They are Chasing Me!

Chapter 165: Vampire 06

In the evening, when Jiang Sheng came in through the window, Su An was sitting at the table waiting for him.

Jiang Sheng landed silently, his eyebrows twitched, and he closed the window casually.

Su An was extremely nervous, and there was a bit of guilt in his attitude, like a child secretly confronting Ji behind his parents' and netizens' backs, "Brother Jiang Sheng, you're here."

Jiang Sheng casually sat on another chair, "Cutie, Brother Jiang is Brother Jiang, and Brother Sheng is Brother Sheng. Why are you called Brother Jiang Sheng?"

Su An muttered, "My name is Brother Chu He, and that's what I'm called too."

Jiang Sheng's expression became lighter, "He is him, and I am me. Cutie, do you compare me with him?"

Su An changed her words obediently, "Brother Sheng."

The two of them didn't speak any more, the slightly hot air in the inner room surrounded them thickly, Jiang Sheng's gaze was as real as it was, entangled Su An like a swamp and sank deeply.

Su An's face slowly turned red, hot, he lowered his head, and Jiang Sheng also lowered his head to look at him. He turned his face, Jiang Sheng directly pulled the chair and walked to the other side of him, continuing to stare at his face.

Su An was good at fanning himself, "It's so hot." Taking a look at the remote control of the air conditioner, my God, it's already as low as 23 degrees, which is already a very low temperature.

Is the air conditioner broken?

Su An lowered the temperature by three degrees in a row, and the air conditioner hummed again.

Jiang Sheng leaned closer to Su An, "Cutie, are you hot?" He thought for a while, then said suggestively, "My skin is very cold."

Are you showing off to me? Su An showed a false smile, "That's great."

Jiang Sheng hinted that he failed, and directly pulled the chair closer to Su An, and his cold arms were pressed against Su An. Su An suddenly felt as if he had eaten a peppermint, and his whole head was shaken by the ice.

"Are you comfortable, cutie?" Jiang Sheng asked.

"It's a bit cold..." Su An moved aside awkwardly, "Brother Sheng, don't get so close to me."

"No," Jiang Sheng supported his head, "If you don't get close to you, how will you do the next thing?"

Su An felt like a fragrant meat bun, and Jiang Sheng was a dog staring at him, he was a little scared, "What activity?"

Jiang Sheng smiled, "Little cutie, you already left me a window, you don't think we just need to sit and chat?"

Cutie cautiously said, "Then what else should I do?"

Jiang Sheng curled his lips, "I have never studied the human body, cutie, can you let me study it?"

Su An was shocked by his righteous tone for a moment, her face turned red instantly, and she jumped up on the spot, "No!"

Jiang Sheng raised his long legs and put his hands on his abdomen. His every move seemed to be shooting a blockbuster. Su An wondered if he deliberately made a concave shape in front of him. Otherwise, how could someone still be so...pretentious in daily life? .

"Little cutie, you have to know that there is more than one blood-sucking monster," Jiang Sheng said slowly, "How many blood-sucking monsters do you think will come back to your teacher's apartment and threaten your teacher's safety?"

Su An bit her lip and began to shake.

He couldn't even deal with that inhuman species, let alone the old teacher and mistress.

He thought of the teacher and mistress he saw today. In his memory, they had already dyed their gray hair and became even older, with gray hair all over their heads and a tired look. Their sons work in other provinces and may not be able to go home once a year. The widowed and lonely old people have retired from school, and only the sound of TV accompany them to pass the time every day.

When they saw Su An, they were pleasantly surprised as if they had seen their own child come back. The teacher greeted Su An with trembling hands and took out the treasured things in the refrigerator. Such two old people, how could Su An have the heart to put them in danger.

His eyes became more and more determined, "How do you want to study?"

Jiang Sheng patted his legs, "Sit here."

Su An sat on his lap stiffly, and Jiang Sheng stroked his back, "Relax."

But the little cutie's body became more and more tense.

Jiang Sheng took out a pair of medical gloves from his pocket, Su An was so surprised that his voice became louder, "You even prepared gloves!"

It was obviously premeditated.

Jiang Sheng continued to move his hands, and the gentleman said politely: "If you don't want gloves, I'm happy to take them off."

Su An was so angry that she couldn't speak, and sulked alone.

Jiang Sheng smiled, and when the clothes were rolled up, his eyes flickered, and he approached curiously, and blew gently, "How does it feel to be cold here?"

Su An's ears were stained red, and he didn't want to speak. He shrank back a bit, Jiang Sheng raised his eyes and glanced at him, "cute, don't move."

"I'm just looking," Jiang Sheng cast his eyes again, and touched it again with great curiosity, "Will it itch?"

Su An's spine felt a tingling itch, and his scalp seemed to be about to explode. He said stiffly, "No."

Jiang Sheng's hands were very nimble. After playing with them for a while, his voice became low and hoarse, "Can I have a taste?"

Su An was startled, quickly put down her clothes and jumped off Jiang Sheng's lap, blushing, "You, you—"

He was inexplicably frightened, and it was the first time in his life that he saw such a shameless vampire, a cutie who had never scolded anyone "you" for a long time. addicted.

Jiang Sheng looked at him strangely, "I'm already a gentleman."

Su An turned her back and whispered, "I don't want it."

