The three of Zhou Ranran didn't go too far. After all, Zhou Ranran was not very cooperative and wanted to go back and beat Tong Xuefei again.

The things Chen Qi told her, as well as Tong Xuefei's weird scene today, all told her that this woman deserves to be beaten!

She didn't care what the consequences were. The worst she could do was stay in for another two months to make up for the time she had previously reduced her sentence.

When they heard that someone was looking for Li Yuan, the three of them turned back immediately.

Watching a man driving a car come to Li Yuan respectfully, adding the words he vaguely heard.

What kind of car, what kind of card with only one million in it...

Although the value of the word millionaire is decreasing, it is still one million. Who would give it to others easily if not your own parents?

Zhou Ranran and Liu Hao knew very well about Li Yuan.

My parents have saved their whole life, and they can definitely spend three to five million, but there is no chance of spending more than one million.

Liu Hao's family was relatively lucky. When the road was built, two pieces of land from his family were acquired and a compensation of 300,000 yuan was paid.

Liu Hao's idea was relatively simple, but Zhou Ranran felt that this matter was very unusual.

There must be something else about Li Yuan that he doesn't know about.

It seems... very profitable?

The words Li Yuan said to him two hours ago were still echoing in Chen Qi's mind.

"How dare you say that you are not the second generation of rich people?"

The scenes in the movie have all appeared, how can they be staged?

He didn't know that Tong Xuefei would come over. He didn't even make a call in just a few minutes. How could he arrange it so well?

Li Yuan sent the man away with a smile, leaving only a card and a car key in his hand.

He knew that whether the car could be transferred would depend on whether he could convince the 'big boss'.

Anyway, having one million in hand is enough, the initiative is in your own hands.

Ana Shen, who was not far away, stopped over there. Shu Yanlin wanted to go up to talk, but she grabbed her hand.

Now she was sure that this car belonged to Li Yuan.

Being able to have someone deliver it in person means that he has great control.

So after the man left, she waited for Li Yuan to take the initiative to say hello to her.

After all, in Jiangzhou's circle, she is the top one, and Li Yuan is still a newcomer.

But Li Yuan just glanced at it with his peripheral vision, opened the door and got in.

Seeing this, Ana Shen hurriedly came to the left side of the car and said, "Li Yuan, am I so easy for you to ignore?"

Li Yuan looked for the keyhole by himself.

Like a little virgin, I couldn't find the right position for a long time. After all, this car was too unfamiliar and it was not a familiar position.

Anna Shen is indeed not easily ignored. Among the people I have met so far, Anna Shen is the most beautiful.

But otherwise, it's not interesting.

Seeing that Li Yuan didn't reply, Ana Shen continued: "I know you are angry. I didn't use my connections to intercede for you about your dismissal. But you also know that favor is something that needs to be used less once. If If you had confessed your identity to me earlier, I would have definitely helped you even at the risk of owing you a favor."

? ? ?

Li Yuan still didn't reply. After inserting the key, the roar of the engine came out.

Anna Shen said: "Li Yuan, now I invite you to join us. I can introduce you to Jiangzhou's circle. I can be a middleman for many connections that you usually don't have access to."

Feeling the trembling of the car body, Li Yuan had no intention of paying attention.

Shu Yanlin became anxious and ran over directly and shouted: "Senior, I..."


Li Yuan turned his head and said one word, then drove the car forward.

Twenty or thirty meters later, he parked the car in front of Chen Qi, then threw the key to him and said, "Old Chen, take it and drive it."

Chen Qi suddenly looked like a licking dog, smiled and took the key, "Thank you, Dad Yuan."

"See you at the Sichuan restaurant later. If you're late, I'll eat the leftovers."

"It's okay, it's okay, I should just eat the leftovers."

Li Yuan: "???"

Seeing Chen Qi running into the car, Li Yuan smiled helplessly and walked up to Zhou Ranran.

"Sister Ran, were you not injured just now?"

