There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 396 K001 The White Mist of Reincarnation!

Chapter 396 K-001 The white mist of reincarnation!

On February 2nd, in Yanggu Mountain, the weather turned to light rain.

Wearing a knitted hat that looks like a rice dumpling, the insect-catching boy Axiang is walking leisurely in the mountains and forests with his giant butterfly and giant needle bee.

As a trainer from an ordinary family, Axiang's elf is also a fairly ordinary insect elf, but he loves his elf very much.

Although Axiang's family conditions are difficult to help him grow quickly, Axiang is also an ambitious trainer.

His goal is to one day conquer Dajia and Flying Mantis with his own strength, and then lead his insect team to challenge the gym in Yanggu Town.

Then he will confess to his senior apprentice in the gym!

"Bada Butterfly, Big Needle Bee, I have to take care of you today too!"

A Xiang said to Bada Butterfly and Big Needle Bee energetically, and Bad Butterfly and Big Needle Bee also narrowed their eyes in response to A Xiang.


Just when Axiang and the two elves were passing by a frozen pool, a sound of ice cracking came to Axiang's ears.

Axiang's expression changed, and he immediately rushed towards the water pool with Bada Butterfly and Big Sting Bee.

In February, the weather here in Yanggu Town is still relatively cold, but it is not as cold as in the north. A lot of the ice on the water here is made up of ice floes, and people may fall if they walk on it.

At this time of year, people would fall into the water in the wild. The sound of cracking ice on the lake made Axiang think that someone had fallen into the water.

"Ba Dahu, the wind is blowing."

When Axiang approached the lake, the mist coming from nowhere interfered with his vision. Axiang was worried that there would be danger, so he asked Bada Butterfly to use the wind-raising skill to blow away the fog first.

However, no matter how A Xiang's Bad Butterfly fanned up the storm, it could not dispel the fog in front of him.

Axiang sensed something was wrong, and he quickly told Bada Butterfly and Big Needle Bee to retreat.

There must be something wrong here with the fog that even the Bada butterflies can't dispel.

He was just a new trainer, and this situation was obviously beyond what he could handle.

Without hesitation, Axiang took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the local ranger.

"Hey, is this Uncle Li? I'm Axiang. I'm here at the small lake in the southwest corner of Yanggu Forest. There's a thick fog here, and my Bad Butterfly can't blow it away. Before, I was I heard the sound of the ice cracking, and I was afraid of danger, so I wanted to ask you to come over and have a look."

There are many wild elves living in the Yanggu Mountains, and the alliance has naturally arranged many rangers here. The Uncle Li mentioned by Axiang is an elite trainer who is good at using water elves.

Not long after Axiang called Li Kun, Li Kun came here holding the paw of a big-billed gull.

As a ranger, he was very familiar with the terrain of Yanggu Forest. It happened that his ranger cabin was not far away, so he arrived relatively quickly.

"It's such a heavy fog!"

Compared with what A Xiang first discovered, when Li Kun arrived near the ice lake, the concentration of the fog had increased to another level. A Xiang had already retreated to the forest path, but the fog still spread.

"Big-billed Gull, clear the thick fog!"

Li Kun was very cautious. This level of thick fog was not something that ordinary elves could create. There were not many good resources in the Yanggu Mountains. The rarest thing in it was just a group of seedling turtles. Obviously, this kind of This is not the work of a fool.

The big-billed gull following Li Kun spread its wings, and a gust of wind swept up the white mist. Unfortunately, even the elite big-billed gull could not dispel the fog. At most, it could only let those around Li Kun and Axiang The mist bypassed them and spread in other directions.

"Axiang, let's go!"

When he saw that the fog not only did not dissipate, but instead spread consciously around, Li Kun realized that something was seriously wrong. This was not a problem that he, an elite ranger, could solve.

He grabbed Axiang's arm without hesitation, and then quickly exited the Yanggu Forest under the leadership of the big-mouthed gull, and did not stop until he could no longer see the fog.

"Axiang, you go home first, I will report what happened here to the alliance headquarters."

After Li Kun gave some instructions to A Xiang, he rushed back to his ranger cabin. He placed the communicator for contacting the headquarters in his home.

Axiang felt a little uneasy, but he still returned home obediently, but what he didn't notice was that the elf ball around his waist had been stained with a touch of white mist at some point!



