There's Definitely Something Wrong With My Pokemon

Chapter 91 A-089 This organization is quite impressive!

Fang Xuan looked at Zhao Wanxi with some surprise. He didn't expect that Zhao Wanxi knew so much about the shadow group.

He just said "cadre", and Zhao Wanxi casually picked up the code name Tiangang Disha.

"It's the Seventy-Two Earth Demons. Most of the Thirty-Six Tiangangs have quasi-King-level strength. There's no way I would risk my life for a high-quality hard stone."

Fang Xuan explained that his old friend invited him to deal with two cadres of the Seventy-Two Disciples of the Shadow Regiment.

In the early years, Fang Xuan's friend was attacked by the Shadow Group while exploring a secret realm. A main elf died in the secret realm trying to cover his escape.

Fang Xuan's friends have kept this grudge for more than ten years. This time, Fang Xuan's search for hard rocks gave him the opportunity to use his strength to solve his enemy.

"Wait a minute, can you tell me what kind of shadow group this is? It sounds so mysterious, this organization should be an evil organization, right?"

Zhao Wanxi sorted out her thoughts, and then started from the beginning, "More than a hundred years ago, they had powerful power, and their core cadres were all king-level. The Elf Alliance at that time did not take it seriously. , after all, the Shadow Group just announced its establishment and did not do anything extraordinary."

"However, seventy-six years ago, the Shadow Group attacked a Legend Domain inheritance platform under the Alliance's name, snatching away most of the talented elves in the Legend Domain, and also injured those who had a good relationship with the Elf Alliance. The legendary elf Latios.”

"After that, the Alliance launched a wanted order against the Shadow Group. However, the Shadow Group grew too fast. In just thirty or forty years, they grew from twelve people at the beginning to an organization of hundreds of people. In addition to the twelve leaders, there are a total of 108 cadres, who internally call themselves Tiangang Disha."

"After being wanted by the Alliance, the Shadow Group quickly broke into pieces and fled to other countries. They also caused a bloody storm in other countries. With their strong strength and loose management system, the Shadow Group gradually collected people abroad. The strength of many members has suddenly expanded a lot, and even the regional Elf Alliance branches are very afraid of them."

"Then the Shadow Group set its sights on the legendary realms that had been discovered all over the world. They attacked the Elf Alliance's headquarters again and again, and robbed the Elf Alliance of information and resources related to the legendary elves. It can be said that they are notorious. .”

Listening to Zhao Wanxi's introduction, Fang Che frowned. This shadow group seems to be very powerful. Doesn't even the Elf Alliance have any way to suppress it?

Moreover, they have been targeting the legendary realm, probably because they are coveting the power of the legendary elves.

It is absolutely impossible for these guys to just improve their own strength.

At this moment, in Fang Che's mind, the Shadow Group has become linked to Team Rocket and Team Galaxy from the anime he watched in his previous life, which are dark organizations that attempt to use the power of mythical beasts to rule or create the world.

In fact, the composition of the shadow group is more complex and the power is more powerful. The twelve leaders were already at the king level more than seventy years ago. If they were still alive now, they would have broken through to the championship level long ago!

"Dad, I think it's better for you not to get into this muddy water."

Fang Che looked at Fang Xuan seriously. It was unreasonable to have a grudge against a dark organization like the Shadow Group with unknown origin and purpose for a high-quality hard stone.

Seeing his son's concern for him, Fang Xuan couldn't help laughing, "The information Wan Xi said is correct, but your father should have told you this, right? He is exaggerating!"

"The twelve leaders of the Shadow Group have been replaced a long time ago. After all, no one can live to be one hundred and thirty-four years old, right? Moreover, I am only going to deal with two little shrimps. Don't look at Thirty-Six Tiangang and Seventy-Two Disha seems to be a great cadre in the Shadow Regiment, but in fact the cadres in the Shadow Regiment are replaced faster than we cut our hair."

"Except for the quasi-king trainers in Thirty-Six Tiangang, who can relax a little, the remaining gym-level trainers not only have to guard against the Elf Alliance's wanted orders for them, but also guard against attacks from their own internal personnel."

"The most important thing is that you can hide your identity within the Shadow Group, even if you never show your true face."

"Wanxi's father, you and me, have all been Tiangang of the Shadow Group."

Fang Xuan's words made Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi stunned on the spot. They really never thought that Fang Xuan and Zhao Qiansun had also joined the shadow group!

As if he had guessed the surprise and suspicion in Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi's hearts, Fang Xuan told them about his break into the shadow group more than ten years ago with a hint of pride.

At that time, Fang Xuan had just married Su Ya, and Su Ya had not yet given birth to Fang Che.

The Alliance needed someone to work as a spy for the Shadow Regiment. Fang Xuan had already broken through to the gym level at that time, so he volunteered to become an undercover agent for the Alliance.

After being guided by the alliance's previous undercover agents, Fang Xuan successfully joined the Shadow Group. Only after joining the Shadow Group did he realize that this organization was really loose to the extreme.

Except for the twelve major leaders, others may not even know more than five cadres of the same level.

On weekdays, they all call each other by their code names and always wear masks when traveling. Few of them show their true colors.

Relying on the gym-level strength, Fang Xuan quickly earned a Disha codename, and then he used the resources of the Shadow Group and the support of the alliance to climb up a little bit, and finally successfully climbed to the end of Tiangang.

"It's a pity that your son was born at that time. Otherwise, you, me, and I might still be known as Tiangang."

Fang Xuan's tone was a little sad. The reason why his undercover career ended was Fang Che's birth. There was no way he could let his son grow up in a single-parent family.

After discussions with the Alliance, Fang Xuan pretended to lose to the undercover agent sent to the Shadow Regiment by the Alliance and successfully escaped.

Zhao Qiansun's situation is similar to Fang Xuan's. It can be said that these second generations have almost all gone to the shadow group.

However, except for Zhao Qiansun and Fang Xuan, there are very few second generations who can climb to the position of Tiangang.

After listening to his father's story, several question marks appeared on Fang Che's forehead.

Originally, after hearing Zhao Wanxi's introduction, he thought this organization was some kind of dark organization, but now it seems that it is an enhanced version of the black water factory? !



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