There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 570 Get out! Kneel down and answer!

"Hmph! The combination of three peak martial arts masters is not 1+1+1=3 at all, but far greater than three!"

The old man snorted softly, his eyes were full of anger, and said: "The three top martial arts masters join forces, and there is a great chance to kill the god-level powerhouse!"

"This Yu Qinlong has already offended the public, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive today!" The old man said, shaking his head lightly.

"I see!"

The young man on the side nodded approvingly, thinking to himself, 'Do I have a chance to become a master in my life? '

"What? The three of you want to be my enemy?" Yu Qinlong's expression finally became serious!

"Hmph! Yu Qinlong, what you have done is really too much! As one of China's four great martial arts families, how can we tolerate you?"

Xia Houren's eyes were serious.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, just kill him and continue holding the martial arts conference!"

Ouyang Bailian spoke coldly, with a strong killing intent in his voice!

"Hahaha! Want to kill me? Just rely on you? Let's go together and let me see how strong you are!"

Yu Qinlong looked up to the sky and laughed, his eyes shone brightly, as sharp as a falcon!


Ouyang Bailian made the first move, followed by Xia Houren and Shangguan Jie!

Behind the three peak martial arts masters, a terrifying wave of air erupted, forming a cyclone!

Fortunately, there is no water behind them, otherwise, there will be huge waves!

However, even so, there were still flying sand and rocks flying around the arena, and the terrifying air waves made it hard for people to keep their eyes open!

‘Is this the power of a martial arts master to strike with all his might? '

Many people thought in horror!

However, in the vicinity of Lin Nan, it was not affected at all. When the three martial arts masters made a move, the strong wind driven by it disappeared without a trace!

"What the hell? What's going on?"

"Why aren't we affected here?"

Several warriors near Linnan,

asked suspiciously.

The two brothers and sisters Zhou Yi and Zhou Rui raised their heads in surprise and glanced at Lin Nan!

I saw Lin Nan standing there, indifferent, as if all this had nothing to do with him!

'Did he do it? '

Zhou Yi and Zhou Rui looked at each other, and they both saw strong suspicion in each other's eyes!

At this moment, the battle in the field has already begun!

Yu Qinlong himself was still standing there, with his hands behind his back, in a soap robe, which was blue from washing, with his head held high and his chest held high, he said:

"Ouyang Bailian, the current Patriarch of the Ouyang family, if his father Ouyang Chuan is here, the old man will be a little bit afraid, but it's up to you?"

"You'd better kneel down to the old man!"

Saying that, Yu Qinlong took out both hands behind his back, and slapped Ouyang Bailian who was rushing towards him!


Ouyang Bailian trembled all over, like an ordinary person bumping into a fast moving train!


Ouyang Bailian's knees couldn't help bending, he stopped his attack immediately, and fell to his knees, the stone slab on the ground was directly crushed by his knees!


Ouyang Bailian was frightened and angry, wanting to get up angrily!

However, he found that his own strength was completely suppressed by Yu Qinlong, and he couldn't fight back at all!

At this moment, Xia Houren and Shangguan Jie were moving extremely fast, like bullets leaving their chambers!



The two knew each other one after the other, and when they reached Yu Qinlong, they crushed him with a punch and a palm, and spotted Yu Qinlong's chest and throat!

"Hehe, you just want to kill me?"

After Yu Qinlong sneered, he didn't panic at all, punched with both hands at the same time, and blasted towards the chests of Xia Houren and Shangguanjie!

"Get out!" A low growl!

"Bang! Bang!"

Two muffled sounds came, and Xia Houren and Shangguan Jie's chests were sunken for a while, and then the clothes behind them made a sound like tearing silk!


Xia Houren and Shangguan Jie were not Yu Qinlong's opponents at all. After rolling in the air, they also knelt on the ground with ashen faces!

It took less than ten seconds from the time when the three peak martial arts masters made a move to when the three fell to their knees when Yu Qinlong beat them to the ground!

The entire ring scene has entered a dead silence!

"Hahaha! The Patriarch of the Four Great Aristocratic Families, is this capable? This old man beat you to the ground with one hand!"

"Who else?"

Yu Qinlong stood in the center of the arena, looking down at the surroundings!

The martial artists swept by him all lowered their heads in panic, not daring to look directly into his eyes!

"Hehe! No one left? Is this the martial arts world of Huaguo? It's vulnerable!"

Yu Qinlong curled his lips and sneered, the corner of his mouth was full of strong sarcasm!

All the people present lowered their heads in grief and anger. Although their hearts were full of anger, they were afraid of Yu Qinlong's majesty, so no one dared to speak!

There was a dead silence in the audience, and there was no sound!

"Between three moves, one move will subdue a peak martial arts master!"

"This kind of courage, who can be the enemy in the world?"

"I'm afraid even the old Patriarch of the Four Great Aristocratic Families is not his opponent!"

Apart from the four great families, the heads of the other ten families all froze and muttered to themselves!

Each of them, with bitter mouths, looked at the figure of Yu Qinlong in the center of the ring, and felt as if they had knocked over a bottle of five flavors, it was very unpleasant!

Suddenly, a long sigh came!


A thin old man stood up from the grand teacher's chair, facing the direction of Yu Qinlong, bowed his head deeply, and said: "Hexi Province Yixingquan has been subdued, the head of the Guo family, Guo Yunchen, will respect Senior Yu from now on! !"

"Xijiang Baguazhang belongs to the lineage, and I am willing to respect Senior Yu!!"

"Lin Xiaotian, the head of Yandang Mountain Iron Shade, is also willing to respect Senior Yu!"

The heads of the top ten families all stood up to express their opinions!

Yu Qinlong took action alone and suppressed the patriarchs of the four great families, which has deeply shocked everyone!

Even if the old Patriarchs of the four major families make a move, they may not be Yu Qinlong's opponent!

At this moment, if you don't express your surrender, I'm afraid you will offend this terrifying powerhouse!


Yu Qinlong's laughter echoed in this space, he nodded in satisfaction and said:

"You guys are smart! Knowing that you choose to surrender, since this is the case, the old man hereby announces that from today onwards, I will be the leader of the martial arts alliance in the Central Plains. Do you have any objections?"

"What? Leader!"

The heads of the top ten families looked at each other in shock!

"What? Do you have any opinions?"

Yu Qinlong narrowed his eyes slightly, and a terrifying power came to his face!

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

The patriarchs of the top ten families turned pale with shock, quickly shook their heads, then knelt down in the direction of Yu Qinlong, and said loudly: "See President Yu!"


A hint of arrogance appeared on Yu Qinlong's old face, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "Yesterday afternoon, at the gate of Nanling Town, there was a young master who showed his might!"

After saying this lightly, Yu Qinlong changed his words and shouted suddenly:

"Now, the old man orders you as the leader of the martial arts, get out! Get down on your knees and answer!"

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