There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 321 H216 The first day of the new year!

Chapter 321 H-216 The first day of the new year!

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shines on the earth, the nanny elves of the Zhao family have already begun to become active.

They tidy up the housework and prepare breakfast in an orderly manner.

When Fang Che got up, Lan Ying and Zhao Wanxi were already dining in the restaurant.

"Good morning, Happy New Year, Ache."

Zhao Wanxi waved to Fang Che who was yawning and coming downstairs. Lan Ying also looked at Fang Che with a smile.

"Morning, Wanxi, happy New Year, auntie."

Fang Che immediately said hello to the two of them after yawning. With the new year and new atmosphere, the opening greetings were still necessary.

"Happy New Year."

Lan Ying also replied to Fang Che, and then the three of them started eating.

Today's breakfast was very exquisite, but because he was too excited last night, Fang Che's mental state was not very good today. He just drank a little millet porridge, and then ate two steamed buns, which made him unable to eat.

Zhao Wanxi looked at Fang Che with some confusion. When she was in the secret realm, Fang Che's appetite wasn't so small, right?

Lan Ying didn't feel there was anything wrong. After all, she was a breeder. She could tell at a glance that Fang Che seemed to have stayed up late last night.

After people stay up late, they won't feel too hungry even if they don't eat.

"Mom, we are going out."

After finishing breakfast, Zhao Wanxi hurriedly pulled Fang Che and prepared to go out. Lan Ying was clearing the dishes in the restaurant. She looked at Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che who were running out with a smile, and then she looked aside. windows.

"It's really energetic."



At the entrance of the Zhao family compound, Fang Che watched Zhao Wanxi skillfully take out her mobile phone and start calling a "car" remotely, and then she began to look forward to it.

He didn't forget that Zhao Wanxi told him yesterday that she would take him to a secret place today.

I don’t know what place Zhao Wanxi calls the second harbor of her soul.

Soon, two horned deer ran over. They were the "taxi" that Zhao Wanxi called online.

The Elf with a docile personality and good endurance is particularly suitable as a riding elf. However, the Alliance does not allow the Elf in private homes to receive guests, for fear that someone will abuse the Elk in order to make money.

"Please, Frighthorn Deer, this is our destination."

Zhao Wanxi found the destination on the map and then showed it to the frightened deer.

The Fright-Antlered Deer is an ordinary elf, but it has super-type talents. Its evolved form, the Fright-Antlered Deer, even has super-power attributes, so its IQ is not low.

In addition, every frightened deer will memorize all the route maps within the business area before "going to work", so they just glanced at Zhao Wanxi's destination and began to move steadily towards it.

"Wanxi, can you tell me where we are going?"

Fang Che was very curious. Zhao Wanxi didn't let him look at his phone during the whole process. Although he could use his super power to peek, it was very impolite behavior.

Zhao Wanxi smiled and shook her head, "The place is not that great, so I have to create a little sense of mystery, otherwise it will be bad if you know it in advance and have no expectations."

Fang Che smiled helplessly, as long as Zhao Wanxi was happy.

Jingjiao Deer was not slow and soon took Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi from the inner circle of the Imperial Capital to the outer circle of the Imperial Capital. Most of the people living here were the older generation of Imperial Capital people.

They don't have many resources to move into the imperial capital, and they don't want to give up their identity as imperial citizens and the small real estate here, so it seems that their lives are similar to those in third-tier cities.

Fang Che watched the frightened deer go further and further away, and his inner curiosity became more and more intense!

It wasn't until the Jinghorn Deer stopped in front of the door of a shabby-looking courtyard that Fang Che looked at the plaque above the courtyard with a solemn expression.

Chengnan Orphanage!


Fang Che called out to Zhao Wanxi softly, but Zhao Wanxi smiled and shook her head. After she showed the payment interface to Frightened Deer, she stepped into the orphanage without looking back.

Looking at Zhao Wanxi's back, Fang Che's doubts deepened.

What's happening here?

Why is Zhao Wanxi related to the orphanage?

Although Zhao Wanxi is very kind-hearted, given her identity, it is logically impossible for her to come into contact with such a place.

