Things from Another World

Chapter 1001: The Lich is him! ?

Teather Hacker! ?

That, that's the name of the dragon father!

Rodriguez's words were like a thunder, and Elsa, who was shocked, stayed completely at a loss.

When Tessa Huckro snarled and rushed up, Elsa was shocked, and her action was slowed. The teeth of the Necrodragon directly bit her neck, and the biting dragon scale clicked.


Tang En was furious, and a huge magic burst instantly. He directly transformed into a dragon, and slammed into it severely: "Give me-get out!"

After Taser Hackero was hit by Tang En, he quickly stabilized his body, glaring at Tang En, and snarled at him: "Roar !!!"

Followed by a group of cold dragon breath coming!

Tang En also blew a dragon's breath, directly drowning the attack of Tesse Hackero!


Rao is the soul that has been corrupted by chaos, Rodriguez still stunned in shock: "How is a dragon again !?"

Two Necronomical Dragons, one Black Dragon, and one Golden Dragon (Tang En's incarnation is the Golden Dragon). Is this going to fight the Dragon Race? ?

However, what shocked Rodriguez was just the beginning.

Because a dragon roar suddenly came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, ten huge magic cannons descended from the sky, breaking through the thick chaotic clouds, and then ten heavily armed dragons descended from the sky!

A total of ten heads—no, plus Down and Elsa—a full twelve dragons appeared above Lorthemar!

This hasn't happened in Planland for many years! ?

The last time the Dragon Army fought was more than two hundred years ago (the second Chaos War ended 167 years ago and lasted 52 years). During the Second Chaos Invasion War, it is already very remembered Things long ago!

What is the rhythm of the World War! ?

The commando soldiers were stunned watching the dragon in the sky.


Twelve dragons!

There are two Necromancers! !! !!

Soldiers in the distance from the Solent Line are going crazy now!

One-by-one expedited letters were sent to the command center at the back, and they had no idea what to do!

Didn't you say that the dragon does not interfere with the other races of Plantar! ?

Now what the **** is going on! ?

If you accidentally fight, it will wipe out the entire army when it is affected!

"Team, captain, me, we want, do we want to retreat ..."

The captain gritted his teeth and said, "No order! No one can leave here!"

"Team, Captain, you, you diapered ..."


The man growled, "The dragon is flying above you, aren't you **** scared ?!"

Fear, boundless fear spread in the Sorant army, no ordinary soldier can face the dragon without fear, they are afraid, afraid of Klein let them launch an attack.

This is purely to seek death!

The camera returns to Down.

Aegwynn and Angus were here too, and they saw that there were so many dragons here, and they were still still.

"... Don?"

Aegwynn noticed the two golden dragons, and was a bit unsure which one was Tang En. In the eyes of other races, the dragons were basically the same except that they were fat and thin.

"I'm Sasaglot."

Sasha Glott shook the corners of his mouth and looked vaguely at the necromancer in front: "Tang is over there."

Aegwynn glanced at Tang En, who fought with the Necromancer, and looked back and asked, "His Majesty, what is going on here? How could Necromancers appear here? Or two!"

"this matter--"

Sasha Glott's eyes flashed coldly, and he said to the other dragons: "Block here, don't let it run away."


After the dragon dispersed, Sasha Glott said to Aigwin: "This matter also has our responsibility."

Eggwin frowned. "What's the matter?"

"The two Necromancers were, unsurprisingly, Elsa's parents, namely Tether Hackero and Murphy Hacksa."


Angus almost planted it: "What are you kidding! Didn't they already die in the first Chaos Invasion War ?! And after the death of the dragon, the corpse should be transported back to the dragon tomb of Dragon Island. Right !? How could it be here !? "

"That's what I want to say."

Sasha Glotter suppressed the anger and whispered, "All the dragons who died on the battlefield of the First Chaos Invasion War-including the husband and wife of Tesse Hackero and Murphy Hackshaw-their corpses It was not shipped back to Long Island! "


Aegwynn closed her mouth halfway, because she had already guessed the reason.

"Because they were killed by chaotic creatures."

"In order to prevent the other dragons on Dragon Island from being corrupted by the atmosphere of chaos, we have to make this decision painfully, asking the mages in the legion to bury their bodies in situ," said Sasha Glot.

Aigwin was startled: "You mean, here, this is where Tesser Hackero and Murphy Hackshaw died !?"

Sasha Glotter nodded heavily, looking at Elsa's gaze very complex.

