own strength. It can accept props such as skill machines calmly, but if it is similar to "transmitting skills" ” way it was flatly rejected.

In the paradoxical world, when the Iron Warrior was "transferring skills", Lucario only accepted the Iron Warrior's understanding of the "Wave Guide", and Lucario gave up everything else to the Black King and white snow.

This boss aura is a prop that suits Lucario very well, but unfortunately the usage restrictions are too rigid.

As for the Giant Pincer Mantis, it can be said to be one of the hardest trained elves under Fang Che, and its level of hard work is no less than that of Lucario and Swampert.

Fang Che had promised Giant Pincer Mantis before that when the time came, he would let Giant Pincer Mantis have an evenly matched contest with the screen superstar. For this contest, Giant Pincer Mantis was working hard all the time.

"As for the unborn elf, should I give it to the paper sword or the explosive muscle mosquito?"

Now, the only unborn elves in Fang Che's hands are Zhi Yujian and Explosive Muscle Mosquito.

Originally, these two elves should have been born, but for some unknown reason, after their elf vitality increased day by day, they were not in a hurry to be born.

It's as if they can grow better in eggs.

After Fang Che senses this wave guide, he will naturally not be in a hurry to let them be born. Anyway, now he does not lack the combat power of the Paper Royal Sword and the Explosive Muscle Mosquito.

If it can help these two little guys grow up better, Fang Che doesn't mind if Zhi Yujian and Explosive Muscle Mosquito become Nezha in the elf world.

As for who to give the leader halo to, Fang Che fell into deep thought.

Previously, Fang Tianyang brought out a copy of the Ghost Sword in the secret realm. This secret treasure has been assigned to Zhi Yujian. If he still prefers Zhi Yujian, Fang Che feels that he is very unfriendly to Explosive Muscle Mosquito.

After all, the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. Although Fang Che prefers the paper sword, it doesn't mean that he can't care about the Explosive Muscle Mosquito.

If he didn't want to cultivate the Explosive Mosquito, he could have left the Explosive Mosquito to Fang Xuan to cultivate. Anyway, Fang Xuan would definitely accept such a super talented elf.

"Hey, let's give Zhi a sword."

Fang Che sighed. Although he wanted to favor Explosive Muscle Mosquito, the leader's halo was still more suitable for Zhi Yujian.

Firstly, with the Demon Sword, Zhiyujian will be extremely powerful on the offensive end. Secondly, Zhiyujian's physical attack racial value is as high as 181. If the leader aura is added, it will directly reach 199. As long as it comes again A little adventure can easily break the two hundred mark.

This kind of paper sword can quickly become an invincible sharp knife in Fang Che's hand.

Although the potential of the Explosive Muscle Mosquito is similar to that of the Paper Mitsurugi, the Explosive Muscle Mosquito is more inclined to fight with fists and fists, and its racial value distribution is relatively "even", at least compared to the Paper Mitsurugi. not bad.

But just because it is good, the effect of the leader halo on it is a bit poor.

Because only the more severe the partiality is, the better the "breakthrough" effect of the leader's halo will be.

It’s great to have all 100 racial values ​​without any shortcomings, but after all breakthroughs, it will only be 111.

In some cases, these ten points of improvement are not a big difference.

After taking down the leader's halo, Fang Che threw it directly to Zhi Yujian.

Zhi Yujian's elf ball shook twice, indicating that it was very happy. Fang Che also gently stroked Zhi Yujian's elf ball.

When Fang Che took out the leader halo, the Variety Monster, Metal Monster and Lucario all raised their heads because they felt a pressure coming from their blood.

Although Fang Che's Metal Monster, Variety Monster and Lucario can all be said to be the most outstanding geniuses in the tribe, they are not the leaders.

No matter how strong they are or how powerful their potential is, they must show a trace of vigilance and even fear in front of the leader's halo.

This is the nature of elves and cannot be avoided.

"Already three! It's over 60%, it's ready!"

Fang Che kept cheering himself up. Although he knew that no matter how hard he tried, he could not change the products in the mall once refreshed, he still couldn't help but pray in his heart.

Strangely enough, with Fang Che's family background and the resources he currently has behind him, even if it is a perfect secret treasure, unless it is extremely suitable for his elf, it should not attract too much attention from him.

However, every time the Little Penguin Mall refreshes, Fang Che is extremely nervous. If he finds the product he likes, Fang Che will be so excited that he can throw away his usual calm behavior.

Perhaps this is the charm of the "unknown"?

The items in the fourth product column are the same as the third leader halo. They are all items that Fang Che cannot identify at first glance. This also makes Fang Che even more excited.

