There’s No One I Can’t Mess With

Chapter 571 Not bad! It's me, you know now?

Yu Qinlong's voice, like thunder, exploded in the center of the arena!

With him at the center, the entire arena was completely silent, and no one dared to make a sound!

Even the Patriarchs of the top ten families stood there quietly, with their hands tied, like a servant!

On the other side, the Patriarchs of the Four Great Aristocratic Families knelt on the ground, their faces ashen!

"What? Don't dare to stand up?"

"When the old man became a grandmaster, he was already twenty-five years old, already a young man! But the old man heard that you are already a young grandmaster when you are less than twenty years old!"

"In China, besides Dugu Wudi from Kunlun Sword Palace, who else has such a disciple?"

"However, Dugu Wudi is arrogant and never accepts apprentices! If that's the case, your master should be the mysterious strongman from the Wa Kingdom!"

When Yu Qinlong's words fell to the ground, the whole scene was still dead silent, only Yu Qinlong's voice still echoed in the sky above the scene!

"Why don't you dare come out?"

Seeing that no one responded, Yu Qinlong sneered!

"Hey! Even a young master would not dare to be an enemy of Yu Qinlong!"

"That is, even the top ten families surrendered to Yu Qinlong, and this manpower defeated the patriarchs of the four great families! If the old patriarchs of the four great families are not born, who is Yu Qinlong's opponent?"

Many warriors are sighing in low voices!

Even if they themselves were the young master, they would probably behave with their tails between their legs, and it would be impossible to stand up!

If Yu Qinlong gets jealous and kills that young master, wouldn't that kill the genius in the cradle?

"If it were me, I wouldn't stand up!"

"It's right not to stand up!"

"Not bad! Isn't it courting death to stand up? This Yu Qinlong obviously has no kindness towards that young grandmaster!"

Many warriors nodded in agreement!

At this moment, a man stood up slowly in the crowd, and appeared in everyone's field of vision like a stand out from the crowd!

Below the arena, everyone was sitting and watching the competition!

Not long ago, because of Yu Qinlong's power, they all lowered their heads!

At this moment, Lin Nan, who was about 1.8 meters tall, stood up and immediately attracted everyone's attention!

"What do you want from me?" Lin Nan said calmly.

"You are the young master?"

Yu Qinlong's gaze swept over Lin Nan's face, and found that there was no slight expression fluctuation on Lin Nan's face!

There is no trace of aura in his body, no fluctuations in internal strength, no fluctuations in mana, just like an ordinary boy, standing there quietly!

However, if you look closely, Lin Nan seems to be integrated with the heaven and the earth, and there is an aura of Dao in his body, which is completely incomprehensible!

"I'm not a young master, but you said that the person at the entrance of this town yesterday must be me!" Lin Nan's tone was still calm, as calm as ever!

"Hehe! So, you are not a martial arts master?"

Yu Qinlong frowned tightly, then shook his head, and said, "I don't care what realm you are in, do you know about the Wa kingdom?"

"A man from the Hua Kingdom entered the Wa Kingdom at night and beheaded the two ghosts and gods of the Wa Kingdom, Amaterasu and Hachiman God!"

"And scared the emperor of Japan to kneel down and bow his head. Is this person your master?"

Hearing Yu Qinlong's question, Lin Nan frowned slightly!

Originally, he accompanied Liu Ruqing to attend the martial arts conference!

Liu Ruqing was very curious about how the gathering among warriors was held, but unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened!

Seeing that Lin Nan didn't answer, Yu Qinlong shouted violently:

"answer me--!"

His voice, like a tiger howling in the forest, made the air around the ring tremble violently!

Some people who were close to the ring even had their eardrums burst open, and were deafened by Yu Qinlong's voice!

"You are not small, you are just an ant, how dare you talk to me like this?"

Lin Nan's face darkened!

"Who do you call an ant?"

Yu Qinlong stood with his hands behind his back,

Look at Lin Nan indifferently!

"court death!"

After a sneer, Yu Qinlong took the initiative to make a move. His speed was as fast as lightning, and he jumped straight away from the ring!

Yu Qinlong's whole body turned into an afterimage, because the speed was too fast, even human eyes couldn't capture it!


Even the air behind him burst into a burst of explosions, breaking through the sound barrier almost instantly, and came to Lin Nan!

He slashed down with the force of his palm, as if he was slashing Huashan Mountain, the momentum was astonishing!

In the eyes of everyone, Yu Qinlong is like a mountain pressing down on him, with a powerful momentum that makes people breathless!

"The mayfly shakes the big tree!"

Lin Nan shook his head slightly, he stretched out a hand, facing the front, and slapped his backhand out!

The whole process is crisp and neat, without muddling at all!


A muffled sound came from all over, Yu Qinlong trembled all over, several times faster than when rushing over, and flew back backwards!

From the eyes of everyone, it seemed that Yu Qinlong took the initiative to slap Lin Nan!

At this time, Yu Qinlong was lying in the center of the arena like a dead dog. The arena made of marble was completely torn apart, spreading out in all directions like spider webs!


Yu Qinlong got up tremblingly, his face was pale, and blood kept coming out of his mouth!

Lin Nan's blow shattered all the meridians in his body!

Yu Qinlong's strength was completely destroyed by Lin Nan's understatement!

Yu Qinlong also seemed to have aged several decades, his originally tall waist was bent, and his old face was full of trembling expressions!

Not long ago, Yu Qinlong was still domineering and arrogant!

At this time, my heart was cold to the bottom, my lips were trembling, and my hands were also trembling uncontrollably!

His pupils shrank sharply, and he looked at Lin Nan in horror, the depths of his eyes were full of awe and fear!

"How is it possible? You—you are the one from Wa Kingdom?" Yu Qinlong asked the doubts in his heart.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked, and the pot exploded completely!


"Is he the one from Wa country?"

"How can it be!"

The faces of all the people present changed in an instant, even Zhou Yi and Zhou Rui, two brothers and sisters, were full of shock when they looked at Lin Nan!

Not only the warriors present, but even the patriarchs of the top ten families in the martial arts world, and the patriarchs of the four great families, a trace of surprise flashed across their faces!

What the martial artist from the Wa country meant, they knew in their hearts!

To suppress the entire Wa Kingdom with one manpower, what kind of all-powerful means is needed? Only then can the Emperor of Japan kneel and bow his head!

'Could it be that the person in the legend is the young man in front of me? '

Everyone held their breath, waiting for Lin Nan's answer!

"That's right! It's me, you know now?"

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