There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 397 K002 Fairy spirit fluttering!

Chapter 397 K-002 Fairy spirit fluttering!

Looking at Fang Che, who had a hint of excitement in his expression, Zhao Wanxi sighed in her heart. The New Year was coming in a few days, was it really necessary to go out and explore before the New Year?

However, this is Fang Che.

"I took a look, and there are no relevant reports on the Internet yet. Even the records of the white fog that you mentioned twelve and twenty-four years ago are almost non-existent."

Zhao Wanxi took out her tablet and searched for information, but there was no record of Bai Wu on the Internet.

Logically speaking, information about this kind of bizarre incident that had no casualties should not be completely blocked. Why is there no record at all?

Fang Che also came over. When Zhao Wanxi searched for keywords such as mysterious white fog and twelve years, all that came out were trivial and irrelevant news.

Even on the alliance's internal information network, there is no record.

But this is normal. Gao Xiu got the information from Master Zhao. Naturally, there cannot be public information on the information network.

This made Fang Che even more worried. You must know that even if there are some secret realms with legends and rumors, the alliance will not completely block the news.

Just like the secret realm of Tianjian Mountain, no matter how big the secret is, the alliance has disclosed it internally and part of the information to the outside world.

Only the Secret Realm within the Sea, which is related to the future of mankind and the Elf Star, has President Dongfang been stuck in not releasing any information to the outside world.

"Yanggu Town is not too far from our place. If you take a plane, you can leave at noon and arrive at night."

Zhao Wanxi started to book the flight tickets. She knew that Fang Che would definitely do what he decided. All she could do was stay by his side and make all the logistical support.

Although the white fog will last for three days, if we leave tomorrow, we will only have a little more than one day to investigate. It is better to leave today and stay a little longer, maybe we can discover more secrets.

"Fang Quan, aunt and Xiaoyi definitely need more time to get in touch with each other. Even if you plan to let your second uncle adopt Fang Quan, in the end they are still a family, so naturally we should get closer to each other."

After skillfully booking a flight, Zhao Wanxi put away her phone and was about to go out to help prepare lunch. She had been learning unique cooking from Su Ya for the past two days.

According to Su Ya, she relied on her unique secret recipe to hang Fang Xuan and Fang Che's father and son's stomachs tightly.

As the saying goes, if you want to conquer an elf, the best way is to conquer its stomach first!

No elves are delicious ghosts. Even ghost elves prefer food made by humans that is suitable for ghost elves to the life essence that is difficult to absorb.

In the same way, if you want to conquer a man, you must first conquer his stomach.

Zhao Wanxi's cooking skills are quite good, but there is still some room for growth before she can completely lock Fang Che's heart. She needs to learn more from Su Ya.

Under the intentional guidance of Zhao Wanxi and Su Ya, Fang Quan and Fang Yi also participated in making lunch. Later, Zhao Wanxi even guided Fang Quan to release stinky mud to play with Fang Yi's Pichu.

Although Fang Quan's Xiuni is extremely talented, he is still just a child, and he and Pichu can play together just right.

Most elves will maintain the mentality of children before evolving, and only after evolving can they become more stable. This has nothing to do with age.

At the dinner table, Fang Che explained to his parents his intention to leave in the afternoon. Fang Xuan just raised his eyebrows and did not object, while Su Ya naggingly told Fang Che to pay attention to safety.

Fang Quan was a little nervous when he heard that Fang Che was leaving. After all, Fang Che had brought her here, and Su Ya had made it clear to Fang Quan in the morning that she would be given to Fang Yi's second uncle to raise.

The two of them are still sisters, but they don't usually live together.

Fang Quan was worried that she would be separated from Fang Yi as soon as Fang Che left.

Looking at Fang Quan who was a little worried, Zhao Wanxi held her hand tenderly and said, "Don't worry, you should stay here for the next few days. Xiaoyi's second uncle will not come back until the Chinese New Year."

So far, no one from the Fang family, including Fang Che, has informed Fang Qian, so Fang Qian has no idea that he is about to have another daughter.

Hearing Zhao Wanxi's words, Fang Quan breathed a sigh of relief, and then her eyebrows curved, looking happy.

Being able to celebrate the New Year with her sister is something she has been looking forward to for several years!

