They are Chasing Me!

Chapter 164: Vampire 05

Qi Shihuo couldn't take it anymore, he gritted his teeth and said, "Father, dear."

Su An sighed in her heart.

In so many worlds before, he and Jiang Sheng had never had children. As long as they were together, they would kiss and hug each other without shame. Now that they have such a big child, Su An suddenly understood the feelings of those couples who are not close after having children. feel.

Although he and Jiang Sheng are already old couples, they feel like they have been in a passionate love period. A child who got in the way came out of the passionate love period, which really makes people want to cry.

Jiang Sheng should be in the same mood as Su An, he frowned, and stepped down from Su An's body with low pressure, "Say."

"The matter between you and the little writer cannot be revealed," Qi Shihuo took a deep breath, and Dan Feng opened his eyes, "You are a model in human society and have attracted the attention of the public. It will be a very painful thing, look at him like this, and neither of us can say a complete good word, do you want him to be surrounded by people like a monkey?"

Jiang Sheng listened and said, "Continue."

"On the side of vampires, you can't expose young writers," Qi Shi said in confusion, "Once the news about you having a heart-throb is revealed, I don't know how many vampires will come here to see your heart-throb. Who is it? Those old guys are used to being bored on weekdays, and they will never miss such a rare event. It’s nothing more than usual, but now I don’t know why there are so many blood-sucking monsters. The vampires who made these blood-sucking monsters are Whose association hasn't found out yet, if they try to blackmail us with young writers, we will be at a disadvantage."

Jiang Sheng was silent for a while, even though he already knew this was the result, he still didn't feel very happy, "Let's do it like this."

Qi Shihuo smiled badly, got up and grabbed Su An's arm to go out, "Stay away from him these days, don't worry, I'm by his side, and I will protect him." Qi Shihuo circled him provocatively He touched Su An's neck, pressed on Su An's shoulder in a rage, and blew into Su An's ear, "Isn't it, my other father?"

With a "bang", Qi Shihuo slammed into the corner of the wall in an instant, clutching his stomach in pain, "Why the **** are you so ruthless?"

Jiang Sheng stood next to Su An at some point, retracted his legs, gave Qi Shihuo a cold look, turned around and took Su An away, "I'll see you off."

Su An looked at him, then at Qi Shihuo, apologetically showing an embarrassed expression on Qi Shihuo, and followed Jiang Sheng out.

Qi Shi confused: "..." Damn it.

When Jiang Sheng left the studio, the staff tacitly gave him a black umbrella. Jiang Sheng took it casually, opened the umbrella, and went to the parking lot one after the other with Su An.

Su An struggled and said: "Mr. Jiang, don't you wear a hat or a mask to cover it up?"

Jiang Sheng said: "Jiang Sheng."

Su An looked up blankly, "Huh?"

Jiang Sheng turned around and looked at him intently, "My name is Jiang Sheng." After a pause, "I'm not Mr. Jiang."

Su An's face was slightly red, and her slender fingers were clutching, "Mr. Jiang Sheng."

Jiang Sheng: "..."

Su An seemed to hear a faint sigh, but when he looked up, Jiang Sheng had already walked two steps away.

In the car, Jiang Sheng asked, "Where are you going?"

Su An hesitated for a while, and called the director on the set. The director's rough voice came, "Hello? Xiao Su, didn't you feel uncomfortable and asked Qi Shizhuo to ask you for leave? Don't worry, we have nothing to do here , take a good rest, and come back after resting."

Su An asked ignorantly: "Then Qi Shihuo..."

The director yelled: "Qi Shihuo, concentrate on me, what I want is your affectionate eyes, not your dead mother's eyes, card! Do it again!"

The phone was hung up in a hurry, Jiang Sheng laughed and stepped on the accelerator, "According to the speed of a vampire, Qi Shihuo has already arrived on the set."

Su An gasped, "It's so fast."

Jiang Sheng paused when he heard that, and turned his head to look at him meaningfully, "The vampire is not only fast, but also strengthened in all aspects."

Su An, an old driver, understood as soon as he heard it. He almost blushed. At the critical moment, he stabilized his innocent surface and asked in doubt: "Huh?"

Jiang Sheng smiled, "You will understand later."

You are so **** confident, I love it.

Jiang Sheng asked again, "Where do you want to go?"

Su An hesitated, "I want to see my teacher."

There are only two close friends of Su An in China, one is Chu He, and the other is his childhood teacher. They said they were teachers, but they were actually Su An's relatives. They treated Su An as their own children since childhood. In Yuanshen's eyes, the teacher and his wife were as amiable as grandparents.

After knowing the existence of vampire monsters, Su An was really worried about the safety of these two old people.

Jiang Sheng went straight to his destination. Su An's teacher lived in an old apartment, next to the vegetable market and snack street. The car couldn't get in, so the two walked to find someone.

Su An was still very worried, "Mr. Jiang Sheng, you are only holding an umbrella, will you be recognized?"

The edge of the umbrella covered Jiang Sheng's eyebrows, "No."

As he said, this umbrella seemed to have some strange function. They passed among the old ladies and grandfathers, and no one cast their eyes on them.

Su An seemed to understand, lowered his voice, "Is this also one of the abilities of vampires?"

Jiang Sheng said, "Call me brother, and I'll tell you."

Su An blushed and closed her mouth.