Tianjian Mountain.

Fang Che stretched out and stepped off the steel-armored crow. He was also a little tired from the continuous rush.

Fang Quan also got off the metal monster with some restraint. She was a little uneasy. After all, she hadn't seen her sister for several years.

Although we had a video call yesterday, video and real meeting are completely different things.

Fortunately, although Fang Yi's impression of her sister was somewhat vague, after some conversation, Fang Yi also remembered the scene of living with her sister in the orphanage.

At that time, because Fang Quan was the elder sister, she would often give her snacks or small toys to Fang Yi. Fang Yi was also very attached to Fang Quan, and the two sisters got along quite harmoniously.

"Okay, let's go up the mountain."

Fang Che patted Fang Quan's shoulder gently, and Fang Quan nodded with a serious face, and then she followed Fang Che and started climbing the mountain.

It wasn't that Fang Che didn't want to take Fang Quan and swoop directly to the top of the mountain. The area around Tianjian Mountain was already under martial law by the alliance. Unless permission was granted, no one was allowed to use flying mounts or teleport.

Fang Che can certainly apply for permission, but it is not necessary. If he comes to Tianjian Mountain this time, he will not come again for a long time in the future, and it would be a waste to apply.

"Speaking of which, you two sisters are very lucky. Xiaoyi has a Pichu following you, and you also got a Slime in advance."

On the way up the mountain, Fang Che found a topic to chat with Fang Quan.

In order to allow Fang Quan to complete the task better, the Shi family directly took out a talented stinky mud.

That stinky mud is extremely good at camouflage, and even has the ability to transform into monsters. The most special thing is that this stinky mud does not emit a strong stench, but instead releases a unique fragrance.

To be honest, if an elf like Stinky Mud loses its stench, it will lose the value of cultivation. After all, Stinky Mud or Stinky Mud must rely on its own stench to control the field to a certain extent.

If you encounter an elf with an extremely sensitive sense of smell like a kadi dog or Heiluga, a stinky mud can even complete the level-crossing challenge.

"Pichu? It suits her very well. She has been timid since she was a child, but she still longs for friends."

A smile appeared on Fang Quan's face, and this happy smile could only appear on her face when talking about Fang Yi.

Fang Che sighed softly in his heart. The Li family adopted Fang Quan and indeed gave him a lot of care in the first two years. However, since the birth of the Li family's biological son, Fang Quan's life has become worse day by day. .

She was like the personal nanny of the young master of the Li family in the Li family. When Gao Xiu was investigating the Li family, he even heard from the neighbors of the Li family that the Li family even wanted Fang Quan to be their son's future wife. Girl.

After all, even if the Li family's son reaches adulthood at the age of seventeen, Fang Quan is still only in his twenties, an age where he is upright and in his prime.

Compared to Fang Yi, who is still ignorant, Fang Quan has been exposed to the so-called society in advance, and his heart is much more complicated.

Climbing a mountain is a very boring thing, but Fang Quan has expectations in his heart, so he doesn't feel tired at all.

Halfway up the mountain, Fang Che could already see the alliance camp, and Fang Quan's breathing became slightly faster.



Fang Che took out his communicator, and he was a little surprised to find that Gao Xiu actually took the initiative to send him a message.

Although he gave his contact information to Gao Xiu when he left Anhe County, according to his understanding of Gao Xiu, it was impossible for Gao Xiu to send him messages for no reason. This would only make Fang Che hate Gao Xiu. It creates an attitude of disgust.

[Master Fang, an abnormal situation occurred in Yanggu Town. Forest ranger Li Kun discovered the white fog that could not be dispelled. At the same time, a child in the town was swallowed up by the white fog and disappeared at home. 】

"White mist?"

Looking at the message sent by Gao Xiu, Fang Che was stunned for a moment because he couldn't understand why Gao Xiu would tell him this kind of information.

Is it possible that if a child is lost, we still need to find him to solve the case?

I really thought he was too busy!

[Master Fang, this is the third time since records began that the mysterious white mist appeared. The first time it appeared was twenty-four years ago, and the second time it appeared twelve years ago. Each time it appeared, it only lasted for three days. God, but no one went missing in the first two times. 】

Gao Xiu seemed to be able to sense Fang Che's complaints, and he immediately sent more detailed information.