After lunch, Zhao Wanxi simply packed her luggage and went down the mountain with Fang Che. Su Ya and Fang Xuan also took Fang Quan and Fang Yi for a stroll in Tianjian Mountain.

Compared with the Li family, the family atmosphere of the Fang family was obviously much better. Fang Quan gradually let go of his guard and happily took Fang Yi to jump and play near the camp.

Pedestrians passing by showed kind smiles to the two sisters. Although they did not know Fang Quan, they knew Fang Yi's identity very well.

Even though she is only the adopted daughter of the Fang family, she is very loved by Mr. Fang, and she is also the sister of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi.

In this case, no one who is short-sighted would come to collide with Fang Quan and Fang Yi.



Yanggu Town.

Li Kun was waiting anxiously at the Elf Center. He had reported the mysterious white mist to the alliance headquarters. The security office of the headquarters made it clear that it would send people to investigate as soon as possible.

Now, we can only wait and see if the local police station can find any trace of Axiang.

Beside Li Kun, a worried man sat on a chair. He was Axiang's father. Next to the man was Axiang's mother, who was restless.

"Old Chen, don't worry, people from the alliance headquarters will be here soon, and Axiang will definitely be able to find him!"

Li Kun opened his mouth, but in the end he could only comfort the man beside him with dry words.

He really didn't expect that he asked Axiang to go home, but Axiang mysteriously disappeared into the white mist. How had an ordinary ranger like Li Kun ever encountered such a thing!

Father Chen sighed and looked at the door of the Elf Center, his eyes becoming increasingly hollow.

Mother Chen on the side also gradually collapsed mentally as time passed. As a mother, she watched her child being swallowed by the white mist, but there was nothing she could do. How desperate this was.


Just when Chen's father and Chen's mother were heartbroken, Li Kun's communicator rang. When he took out the communicator and looked at it, he suddenly showed a hint of joy.

"Axiang found it!"


Hearing Li Kun's exclamation, Chen's father and Chen's mother stood up immediately. However, because they had been in a state of sadness and had stayed in the same position for too long, they felt dizzy when they stood up suddenly.

But they soon came to their senses and immediately came to Li Kun's side.

Li Kun showed the communicator in his hand to the two of them. The person who sent the message was someone from the local police station. They had found Axiang at the edge of Yanggu Forest. However, Axiang seemed to have been attacked and was currently being attacked. In a comatose state.

Seeing her son unconscious in the forest, Chen's mother immediately grabbed Chen's father's hand. Fortunately, another communication came immediately, and it was from the local police station.

They had conducted a simple inspection and found that Axiang's body did not have any damage, but that he was in a coma due to excessive mental fatigue. In addition, Axiang's two elves did not have any damage.

"Great! Great! Thank you, thank you!"

Father Chen and Mother Chen didn't know how to thank them. After all, they were just ordinary people and there was no way they could go deep into the Yanggu Forest to find their son.

So we can only place all our hopes on the local police station and forest rangers.

Li Kun took Chen's father and Chen's mother to the local police station. At this time, Axiang had woken up, but his memory of his disappearance was completely lost.

He only remembered that he had returned home, and then he had no memory. When he came to his senses again, he had already arrived at the local police station.

Li Kun reported this information to the alliance headquarters again, and the staff of the security office organized and backed up the information and sent a copy to Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi who had arrived in Yanggu Town.

After knowing that the two of them had set off for Yanggu Town, Master Zhao was very happy to entrust the two of them to investigate the secret of the mysterious white mist.

After all, the security office only has so many manpower, and now it has to deal with the mess left by the Lou family. There is really no time to deal with that mysterious white mist.

Anyway, there were no casualties. Master Zhao did not believe that Fang Che would overturn in front of a small mysterious white mist.

"It's interesting. The missing child has come back. He has lost all the memories of the time he was missing. Even super-powered elves cannot use hypnosis to restore his memory."

At Yanggu Airport, Fang Che walked out of the lobby. He looked at the information coming from the communicator and began to wonder about those elves who would do such a thing.

Yes, Fang Che believes that the so-called mysterious white fog is caused by elves.

After all, this world is the world of elves, and any mystery or strangeness should be related to elves.