Zhou Ranran looked at him thoughtfully and said, "Not injured, but frightened."

"what happened?"

"You did you have other business?"

"Ah? One thing, let's talk about it later. Let's go eat first."

Maybe we will break up with Thirteen Taibao next Monday, and that business may not be able to continue.

Besides, it’s not a good thing, there’s nothing to say.

The three of them were walking side by side, but Zhou Ranran, the shortest, was walking in the middle.

"In the future, if you can't vent your anger, I'll help you vent it. If you can't do anything, I'll help you do it. As long as I'm here, don't be afraid..."

"Sister Ran, this is a harmonious society."

"But a slap is still more direct."

"Okay, I'll find time to get you a prison VIP one day..."

Shu Yanlin watched Li Yuan chatting and laughing with the woman. Although she couldn't hear clearly, she probably felt that Li Yuan was very happy.

It's the same when he's with him.

But now, everyone is no longer together.

He didn't even have to be the most basic friend, and he didn't even give himself a chance to apologize.

Ana Shen turned around, comforted Shu Yanlin and said: "Linlin, it's his regret that he missed you..."

But before she finished speaking, Shu Yanlin looked at her with tears streaming down her face and shouted: "It's you! It's you who drove away my only friend! Ever since I was a kid, I've listened to you in everything, but you don't even You have never respected me even a little bit! Your family gave us a big house in the city. My tuition and living expenses over the years were also provided by your family. If you feel uncomfortable, you can Tell me, I will pay you back in the future, why do you want me to have no friends?"

Shu Yanlin cried more and more.

"Linlin, I have no such idea."

"But you did that!"

"I just... made a mistake in judgment. I didn't expect Li Yuan to have such a big background. If I had known..."

Before she could finish speaking, Shu Yanlin retorted: "Why do you need to look at the other person's status when making friends? Do I have anything noble? I'm not you, I'm just a rural girl. Anyone who can be friends with me is You think highly of me. You have the right to choose your friends, why can’t I have the right to choose my friends?”

This was the first time Shu Yanlin got angry with Ana Shen. Before, she was just sulking.

Li Yuan's rolling sound penetrated her fragile heart.

Seeing Ana Shen speechless, Shu Yanlin wiped her tears, turned around and ran away.

Ana Shen was still thinking about the scene where Li Yuan casually threw the car keys to Chen Qi just now. The action was very chic, and there was no trace of pity for his luxury car.

She has met too many people, and those who can do this to Li Yuan are either trying to please other women, or they mean that a car worth five or six million is nothing in his eyes.

Li Yuan is obviously the latter, after all, Chen Qi is not a woman.

She still underestimated Li Yuan too much. Even the story they made up in their dormitory was probably not enough to truly represent the power behind Li Yuan.

Is it in the billions level? Or is it at the level of tens of billions?

"Let me go, I can leave on my own!"

Tong Xuefei's voice brought Ana Shen back to reality.

Not far away, Tong Xuefei, although embarrassed, still pushed Feng Dongchen away.

Feng Dongchen said: "Xue Fei, let me take you to the infirmary first, and then go to the police with you."

Feng Dongchen thought this would bring comfort to Tong Xuefei, but Tong Xuefei suddenly shouted angrily: "What does it have to do with you? If I want to call the police, I will call the police. If I don't want to call the police, I won't call the police."

"Okay, let's go have dinner together?"

"Why should I eat with you?"


"What am I? Don't I just owe you more than 10,000 yuan? I will pay you back in two days."

After Tong Xuefei finished speaking, she picked up her bag from the ground and walked towards the south gate of the school.

And Sun Hongmei happened to be waiting for her on the other side of the road.

After Tong Xuefei walked over, Sun Hongmei said: "Xuefei, I didn't react just now..."

"Well, it's okay. That woman is Li Yuan's sister, and she can be considered my sister. She just doesn't want me to hang on to Li Yuan all the time. It's the right thing to do. It's time for me to agree to let Li Yuan be my boyfriend. …”

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