With many doubts in mind, Fang Che followed Zhao Wanxi's pace.

After entering the courtyard, Fang Che was surprised to find that Zhao Wanxi, who entered the courtyard first, was surrounded by a group of children!

"Sister Wanxi! Sister Wanxi, Happy New Year!"

Children wearing clothes that looked old but were extremely clean were surrounding Zhao Wanxi. Their crisp voices and lively attitudes made Fang Che's heart melt.

Zhao Wanxi didn't know when she prepared a lot of snacks. She took the snacks out of her pocket and distributed them to each child very gently.

Fang Che discovered that she understood each child's personality and preferences, and could accurately call each child's name and nickname!

"Are you Wanxi's boyfriend?"

While Fang Che was still in a daze, a gentle voice sounded beside Fang Che.

Fang Che turned around and saw a middle-aged woman in simple clothes with an apron in front of her face. She didn't look too old, but her face had a few wrinkles from fatigue.

"Yes, I am Wanxi's boyfriend."

Fang Che nodded seriously. Although he didn't know what the connection was between Wanxi and this orphanage, it was impossible for him to deny his relationship with Zhao Wanxi in front of outsiders.

After hearing Fang Che's answer, the middle-aged woman's eyes brought a smile, "Wanxi is very outstanding, and she can take her fancy. I believe you must also be a very good child! Look at your appearance, You must have just found out about this place, right?”

Fang Che continued to nod. It was obvious that this aunt knew Wanxi very well. Perhaps he could learn from this aunt about the origin of Zhao Wanxi and this orphanage.

"I'll wait until Wanxi tells you the specific details."

However, to Fang Che's expectation, the aunt did not continue talking to him. She looked at Zhao Wanxi who was mingling with the children with a gentle smile.

Fang Che also stood aside and did not rush forward to ask Zhao Wanxi for more information. In this small courtyard, the laughter and laughter made the sky as beautiful as a rainbow.


Suddenly, Fang Che felt as if his sleeve was being pulled by someone. He turned around and saw a little girl who looked very delicate and cute.

"What's wrong, little sister?"

Fang Che knelt down so that he could be as eye-level as possible with the little girl with braids.

The little girl had a serious face, but Fang Che could still see a hint of nervousness in her eyes.

"Are you Wanxi's boyfriend?"

The little girl's voice was very crisp, as sweet as pearls falling on a plate. She asked the same question as the aunt in an apron beside her.

Although it was just a child's inquiry, Fang Che still nodded seriously.

"Yes, I love her very much, and she also likes me very much."

Hearing Fang Che's answer, the little girl's mouth suddenly dropped, and her eyes began to become moist, which actually made Fang Che feel a little panicked.

"No, sister Wanxi is ours, she is mine! I am the one who will marry Wanxi in the future!"

There was a hint of crying in the little girl's voice, but Fang Che could feel the determination in her words, which made Fang Che's scalp tingle immediately.

Good guy, he had thought that his girlfriend was very good and that he would definitely meet many love rivals in the future, but he never thought that one day such a young girl would become his love rival!

Seeing the little girl about to cry, Fang Che didn't know how to comfort her for a moment. After all, even in his two lifetimes, he had never taken care of a child!

"Xiaoyi, you can't do this! If you cry at the beginning of the new year, your luck will be bad for the whole year~"

Just when the little girl was about to cry, a hand suddenly pressed on her head, and that gentle voice directly stopped Xiaoyi's tears that were about to fall.

Zhao Wanxi came over at some point. She knelt down and held Xiaoyi in her arms very gently. All the other children also came over and hugged Zhao Wanxi.

Fang Che could keenly sense that these children all had a feeling of attachment to Zhao Wanxi.

Several of the little boys gathered around and stared at him with hostile eyes. They vaguely seemed to want to separate Zhao Wanxi and Fang Che, which made Fang Che feel dumbfounded.

Compared with Qian Gang, the love rival he met at the stadium, these little love rivals seem to be more difficult to deal with!

"Wanxi~Xiaoyi doesn't want you to leave us!"

