Feng Dongchen in the car, although he just heard Tong Xuefei's roaring words, the goddess filter fell to the floor.

But seeing Tong Xuefei in such a mess, being bullied to such an extent, she still couldn't hold it back.

So he opened the car door and got out.

He said to Li Yuan: "Li Yuan, don't you think it's too much?"

"none of your business?"

Li Yuan had just given Feng Dongchen a chance and told him not to get out of the car and humiliate himself. Unexpectedly, he still got off.

Feng Dongchen said: "Being a dog licker is of your own free will, but even if she did something to you, it is not the reason for you to hurt her like this."

Li Yuan laughed in anger, gave him a thumbs up, and said to him: "You are right, you are awesome!"

Feng Dongchen stretched out his hand to help Tong Xuefei and said at the same time: "Xuefei, I will accompany you to the police later. I will be your witness. They will never get away with the crime of intentionally hurting others."

Tong Xuefei knew that she had humiliated everyone today, and she didn't even dare to raise her head and look around.

This is the south gate of the school, and there are many students coming and going.

Ana Shen, not far away, has been paying attention to this side.

After seeing Tong Xuefei being beaten, he drove a little closer.

The purpose is very simple, which is to let Shu Yanlin see clearly who is around Li Yuan.

How can I be a good person if I have such friends?

Indeed, Shu Yanlin was frightened.

Especially the look in Zhou Ranran's eyes, no one present dared not believe it if she said she had actually killed someone.

He comes up and slaps people twice without saying a word, and drags people by their hair to kill them. This kind of person...

Ana Shen felt relieved. Seeing this scene, she could finally stop thinking about Shu Yanlin, right?

"Linlin, that woman, Li Yuan calls her sister, it shows that the two of them have a good relationship. They even do things like beating people unscrupulously, you can imagine what kind of people they are."

After Ana Shen finished speaking, Shu Yanlin turned around.

He calmed down and said, "Didn't Li Yuan pull her away? And it was the woman who provoked her first."

"Linlin, you should understand that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together, right?"

"But sister, aren't there many bad people around you?"

"I... that's just perfunctory. Besides, no matter how bad they are, at least they have money or their parents have power."

Ana Shen's circle is relatively complicated, but she enjoys the feeling of being like a fish in water in various circles. It won't be long before those circles will become her help.

Shu Yanlin said hesitantly: "I still want to make it clear to him face to face. Even if he is really that kind of person and deletes his WeChat, I still want to apologize to him."

"Are you crazy? That woman hasn't gone far yet. What if you get beaten? Even if you let that woman go to jail, it won't make up for the loss of you being beaten."

Ana Shen was determined not to allow problems to arise.

She thinks what Tong Xuefei said is right, and Li Yuan is worthy too?

No matter what, my cousin is still a beautiful porcelain, even if it lacks a little nobility.

Li Yuan is not a clay pot that can touch porcelain.

"I won't be like that woman. I just went to apologize. Will they still beat people?"

"That's not necessarily the case. What reason do you need to hit someone?"

Ana Shen thought it was best not to meet Li Yuan, so she broke it off completely.

Everyone is relaxed and there is no need to show up.

At this time, a car drove past her. It was not very fast and did not match the model of the car.

She recognized it at a glance. It was a 458. Among Ferrari's many models, it was not particularly expensive, but it cost at least more than five million yuan to buy.

If there are no good connections, it is normal to spend six to seven million.

Compared to the entry-level Ferrari she drives now, which costs about three million, the other party can buy her two for one.

At least my father is not willing to spend 6 million to buy a car like this, because such a car is meaningless and can only be used as a toy.

With a net worth of more than one billion, toys worth millions are a bit expensive.

Far less cost-effective than DaLao.

"There don't seem to be many 458s in Jiangzhou, right?"

Ana Shen was a little curious. She basically knew everyone who drove this car.

But when I took a look at the license plate, I saw it wasn't something I was familiar with.

The car seems to be quite new, because there is no difference in the model all year round, so I can't tell whether it is a new model this year, I only know that it must be from the past few years.

Slowly, the car stopped more than 20 meters in front of Ana Shen.

Ana Shen thought the other party recognized her car and wanted to stop and say hello.

So he said to Shu Yanlin: "Come on, come down with me, we should be acquaintances."


Shu Yanlin agreed.

This was not the first time she had encountered this kind of scene. She occasionally went out with Ana Shen and encountered luxury cars. They were all friends of Ana Shen.

Li Yuan watched Tong Xuefei being helped to her feet. He felt no sympathy, but felt quite happy.

The reason why he didn't dare to hit someone was that it was too troublesome. Hitting someone would be equivalent to giving the clue to the other party, which would delay things.

Moreover, when you hit others, your gains are not proportional to your losses, which is far less cost-effective than a few words of talk.

Of course, if you can't scold someone, it doesn't matter if you take action.

There is a high probability that Tong Xuefei will not give up this time, and there are many witnesses. Maybe Zhou Ranran will...

Before he could think of how to deal with this matter, a voice brought him back to consciousness.

"Is it Mr. Li Yuan?"

Li Yuan turned his head and glanced after hearing this.

A man in his thirties, wearing a white shirt and trousers, dressed like an insurance salesman, was looking at him with a smile.

"Well, I'm Li Yuan."

The man immediately said: "Hello Mr. Li, the boss asked me to give you the car."

After saying this, he immediately took out a card from his pocket, put it in front of Li Yuan with both hands, and continued: "The boss asked me to give this to you. The boss said there is only one million in it, I hope you don't dislike it. "

Li Yuan: "..."

He didn't have much interest in the car. It was a sports car and was far less practical than a large loafer.

Just one million...

It exceeded his expectations.

I thought it would be great for a stingy guy like Thirteen Taibao to pay an agency fee of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, but Hou Zhenguo was so generous?

But...why give yourself a card?

Why not just transfer money to yourself?

"Just transfer it to my card."

With someone else's card, even if you know the password, you can only withdraw 20,000 yuan a day.

And this is his agency fee. What’s the point of always using other people’s cards to make purchases?

The man immediately explained: "This is your card. The boss handled it in your name. You just need to go to the bank to replenish some information. And this card has no limit."

Hou Zhenguo gave one million not to please Li Yuan, but to please the 'big boss'.

After Li Yuan got the money, he had to transfer some to the 'big boss', right? Ordinary cards will be subject to a limit if you transfer 200,000 yuan at a time. Although you can take your time, doesn't that make the 'big boss' uncomfortable?

He simply got an unlimited card for Li Yuan. It was not easy for ordinary people to go to the bank.

"Oh, that's it."

Li Yuan smiled awkwardly.

He had been poor for two lifetimes and had never seen money. He had never thought about the issue of whether there was a limit or not before.

The man continued: "Mr. Li, our boss also said that because it is not convenient to withdraw money on Saturdays and Sundays, if you still need anything, you can just tell him and he will try his best to satisfy you before Tuesday. I hope you live well." joy."

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