Axiang's memory has been erased, so there is a high probability that it is a super-type or ghost-type elf that is causing trouble. However, it can cause such a large-scale white mist that even a king-level trainer can't find anything after entering. The object of suspicion is really not much.

"Should we go take a look at that Axiang first, or should we go directly to Yanggu Forest?"

Zhao Wanxi raised her head and looked at the flaming clouds on the horizon. There should be very little weather tomorrow.

Fang Che chuckled, he touched his Twenty-Four Bridges of Bright Moon Night, and then put all the communicators such as mobile phones into the Twenty-Four Bridges of Bright Moon Night.

“Although Yanggu Town is just a small town, there is a gym here, and the people at the Elf Center and the local police station are not vegetarians.

After Axiang was retrieved, there must have been super-elite-level elves who mentally hypnotized him. However, his memory still cannot be restored. Do you think that even if we go to see Axiang, we can get more useful information? ? "

Fang Che is not an arrogant person. He knows very well that he may be better than most adults and even most of the king trainers in elf battles.

But when it comes to investigation or interrogation skills, he is definitely not as good as a patrol officer who has been immersed in this skill for many years.

Since there is a specialization in the art, it would be better for him to go directly to Yanggu Forest.

Zhao Wanxi thought about it and felt that it made sense. Those old guys couldn't find any more clues. Is it possible that they, two juniors with no experience in handling cases and interrogations, could find important clues?

Although reality is magical, it is not as illogical as TV dramas.

The two of them did not go wandering around Yanggu Town. They left Yanggu Town directly and came to the outskirts of Yanggu Forest.

It is said to be on the outskirts of Yanggu Forest, but in fact Yanggu Town is a small town wrapped by the Yanggu Mountains. There are several cities similar to Yanggu Town, all located near the Yanggu Mountains.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Yanggu Forest surrounded Yanggu Town.

"According to ranger Li Kun, the mysterious white fog spreads outward from the small lake in the southwest."

Zhao Wanxi pointed to the southwest and said, "We are heading that way, and we will soon be able to see the small lake."

Martial law has been imposed on the outskirts of Yanggu Forest. After all, people have just disappeared, and it is impossible for the local alliance to risk ordinary people to enter and explore.

But are Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi ordinary people?

Not to mention that they both have Alliance Elite Trainer badges. Even without showing the badges, the two of them can directly get through the blockade with Zoroark's stealth ability.

Of course, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi would not do such a thing that violated the alliance's regulations. They still showed their IDs honestly, and then entered the Yanggu Forest openly.

"It's such a heavy fog. Is this the so-called mysterious white fog?"

As soon as she entered the forest, Zhao Wanxi felt that she was surrounded by fog that affected her vision. Could it be that the white fog had spread to the edge of the forest?

Fang Che shook his head. His data power did not send any message. There was a high probability that this was not the white mist, but the forest mist caused by the white mist.

Following the guidance of the map, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi got closer and closer to the ice lake in the southwest corner. However, as they walked through the forest, they did not see the white mist spreading outwards from Li Kun's mouth.

Is it possible that because of the "mutation factor" of Axiang this time, the white mist dissipated early?

"No, there's something wrong!"

Zhao Wanxi suddenly grabbed Fang Che's hand, and at some point, her wrists, ankles, and neck were wrapped in white mist.

The white mist was erratic, as if it were a burning white flame, quite magical and ethereal.

With the help of this white mist, Zhao Wanxi looks like a fairy falling into the world, especially beautiful!

"I felt a pull, it was a different space!"

The corners of Zhao Wanxi's mouth raised slightly, this mysterious white mist was indeed a secret realm.

Fang Che thought for a moment and held Zhao Wanxi's hand. If Bai Wu wanted to take Zhao Wanxi away, he would definitely take him away with him.

But there was no need for Fang Che to go to such trouble. Just when he was paying attention to Zhao Wanxi, a large cloud of white mist fell on top of his head.

Machado, who was hidden in Fang Che's shadow, suddenly appeared, but it did not stop the white mist from coming, but returned directly to Fang Che's elf ball.

Fang Che's Variety Monster has the same operation as Marshado. This is the rare time it returns to the elf ball on its own initiative!

Obviously, if they don't return to the Poké Ball, they will most likely be separated from Fang Che because of the white mist.

The white mist fell, and Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi disappeared into the forest.

The forest has returned to its former tranquility.



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