"But that's not right!"

Angus frowned: "What happened more than 800 years ago, how could anyone still find the place where the dragon's body was buried !? The necromancer's luck would be so good !?"

"That's because this Necromancer also participated in the first Chaos Invasion War!"

Tang En drove Taser Hakero out fiercely, spit out a dragon breath, and then took time to ask: "Your Majesty the Dragon King! Do you know this lunatic?"

"Of course I know! You must also know each other!"

Sasha Glott suddenly flew forward a little, roaring angrily: "—Rodriguez Hornheim! Do you know what you are doing !?"

Rodriguez Hohenheim! ?

Angus was startled: "He is Rodriguez Hohenheim !? Master Hohenheim !?"

"You mean me?"

Rodriguez, who was standing on Murphy Haksha's head, was very surprised: "It turned out that my last name was Hohenheim ... It was great. Write it down immediately. I thought I would never know what my last name was."

Sasha Glott frowned: "It seems that its soul has been eroded by chaos, and its memories are beginning to be lost."

Noting Angus' shock, Sasha Groth said with a somber face, "Rodriguez Hohenheim, the ancestor of your human Hohenheim family, an alchemist who is known as Master Hohenheim, participated in the first During the Chaos Invasion War, Tang Er now holds the King of Irons' staff in his hand! "

"--And more importantly, he buried Tessa Hackero and Murphy Hackshaw himself!"

Sasha Glott gritted his teeth and said, "-I didn't expect him to fall here!"

Angus pursed his lips and was completely stupid.

As a master of alchemy, Master Hohenheim is an idol in his heart and a great hero involved in saving the world. Now, former heroes have fallen into this place, not only transformed into Lich, but also by their former rivals, the power of chaos , Corrupted into minions!

How can a heartache describe how Angus is feeling at the moment!

That was the collapse of faith!

Tang En also suddenly changed color, he had no idea that this Rodriguez would be Rodriguez of the Hohenheim family!

That Master Hohenheim!

No matter how he guessed, it would never be possible to guess that a character thousands of years ago would suddenly appear in front of himself!

Rodriguez actually engraved his name on his bones seriously, and then he sneered again and said, "Although you guys ... there are many dragons, I happen to know the dragon's weaknesses. Today, you will all be my puppets! "

Rodriguez raised his staff with a chuckle: "Come! The apostle of Kaos! From the Chaos Minions! Chaos Terror! Kill them all!"


Tang En swaggered: "The power of chaos is disorderly and chaotic. How could it be controlled ... by the man!"

Tang En, and everyone around him saw the doors of chaos suddenly opened in the sky, and almost all fell off his chin.

"how can that be!?"

Even Tang En could not help but growled: "It's out of control ?!"

"It is indeed a genius!"

Sasha Glott was shocked and unusual: "He actually did it!"

"what on earth is it!?"

Angus was going crazy: "Clarify clearly! How could the power of chaos be controlled !? This is impossible-this is not reasonable!"

"Stop him!"

Sasha Glott instantly erected the cannon armor, roaring loudly: "Since the first chaos invasion war, Rodriguez has been studying how to convert the power of chaos into a controllable power! He turned out to be It worked-he must have been corrupted in the process! "


The cannon's armor roared and spewed a large torrent of magic.

Rodriguez grinned and drove Murphy Hackshaw ahead.


Sasha Glott was shocked. The output of the magic power subconsciously weakened a lot. As a result, Murphy Haksha blocked the magic cannon.

"Are you stupid !?"

Down, who suppresses Tather Hackero, scolds: "They are dead! It is only their bones that are now recovering!"



Sasha Glott looked a short distance away, still gazing at Elsa the Necromancer, with anguish in her heart.

He really can't play this hand!

Damn, I have to do this wicked!

Tang En cursed in his heart, glanced at Tessackero under his body, opened a mouthful of dragon breath, and then smashed it directly into the ground. The huge force smashed it through the ground Directly trapped in a cave beneath the cathedral.

Then Tang En screamed and rushed to Rodriguez, and another breath was sprayed over!

Murphy Hackshaw is again ahead!

My mother-in-law is sorry!

Tang En, who was so sane, would not show mercy, but turned around and swung his tail, and flew the mother-in-law who had become a skeleton directly!

Rodriguez was close at hand, and Tang En slammed into it directly, and the dragon claws attached to the void force came out, grabbed him directly, and roared and launched a spell that no one had thought of!

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