There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 569 Among the Chinese warriors, the most wanted person!

Hearing this, all the warriors present exploded!

"Who's talking? What are you trying to do?"

"This is the Martial Dao Conference, are you going to make an enemy of the entire Chinese Martial Dao world?"

"Who is coming, report your name!"

"Fantasy? This is a contest between two great masters with the peak of internal strength, and they are only a hair away from the master. I want to see who you are, and speak out!"

Around the high platform, everyone spoke out and scolded.

Many people stood up from their seats, stared angrily, and scanned the surroundings, looking for the person who spoke rudely!

"You don't need to look for it, it's thanks to you who are known as the four major families in the Chinese martial arts world, plus the top ten families!"

"There are so many people, I can't even find the old man! This time I came back to the Huaxia Martial Arts World, it is really disappointing!"

This person's voice, mixed with the impact of inner strength, was heard by everyone like Huang Zhong Dalu, and everyone present was shocked!

Lin Nan frowned, and secretly released his inner strength to dissolve it, which did not affect Liu Ruqing and others!

However, the warriors present looked around, but still couldn't find the figure of the speaker, anxious like ants on a hot pot!

"This is the art of sound transmission for thousands of miles! If you are not at the peak state of the master, you will not be able to perform it at all!"

A middle-aged man, his brows were furrowed together, his face full of seriousness!

His name is Xia Houren, and he is the eldest son of the Xiahou family among the four major families of Huangfu, Xiahou, Shangguan, and Ouyang in the Xiahou martial arts world. He is 41 years old this year and has already ranked at the peak of martial arts masters!

Today, none of the old patriarchs of the four major families came, but only sent their eldest son to preside over the martial arts conference!

"Your Excellency, please come out, don't pretend to be a ghost! So many martial arts fellows are present, is it interesting for you?"

Another middle-aged man also spoke. He stood up, wearing a purple robe with a golden dragon embroidered on his chest, as if he had stepped out of an ancient costume TV series!

His name is Huangfu Yan, he is the eldest son of Huangfu Qingyun, the old patriarch of the Huangfu family, he is the most powerful among the contemporary patriarchs of the four major families, and he has also entered the peak realm of martial arts master!


There was another sneer, and there was a sigh in his voice!

As soon as the words fell to the ground, an old man in soap robe walked out from the crowd, it was Yu Qinlong from overseas!

I saw that Yu Qinlong stepped out and stepped into the void, like walking on flat ground, just like this, he stepped on the mid-air, stepped on the heads of the warriors present, and walked towards the center of the ring!

"Flying in the sky?"

"Hiss! A strong man in the divine realm!"

Seeing this scene, everyone held their breath, gasped, and were all dumbfounded!

A strong man in the divine realm is really too rare. Such a person is almost a rare existence!

This kind of person, to ordinary people, is almost like a god!

Life and death are all within a single thought, even a martial arts master is like an ant in the eyes of a god-level powerhouse!

"Brother Yu, you—!"

Ji Haifeng was shocked, just now Yu Qinlong used his internal energy to transmit sound, even he didn't know that what he said just now was actually said by Yu Qinlong!

"Thank you, Brother Ji, for bringing me here! Otherwise, I would have to go to a lot of trouble to find this place myself!"

"I never expected that a martial arts gathering in a huge country would choose such a small place!"

Yu Qinlong stood in the center of the arena, talking lightly.

Next, he turned his eyes and landed on Luo Hanseng and Dire Wolf!

"Two trash! It's just a competition. After fighting for so long, kung fu is a killing skill!"

"It's not a show like you, let this old man teach you how to use kung fu! Hmph!"

When the words fell to the ground, I saw Yu Qinlong slapped out, sending Luo Hanseng and Mad Wolf flying away!

Arhat monk and mad wolf are like two sandbags,

He hovered in the air, then fell into the crowd, spat out a mouthful of blood, and was severely injured!

Judging from the black blood spit out by the two, it was actually mixed with pieces of internal organs!

Even if the two can survive, their martial arts accomplishments will be completely ruined!


"you dare!"

"who are you?"

Immediately, two groups of people jumped out, their eyes widened!

One of the old men seemed to be over sixty years old. He had reached the peak of his internal strength, but he couldn't go any further and entered the realm of a master!

