There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 90 A-088 First heard of the Shadow Group!

Stand, Guard, these two moves can be learned by almost all elves, it just depends on whether they can master them thoroughly.

Some elves need to consume more than half of their physical strength to use avatars, and the avatars they create are rough and break when touched.

However, after some elves have mastered this trick, they can not only use very little physical strength to create a substitute to resist the attack, but can even use it as a clone to look like the real one. Moreover, they can also recover part of the energy after dispelling the substitute, which is huge. Extending their durability to a certain extent.

As for holding on, the difference between releasing it in one second and releasing it in 0.5 seconds is not twice that. It is the difference between life and death.

With Kokodola's talent, there is obviously no problem in mastering these two moves.

"Substitute, do you still need to dig holes? There are both defenders and burrowers at home, but for the substitutes, the previously reserved skill machines have been used up. I will go to the alliance branch to look for them tomorrow."

Fang Xuan nodded. These are indeed quite practical skills. After Cocodola masters them, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

After dinner, Fang Xuan contacted his friends in the alliance while Su Ya was clearing away the dishes. He wanted to know who had a secret treasure like a hard stone in their hand.

As a secret treasure given to Cocodora for use, its quality cannot be lower than high-end.

Top-level secret treasures are less common, but high-level secret treasures are still priced and marketable.

"I asked about it, and there was an old man in the mountain city who had a high-quality hard stone in his hand. He originally planned to keep it for himself to cultivate a rock elf, but when he heard that I needed it, he decided to let it go. "

After the communication, Fang Xuan obviously had a proud smile on his face. In just a few phone calls, he solved the problem of Cocodola's secret treasure. Fang Xuan couldn't wait to see Fang Che reveal He looked so grateful.

However, what Fang Xuan didn't expect was that instead of showing gratitude, Fang Che showed a look of disgust.

High quality hard stone...

Will this thing make Kokodola feel bad?

You know, Cocodola was blessed by Reggie Locke, and the improvement that ordinary secret treasures can give him is probably very low.

Hard stone can generally increase the power of an elf's rock-based skills by 10%, but this improvement also depends on the quality of the hard stone and the elf's potential.

If an elf only has gym-level potential, then even if it uses high-quality hard stones, the increase in skill power may only reach about 78%.

Similarly, if an elf has championship potential, but the hard stone absorbed is only of low quality, then this secret treasure may only bring a one percent improvement to the elf.

Lucario absorbed a metal film of perfect quality, and Fang Che also prepared a championship-level Lucario bone rod for Lucario. This configuration is top-notch, even for ordinary king-level training. No one may be willing to spend this money.

As Fang Che's third main force, Cocodora can't be any lower than Lucario.

"Dad, I think it's better to look for a perfect quality hard stone. This high-quality hard stone is really a waste of Cocodola's talent."

Fang Che's expression was a little tangled, because he knew that secret treasures of perfect quality were hard to come by, and each one required a lot of money and human connections to obtain.

Fang Xuan spent all his alliance points savings to help Fang Che get a piece of perfect quality metal film. It was really difficult for Fang Xuan to ask him to get a perfect quality hard stone.

Hearing his son's lion open his mouth, Fang Xuan felt a little speechless. It seemed that in Fang Che's opinion, perfect quality secret treasures were cabbages on the roadside that could be picked at will.

"I know that high-quality hard stones are not worthy of Coco Dora, but it is better than nothing, right? Let Coco Dora wear it to improve its strength first, and then replace it when you find a better one."

Fang Xuan explained to Fang Che that he had no intention of letting Cocodola absorb the high-quality hard stone. He simply wanted Cocodola to wear it.

There are two ways to use the secret treasure. One is to completely absorb it. Then the secret treasure will be turned into energy and completely integrated with the elves, and it can no longer be refined.

This method can greatly increase the strength of elves and improve their control over attribute skills.

The number of secret treasures that each elf can absorb is determined by the attributes of its final form. Just like Lucario, if its final attributes are steel and fighting, it can absorb steel-type secret treasures and fighting-type secret treasures.

The attributes of Boss Cordora, the future evolution of Cocodora, are steel and rock. It can naturally absorb secret treasures with rock and steel attributes.

In addition, there is another way to use the secret treasure, which is to wear it outside the body. This method can only carry one kind of secret treasure, and the improvement is relatively weak.

Although this method has many shortcomings, it has an irresistible advantage, which is that it can recover secret treasures.

For the vast majority of trainers, they will choose the second method of using secret treasures, because this method has a high fault tolerance rate, and even if something goes wrong with the elves, they will not lose their secret treasures.

However, for a child of a noble family like Fang Che, it is of course that method one and method two go hand in hand.

Absorbing secret treasures of the same attribute, and then wearing another secret treasure, there is no need to choose at all!

"If you just wear it, that's no problem. How much does the other party offer?"

Fang Che nodded. Wearing a hard stone would allow Cocodola to have a deeper control over the rock energy, which would be of great help to its growth.

The question now is, what price the other party offers, and will Fang Xuan suffer a loss.

Hearing Fang Che's inquiry, Fang Xuan's lips raised again, "My old guy didn't ask for a penny, he just wanted me to do him a favor."

Fang Che frowned, don't want money?

The debt of gratitude is the heaviest.

"Don't worry, he just wants me to help him get revenge against the two rats hiding in the dark."

Fang Xuan's eyes flashed with disdain, "Ache, when you were studying in school, have you ever heard of the Shadow Group?"

Fang Che was stunned. He shook his head, not understanding this organization at all.

Zhao Wanxi, who was standing next to Fang Che, was a little surprised. She looked at Fang Xuan with some worry, and then persuaded, "Shadow group? Uncle Fang, are you going to deal with the shadow group?"

"I heard from my father that the Shadow Group is full of desperate desperadoes. They are extremely good at field combat and will attack trainers every time. They are very difficult guys to deal with."

Looking at Zhao Wanxi's worried look, Fang Xuan laughed. He could feel Zhao Wanxi's concern.

"Don't worry. What my old man wants to deal with is just two cadres who are useless. Their strength is at the gym level, so there won't be any problems."

Zhao Wanxi became even more worried after listening to Fang Xuan's explanation. Her understanding of the so-called shadow group far exceeded Fang Xuan's imagination.

"Cadres? Uncle Fang, are you going to deal with the Thirty-six Tiangang or the Seventy-two Earthly Evils?"



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