After passing through the vegetable market, and passing through a few remote alleys, we arrived at the teacher's residence. At the last alley, Su An was about to go out, but Jiang Sheng grabbed his arm and covered his lips.

Jiang Sheng raised his finger in front of his lips to signal Su An not to speak, and looked out of the alley calmly.

Su An followed carefully.

At the bottom of the old apartment building, a staggering man with blood on his face dangled back and forth in the shadows with dull eyes. His eyes were scarlet, like an irrational zombie in the end of the world, with protruding fangs, his appearance was terrifying.

It was the blood-sucking monster that Qi Shihuo was talking about.

This blood-sucking monster is still wandering downstairs of Teacher Su An.

Su An raised his heart, tugged at Jiang Sheng's sleeve, and looked at the vampire for help.

Jiang Sheng let go of the hand covering him, lowered his head, and said in a breathy voice: "This is a blood-sucking monster. If someone comes down here, no matter the elderly or children, they will be attacked by him, and the blood will be sucked dry by him."

Su An trembled and was about to cry, "Mr. Jiang Sheng, my teacher lives in this building."

"Oh?" Jiang Sheng's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was regretful, "It's a pity."

"I beg you, Mr. Jiang Sheng," Su An cried, "Can you get rid of this blood-sucking monster?"

Jiang Sheng looked at him deeply, but didn't speak.

Su An sniffled, pitifully, "Brother."

Jiang Sheng put down the black umbrella, held Su An's hand and pressed him against the wall, bent over and sniffed the smell on Su An's neck, "Cute, do you want me to get rid of this thing?"

Su An moved uncomfortably, her soft earballs were as red as blood because of the man's approach, "Brother Jiang Sheng, is it okay?"

"No, cutie," Jiang Sheng laughed softly, "If you want to deal with him, it will stain my blood, it's very dirty." Su An couldn't hold back his words, and it took a long time before he whispered, "Please gone."

Jiang Sheng said: "Actually, it's not impossible."

Su An immediately raised her face and looked at him hopefully.

"I haven't dated anyone yet," Jiang Sheng curled his lips lazily, "In the middle of the night tonight, if you leave me a window, I'll deal with that dirty thing."

Su An blushed silently, and struggled for a while, "Why is it midnight, can't it be during the day?"

Jiang Sheng raised his head and touched the bridge of nose with Su An, "Little cutie, vampires usually come out at midnight."

Su An muttered a few words, "Okay, okay."

Jiang Sheng stood up, showing a satisfied smile, picked up the black umbrella on the side and opened it, and walked towards the vampire monster under the scorching sun.

As soon as he appeared, the blood-sucking monster noticed him, let out an unpleasant roar from the depths of his throat, and took a few steps back, instinctively afraid of Jiang Sheng who appeared here.

Although vampire monsters lose their minds, they will attack all human beings regardless of whether they are friends or foes, but they will never walk into the sun zone. This is their survival instinct. Even if they lose their minds, their bodies still remember the fear of the sun.

Jiang Sheng stopped not far from the blood-sucking monster. He stretched out his hand from under the umbrella, and his slender and straight fingers were baptized by the sun one by one.

"Today's sunshine is still so uncomfortable." Jiang Sheng said lightly.

The next moment, he suddenly appeared behind the vampire monster, and kicked the vampire monster into the sun. The vampire monster wailed in despair, and turned into dust in the scorching sun in the next second.

The entire hunting process took only three seconds. Su An, who was hiding behind the alley, was dumbfounded, and his whole body became excited belatedly, as if the blood in his whole body was boiling because of such a crushing duel. The boy instinctively Mu Qiang's thought was awakened. Su An blushed and ran over quickly, looking at Jiang Sheng with glowing eyes, "Brother Jiang Sheng, you are amazing!"

Jiang Sheng was so happy physically and mentally after being praised, every pore on his body felt comfortable, he smiled, "Little cutie, don't forget our date tonight."

Su An's face became hot, and he turned and ran upstairs, panicked, "Brother Jiang Sheng, I'll go see the teacher first."

He quickly disappeared, Jiang Sheng caught his footsteps with his ears, suddenly raised his umbrella, and looked towards the tall building opposite.

A black afterimage disappeared in his eyes.

After visiting the teacher, Su An's eyes were red and Jiang Sheng sent him back to Chu He's home.

Jiang Sheng tapped on the steering wheel, "Little cutie, do you want to move out?"

Su An shook her head, "If I move out, Brother Chu He will be sad." Please, find a way to let me move out.

Jiang Sheng thought of the identity of Chu He's saboteur, and it didn't seem to cause any harm to Su An. Since Su An didn't want to move out, then forget it.

But the memory of Chu He's original body and Su An's childhood sweetheart seemed to hold a lot of weight in Su An's heart.

Jiang Sheng became displeased with Chu He's senses.

Su An tugged at the seat belt, mustered up the courage to look at Jiang Sheng, "Did you come secretly when you came at night?"

Jiang Sheng raised his head and looked at him, "Does the cutie want me to come here in a fair manner?"

Seeing that he seemed to be thinking about it seriously, Su An quickly shook his head, "Let's just act like we're not familiar."

The corner of Jiang Sheng's mouth pressed down, and Su An explained nervously, "Qi Shihuo said that the relationship between us cannot be known by others... although we have nothing to do with each other." The voice became smaller and smaller.

Jiang Sheng smiled half-smile, as if he didn't hear the last sentence, "So cute, see you tonight."

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