Jiang Sheng was very patient, "I will send someone to protect your teacher."

Su An silently turned his face away, and looked at Jiang Sheng silently with Shui Lingling eyes.

Jiang Sheng said: "Little cutie, if I wanted to do something to you, I would have done it long ago."

Su An pursed his lips, walked up to Jiang Sheng with heavy steps, and said in a weary way: "Brother Sheng..."

Jiang Sheng pulled Su An to the bed, "Don't be nervous."

Su An couldn't help being nervous, Jiang Sheng laughed twice, "Haven't you fallen in love with me yet?"

Su An muffled: "No."

Jiang Sheng sighed, "Then you should quickly fall in love with me."

His handsome and unearthly face turned down, and he tasted what he wanted to taste.

From light to heavy, making a slight sound. A thin layer of sweat slowly secreted from the top of Su An's head. He bit the tip of his tongue to stay awake, always on guard against Chu He who might come back.

After letting go of one side, the vampire thoughtfully switched to the other side. Jiang Sheng squinted his eyes happily, like a big cat being fed, "Cute, do you like it?"

Su An panicked and denied, "How could I like this feeling..."

"How does it feel?" Jiang Sheng asked.

Su An hesitated, Jiang Sheng smiled, piercing his inconsistency, "Your heart beats faster."

The little cutie's head was about to smoke, and she said angrily, "How are you?"

Jiang Sheng looked at his lips that opened and closed when he spoke, and suddenly felt a strong desire to taste this place. This sudden desire even overwhelmed the hunger for Su An's blood, and overwhelmed his original idea of ​​wanting to boil the frog in warm water.

His fangs stuck out of his lips uncontrollably, and his eyes spread from the center to the surroundings and turned bright red. Jiang Sheng was careful not to hurt Su An's skin with his fangs, before leaving, he touched the red and swollen cutie with his pointed fangs and said goodbye to them.

The vampire put his hands on the bed, facing Su An.

Su An breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the behavior that tormented him was coming to an end, "Brother Sheng, is it over?"

But the next moment he saw the face of the vampire with his fangs exposed, Su An was taken aback, and said timidly, "Brother Sheng?"

Vampires usually look cold and mysterious, noble and handsome. But now he has the appearance of a beast, with scarlet blood eyes, sharp fangs, and a devilish face with a hint of evil.

Jiang Sheng's heart was beating loudly, and he lowered his head, because he was too excited to retract his fangs by himself. He wanted to taste Su An's lips and tongue in every possible way, but he was cautious because of his fangs, so he couldn't stick to the cute lips.

After going back and forth several times, Su An understood Jiang Sheng's meaning, and Jiang Sheng became anxious and irritable because he couldn't touch Su An's lips repeatedly.

Su An carefully looked at Jiang Sheng's red eyes, and could clearly see the discomfort and anxiety in the vampire's eyes.

There was a sound of keys opening the door, and Chu He's voice came from far to near, "An'an, are you home?"

Su An's lips parted and he didn't dare to answer, for fear that Chu He would find out Jiang Sheng's current appearance.

Jiang Sheng is still struggling with his fangs. After he became like this, his IQ seems to have dropped. The paranoid thoughts made part of the instinct suppress the rationality, and the whole brain only had Su An's lips and tongue, all of which were the desire to taste this place.

Chu He didn't get a reply from Su An, he had already walked to Su An's door, raised his hand and knocked on the door strangely, "An An?"

Jiang Sheng glared at the door instantly, with a fierce cold light flashing across, eager to go out and get rid of the human who came to disturb him.

Even Su An could easily distinguish the killing intent of a wild beast.

Su An was in a hurry, he quickly stuck out his tongue, and hastily licked Jiang Sheng's lips. The wet tongue flashed past, perfectly attracting Jiang Sheng's full attention. Jiang Sheng looked at Su An again, the murderous look in his eyes disappeared, he made a comfortable sound of "Gulu, Gulu" from his throat, and moved his head closer to Su An.

That gesture was obvious, he wanted Su An to lick and kiss him more.

Su An blushed, held Jiang Sheng's face in his hands, stuck out his tongue tremblingly and licked Jiang Sheng quickly again, this time too fast, he even licked Jiang Sheng's fangs.

Jiang Sheng squinted his eyes half-closed in comfort, his scarlet eyes became as clear as rubies, and there was a kind of innocence of a beast that doesn't care about the world.

The voice in the throat became louder because of joy, Su An anxiously raised a finger in front of Jiang Sheng's lips, "Don't make a sound, stay here obediently, I'll go have a word with Brother Chu He."

Jiang Sheng bit his finger lightly dissatisfied.

Su An couldn't help but secretly laughed, Jiang Sheng is so cute now.

The vampire's current state is a bit wrong, and Su An couldn't help but treat him like a baby, "If you don't make a sound, listen to me and kiss you again when I come back, okay?"

The vampire seemed to think about it for a while, and after a while, he stuck out his tongue and licked Su An's fingers from bottom to top, and let go of Su An with a lot of interest.

Su An's heart was trembling. Jiang Sheng's sensual behavior made him blush and his heart beat. He got off the bed unsteadily, and covered his face to deal with Chu He.

The vampire behind him was lying quietly on the bed. He licked his lips, staring at Su An's back, with a childlike pure expectation on his expressionless face.

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