He shouted angrily: "You are too vicious, why do you hurt people like this?"

"Hmph! What are you, you dare to question me?" Yu Qinlong sneered.

After he finished speaking, he slashed down with his palm in the direction of the old man who questioned him, and there were even bursts of dragon chants in everyone's ears!


It's eardrum rumbling!


The head of that sixty-something old man was like a watermelon, it was directly crushed by Yu Qinlong, and his brains splattered all over the floor!


"Second uncle!"


There was a cry of grief from the crowd, and they all rushed towards the old man's body!

"It's too bloody!"

Liu Ruqing couldn't bear to look directly, and leaned towards Lin Nan's arms. Lin Nan frowned and stood in front of her!

"Hiss! Capture—dragon—hand!"

The pupils of Xia Houren and Huangfu Yan suddenly shrank, and they couldn't help but gasped!

Then with a bang, he stood up from the chair and stared at Yu Qinlong, unable to keep calm anymore!

"Little baby, you still have some knowledge!" Yu Qinlong smiled proudly.

"You are Yu Qinlong? On the underground world forum, among the Chinese warriors, the most wanted person, you dare to enter the territory of China!" Xia Houren's face was very ugly.

On the underground forum, Yu Qinlong's bounty was as high as 300 million US dollars!

Yu Qinlong himself, in various countries in the world, ignored the laws of the country, killed people indiscriminately, and offended more than a dozen countries!

However, since he is a strong man in the divine realm, as long as he is not besieged by others, who can do anything against him?

Therefore, these countries issued a large number of bounties on the forums of the underground world, hoping that there would be killers from the underground world who could kill Yu Qinlong!

As long as someone can behead his head, he can get a reward of 300 million!

It's a pity that in the past few years, the king of killers has been lost, and hundreds of other ace killers have been lost. There is still no one who is really capable of killing Yu Qinlong!

It is also because of being wanted by the underground world that Yu Qinlong's actions have intensified, causing many countries to suffer and gain a bad reputation!

As long as anyone who knows a little bit about the underground world forum, almost everyone knows Yu Qinlong!

It's just that I didn't expect that Yu Qinlong would be so bold and openly enter the territory of Huaguo!

"The country of Hua has an agreement with the underground world. Anyone from the underground world is not allowed to enter the country of Hua! Yu Qinlong, you are a strong man in the divine realm. How dare you violate the agreement of the underground world?"

Huangfu Yan also said in a deep voice, because he is a martial arts master with the pinnacle of internal strength, and behind him is the Huangfu family who is the hand of the four major families in the martial arts world, so his words are a little cold and arrogant!

"The convention of the underground world? What is that? Who can stop me from where Yu Qinlong is going?"

"Also, what tone do you use to talk to me? Kneel down—!"

Yu Qinlong let out a cold shout, and a huge amount of internal energy came out through his body, heading towards Huangfuyan to suppress it!

"Hmph! Do you really think that my Huangfu family is easy to bully?" Huangfuyan snorted softly, and also stepped forward to the center of the ring!


But at the next moment, Yu Qinlong made a direct move, slapped Huangfuyan down, knocked him to the ground, knelt there with his knees bent!

With the strength of Huangfuyan's peak martial arts master, he is not a one-stroke enemy for Yu Qinlong!


Huangfu Yan knelt on the ground, his old face was flushed with embarrassment!

"How dare you treat me like this? I am from the Huangfu family..."

"Shut up! Trash is not worthy of talking to me! If you want to talk to me, tell me, Huangfu Qingyun, to come over, and it's up to you? Practice for another thirty years!"

Yu Qinlong sneered again and again, and directly interrupted Huangfuyan's words!

His words made Huangfu Yan's face ashen, filled with grief and indignation, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in!

"It's crazy! Let me meet you!"

"That's right, I don't believe it when our three great martial arts masters make a move at the peak, but I can't help but you are a god!"

Before the words fell to the ground, Xia Houren, Shangguan Jie, and Ouyang Bailian stood up one after another!

A guru's majesty hit his face, and the center of the entire arena was enveloped by a wave of fanaticism!

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes couldn't help but concentrate!

"Grandpa, combined, can the heads of the three great families beat this Yu Qinlong?"

A young man asked in a low voice.

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