In the third grid is a headband-like leader halo, and in the fourth grid is a small object similar to a stone mill.

To be honest, when he saw the stone mill, Fang Che felt that it was too crude and ugly.

Putting it in Little Penguin Mall completely loses the grade of Little Penguin Mall.

For a moment, Fang Che felt that this stone mill was not a secret treasure at all, but just a defective product carved by a mason apprentice.

"Something's wrong!"

Fang Che suddenly shook his head, his eyes full of vigilance as he looked at the stone mill in the fourth product column.

How could he suddenly judge something by its appearance? No matter how bad the products released in the Little Penguin Mall are, they are still elf props. How could they be useless and defective products?

This stone mill has the ability to confuse people's hearts?

[Spiritual training stone mill: It can be provided for elves to perform mental training. After putting their minds into it, it will be ground and reorganized. Elves who cannot accept the pain will not be able to pass the experience. Elves who persist can receive a spiritual gift. Note: Humans can also use it. If you persist nine times, you can get a super power. Selling price·2000 ball coins]


Fang Che felt his scalp tingle when he saw Shi Mo's introduction. This was another treasure on the same level as Xuantian Baolu, a true secret treasure that could last a family for a hundred generations!

"Stone mill for spiritual training, the name is really fitting!"

Fang Che now finally understood what all the distracting thoughts that had appeared in his mind just now were.

The stone mill has the effect of training the spirit. When Fang Che first saw the stone mill, he felt that the stone mill was not good-looking, so under the influence of the stone mill, he became a little arrogant and even despised everything.

In that case, let alone stone grinding, even if Arceus stood in front of Fang Che, Fang Che might find a hundred faults with Arceus.

"If you persist nine times, you will get a super power?"

Fang Che couldn't help but fell silent. He did have superpowers, but his superpowers were very weak. He could only move ordinary small objects. He was okay at performing magic tricks, but he failed in practical applications.

Of course, on rainy days, there is no problem in constructing a magic raincoat.

He can also do simple floating, but forget about flying.

"I don't know how powerful the superpowers gained after being trained with stone mills are."

Fang Che began to fantasize. It would be great if he could obtain superpowers similar to those of Nazi in the anime, or Cattleya's superpowers in the setting. That would be the real power of telekinesis that could destroy the world!

Of course, Fang Che also knew that he was catching the Dream Horn. Even some fantasy beasts may not have such powerful superpowers. It may not be a good thing for humans to gain such powerful power.

However, even if it is a weak superpower, it is still a superpower, not to mention it is a treasure that can be passed down.

"Maybe the Fang family can become a super family in the future?"

Fang Che began to think about it. The current Fang family was a steel family, but that didn't mean it couldn't change in the future.

With Xuantian Baolu here, the Fang family is more suitable to cultivate elves who are good at meditation and special attacks. When it comes to such elves, they are basically linked to the super power system.

Now coupled with this mental training stone, Fang Che feels it is a waste if the Fang family does not move towards the super power system in the future.

As for the resources currently controlled by the Fang family, they can also be exchanged for resources needed by the super system in the future. It just requires a few more steps to exchange, so it doesn't matter.

Fang Che took down the mental training stone mill. The price of this treasure was so high that Fang Che was a little surprised.

After all, except for the special five-piece set that was originally refreshed, there are really very few products with a unit price of 2,000 ball coins.

"After a while, we can study the effectiveness of the mental training stone and see how effective it is."

Fang Che thought about it for a while, and of course the experiment must be carried out by the elves first. He did not dare to put his mental power into the stone mill rashly.

Didn't you see that Shi Mo's introduction was about grinding and reorganizing the spirit? God knows if he can bear the horrific pain.

The fourth treasure exceeded Fang Che's expectations, or in other words, all the treasures refreshed today exceeded Fang Che's expectations, but the fourth treasure was even more outrageous.

"Even if the fifth treasure is not outstanding, I will have no regrets!"

Fang Che deliberately said something sarcastic, and then he looked at the fifth item expectantly.

What made him feel a little disappointed was that he recognized the fifth product, which meant that the unknown expectations were gone.

[Perfect level secret treasure, water stone, contains the energy of water and has almost no impurities. It can speed up the growth of water Pokémon and also allow some special elves to complete their evolution. Selling price·100 ball coins]

The fifth item is a water stone, but it is perfect level.

This kind of water stone is still very popular in the alliance market. It's a pity that the only ones that can use this secret treasure in Fang Che's hands are the wave water and the giant swamp monster, but they can't completely absorb it. Water Stone, after all, they don't need to rely on Water Stone to evolve.

"It's better than nothing. Maybe it can also speed up Bodang Shui's understanding of water vapor."



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