Xiaoyi threw herself into Zhao Wanxi's arms. After hearing her words, the children closest to Zhao Wanxi all grabbed Zhao Wanxi's clothes, for fear that Zhao Wanxi would suddenly disappear.

Zhao Wanxi quickly and softly began to coax the children, while the aunt in an apron on the side walked forward with a stern face. She carried the children who wanted to surround them one by one to the other side.

What surprised Fang Che was that the naughty-looking little boys stood aside so obediently after being picked up by the aunt.

"I'm sorry, Wanxi. A while ago, one of the children who went out got married, so these little guys have been pestering me to ask if you will get married, causing you trouble."

The apron aunt showed an apologetic smile. She knew that what these children said should not affect the relationship between Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi, but she still had to say what needed to be said.

"It's okay, Aunt Liu, they just like me."

Zhao Wanxi gave Fang Che a proud smile, her eyes seemed to say, "Look, there are so many children here who like me. If you don't cherish my words, others will take them away from me!"

Fang Che shrugged helplessly. If he could let these little carrots snatch Zhao Wanxi away, he might as well find a stinky mud and hit it to death.

After comforting the child, Zhao Wanxi took Fang Che and the children into the room in the courtyard.

Judging from the appearance, the courtyard is divided into three parts. A small house that looks like a combination kitchen and dining room, a square with various exercise and play equipment, and a three-story bungalow, which should be where they live on weekdays. place.

Entering the hall of the house, Fang Che's first impression was that it was old. Whether it was the decoration in the room or the furniture placed, it gave people a feeling of a previous era.

But the feeling here is not boring, because it is very clean, not to say spotless, but at least it makes people feel that the people who live here take good care of their home.

You know, in today's increasingly fast-paced era, when many young people live alone, their homes are like garbage dumps. Stinky Ni and Stinky Ni will definitely like their homes.

“I learned about this place five years ago.”

Zhao Wanxi took Xiaoyi's hand and sat on the chair. The children immediately began to serve tea and water. Seeing them busy before and after, Fang Che suddenly felt that these little guys were so "mature"!

"Five years ago, I met Xiaoyi one day when I was just starting school. She was still very young at that time."

Zhao Wanxi stroked Xiao Yi's head. Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed when she smiled, and she didn't look like she was about to cry outside just now.

Fang Che found that when Zhao Wanxi talked about these things, there seemed to be a hint of kindness in her face.

"It was a rainy day. I met Xiaoyi who had separated from Aunt Liu on the way home. Among the people hiding from the rain, her little one looked particularly anxious."

Zhao Wanxi untied the braid on Xiao Yi's head, and then very gently tied it into a more beautiful short double ponytail for Xiao Yi.

"Later, I took Xiaoyi to find Aunt Liu who seemed to have lost her soul, and then I learned about this place."

Zhao Wanxi's fate with this orphanage started from one day.

Fang Che listened to Zhao Wanxi's story very carefully. He took the tea cup carefully handed over by a child. There was no drink in it, but just boiled water at a suitable temperature.

Looking at the old teacup in his hand, Fang Che didn't have any objection. He raised the teacup and took a sip, then showed a very handsome smile to the child who handed the teacup over.

The child who brought the teacup breathed a sigh of relief, and she also smiled sweetly.

They are actually really worried that Zhao Wanxi's boyfriend will dislike them. After all, although these children are still very young, they already know the differences in the world.

Whether it was the high-end ball around Fang Che's waist, or the clothes on his body that could be seen to be expensive just by looking at their workmanship, these all gave the children a sense of distance.

"At that time, I was very proud and thought that no one was stronger than me."

Zhao Wanxi did not notice Fang Che's interaction with the children. She still tied up Xiaoyi's hair very carefully, "After sending Xiaoyi and Aunt Liu back, I went home."

"I never came back after that, until I failed the first Junior Elf Cultivator exam. I was very disappointed and walked on the street and met Aunt Liu and Xiao Yi. At their invitation, I came here again."

"We have only met once, but the children are very fond of me. They are obviously much younger than me, but after knowing that I am in a bad mood, they try their best to make me happy."

"Then, this place became a haven for me to escape the world and empty my mind."



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