This piece of information piqued Fang Che's interest. The ordinary incident of white mist swallowing people is probably caused by some elves, but if the white mist appears at regular time points, then the situation is unusual. .

"Does it happen once every twelve years?"

Fang Che began to wonder, what was the origin of this white mist? Has the alliance investigated it twice before?

Just as Fang Che was thinking about it, Gao Xiu's third message came over again.

[Master Fang, I asked Director Zhao. The Security Office investigated the white mist twelve years ago, but even the king-level trainers could not dispel the white mist, and they seemed to be attacked in the white mist. However, There were no casualties. 】

Obviously, Gao Xiu's message was sent with Master Zhao's consent, otherwise he would not have been able to directly leak the security office's information to Fang Che.

"The white mist that even a king-level trainer can't handle? Is it a champion-level elf? Or is it a wild secret realm?"

Now Fang Che is really interested. If it is really a wild champion-level elf or a new secret realm, it would be very suitable to explore.

It will be the New Year in a few days, so it would be nice to consider it the last adventure of the year.

"Help sort out the previous two Baiwu investigations and related reports. I'll go take a look tomorrow."

Fang Che sent a message to Gao Xiu. Bai Wu appeared today. He would go there tomorrow and there would still be more than a day to explore.

It's best if you can explore some information. If you can't explore it, it's just a trip.

Putting the communicator away, Fang Che took Fang Quan to the outside of the Fang family's tent. At this time, Su Ya was already waiting at the door with Fang Yi.

"elder sister!"


When Fang Yi and Fang Quan met, the unfamiliarity they had not seen for several years disappeared instantly, and the two sisters hugged each other happily.

Xiaoyi nestled in Fang Quan's arms, sniffing her sister's scent greedily.

The moment Fang Quan held Xiaoyi in his arms, his heart was completely settled.

Zhao Wanxi quietly came to Fang Che's side. She held Fang Che's hand, "In all these years of knowing Xiao Yi, I really haven't noticed that Xiao Yi loves to act coquettishly."

Even when facing Aunt Liu, facing her, and facing Su Ya, Xiao Yi acted very sensible and cute. It was only in front of Fang Quan that Xiao Yi became so coquettish.

Fang Che gently squeezed Zhao Wanxi's hand, "Let the two sisters talk, I have a gift for you."

Zhao Wanxi glanced at Fang Che in surprise. They had only been separated for three days. What kind of gift could they give?

Although Fang Che said yesterday that he would give her a big gift, Zhao Wanxi just thought it was a New Year's gift.

Entering the tent, Fang Che took out the evolutionary stone with a smile. This thing was useless to him. After all, he did not have an elf who kept his form and was not ready to evolve. On the contrary, Zhao Wanxi's Harker Dragon perfectly fit this piece of evolution. Strange rocks.

Hack Dragon cannot evolve into Fast Dragon, but it can grow infinitely. In addition, Hack Dragon does not have exclusive Z-moves or super evolutions, so it has no locked props at all and is extremely suitable for wearing evolutionary stones.

"Evolution stone?"

Zhao Wanxi raised her eyebrows. She naturally knew the situation of Hackron very well. In fact, she had already asked Zhao Qiansun and Lan Ying to help find high-quality evolutionary stones.

After all, Hackron's own defense is not bad, and with the addition of evolutionary stones, there is no need to worry about being targeted by the enemy.

However, high-quality evolutionary stones are difficult to find. After all, such treasures are born between heaven and earth, only appear in secret realms, and most of them are hidden in mineral veins.

The evolutionary stones currently on the market are basically of medium to high quality. Some perfect-level evolutionary stones have been collected by gem collectors. It is difficult for them to take out their treasures.

"Thank you~"

Zhao Wanxi leaned over and kissed the side of Fang Che's face gently, then she smiled and blinked, "I can't give you such a precious thing as a gift for the time being, but I owe you the principal first, so I'll give you some interest first. "

Fang Che smacked his lips, the interest seemed a bit low!

"By the way, Wanxi, you should have nothing to do these two days. Come with me to Yanggu Town."

Fang Che took out his communicator and showed several messages from Gao Xiu to Zhao Wanxi, and then he started to seduce Zhao Wanxi.

"This is a mysterious white mist event that only happens once in twelve years. If it is solved, it may be the discovery of the secret realm of Buwei Tianjian Mountain!"



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